Exemple #1
bool LinePickVisitor::AddHitPoint(const Vector3& p, Vector3& offset)
	// allocate a hit
	PickHit* hit = AddHit ();

	// our intersection point is the point itself
	Vector3 intersection (p);

	// transform values into world space

	// set vertex in world space
	if (!HasFlags(PickFlags::IgnoreVertex))
		hit->SetVertex(intersection, offset.Length());

	// set the intersection in world space
	if (!HasFlags(PickFlags::IgnoreIntersection))
		hit->SetIntersection(intersection, offset.Length());

	return true;
Exemple #2
bool LinePickVisitor::PickTriangle(const Vector3& v0, const Vector3& v1, const Vector3& v2, const float err)
	float32_t u = 0.f;
	float32_t v = 0.f;
	bool interior = true;
	bool success = m_PickSpaceLine.IntersectsTriangle (v0, v1, v2, &u, &v);

	Vector3 vertex;
	Vector3 intersection;
	float32_t distance = NumericLimits<float32_t>::Maximum;

	if (!success)
		interior = false;

		float mu;
		Vector3 offset;

		if (m_PickSpaceLine.IntersectsSegment(v0, v1, err, &mu, &offset))
			float len = offset.Length();
			if (len < distance)
				vertex = mu < 0.5f ? v0 : v1;
				distance = len;
				success = true;

		if (m_PickSpaceLine.IntersectsSegment(v1, v2, err, &mu, &offset))
			float len = offset.Length();
			if (len < distance)
				vertex = mu < 0.5f ? v1 : v2;
				distance = len;
				success = true;

		if (m_PickSpaceLine.IntersectsSegment(v2, v0, err, &mu, &offset))
			float len = offset.Length();
			if (len < distance)
				vertex = mu < 0.5f ? v2 : v0;
				distance = len;
				success = true;

	if (success)
		success =  AddHitTriangle(v0, v1, v2, u, v, interior, vertex, intersection, distance);

	return false;
void World::MoveCamera(float timeStep)
    static float yaw_ = 0.0f;
    static float pitch_ = 0.0f;

    Input* input = context->GetSubsystem<Input>();

    const float MOVE_SPEED = 20.0f;
    const float MOUSE_SENSITIVITY = 0.1f;

    IntVector2 mouseMove = input->GetMouseMove();
    yaw_ += MOUSE_SENSITIVITY * mouseMove.x_;
    pitch_ += MOUSE_SENSITIVITY * mouseMove.y_;
    pitch_ = Clamp(pitch_, -90.0f, 90.0f);

    camera.node->SetRotation(Quaternion(pitch_, yaw_, 0.0f));

    Quaternion camRotation = camera.node->GetWorldRotation();
    camRotation.z_ = 0.0f;

    Vector3 dir = Vector3::ZERO;

    if (input->GetKeyDown('W'))
        dir += Vector3::FORWARD;

    if (input->GetKeyDown('S'))
        dir += Vector3::BACK;

    if (input->GetKeyDown('A'))
        dir += Vector3::LEFT;

    if (input->GetKeyDown('D'))
        dir += Vector3::RIGHT;

    if (input->GetKeyDown(KEY_SPACE))
        dir += Vector3::UP;

    if (dir.Length() > 0)
        Vector3 curVel = player.body->GetLinearVelocity();
        if (curVel.Length() < 5.0f)
            float multipler = 1.0f;
            //if (input->GetQualifierDown(KEY_SHIFT))
            if (input->GetKeyDown(KEY_LSHIFT))
                multipler = 2.0f;
            player.body->SetLinearVelocity(multipler * 200.0f * (camRotation * dir) * timeStep);
Exemple #4
void CreateTool::CalculateInstanceRadiusAndBounds( float32_t& instanceRadius, AlignedBox& bounds )
	Editor::HierarchyNode* node = Reflect::SafeCast<Editor::HierarchyNode>( m_Instance );
	bounds = node->GetObjectBounds();

