bool S013010C_Aaron_Smith_Steering::AccumulateForce(Vector2D& totalForce, Vector2D newForce)
	//calculate how much steering force the vehicle has used so far
	double MagnitudeSoFar = totalForce.Length();

	//calculate how much steering force remains to be used by this vehicle
	double MagnitudeRemaining = mTank->GetMaxSpeed() - MagnitudeSoFar;

	//return false if there is no more force left to use
	if (MagnitudeRemaining <= 0.0) return false;

	//calculate the magnitude of the force we want to add
	double MagnitudeToAdd = newForce.Length();

	//if the magnitude of the sum of ForceToAdd and the running total
	//does not exceed the maximum force available to this vehicle, just
	//add together. Otherwise add as much of the ForceToAdd vector is
	//possible without going over the max.
	if (MagnitudeToAdd < MagnitudeRemaining)
		totalForce += newForce;

		//add it to the steering force
		totalForce += (Vec2DNormalize(newForce) * MagnitudeRemaining);

	return true;
// This function calculates how much of its max steering force the 
// vehicle has left to apply and then applies that amount of the
// force to add.
bool SteeringBehavior::AccumulateForce(Vector2D &running_total,
                                       Vector2D force_to_add) {

  // Calculate how much steering force the vehicle has used so far
  double magnitude_so_far = running_total.Length();

  // Calculate how much steering force remains to be used by this vehicle
  double magnitude_remaining = vehicle_->MaxForce() - magnitude_so_far;

  // Return false if there is no more force left to use
  if (magnitude_remaining <= 0.0) return false;

  // Calculate the magnitude of the force we want to add
  double magnitude_to_add = force_to_add.Length();

  // If the magnitude of the sum of force_to_add and the running total
  // does not exceed the maximum force available to this vehicle, just
  // add together. Otherwise add as much of the force_to_add vector is
  // possible without going over the max.
  if (magnitude_to_add < magnitude_remaining) {
    running_total += force_to_add;
  } else {
    // Add it to the steering force
    running_total += (Vec2DNormalize(force_to_add) * magnitude_remaining);

  return true;
Exemple #3
bool Unit::DetectUnitCollision()
    RenderableObject* closesestUnit = objects[0];

    for(std::vector<RenderableObject*>::iterator it = objects.begin(); it != objects.end(); ++it) {
            RenderableObject* currentObject = *it;
            Vector2D length = GetPosition() - currentObject->GetPosition();
//            std::cout << "\n current : " << length.Length();
//            std::cout << "\n current test : " << (GetPosition() - closesestUnit->GetPosition()).Length();
            if ((GetPosition() - closesestUnit->GetPosition()).Length() == 0 || closesestUnit->IsDead()){
                closesestUnit = currentObject;
            if (length.Length() <= (GetPosition() - closesestUnit->GetPosition()).Length() && length.Length() > 0 && !closesestUnit->IsDead()){

                closesestUnit = currentObject;
    Vector2D colPosition = closesestUnit->GetPosition();

    Vector2D currentToPosition = GetPosition() - colPosition;
    //std::cout << "\n final : " << currentToPosition.Length();
    if(currentToPosition.Length() < 30){
        return true;
    return false;
//--------------------- AccumulateForce ----------------------------------
//  This function calculates how much of its max steering force the 
//  vehicle has left to apply and then applies that amount of the
//  force to add.
bool SteeringBehavior::AccumulateForce(Vector2D &RunningTot,
	Vector2D ForceToAdd)

	//calculate how much steering force the vehicle has used so far
	double MagnitudeSoFar = RunningTot.Length();

	//calculate how much steering force remains to be used by this vehicle
	double MagnitudeRemaining = m_pVehicle->MaxForce() - MagnitudeSoFar;

	//return false if there is no more force left to use
	if (MagnitudeRemaining <= 0.0) return false;

	//calculate the magnitude of the force we want to add
	double MagnitudeToAdd = ForceToAdd.Length();

