GTEST_TEST(TestConvexHull, testRandomConvexCombinations) { // Generate a set of points, then find a random convex combination of those // points, and verify that it's correctly reported as being inside the // convex hull for (int i = 2; i < 50; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 500; ++j) { MatrixXd pts = MatrixXd::Random(2, i); VectorXd weights = VectorXd::Random(i); if (weights.minCoeff() < 0) { weights = weights.array() - weights.minCoeff(); // make sure they're all nonnegative } weights = weights.array() / weights.sum(); Vector2d q = pts * weights; EXPECT_TRUE(inConvexHull(pts, q, 1e-8)); } } }
Matrix<bool, Dynamic, 1> getActiveSupportMask( const RigidBodyTree &r, VectorXd q, VectorXd qd, std::vector<SupportStateElement, Eigen::aligned_allocator<SupportStateElement>> & available_supports, const Ref<const Matrix<bool, Dynamic, 1>> &contact_force_detected, double contact_threshold) { KinematicsCache<double> cache = r.doKinematics(q, qd); size_t nsupp = available_supports.size(); Matrix<bool, Dynamic, 1> active_supp_mask = Matrix<bool, Dynamic, 1>::Zero(nsupp); VectorXd phi; SupportStateElement se; bool needs_kin_check; bool kin_contact; bool force_contact; for (size_t i = 0; i < nsupp; i++) { // mexPrintf("evaluating support: %d\n", i); se = available_supports[i]; force_contact = (contact_force_detected(se.body_idx) != 0); // Determine if the body needs to be checked for kinematic contact. We only // need to check for kin contact if the logic map indicates that the // presence or absence of such contact would affect the decision about // whether to use that body as a support. needs_kin_check = (((se.support_logic_map[1] != se.support_logic_map[0]) && (contact_force_detected(se.body_idx) == 0)) || ((se.support_logic_map[3] != se.support_logic_map[2]) && (contact_force_detected(se.body_idx) == 1))); if (needs_kin_check) { if (contact_threshold == -1) { kin_contact = true; } else { contactPhi(r, cache, se, phi); kin_contact = (phi.minCoeff() <= contact_threshold); } } else { kin_contact = false; // we've determined already that kin contact doesn't // matter for this support element } active_supp_mask(i) = isSupportElementActive(&se, force_contact, kin_contact); // mexPrintf("needs check: %d force contact: %d kin_contact: %d is_active: // %d\n", needs_kin_check, force_contact, kin_contact, active_supp_mask(i)); } return active_supp_mask; }
void UpdaterMean::costsToWeights(const VectorXd& costs, string weighting_method, double eliteness, VectorXd& weights) const { weights.resize(costs.size()); if ("PI-BB")==0) { // PI^2 style weighting: continuous, cost exponention double h = eliteness; // In PI^2, eliteness parameter is known as "h" double range = costs.maxCoeff()-costs.minCoeff(); if (range==0) weights.fill(1); else weights = (-h*(costs.array()-costs.minCoeff())/range).exp(); } else if ("CMA-ES")==0 ||"CEM")==0 ) { // CMA-ES and CEM are rank-based, so we must first sort the costs, and the assign a weight to // each rank. VectorXd costs_sorted = costs; std::sort(,; // In Python this is more elegant because we have argsort. // indices = np.argsort(costs) // It is possible to do this with fancy lambda functions or std::pair in C++ too, but I don't // mind writing two for loops instead ;-) weights.fill(0.0); int mu = eliteness; // In CMA-ES, eliteness parameter is known as "mu" assert(mu<costs.size()); for (int ii=0; ii<mu; ii++) { double cur_cost = costs_sorted[ii]; for (int jj=0; jj<costs.size(); jj++) { if (costs[jj] == cur_cost) { if ("CEM")==0) weights[jj] = 1.0/mu; // CEM else weights[jj] = log(mu+0.5) - log(ii+1); // CMA-ES break; } } } // For debugging //MatrixXd print_mat(3,costs.size()); //print_mat.row(0) = costs_sorted; //print_mat.row(1) = costs; //print_mat.row(2) = weights; //cout << print_mat << endl; } else { cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ":WARNING: Unknown weighting method '" << weighting_method << "'. Calling with PI-BB weighting." << endl; costsToWeights(costs, "PI-BB", eliteness, weights); return; } // Relative standard deviation of total costs double mean = weights.mean(); double std = sqrt((weights.array()-mean).pow(2).mean()); double rel_std = std/mean; if (rel_std<1e-10) { // Special case: all costs are the same // Set same weights for all. weights.fill(1); } // Normalize weights weights = weights/weights.sum(); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { //Misc. initialization StartTime = (unsigned)time(0); //Time the program starts cout.precision(12); cout << fixed; //End of section //Initialize local variables fstream vcidata,spectfile; //File streams for the input and output files MatrixXd VCIHam; //Full Hamiltonian matrix MatrixXd CIVec; //CI eigenvectors (wavefunction) VectorXd CIFreq; //CI eigenvalues (frequencies double Ezpe = 0; //CI zero-point energy double RunTime; //Run time for the calculations string TimeUnits; //Seconds, minutes, or hours for RunTime //End of section //Print title and compile date PrintFancyTitle(); cout << "Last modification: "; cout << __TIME__ << " on "; cout << __DATE__ << '\n'; cout << '\n'; cout.flush(); //End of section //Gather input and check for errors cout << "Reading input..." << '\n'; ReadCIArgs(argc,argv,vcidata,spectfile); //Read arguments ReadCIInput(VCIHam,vcidata); //Read input files //End of section //Adjust force constants ScaleFC(); //End of section //Calculate spectrum cout << "Constructing the CI Hamiltonian..."; cout << '\n'; cout << " Zeroth-order Hamiltionian"; cout.flush(); //Print progress ZerothHam(VCIHam); //Harmonic terms cout << "; Done." << '\n'; cout << " Adding anharmonic potential"; cout.flush(); //Print progress AnharmHam(VCIHam); //Anharmonic terms cout << "; Done." << '\n'; cout << '\n'; cout << "Diagonalizing the Hamiltonian..."; cout << '\n' << '\n'; cout.flush(); //Print progress VCIDiagonalize(VCIHam,CIVec,CIFreq); //Diagonalization wrapper //End of section //Free memory VCIHam = MatrixXd(1,1); //End of section //Calculate and remove ZPE VectorXd UnitVec(BasisSet.size()); //Create a unit vector UnitVec.setOnes(); //Subtracting a constant requires a vector Ezpe = CIFreq.minCoeff(); //Find ZPE if (Ezpe < 0) { //Print error cout << "Error: The zero-point energy is negative."; cout << " Something is wrong."; cout << '\n'; cout << "Try reducing the number of quanta or removing"; cout << " large anharmonic"; cout << '\n'; cout << "force constants."; cout << '\n' << '\n'; cout.flush(); //Quit exit(0); } CIFreq -= (Ezpe*UnitVec); //Remove ZPE from all frequencies //End of section //Free memory UnitVec = VectorXd(1); //End of section //Print results cout << "Printing the spectrum..."; cout << '\n' << '\n'; cout << "Results:" << '\n'; cout << " Zero-point energy: "; cout.precision(2); //Truncate energy cout << Ezpe << " (1/cm)"; //Print energy cout.precision(12); //Replace settings cout << '\n'; cout.flush(); //Print progress PrintSpectrum(CIFreq,CIVec,spectfile); //Convert the frequencies to a spectrum EndTime = (unsigned)time(0); //Time