	Vector3 boundVector = bounds.maximum - bounds.minimum;
	Vector3 out = boundVector * Editor::OutVector;
	Vector3 side = boundVector * Editor::SideVector;
	instanceRadius = MAX( out.Length(), side.Length() ) / 2.0f;
Exemple #5
	//	動くオブジェクトの反射
	bool	Collision::GetReflect( iexMesh* org, Vector3& pos, Vector3& vec, float rate ) 
		// オブジェクトの逆行列を算出
		Matrix mat = org->TransMatrix;
		Matrix invMat;	// 逆行列
		D3DXMatrixInverse( &invMat, null, &mat );

		// 逆行列でレイをローカル化
		Vector3 invVec;
		invVec.x = invMat._11 * vec.x + invMat._21 * vec.y + invMat._31 * vec.z;
		invVec.y = invMat._12 * vec.x + invMat._22 * vec.y + invMat._32 * vec.z;
		invVec.z = invMat._13 * vec.x + invMat._23 * vec.y + invMat._33 * vec.z;

		Vector3 invPos;
		invPos.x = invMat._11 * pos.x + invMat._21 * pos.y + invMat._31 * pos.z + invMat._41;
		invPos.y = invMat._12 * pos.x + invMat._22 * pos.y + invMat._32 * pos.z + invMat._42;
		invPos.z = invMat._13 * pos.x + invMat._23 * pos.y + invMat._33 * pos.z + invMat._43;

		Vector3 v = invVec;
		Vector3 p = invPos;
		Vector3 out;
		float d = 100.0f;
		if ( org->RayPick( &out, &p, &v, &d ) >= 0 )
			Vector3 vv = out - p;
			float dd = vv.Length();
			float dm = invVec.Length();
			if ( dd < dm ){
				v.Normalize();		//	法線算出			
				float dot = Vector3Dot( -invVec, v );	// 法線方向に射影
				invVec = v*dot*2.0f - ( -invVec );

				Vector3 p;
				p.x = mat._11 * out.x + mat._21 * out.y + mat._31 * out.z + mat._41;
				p.y = mat._12 * out.x + mat._22 * out.y + mat._32 * out.z + mat._42;
				p.z = mat._13 * out.x + mat._23 * out.y + mat._33 * out.z + mat._43;
				pos = p;

				Vector3 v;
				v.x = mat._11 * invVec.x + mat._21 * invVec.y + mat._31 * invVec.z;
				v.y = mat._12 * invVec.x + mat._22 * invVec.y + mat._32 * invVec.z;
				v.z = mat._13 * invVec.x + mat._23 * invVec.y + mat._33 * invVec.z;
				vec = v*rate;

				return true;
		return false;
 * Evaluates curvature at (x,y,z) through discrete finite difference scheme.
float Implicit::GetCurvature(float x, float y, float z) const
  const float& d = mDelta;
  float r2d = 1.0f/(2.0f*d);

  Vector3<float> gradient = -GetGradient(x,y,z);
  Vector4<float> ex_gradient(gradient[0],gradient[1],gradient[2],1.0f);
  Vector3<float> gradientsP[3] = {	-GetGradient(x + d, y, z) , -GetGradient(x, y + d, z) , -GetGradient(x, y, z + d) };
  Vector3<float> gradientsN[3] = {	-GetGradient(x - d, y, z) , -GetGradient(x, y - d, z) , -GetGradient(x, y, z - d) };

  float hessian[4][4] = {
	  {	( gradientsP[0][0] - gradientsN[0][0] )*r2d,	( gradientsP[1][0] - gradientsN[1][0] )*r2d,	( gradientsP[2][0] - gradientsN[2][0] )*r2d ,	0.0f},
	  {	( gradientsP[0][1] - gradientsN[0][1] )*r2d,	( gradientsP[1][1] - gradientsN[1][1] )*r2d,	( gradientsP[2][1] - gradientsN[2][1] )*r2d ,	0.0f},
	  {	( gradientsP[0][2] - gradientsN[0][2] )*r2d,	( gradientsP[1][2] - gradientsN[1][2] )*r2d,	( gradientsP[2][2] - gradientsN[2][2] )*r2d ,	0.0f},
	  {	0.0f,											0.0f,											0.0f,											1.0f}

