       * Compute the search direction based on the current (inverse) Hessian
       * approximation and given gradient.
       * @param[out] pk The negative product of the inverse Hessian and gradient
       * direction gk.
       * @param[in] gk Gradient direction.
      inline void search_direction(VectorT &pk, const VectorT &gk) const {
        std::vector<Scalar> alphas(_buf.size());
          boost::circular_buffer<UpdateT>::const_reverse_iterator buf_rit;
        typename boost::circular_buffer<UpdateT>::const_iterator buf_it;
        typename std::vector<Scalar>::const_iterator alpha_it;
        typename std::vector<Scalar>::reverse_iterator alpha_rit;

        pk.noalias() = -gk;
        for (buf_rit = _buf.rbegin(), alpha_rit = alphas.rbegin();
             buf_rit != _buf.rend();
             buf_rit++, alpha_rit++) {
          Scalar alpha;
          const Scalar &rhoi(boost::get<0>(*buf_rit));
          const VectorT &yi(boost::get<1>(*buf_rit));
          const VectorT &si(boost::get<2>(*buf_rit));

          alpha = rhoi * si.dot(pk);
          pk -= alpha * yi;
          *alpha_rit = alpha;
        pk *= _gammak;
        for (buf_it = _buf.begin(), alpha_it = alphas.begin();
             buf_it != _buf.end();
             buf_it++, alpha_it++) {
          Scalar beta;
          const Scalar &rhoi(boost::get<0>(*buf_it));
          const VectorT &yi(boost::get<1>(*buf_it));
          const VectorT &si(boost::get<2>(*buf_it));

          beta = rhoi*yi.dot(pk);
          pk += (*alpha_it - beta)*si;