	//if the magnitude of the sum of ForceToAdd and the running total
	//does not exceed the maximum force available to this vehicle, just
	//add together. Otherwise add as much of the ForceToAdd vector is
	//possible without going over the max.
	if (MagnitudeToAdd < MagnitudeRemaining)
		RunningTot += ForceToAdd;

		//add it to the steering force
		RunningTot += (Vec2DNormalize(ForceToAdd) * MagnitudeRemaining);

	return true;
bool CHostageImprov::FaceTowards(const Vector &target, float deltaT)
	bool bError = false;
	Vector2D to = (target - GetFeet()).Make2D();

	// TODO: fix test demo
	float_precision float_x = target.x - GetFeet().x;
	float_precision float_y = target.y - GetFeet().y;
	float_precision flLen = to.Length();

	if (flLen <= 0)
		to.x = 1;
		to.y = 0;
		to.x = float_x / flLen;
		to.y = float_y / flLen;

	float moveAngle = GetMoveAngle();

	Vector2D lat(BotCOS(moveAngle), BotSIN(moveAngle));
	Vector2D dir(-lat.y, lat.x);

	float_precision dot = DotProduct(to, dir);

	if (DotProduct(to, lat) < 0.0f)
		if (dot >= 0.0f)
			dot = 1.0f;
			dot = -1.0f;

		bError = true;

	const float maxTurnRate = 0.05f;

	if (bError || Q_fabs(dot) >= maxTurnRate)
		const float tolerance = 300.0f;
		float moveRatio = dot * deltaT * tolerance + moveAngle;


		m_moveAngle = moveRatio;
		m_hostage->pev->angles.y = moveRatio;

		return false;

	return true;
Exemple #6
Vector2D Unit::AvoidUnitCollision()
    if (DetectUnitCollision()){
        std::cout << "\n" << " found";
        RenderableObject* closesestUnit = objects[0];
        for(std::vector<RenderableObject*>::iterator it = objects.begin(); it != objects.end(); ++it) {
            RenderableObject* currentObject = *it;
            Vector2D length = GetPosition() - currentObject->GetPosition();
//            std::cout << "\n current : " << length.Length();
//            std::cout << "\n current test : " << (GetPosition() - closesestUnit->GetPosition()).Length();
            if ((GetPosition() - closesestUnit->GetPosition()).Length() == 0){
                closesestUnit = currentObject;
            if (length.Length() <= (GetPosition() - closesestUnit->GetPosition()).Length() && length.Length() > 0){

                closesestUnit = currentObject;
        Vector2D colPosition = closesestUnit->GetPosition();
        Vector2D currentToPosition = (GetPosition() + velocity) - colPosition;
        return currentToPosition.Normalized();
        return Vector2D(0,0);
Exemple #7
void Shape::resolveCollision( Shape & shape )
    Vector2D delta = position - shape.position;
    float d = delta.Length();
    Vector2D mtd = delta * ( ( ( getRadius() + shape.getRadius() ) - d ) / d );

    float im1 = 1 / getMass();
    float im2 = 1 / shape.getMass();

    // speed
    Vector2D v = velocity - shape.velocity;
    float vn = v * (mtd.Normalize());

    // intersecting but moving away
    if ( vn > 0.0f ) return;

    // impulse
    float i = (-(1.0f + RESTITUTION) * vn ) / ( im1 + im2 );
    Vector2D impulse = mtd * i;

    // momentum
    velocity += impulse * im1;
    shape.velocity -= impulse * im1;

Exemple #8
void Boid::SimulateUpdate(float deltaTime, Vector2D& position, Vector2D& speed, int& angle, Vector2D targetPosition)
	Vector2D steeringForce = SteeringUtils::DoSteeringSeek(targetPosition, position, speed, K_MAX_SPEED, K_MAX_STEER_FORCE);

	// Modify according to mass to get acceleration
	Vector2D acceleration = steeringForce / mass;

	// Update Speed with acceleration
	speed += acceleration * deltaTime;