  float hTrace = hessian[0][0] + hessian[1][1] + hessian[2][2];
  //the - 1 is just because we have a 4d vector so the dot product has a 1 at the end we need to get rid of
  //3x3 matrix is all we need here really
  float hMult = ex_gradient*(Matrix4x4<float>(hessian)*ex_gradient) - 1.0f;
  float gradLength = gradient.Length();

  float gradLengthSq = gradient*gradient;

  float curv = (hMult - gradLengthSq*hTrace)/(2.0f* gradLengthSq*gradLength);
  return curv;
Exemple #7
bool RoboCat::MoveToLocation( float inDeltaTime, const Vector3& inLocation )
	bool finishedMove = false;

	Vector3 toMoveVec = inLocation - GetLocation();
	float distToTarget = toMoveVec.Length();
	if( distToTarget > 0.1f )
		if ( distToTarget > ( kMoveSpeed * inDeltaTime ) )
			SetLocation( GetLocation() + toMoveVec * inDeltaTime * kMoveSpeed );
			//we're basically almost there, so set it to move location
			SetLocation( inLocation );
			finishedMove = true;
		//since we're close, stop moving towards the target
		finishedMove = true;

	return finishedMove;
Exemple #8
void Quaternion::FromRotationTo(const Vector3& start, const Vector3& end)
    Vector3 normStart = start.Normalized();
    Vector3 normEnd = end.Normalized();
    float d = normStart.DotProduct(normEnd);
    if (d > -1.0f + M_EPSILON)
        Vector3 c = normStart.CrossProduct(normEnd);
        float s = sqrtf((1.0f + d) * 2.0f);
        float invS = 1.0f / s;
        x_ = c.x_ * invS;
        y_ = c.y_ * invS;
        z_ = c.z_ * invS;
        w_ = 0.5f * s;
        Vector3 axis = Vector3::RIGHT.CrossProduct(normStart);
        if (axis.Length() < M_EPSILON)
            axis = Vector3::UP.CrossProduct(normStart);
        FromAngleAxis(180.f, axis);
Exemple #9
void rms::ComputeAlignAxisMatrix( const Vector3<Real> & vInitial,
								  const Vector3<Real> & vAlignWith, Matrix3<Real> & matrix )
	// compute cosine of angle between vectors
	Real axisDot = vAlignWith.Dot( vInitial );

	// compute rotation axis
	Vector3<Real> axisCross( vInitial.Cross( vAlignWith ) );

	// apply rotation if necessary
	if (axisCross.SquaredLength() > Wml::Math<Real>::EPSILON) {

		// compute normalized axis and angle, then create rotation around axis
		Real fAngle = Math<Real>::ACos( axisDot / vAlignWith.Length() );
		matrix.FromAxisAngle( axisCross, fAngle );

	} else if (axisDot < (Real)0) {

		// find some perpendicular vectors
		Wml::Vector3<Real> vPerp1, vPerp2;
		ComputePerpVectors( vInitial, vPerp1, vPerp2 );

		matrix.FromAxisAngle( vPerp1, (Real)180 * Math<Real>::DEG_TO_RAD );
	} else {
		matrix = Matrix3<Real>::IDENTITY;
Exemple #10
	void SeekObject::Update3(){
		auto PtrRigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
		auto PtrTransform = GetComponent<Transform>();
		Vector3 Velocity = PtrRigidbody->GetVelocity();
		if (Velocity.Length() > 0.0f){
			Vector3 Temp = Velocity;
			float ToAngle = atan2(Temp.x, Temp.z);
			Quaternion Qt;
			Qt.RotationRollPitchYaw(0, ToAngle, 0);
			Quaternion NowQt = PtrTransform->GetQuaternion();
			NowQt.Slerp(NowQt, Qt, 0.1f);
		auto Pos = PtrTransform->GetPosition();
		Pos.y = m_BaseY;
Exemple #11
Sphere Mgc::ContSphereOfAABB (int iQuantity, const Vector3* akPoint)
    Vector3 kMin = akPoint[0], kMax = kMin;
    for (int i = 1; i < iQuantity; i++)
        if ( akPoint[i].x < kMin.x )
            kMin.x = akPoint[i].x;
        else if ( akPoint[i].x > kMax.x )
            kMax.x = akPoint[i].x;

