bool VectorTester<Scalar>::check(
  const VectorBase<Scalar>       &v
  ,Teuchos::FancyOStream         *out_arg
  ) const

  using std::endl;
  using Teuchos::describe;
  using Teuchos::FancyOStream;
  using Teuchos::OSTab;
  typedef Teuchos::ScalarTraits<Scalar> ST;
  //typedef typename ST::magnitudeType    ScalarMag;

  Teuchos::RCP<FancyOStream> out = Teuchos::rcp(out_arg,false);
  const Teuchos::EVerbosityLevel verbLevel = (dump_all()?Teuchos::VERB_EXTREME:Teuchos::VERB_MEDIUM);

  OSTab tab(out,1,"THYRA");

  bool result, success = true;

  if(out.get()) *out <<endl<< "*** Entering Thyra::VectorTester<"<<ST::name()<<">::check(v,...) ...\n";

  if(out.get()) *out <<endl<< "Testing a VectorBase object described as:\n" << describe(v,verbLevel);

  if(out.get()) *out <<endl<< "A) Creating temporary vector t1, t2, t3, and t4 from ...\n";
  Teuchos::RCP<const Thyra::VectorSpaceBase<Scalar> >
    vs =;
  Teuchos::RCP<Thyra::VectorBase<Scalar> >
    t1 = createMember(vs), t2 = createMember(vs), t3 = createMember(vs), t4 = createMember(vs);

  if(out.get()) *out <<endl<< "B) Testing VectorBase::applyOp(...) by calling a few standard RTOp operations ... ";

  const Scalar
    one   = ST::one(),
    two   = Scalar(2)*one,
    three = Scalar(3)*one;

    using Teuchos::inoutArg;

    TestResultsPrinter testResultsPrinter(out, show_all_tests());
    const RCP<FancyOStream> testOut = testResultsPrinter.getTestOStream();

    bool these_results = true;
    *testOut <<endl<< "assign(t1.ptr(),2.0) ...\n";
    Thyra::assign( t1.ptr(), two );
    if(dump_all()) *testOut <<endl<< "\nt1 =\n" << describe(*t1,verbLevel);
    result = Teuchos::testRelErr<Scalar>(
      "sum(t1)", sum(*t1), "2*vs->dim()", two*Scalar(vs->dim()),
      "error_tol()", error_tol(), "warning_tol()", warning_tol(),
    if(!result) these_results = false;
    *testOut <<endl<< "assign(t2.ptr(),3.0) ...\n";
    Thyra::assign( t2.ptr(), three );
    if(dump_all()) *testOut <<endl<< "t2 =\n" << *t1;
    result = Teuchos::testRelErr<Scalar>(
    if(!result) these_results = false;
    result = Teuchos::testRelErr<Scalar>(
    if(!result) these_results = false;

    testResultsPrinter.printTestResults(these_results, inoutArg(success));

  // ToDo: Test the rest of the specific VectorBase interface on v1

  if(out.get()) *out <<endl<< "C) Checking the MultiVectorBase interface of v ...\n";
  result = multiVectorTester_.check(v, out.ptr());
  if(!result) success = false;

  if(out.get()) *out <<endl<< "*** Leaving Thyra::VectorTester<"<<ST::name()<<">::check(v,...) ...\n";
  return success;