	// Move entity

	// Add speed to speed counter and get number of pixels to move this frame (integer)
	traceSpeedCounter += (speed * deltaTime);
	Vector2D realSpeed = {};
	realSpeed.x = traceSpeedCounter.x > 0.0f ? floor(traceSpeedCounter.x) : ceil(traceSpeedCounter.x);
	realSpeed.y = traceSpeedCounter.y > 0.0f ? floor(traceSpeedCounter.y) : ceil(traceSpeedCounter.y);

	// Remainder for next frame
	traceSpeedCounter -= realSpeed;

	// Move position
	position += realSpeed;

	// Update Orientation if speed is higher than a safety threshold
	if (speed.Length() > 20.0f)
		angle = FloatUtils::CalculateOrientation(speed);
//--------------------------- Arrive -------------------------------------
//  This behavior is similar to seek but it attempts to arrive at the
//  target with a zero velocity
Vector2D SteeringBehavior::Arrive(Vector2D     TargetPos,
	Deceleration deceleration)
	Vector2D ToTarget = TargetPos - m_pVehicle->Pos();

	//calculate the distance to the target
	double dist = ToTarget.Length();

	if (dist > 0)
		//because Deceleration is enumerated as an int, this value is required
		//to provide fine tweaking of the deceleration..
		const double DecelerationTweaker = 0.3;

		//calculate the speed required to reach the target given the desired
		double speed = dist / ((double)deceleration * DecelerationTweaker);

		//make sure the velocity does not exceed the max
		speed = min(speed, m_pVehicle->MaxSpeed());

		//from here proceed just like Seek except we don't need to normalize 
		//the ToTarget vector because we have already gone to the trouble
		//of calculating its length: dist. 
		Vector2D DesiredVelocity = ToTarget * speed / dist;

		return (DesiredVelocity - m_pVehicle->Velocity());

	return Vector2D(0, 0);
//------------------------------ Pursuit ---------------------------------
//  this behavior creates a force that steers the agent towards the 
//  evader
Vector2D SteeringBehavior::Pursuit(const Vehicle* evader)
	//if the evader is ahead and facing the agent then we can just seek
	//for the evader's current position.
	Vector2D ToEvader = evader->Pos() - m_pVehicle->Pos();

	double RelativeHeading = m_pVehicle->Heading().Dot(evader->Heading());

	if ((ToEvader.Dot(m_pVehicle->Heading()) > 0) &&
		(RelativeHeading < -0.95))  //acos(0.95)=18 degs
		return Seek(evader->Pos());

	//Not considered ahead so we predict where the evader will be.

	//the lookahead time is propotional to the distance between the evader
	//and the pursuer; and is inversely proportional to the sum of the
	//agent's velocities
	double LookAheadTime = ToEvader.Length() /
		(m_pVehicle->MaxSpeed() + evader->Speed());

	//now seek to the predicted future position of the evader
	return Seek(evader->Pos() + evader->Velocity() * LookAheadTime);
void S013010C_Aaron_Smith_Tank::CreateFeelers(vector<Vector2D> &feelers, double angle, int distance,Vector2D startPos)

	Vector2D ahead = Vec2DNormalize(mVelocity);
	if (ahead.Length() == 0)
		ahead = mHeading;

	double dynamicLength = mVelocity.Length() / GetMaxSpeed();
	if (dynamicLength < 0.6) dynamicLength = 0.6;
	cout << dynamicLength << endl;

	int dist2Amount = distance;
	int dist1Amount = dist2Amount / 2;
	Vector2D feelerVect1;
	Vector2D feelerVect2;
	if (angle != 0)
		Vector2D fannedAhead;
		fannedAhead.x = ahead.x * cos(DegsToRads(angle)) - ahead.y * sin(DegsToRads(angle));
		fannedAhead.y = ahead.x * sin(DegsToRads(angle)) + ahead.y * cos(DegsToRads(angle));

		feelerVect2 = (startPos)+(fannedAhead *  dynamicLength * dist2Amount);
		feelerVect1 = (startPos)+(fannedAhead *  dynamicLength * dist1Amount);
		feelerVect1 = GetCentrePosition() + (ahead * dynamicLength * dist1Amount);
		feelerVect2 = GetCentrePosition() + (ahead * dynamicLength * (dist2Amount + 50));

void S013010C_Aaron_Smith_Tank::CreateLeftFeelers(vector<Vector2D> &feelers)