        if ( akPoint[i].y < kMin.y )
            kMin.y = akPoint[i].y;
        else if ( akPoint[i].y > kMax.y )
            kMax.y = akPoint[i].y;

        if ( akPoint[i].z < kMin.z )
            kMin.z = akPoint[i].z;
        else if ( akPoint[i].z > kMax.z )
            kMax.z = akPoint[i].z;

    Sphere kSphere;
    kSphere.Center() = 0.5f*(kMax + kMin);
    Vector3 kHalfDiagonal = 0.5f*(kMax - kMin);
    kSphere.Radius() = kHalfDiagonal.Length();

    return kSphere;
bool PhysicsSystem::RaySphereCollision(const CollisionRay &r, const CollisionSphere &s, CollisionData *collisionData ){

	Vector3 relativePos = r.m_pos - s.m_pos;

	float relativeDist = relativePos.Length();

	float dot = Vector3::Dot(relativePos, r.m_dir);

	if(dot > s.m_radius) {
		return false;

	float d = (s.m_radius * s.m_radius) - ((relativeDist * relativeDist) - (dot * dot));

	bool thisCollision = false;

	if(d > 0) {
		thisCollision = true;

		//I guess this would be put in collision data.... use this later :D
		//intersectpos = r.m_pos + (direction * (relativeDist - sqrt(d)));

	return thisCollision;
Exemple #13
void Spring::Update(float msec){
	//F = -kx - c (n . vab)

	//Calculate the world positions for the local positions
	Vector3 posL = m_lhs->BuildTransform() * m_localPosL;
	Vector3 posR = m_rhs->BuildTransform() * m_localPosR;

	//Work out the direction between the two nodes
	Vector3 forceDir = posR - posL;

	//Calculate a value for the length between the two points - rest length.
	//This is basically the amount of extension the spring has undertaken. (x)
	float err = forceDir.Length() - m_length;

	//We divide it by the rest length of the spring to get a normalized value for the 
	// extension of the spring
	err /= m_length;

	//Normalise the direction of the force

	Vector3& linVelL = m_lhs->GetLinearVelocity();
	Vector3& linVelR = m_rhs->GetLinearVelocity();

	//Calculate the force to be applied
	Vector3 force = forceDir * (err * m_ks - Vector3::Dot(forceDir, (linVelL - linVelR) * m_kd));

	m_lhs->ApplyForce(force*0.5f, Vector3(0,0,0));
	m_rhs->ApplyForce(-force*0.5f, Vector3(0,0,0));

void ConvexPolyhedron::Create (const vector<Vector3>& rakPoint,
                               const vector<int>& raiConnect)
    assert( rakPoint.size() >= 4 && raiConnect.size() >= 4 );

    int iVQuantity = rakPoint.size();
    int iTQuantity = raiConnect.size()/3;
    int iEQuantity = iVQuantity + iTQuantity - 2;
    m_akPoint = rakPoint;

    // Copy polyhedron points into vertex array.  Compute centroid for use in
    // making sure the triangles are counterclockwise oriented when viewed
    // from the outside.

    // get polyhedron edge and triangle information
    for (int iT = 0, iIndex = 0; iT < iTQuantity; iT++)
        // get vertex indices for triangle
        int iV0 = raiConnect[iIndex++];
        int iV1 = raiConnect[iIndex++];
        int iV2 = raiConnect[iIndex++];

        // make sure triangle is counterclockwise
        Vector3& rkV0 = m_akPoint[iV0];
        Vector3& rkV1 = m_akPoint[iV1];
        Vector3& rkV2 = m_akPoint[iV2];

        Vector3 kDiff = m_kCentroid - rkV0;
        Vector3 kE1 = rkV1 - rkV0;
        Vector3 kE2 = rkV2 - rkV0;
        Vector3 kNormal = kE1.Cross(kE2);
        Real fLength = kNormal.Length();
        if ( fLength > 1e-06f )
            kNormal /= fLength;
            kNormal = kDiff;

        Real fDistance = kNormal.Dot(kDiff);

        if ( fDistance < 0.0f )
            // triangle is counterclockwise
            // triangle is clockwise

void PlayerArrow::Update()
	// アングル
	Vector3 playerFront = Vector3(player->GetParameter().mat.GetFront() * Vector3(1, 0, 1)).Normalized();
	if (playerFront.Length() != 0)
		angle_ = Vector3::Inner(playerFront, -Vector3::Forward);
		if (Vector3::Dot(playerFront, Vector3::Left) > 0.0f)
			angle_ *= -1;

	/* プレイヤーデータ */
	// ポジション
	Vector3 playerPos = player->GetParameter().mat.GetPosition();
	Vector2 pos = Vector2(playerPos.x, -playerPos.z);
	if (pos.Length() != 0.0f)
		drawPos_ = MAP_DRAW_POSITION + pos.Normalized() * pos.Length() * RE_SIZE_SCALE;

	/* 気流発生 */
	isDash = player->ReturnTackleParameter().dashFlag;
	if (isDash && isDash != prevDash)
		world.UIAdd(UI_ID::FLOWROOT_UI, std::make_shared<FlowRoot>(world, player, &drawPos_, resPiece));
	prevDash = isDash;
Exemple #16
Mesh* Shop::ShopInteraction(double dt, Camera5 camera, Mesh** meshList)

	float range = 20;
	float offset = 0.5;

	for (Vector3 temp = camera.view.Normalized(); temp.Length() <= range; temp += camera.view.Normalized())
			if (meshList[SP2::GEO_STORE]->min != nullptr || meshList[SP2::GEO_STORE]->max != nullptr)
				if ((temp.x + camera.position.x <= meshList[SP2::GEO_STORE]->max->x + meshList[SP2::GEO_STORE]->position.x + offset && temp.x + camera.position.x >= meshList[SP2::GEO_STORE]->min->x + meshList[SP2::GEO_STORE]->position.x - offset) //Check min and max for x
					&& (temp.y + camera.position.y <= meshList[SP2::GEO_STORE]->max->y + meshList[SP2::GEO_STORE]->position.y + offset && temp.y + camera.position.y >= meshList[SP2::GEO_STORE]->min->y + meshList[SP2::GEO_STORE]->position.y - offset) //Check min and max for y
					&& (temp.z + camera.position.z <= meshList[SP2::GEO_STORE]->max->z + meshList[SP2::GEO_STORE]->position.z + offset && temp.z + camera.position.z >= meshList[SP2::GEO_STORE]->min->z + meshList[SP2::GEO_STORE]->position.z - offset)) //Check min and max for z
					if (meshList[SP2::GEO_STORE]->lookAtShop == false)
						return nullptr;
						return meshList[SP2::GEO_STORE];
	return nullptr;
Exemple #17
void SpaceScene::Tick(float deltaTime) {

	//Simulate gravity
	for (std::unique_ptr<CelestialBody>& source : universe->bodies) {
		//Apply the bodies force of gravity to other bodies
		for (std::unique_ptr<CelestialBody>& target : universe->bodies) {
			if (source == target) continue;

			Vector3 displacement = (target->position - source->position);
			float length = displacement.Length();
			float r2 = length * length;
			float totalMass = (source->data.mass + target->data.mass);

			float magnitude = (universe->G * (totalMass / r2));

			Vector3 force(-magnitude, 0, 0);
			force = force * displacement.Normalize();