	Vector2D ahead = Vec2DNormalize(mVelocity);
	if (ahead.Length() == 0)
		ahead = mHeading;

	double dynamicLength = mVelocity.Length() / GetMaxSpeed();
	double angle = 40;
	int side2Amount = 30;
	int side1Amount = side2Amount / 2;

	Vector2D fannedLeftAhead;
	fannedLeftAhead.x = ahead.x * cos(DegsToRads(-angle)) - ahead.y * sin(DegsToRads(-angle));
	fannedLeftAhead.y = ahead.x * sin(DegsToRads(-angle)) + ahead.y * cos(DegsToRads(-angle));

	mLeftAhead2Distance = (mTopLeftCorner)+(fannedLeftAhead *  dynamicLength * side2Amount);
	mLeftAhead1Distance = (mTopLeftCorner)+(fannedLeftAhead *  dynamicLength * side1Amount);


void S013010C_Aaron_Smith_Steering::Evade()
	Vector2D TargetToEvade = mTank->GetTarget() - mTank->GetCentrePosition();

	double lookAheadTime = TargetToEvade.Length() / (mTank->GetMaxSpeed() + mTank->GetEnemySpeed());
	Flee(mTank->GetTarget() + mTank->GetEnemyVelocity() * lookAheadTime);

//--------------------------- WallAvoidance --------------------------------
//  This returns a steering force that will keep the agent away from any
//  walls it may encounter
Vector2D SteeringBehavior::WallAvoidance(const std::vector<Wall2D>& walls)
	//the feelers are contained in a std::vector, m_Feelers

	double DistToThisIP = 0.0;
	double DistToClosestIP = MaxDouble;

	//this will hold an index into the vector of walls
	int ClosestWall = -1;

	Vector2D SteeringForce,
		point,         //used for storing temporary info
		ClosestPoint;  //holds the closest intersection point

	//examine each feeler in turn
	for (unsigned int flr = 0; flr < m_Feelers.size(); ++flr)
		//run through each wall checking for any intersection points
		for (unsigned int w = 0; w < walls.size(); ++w)
			if (LineIntersection2D(m_pVehicle->Pos(),
				//is this the closest found so far? If so keep a record
				if (DistToThisIP < DistToClosestIP)
					DistToClosestIP = DistToThisIP;

					ClosestWall = w;

					ClosestPoint = point;
		}//next wall

		//if an intersection point has been detected, calculate a force  
		//that will direct the agent away
		if (ClosestWall >= 0)
			//calculate by what distance the projected position of the agent
			//will overshoot the wall
			Vector2D OverShoot = m_Feelers[flr] - ClosestPoint;

			//create a force in the direction of the wall normal, with a 
			//magnitude of the overshoot
			SteeringForce = walls[ClosestWall].Normal() * OverShoot.Length();

	}//next feeler

	return SteeringForce;
void Vector2D::ProjToLine (const Vector2D &rclPt, const Vector2D &rclLine)
  double l  = rclLine.Length();
  double t1 = (rclPt * rclLine) / l;
  Vector2D clNormal = rclLine;
  *this = clNormal;
Exemple #16
vec_t Vector2DNormalize(Vector2D& v)
	vec_t l = v.Length();
	if (l != 0.0f) {
		v /= l;
	else {
		v.x = v.y = 0.0f;
	return l;
Vector2D B020612E_Steering::Pursuit(Vector2D target, Vector2D velocity)
	Vector2D targetPos = _pTank->mTargetPosition;
	double relative = _pTank->GetHeading().Dot(_pTank->mEnHeading);

	if ((targetPos.Dot(_pTank->GetHeading()) > 0) && (relative < -0.95))
		return Seek(targetPos);
		double lookAheadTime = targetPos.Length() / (_pTank->GetMaxSpeed() + _pTank->mEnSpeed);
		return Seek(targetPos + _pTank->mEnVel * lookAheadTime);
Exemple #18
double Raven_WeaponSystem::AddFuzzyfiVar(Vector2D& AimingPos)

	Vector2D toPos = AimingPos - m_pOwner->Pos();
	int visible = m_pOwner->GetTargetSys()->GetTimeTargetHasBeenVisible() - m_dReactionTime;

	//fuzzyfy speed, pos, time while target is visible
	rand_FuzzyModule.Fuzzify("speed", m_pOwner->GetTargetBot()->MaxSpeed());
	rand_FuzzyModule.Fuzzify("ToPos", toPos.Length());
	rand_FuzzyModule.Fuzzify("targetVisible", visible);

	return rand_FuzzyModule.DeFuzzify("Aim", FuzzyModule::max_av);
//--------------------- AccumulateForce ----------------------------------
//  This function calculates how much of its max steering force the
//  vehicle has left to apply and then applies that amount of the
//  force to add.
bool SteeringBehaviors::AccumulateForce(Vector2D &sf, Vector2D ForceToAdd)
    //first calculate how much steering force we have left to use
    double MagnitudeSoFar = sf.Length();

    double magnitudeRemaining = m_pPlayer->MaxForce() - MagnitudeSoFar;

    //return false if there is no more force left to use
    if (magnitudeRemaining <= 0.0) return false;

    //calculate the magnitude of the force we want to add
    double MagnitudeToAdd = ForceToAdd.Length();

    //now calculate how much of the force we can really add
    if (MagnitudeToAdd > magnitudeRemaining)
        MagnitudeToAdd = magnitudeRemaining;

    //add it to the steering force
    sf += (Vec2DNormalize(ForceToAdd) * MagnitudeToAdd);

    return true;
Exemple #20
void Boid::DoEvade(float deltaTime)
	// Calculate desired velocity
	Vector2D distanceVector = target->position - position;
	float distanceToTarget = distanceVector.Length();

	// Calculate lookAhead time
	float currentSpeed = speed.Length();

	// If speed is to small or distance to big to give a reasonable 
	// look ahead time to target, use maximumLookAhead
	timeLookAhead = distanceToTarget / currentSpeed;
	if (timeLookAhead > maximumLookAhead)
		timeLookAhead = maximumLookAhead;

	// Calculate future position based on current position and speed
	futurePosition = target->position + (target->speed * timeLookAhead);

	// Calculate desired velocity
	desiredVelocity = position - futurePosition;

	// Normalize
	// Scale by K_MAX_SPEED
	desiredVelocity *= K_MAX_SPEED;

	// Update Steering Velocity
	steeringForce = desiredVelocity - speed;

	// Convert to Force
	// Divide by K_MAX_SPEED to get the speed factor
	steeringForce /= K_MAX_SPEED;
	// Scale this factor by K_MAX_STEER_FORCE
	steeringForce *= K_MAX_STEER_FORCE;
	steeringForce = SteeringUtils::DoSteeringEvade(target->position, target->speed, position, speed,
		K_MAX_SPEED, K_MAX_STEER_FORCE, maximumLookAhead);

	// Modify according to mass to get acceleration
	acceleration = steeringForce / mass;

	// Update Speed with acceleration
	speed += acceleration * deltaTime;
Exemple #21
void TestTank::Render()

	//Call parent render.