			Vector3 velocity = (force / target->data.mass, 0, 0);
			target->position += (velocity * deltaTime);
		//Apply the bodies linear velocity
		source->position += (source->linearVelocity * deltaTime);
Exemple #18
    void Door::OnUpdate()
        // TODO: move this
        static const float MoveSpeed = 50.0f;

        auto gameObject = _gameObject.lock();
        if (gameObject)
            Vector3 toTarget = _targetPosition - gameObject->GetTransform().GetPosition();
            if (toTarget.LengthSquared() > Math::Epsilon)
                float dist = toTarget.Length();
                Vector3 dir = Vector3::Normalize(toTarget);

                float movementDist = MoveSpeed * gameObject->GetGameWorld()->GetTime().deltaTime;
                if (movementDist > dist)
                    movementDist = dist;

                gameObject->GetTransform().SetPosition(gameObject->GetTransform().GetPosition() + dir * movementDist);

        // Always try to close the door, unless overridden by OnActivate()
        _targetPosition = _closedPosition;
Exemple #19
void OrbitCamera::Move(int dx, int dy)
	using namespace math;

	Matrix44 view = GetViewMatrix();

	Vector3 e = GetEyePos();
	Vector3 t = GetFocusPos();
	Vector3 v = e - t;
	Real l = v.Length();

	Real offset_x = dx /120.0f * l * 0.2f;
	Real offset_z = dy /120.0f * l * 0.2f;

	Vector3 axis_x = GetAxisX();
	Vector3 axis_z = GetAxisZ();
	Vector3 axis_y = GetAxisY();
	axis_z.y = 0;

	axis_x = -axis_x * offset_x * 0.5f;
	axis_z = axis_z * offset_z * 0.5;

	t += axis_x + axis_z;
	e += axis_x + axis_z;;

	LookAtLH(e, t, axis_y);
Exemple #20
bool CreateTool::ValidPosition( const AlignedBox& bounds, const Vector3& translation, float minDistance )
	Editor::HierarchyNode* node = Reflect::SafeCast<Editor::HierarchyNode>( m_Instance );

	FrustumPickVisitor frustumPick( m_Scene->GetViewport()->GetCamera(), Frustum( bounds ) );
	m_Scene->Pick( &frustumPick );

	V_PickHitSmartPtr::const_iterator resultsItr = frustumPick.GetHits().begin();
	V_PickHitSmartPtr::const_iterator resultsEnd = frustumPick.GetHits().end();
	for ( ; resultsItr != resultsEnd; ++resultsItr )
		Editor::HierarchyNode* currentNode = Reflect::SafeCast<Editor::HierarchyNode>( (*resultsItr)->GetHitObject() );
		if ( !currentNode->IsTransient() && ( s_PaintPreventAnyOverlap || node->IsSimilar( currentNode ) ) )
			const Editor::Transform* transform = currentNode->GetTransform();
			if ( !transform )
				return false;

			Vector3 position( transform->GetGlobalTransform().t.x, transform->GetGlobalTransform().t.y, transform->GetGlobalTransform().t.z );
			Vector3 differenceVector = translation - position;
			if ( differenceVector.Length() < minDistance )
				return false;

	return true;
Exemple #21
void OrbitCamera::Zoom(int d)
	using namespace math;

	Vector3 e = GetEyePos();
	Vector3 t = GetFocusPos();
	Vector3 up = GetAxisY();

	Vector3 v = e - t;
	Real l = v.Length();

	Real offset = d /120.0f * l * 0.2f;

	l -= offset;

	l = l <= 1.0f ? 1.0f : l;


	v *= l;

	e = t + v;

	LookAtLH(e, t, up);

Exemple #22
bool LinePickVisitor::AddHitSegment(const Vector3& p1,const Vector3& p2, float32_t mu, Vector3& offset)
	// allocate a hit
	PickHit* hit = AddHit ();

	// the closest segment vertex
	Vector3 vertex (mu < 0.5f ? p1 : p2);

	// the actual intersection point
	Vector3 intersection (p1 + (p2 - p1) * mu);

	// transform values into world space

	// set vertex in world space
	if (!HasFlags(PickFlags::IgnoreVertex))
		hit->SetVertex(vertex, (vertex - intersection).Length());

	// set intersection in world space
	if (!HasFlags(PickFlags::IgnoreIntersection))
		hit->SetIntersection(intersection, offset.Length());

	return true;
Exemple #23
void Sphere::Merge(const Sphere& sphere)
    if (radius_ < 0.0f)
        center_ = sphere.center_;
        radius_ = sphere.radius_;