	//Draw the left cannon.

	if (mDrawTarget)
		mTargetSprite->Render(Vector2D(mTargetPos.x + mTargetSprite->GetWidth() / 2, mTargetPos.y + mTargetSprite->GetHeight() / 2)); //+ 16

																																	  //DrawDebugCircle(Vector2D(GetCentrePosition().x - mHeading.x * 20, GetCentrePosition().y - mHeading.y* 20), 10);

	Vector2D normVel = Vec2DNormalize(mVelocity);

	DrawDebugCircle(Vector2D(GetCentrePosition().x + normVel.x * 20, GetCentrePosition().y + normVel.y * 20), 10);
	if (mShowingDebug)

		for (int i = 50; i > 44; i--)
			DrawDebugCircle(Vector2D(mMouseX, mMouseY), i);
		// drawing the heading vector line
		//Start position will be the front of the tank
		//the End position will be the tanks heading vector 
		SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(mRenderer, 255, 0, 0, 255);
		//heading end = centreposition - mHeading * by some length
		SDL_RenderDrawLine(mRenderer, GetCentrePosition().x, GetCentrePosition().y, GetCentrePosition().x - mHeading.x * 50, GetCentrePosition().y - mHeading.y * 50);

		//Render the Steering Force
		SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(mRenderer, 0, 255, 0, 255);
		SDL_RenderDrawLine(mRenderer, GetCentrePosition().x, GetCentrePosition().y, GetCentrePosition().x + mSteeringForce.x * 5, GetCentrePosition().y + mSteeringForce.y * 5);

	Vector2D ahead = Vec2DNormalize(mVelocity);
	if (ahead.Length() == 0)
		ahead = mHeading;

	Vector2D cenPos = GetCentralPosition();
	Vector2D aheadDistance = cenPos + ahead * 30;
	DrawDebugCircle(Vector2D(aheadDistance.x, aheadDistance.y), 5);

Vector2D SteeringBehavior::Separation(const std::vector<Vehicle*>& neighbors)
	Vector2D SteeringForce;
	for (int a = 0; a<neighbors.size(); ++a)
		//make sure this agent isn't included in the calculations and that
		//the agent being examined is close enough.
		if ((neighbors[a] != m_pVehicle) && neighbors[a]->IsTagged())
			Vector2D ToAgent = m_pVehicle->Pos() - neighbors[a]->Pos();
			//scale the force inversely proportional to the agent's distance
			//from its neighbor.
			SteeringForce += Vec2DNormalize(ToAgent) / ToAgent.Length();
	return SteeringForce;
//-------------------------- PredictFuturePositionOfTarget --------------------
//  predicts where the target will be located in the time it takes for a
//  projectile to reach it. This uses a similar logic to the Pursuit steering
//  behavior.
Vector2D Raven_WeaponSystem::PredictFuturePositionOfTarget()const
	double MaxSpeed = GetCurrentWeapon()->GetMaxProjectileSpeed();

	//if the target is ahead and facing the agent shoot at its current pos
	Vector2D ToEnemy = m_pOwner->GetTargetBot()->Pos() - m_pOwner->Pos();

	//the lookahead time is proportional to the distance between the enemy
	//and the pursuer; and is inversely proportional to the sum of the
	//agent's velocities
	double LookAheadTime = ToEnemy.Length() /
		(MaxSpeed + m_pOwner->GetTargetBot()->MaxSpeed());

	//return the predicted future position of the enemy
	return m_pOwner->GetTargetBot()->Pos() +
		m_pOwner->GetTargetBot()->Velocity() * LookAheadTime;
Vector2D B020612E_Steering::Arrive(Vector2D target, DECELERATION deceleration)
	Vector2D targetPosition = Vector2D(target);
	Vector2D toTargetPosition = targetPosition - _pTank->GetCentrePosition();

	double distance = toTargetPosition.Length();

	if (distance > 0)
		const double cDecelerationTweaker = 0.3;
		double speed = distance / ((double)deceleration * cDecelerationTweaker);
		speed = min(speed, _pTank->GetMaxSpeed());
		Vector2D desiredVelocity = toTargetPosition * speed / distance;
		return desiredVelocity - _pTank->GetVelocity();
	return Vector2D(0.0f, 0.0f);
void S013010C_Aaron_Smith_Tank::CreateStraightFeelers(vector<Vector2D> &feelers)