    Vector3 offset = sphere.center_ - center_;
    float dist = offset.Length();

    // If sphere fits inside, do nothing
    if (dist + sphere.radius_ < radius_)

    // If we fit inside the other sphere, become it
    if (dist + radius_ < sphere.radius_)
        center_ = sphere.center_;
        radius_ = sphere.radius_;
        Vector3 NormalizedOffset = offset / dist;

        Vector3 min = center_ - radius_ * NormalizedOffset;
        Vector3 max = sphere.center_ + sphere.radius_ * NormalizedOffset;
        center_ = (min + max) * 0.5f;
        radius_ = (max - center_).Length();
Exemple #24
void Line::ProjectPointOnSegment( const Vector3& point, Vector3& projectedPoint ) const
    Vector3 diff = point - m_Origin;
    Vector3 direction = m_Point - m_Origin;
    float32_t extent = direction.Length();

    float32_t segmentParam = direction.Dot(diff);

    if ( -extent < segmentParam )
        if ( segmentParam < extent )
            projectedPoint = m_Origin + direction * segmentParam;
            projectedPoint = m_Origin + direction * extent;
        projectedPoint = m_Origin - direction * extent;
Real NaturalSpline3<Real>::GetSpeedKey (int key, Real t) const
    Vector3<Real> velocity = mB[key] + t*(((Real)2)*mC[key] +

    return velocity.Length();
Exemple #26
void Explosion::UpdateExplosion(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
    float timeStep = eventData[Update::P_TIMESTEP].GetFloat();

    rigidBody_->SetMass(Max(initialMass_*((0.1f - age_)/0.1f),0.01f));
    light_->SetBrightness(Max(initialBrightness_*(0.32f - age_)/0.32f,0.0f));

    if (rootNode_->IsEnabled() && masterControl_->world.scene->IsUpdateEnabled()) {
        PODVector<RigidBody* > hitResults;
        float radius = 2.0f * initialMass_ + age_ * 7.0f;
        if (masterControl_->PhysicsSphereCast(hitResults,rootNode_->GetPosition(), radius, M_MAX_UNSIGNED)) {
            for (int i = 0; i < hitResults.Size(); i++) {
                Vector3 hitNodeWorldPos = hitResults[i]->GetNode()->GetWorldPosition();
                if (!hitResults[i]->IsTrigger() && hitResults[i]->GetPosition().y_ > -0.1f) {
                    //positionDelta is used for force calculation
                    Vector3 positionDelta = hitNodeWorldPos - rootNode_->GetWorldPosition();
                    float distance = positionDelta.Length();
                    Vector3 force = positionDelta.Normalized() * Max(radius-distance, 0.0f)
                                    * timeStep * 2342.0f * rigidBody_->GetMass();
                    //Deal damage
                    unsigned hitID = hitResults[i]->GetNode()->GetID();
                    float damage = rigidBody_->GetMass()*timeStep;
                    if(masterControl_->spawnMaster_->spires_.Keys().Contains(hitID)) {
                        masterControl_->spawnMaster_->spires_[hitID]->Hit(damage, 1);
                    else if(masterControl_->spawnMaster_->razors_.Keys().Contains(hitID)) {
                        masterControl_->spawnMaster_->razors_[hitID]->Hit(damage, 1);
Exemple #27
//! Move by polyline and get position on polyline based on distance
void Polygon3::InterpolatePositionFromDistanceReverse(float32 distance, int startSegment, Vector3 & resultPosition, int & resultSegmentIndex) const
    float32 currentDistance = distance;

    int currentSegment = 0;
    float currentSegmentLenght = 0.0f;
    for (currentSegment = startSegment; currentSegment >= 1; --currentSegment)
        Vector3 v = points[currentSegment] - points[currentSegment - 1];
        currentSegmentLenght = v.Length();
        if (currentDistance - currentSegmentLenght < 0.0f)
            break; // we've found right segment
        currentDistance -= currentSegmentLenght;

    resultSegmentIndex = -1;
    if (currentSegment == 0)
    float t = currentDistance / currentSegmentLenght;
    if ((t >= 0.0f) && (t <= 1.0f))
        resultPosition.Lerp(points[currentSegment], points[currentSegment - 1], t);
        resultSegmentIndex = currentSegment;
Exemple #28
	cMatrix44	cCurveWithTime::GetTransformWithOffsetPos(Vector3 e_vOffsetPos,float e_fLength)
		Vector3	l_vTarget = m_vCurrentPosition+(this->m_vCurrentDirection*e_fLength);
		Vector3	l_vOffsetPos = e_vOffsetPos+m_vCurrentPosition-(e_vOffsetPos.Length()*m_vCurrentDirection);
		return cMatrix44::LookAtMatrix(l_vOffsetPos,l_vTarget,Vector3::ZAxis);
		//return cMatrix44::TranslationMatrix(l_vOffsetPos)*cMatrix44::ZAxisRotationMatrix(m_fCurrentPosToNextPointAngle);
bool CollisionDetector::CylinderSphereCollision(PhysicsNode& p0, PhysicsNode& p1, CollisionData* data) {
	CollisionCylinder& cylinder = *(CollisionCylinder*)p0.GetCollisionVolume();
	CollisionSphere& sphere = *(CollisionSphere*)p1.GetCollisionVolume();

	Vector3 cylCenterVector = cylinder.GetEnd() - cylinder.GetStart();

	Vector3 pos1 = p1.GetPosition() - cylinder.GetStart();

	float distanceFactorFromEP1 = Vector3::Dot(p1.GetPosition() - cylinder.GetStart(), cylCenterVector) / Vector3::Dot(cylCenterVector, cylCenterVector);
	if(distanceFactorFromEP1 < 0) distanceFactorFromEP1 = 0;// clamp to endpoints if neccesary
	if(distanceFactorFromEP1 > 1) distanceFactorFromEP1 = 1;
	Vector3 closestPoint = cylinder.GetStart() + (cylCenterVector * distanceFactorFromEP1);

	Vector3 collisionVector = p1.GetPosition() - closestPoint;
	float distance = collisionVector.Length();
	Vector3 collisionNormal = collisionVector / distance;

	if(distance < sphere.GetRadius() + cylinder.GetRadius())
	  //collision occurred. use collisionNormal to reflect sphere off cyl

		float factor = Vector3::Dot(p1.GetLinearVelocity(), collisionNormal);

		p1.SetLinearVelocity(p1.GetLinearVelocity() - (collisionNormal * factor * 0.8f));

		const float distSq = LengthSq(collisionNormal);

		//get the max distance before collision
		const float sumRadius = sphere.GetRadius() + cylinder.GetRadius();

		p1.SetPosition(p1.GetPosition() + Vector3(collisionNormal * (sumRadius - sqrtf(distSq))));
		return true;
	return false;
Exemple #30
void rms::ComputeAlignZAxisMatrix( const Vector3<Real> & vAlignWith,
								  Matrix3<Real> & matrix, bool bInvert )
	// compute cosine of angle between vectors
	Real axisDot = vAlignWith.Dot( Vector3<Real>::UNIT_Z );

	// compute rotation axis
	Vector3<Real> axisCross( Vector3<Real>::UNIT_Z.Cross( vAlignWith ) );

	Real fInverter = (bInvert) ? (Real)-1 : (Real)1;

	// apply rotation if necessary
	if (axisCross.SquaredLength() > Wml::Math<Real>::EPSILON) {

		// compute normalized axis and angle, then create rotation around axis
		Real fAngle = Math<Real>::ACos( axisDot / vAlignWith.Length() );
		matrix.FromAxisAngle( axisCross, fAngle * fInverter );

	} else if (axisDot < (Real)0) {
		matrix.FromAxisAngle( Vector3<Real>::UNIT_X, (Real)180 * Math<Real>::DEG_TO_RAD * fInverter );
	} else {
		matrix = Matrix3<Real>::IDENTITY;