	Vector2D ahead = Vec2DNormalize(mVelocity);
	if (ahead.Length() == 0)
		ahead = mHeading;

	double dynamicLength = mVelocity.Length() / GetMaxSpeed();
	double angle = 70;
	int ahead2Amount = 50;
	int ahead1Amount = ahead2Amount / 2;

	mAhead1Distance = GetCentrePosition() + (ahead * dynamicLength * ahead1Amount);
	mAhead2Distance = GetCentrePosition() + (ahead * dynamicLength * (ahead2Amount + 50));

Vector2D S013010C_Aaron_Smith_Steering::Pursuing()
	Vector2D enemyTankPos = mTank->GetTarget();

	double relativeHeading = mTank->GetHeading().Dot(mTank->GetEnemyHeading());

	if (enemyTankPos.Dot(mTank->GetHeading()) > 0 &&
		(relativeHeading < -0.95))
		return Seek(enemyTankPos);
		//not ahead of player so need to predict enemy position
		double lookAheadTime = enemyTankPos.Length() / (mTank->GetMaxSpeed() + mTank->GetEnemySpeed());
		return Seek(enemyTankPos + mTank->GetEnemyVelocity() * lookAheadTime);

//------------------------------ Pursuit ---------------------------------
//  this behavior creates a force that steers the agent towards the
//  ball
Vector2D SteeringBehaviors::Pursuit(const SoccerBall* ball)
    Vector2D ToBall = ball->Pos() - m_pPlayer->Pos();

    //the lookahead time is proportional to the distance between the ball
    //and the pursuer;
    double LookAheadTime = 0.0;

    if (ball->Speed() != 0.0)
        LookAheadTime = ToBall.Length() / ball->Speed();

    //calculate where the ball will be at this time in the future
    m_vTarget = ball->FuturePosition(LookAheadTime);

    //now seek to the predicted future position of the ball
    return Arrive(m_vTarget, fast);
//----------------------------- Evade ------------------------------------
//  similar to pursuit except the agent Flees from the estimated future
//  position of the pursuer
Vector2D SteeringBehavior::Evade(const Vehicle* pursuer)
	/* Not necessary to include the check for facing direction this time */

	Vector2D ToPursuer = pursuer->Pos() - m_pVehicle->Pos();

	//uncomment the following two lines to have Evade only consider pursuers 
	//within a 'threat range'
	const double ThreatRange = 200.0;
	if (ToPursuer.LengthSq() > ThreatRange * ThreatRange) return Vector2D();

	//the lookahead time is propotional to the distance between the pursuer
	//and the pursuer; and is inversely proportional to the sum of the
	//agents' velocities
	double LookAheadTime = ToPursuer.Length() /
		(m_pVehicle->MaxSpeed() + pursuer->Speed());

	//now flee away from predicted future position of the pursuer
	return Flee(pursuer->Pos() + pursuer->Velocity() * LookAheadTime);
//------------------------- Offset Pursuit -------------------------------
//  Produces a steering force that keeps a vehicle at a specified offset
//  from a leader vehicle
Vector2D SteeringBehavior::OffsetPursuit(const Vehicle*  leader,
	const Vector2D offset)
	//calculate the offset's position in world space
	Vector2D WorldOffsetPos = PointToWorldSpace(offset,

	Vector2D ToOffset = WorldOffsetPos - m_pVehicle->Pos();

	//the lookahead time is propotional to the distance between the leader
	//and the pursuer; and is inversely proportional to the sum of both
	//agent's velocities
	double LookAheadTime = ToOffset.Length() /
		(m_pVehicle->MaxSpeed() + leader->Speed());

	//now Arrive at the predicted future position of the offset
	return Arrive(WorldOffsetPos + leader->Velocity() * LookAheadTime, fast);
double Vector2D::GetAngle (const Vector2D &rclVect) const
  double fDivid, fNum;
  fDivid = Length() * rclVect.Length();
  if ((fDivid < -1e-10) || (fDivid > 1e-10))
    fNum = (*this * rclVect) / fDivid;
    if (fNum < -1)
      return F_PI;
      if (fNum > 1)
        return 0.0;
        return acos(fNum);
    return -FLOAT_MAX; // division by zero