the calculation stops RunTime = (double)(EndTime-StartTime); //Total run time if (RunTime >= 3600) { //Switch to hours RunTime /= 3600; TimeUnits = "hours"; } else if (RunTime >= 60) { //Switch to minutes RunTime /= 60; TimeUnits = "minutes"; } else { //Stick with seconds TimeUnits = "seconds"; } cout.precision(2); //Truncate time cout << " Run time: " << RunTime; cout.precision(12); //Replace settings cout << " " << TimeUnits; cout << '\n' << '\n'; cout << "Done."; cout << '\n' << '\n'; cout.flush(); //Print progress //End of section //Empty memory and delete junk files vcidata.close(); spectfile.close(); //End of section //Quit return 0; };
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) { // This is useful for debugging whether Matlab is caching the mex binary //mexPrintf("%s %s\n",__TIME__,__DATE__); igl::matlab::MexStream mout; std::streambuf *outbuf = std::cout.rdbuf(&mout); using namespace std; using namespace Eigen; using namespace igl; using namespace igl::matlab; using namespace igl::copyleft::cgal; MatrixXd V; MatrixXi F; igl::copyleft::cgal::RemeshSelfIntersectionsParam params; string prefix; bool use_obj_format = false; if(nrhs < 2) { mexErrMsgTxt("nrhs < 2"); } parse_rhs_double(prhs,V); parse_rhs_index(prhs+1,F); mexErrMsgTxt(V.cols()==3,"V must be #V by 3"); mexErrMsgTxt(F.cols()==3,"F must be #F by 3"); if(nrhs>2) { int i = 2; while(i<nrhs) { if(!mxIsChar(prhs[i])) { mexErrMsgTxt("Parameter names should be char strings"); } // Cast to char const char * name = mxArrayToString(prhs[i]); if(strcmp("DetectOnly",name) == 0) { validate_arg_scalar(i,nrhs,prhs,name); validate_arg_logical(i,nrhs,prhs,name); mxLogical * v = (mxLogical *)mxGetData(prhs[++i]); params.detect_only = *v; }else if(strcmp("FirstOnly",name) == 0) { validate_arg_scalar(i,nrhs,prhs,name); validate_arg_logical(i,nrhs,prhs,name); mxLogical * v = (mxLogical *)mxGetData(prhs[++i]); params.first_only = *v; }else if(strcmp("StitchAll",name) == 0) { validate_arg_scalar(i,nrhs,prhs,name); validate_arg_logical(i,nrhs,prhs,name); mxLogical * v = (mxLogical *)mxGetData(prhs[++i]); params.stitch_all = *v; }else { mexErrMsgTxt(C_STR("Unsupported parameter: "<<name)); } i++; } } MatrixXi IF; VectorXi J,IM; if(F.rows()>0) { // Check that there aren't any combinatorially or geometrically degenerate triangles VectorXd A; doublearea(V,F,A); if(A.minCoeff()<=0) { mexErrMsgTxt("Geometrically degenerate face found."); } if( (F.array().col(0) == F.array().col(1)).any() || (F.array().col(1) == F.array().col(2)).any() || (F.array().col(2) == F.array().col(0)).any()) { mexErrMsgTxt("Combinatorially degenerate face found."); } // Now mesh self intersections { MatrixXd tempV; MatrixXi tempF; remesh_self_intersections(V,F,params,tempV,tempF,IF,J,IM); //cout<<BLUEGIN("Found and meshed "<<IF.rows()<<" pair"<<(IF.rows()==1?"":"s") // <<" of self-intersecting triangles.")<<endl; V=tempV; F=tempF; } // Double-check output #ifdef DEBUG // There should be *no* combinatorial duplicates { MatrixXi tempF; unique_simplices(F,tempF); if(tempF.rows() < F.rows()) { cout<<REDRUM("Error: selfintersect created "<< F.rows()-tempF.rows()<<" combinatorially duplicate faces")<<endl; }else { assert(tempF.rows() == F.rows()); cout<<GREENGIN("selfintersect created no duplicate faces")<<endl; } F = tempF; } #endif } // Prepare left-hand side switch(nlhs) { case 5: { // Treat indices as reals plhs[4] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(IM.rows(),IM.cols(), mxREAL); double * IMp = mxGetPr(plhs[4]); VectorXd IMd = (IM.cast<double>().array()+1).matrix(); copy(&[0],&[0]+IMd.size(),IMp); // Fallthrough } case 4: { // Treat indices as reals plhs[3] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(J.rows(),J.cols(), mxREAL); double * Jp = mxGetPr(plhs[3]); VectorXd Jd = (J.cast<double>().array()+1).matrix(); copy(&[0],&[0]+Jd.size(),Jp); // Fallthrough } case 3: { // Treat indices as reals plhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(IF.rows(),IF.cols(), mxREAL); double * IFp = mxGetPr(plhs[2]); MatrixXd IFd = (IF.cast<double>().array()+1).matrix(); copy(&[0],&[0]+IFd.size(),IFp); // Fallthrough } case 2: { // Treat indices as reals plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(F.rows(),F.cols(), mxREAL); double * Fp = mxGetPr(plhs[1]); MatrixXd Fd = (F.cast<double>().array()+1).matrix(); copy(&[0],&[0]+Fd.size(),Fp); // Fallthrough } case 1: { plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(V.rows(),V.cols(), mxREAL); double * Vp = mxGetPr(plhs[0]); copy(&[0],&[0]+V.size(),Vp); break; } default:break; } // Restore the std stream buffer Important! std::cout.rdbuf(outbuf); }
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) { if (nrhs<1) mexErrMsgTxt("usage: ptr = supportDetectmex(0,robot_obj,...); alpha=supportDetectmex(ptr,...,...)"); if (nlhs<1) mexErrMsgTxt("take at least one output... please."); struct SupportDetectData* pdata; // mxArray* pm; double* pr; int i,j; if (mxGetScalar(prhs[0])==0) { // then construct the data object and return pdata = new struct SupportDetectData; // get robot mex model ptr if (!mxIsNumeric(prhs[1]) || mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[1])!=1) mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("DRC:supportDetectmex:BadInputs","the second argument should be the robot mex ptr"); memcpy(&(pdata->r),mxGetData(prhs[1]),sizeof(pdata->r)); // get the map ptr back from matlab if (!mxIsNumeric(prhs[2]) || mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[2])!=1) mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("DRC:supportDetectmex:BadInputs","the third argument should be the map ptr"); memcpy(&(pdata->map_ptr),mxGetPr(prhs[2]),sizeof(pdata->map_ptr)); if (!pdata->map_ptr) mexWarnMsgTxt("Map ptr is NULL. Assuming flat terrain at z=0"); mxClassID cid; if (sizeof(pdata)==4) cid = mxUINT32_CLASS; else if (sizeof(pdata)==8) cid = mxUINT64_CLASS; else mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("Drake:supportDetectmex:PointerSize","Are you on a 32-bit machine or 64-bit machine??"); plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericMatrix(1,1,cid,mxREAL); memcpy(mxGetData(plhs[0]),&pdata,sizeof(pdata)); return; } // first get the ptr back from matlab if (!mxIsNumeric(prhs[0]) || mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[0])!=1) mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("DRC:supportDetectmex:BadInputs","the first argument should be the ptr"); memcpy(&pdata,mxGetData(prhs[0]),sizeof(pdata)); int nq = pdata->r->num_positions; int nv = pdata->r->num_velocities; int narg=1; double *q = mxGetPr(prhs[narg++]); double *qd = &q[nq]; Map<VectorXd> qvec(q,nq); Map<VectorXd> qdvec(qd, nv); int desired_support_argid = narg++; double* double_contact_sensor = mxGetPr(prhs[narg]); int len = static_cast<int>(mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[narg++])); VectorXi contact_sensor(len); for (i=0; i<len; i++) contact_sensor(i)=(int)double_contact_sensor[i]; double contact_threshold = mxGetScalar(prhs[narg++]); double terrain_height = mxGetScalar(prhs[narg++]); // nonzero if we're using DRCFlatTerrainMap int contact_logic_AND = (int) mxGetScalar(prhs[narg++]); // true if we should AND plan and sensor, false if we should OR them KinematicsCache<double> cache = pdata->r->doKinematics(qvec, qdvec); // FIXME: pass this into the function. //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Compute active support from desired supports ----------------------- vector<SupportStateElement,Eigen::aligned_allocator<SupportStateElement>> active_supports; set<int> contact_bodies; // redundant, clean up later int num_active_contact_pts=0; if (!mxIsEmpty(prhs[desired_support_argid])) { VectorXd phi; mxArray* mxBodies; mxBodies = mxGetProperty(prhs[desired_support_argid],0,"bodies"); if (!mxBodies) mxBodies = mxGetField(prhs[desired_support_argid],0,"bodies"); if (!mxBodies) mexErrMsgTxt("couldn't get bodies"); double* pBodies = mxGetPr(mxBodies); mxArray* mxContactPts; // We may have gotten a RigidBodySupportState object (in which case we need mxGetProperty... mxContactPts = mxGetProperty(prhs[desired_support_argid],0,"contact_pts"); // ...or a struct array, in which case we need mxGetField if (!mxContactPts) mxContactPts = mxGetField(prhs[desired_support_argid],0,"contact_pts"); if (!mxContactPts) mexErrMsgTxt("couldn't get contact points"); for (i=0; i<mxGetNumberOfElements(mxBodies);i++) { mxArray* mxBodyContactPts = mxGetCell(mxContactPts,i); assert(mxGetM(mxBodyContactPts) == 3); int nc = static_cast<int>(mxGetN(mxBodyContactPts)); if (nc<1) continue; Map<MatrixXd> all_body_contact_pts(mxGetPr(mxBodyContactPts), mxGetM(mxBodyContactPts), mxGetN(mxBodyContactPts)); SupportStateElement se; se.body_idx = (int) pBodies[i]-1; for (j=0; j<nc; j++) { se.contact_pts.push_back(all_body_contact_pts.col(j)); } if (contact_threshold == -1) { // ignore terrain if (contact_sensor(i)!=0) { // no sensor info, or sensor says yes contact active_supports.push_back(se); num_active_contact_pts += nc; contact_bodies.insert((int)se.body_idx); } } else { contactPhi(pdata->r, cache, se, pdata->map_ptr, phi, terrain_height); bool in_contact = true; if (contact_logic_AND) { // plan is true, now check contact sensor/kinematics in_contact = (phi.minCoeff()<=contact_threshold || contact_sensor(i)==1); // any contact below threshold (kinematically) OR contact sensor says yes contact } // else: (plan) OR (sensor), so in_contact = true if (in_contact) { active_supports.push_back(se); num_active_contact_pts += nc; contact_bodies.insert((int)se.body_idx); } } } } if (nlhs>0) { plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,static_cast<int>(active_supports.size()),mxREAL); pr = mxGetPr(plhs[0]); int i=0; for (vector<SupportStateElement,Eigen::aligned_allocator<SupportStateElement>>::iterator iter = active_supports.begin(); iter!=active_supports.end(); iter++) { pr[i++] = (double) (iter->body_idx + 1); } } }
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) { // This is useful for debugging whether Matlab is caching the mex binary //mexPrintf("%s %s\n",__TIME__,__DATE__); igl::matlab::MexStream mout; std::streambuf *outbuf = std::cout.rdbuf(&mout); #else int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { #endif using namespace std; using namespace Eigen; using namespace igl; using namespace igl::matlab; using namespace igl::cgal; MatrixXd V; MatrixXi F; igl::cgal::RemeshSelfIntersectionsParam params; string prefix; bool use_obj_format = false; #ifdef MEX if(nrhs < 2) { mexErrMsgTxt("nrhs < 2"); } parse_rhs_double(prhs,V); parse_rhs_index(prhs+1,F); mexErrMsgTxt(V.cols()==3,"V must be #V by 3"); mexErrMsgTxt(F.cols()==3,"F must be #F by 3"); if(nrhs>2) { int i = 2; while(i<nrhs) { if(!mxIsChar(prhs[i])) { mexErrMsgTxt("Parameter names should be char strings"); } // Cast to char const char * name = mxArrayToString(prhs[i]); if(strcmp("DetectOnly",name) == 0) { validate_arg_scalar(i,nrhs,prhs,name); validate_arg_logical(i,nrhs,prhs,name); mxLogical * v = (mxLogical *)mxGetData(prhs[++i]); params.detect_only = *v; }else if(strcmp("FirstOnly",name) == 0) { validate_arg_scalar(i,nrhs,prhs,name); validate_arg_logical(i,nrhs,prhs,name); mxLogical * v = (mxLogical *)mxGetData(prhs[++i]); params.first_only = *v; }else { mexErrMsgTxt(C_STR("Unsupported parameter: "<<name)); } i++; } } #else if(argc <= 1) { cerr<<"Usage:"<<endl<<" selfintersect [path to .off/.obj mesh] " "[0 or 1 for detect only]"<<endl; return 1; } // Apparently CGAL doesn't have a good data structure triangle soup. Their // own examples use (V,F): // // // Load mesh string filename(argv[1]); if(!read_triangle_mesh(filename,V,F)) { //cout<<REDRUM("Reading "<<filename<<" failed.")<<endl; return false; } cout<<GREENGIN("Read "<<filename<<" successfully.")<<endl; { // dirname, basename, extension and filename string dirname,b,ext; pathinfo(filename,dirname,b,ext,prefix); prefix = dirname + "/" + prefix; transform(ext.begin(), ext.end(), ext.begin(), ::tolower); use_obj_format = ext == "obj"; } if(argc>2) { // char *p; long d = strtol(argv[2], &p, 10); if (errno != 0 || *p != '\0') { cerr<<"detect only param should be 0 or 1"<<endl; }else { params.detect_only = d!=0; } } #endif MatrixXi IF; VectorXi J,IM; if(F.rows()>0) { // Check that there aren't any combinatorially or geometrically degenerate triangles VectorXd A; doublearea(V,F,A); if(A.minCoeff()<=0) { #ifdef MEX mexErrMsgTxt("Geometrically degenerate face found."); #else cerr<<"Geometrically degenerate face found."<<endl; return 1; #endif } VectorXi F12,F23,F31; F12 = F.col(0)-F.col(1); F23 = F.col(1)-F.col(2); F31 = F.col(2)-F.col(0); if( F12.minCoeff() == 0 || F23.minCoeff() == 0 || F31.minCoeff() == 0) { #ifdef MEX mexErrMsgTxt("Combinatorially degenerate face found."); #else cerr<<"Geometrically degenerate face found."<<endl; return 1; #endif } // Now mesh self intersections { MatrixXd tempV; MatrixXi tempF; remesh_self_intersections(V,F,params,tempV,tempF,IF,J,IM); //cout<<BLUEGIN("Found and meshed "<<IF.rows()<<" pair"<<(IF.rows()==1?"":"s") // <<" of self-intersecting triangles.")<<endl; V=tempV; F=tempF; #ifndef MEX cout<<"writing pair list to "<<(prefix+"-IF.dmat")<<endl; writeDMAT((prefix+"-IF.dmat").c_str(),IF); cout<<"writing map to F list to "<<(prefix+"-J.dmat")<<endl; writeDMAT((prefix+"-J.dmat").c_str(),J); cout<<"writing duplicat index map to "<<(prefix+"-IM.dmat")<<endl; writeDMAT((prefix+"-IM.dmat").c_str(),IM); if(!params.detect_only) { if(use_obj_format) { cout<<"writing mesh to "<<(prefix+"-selfintersect.obj")<<endl; writeOBJ(prefix+"-selfintersect.obj",V,F); }else { cout<<"writing mesh to "<<(prefix+"")<<endl; writeOFF(prefix+"",V,F); } } #endif } // Double-check output #ifdef DEBUG // There should be *no* combinatorial duplicates { MatrixXi tempF; unique_simplices(F,tempF); if(tempF.rows() < F.rows()) { cout<<REDRUM("Error: selfintersect created "<< F.rows()-tempF.rows()<<" combinatorially duplicate faces")<<endl; }else { assert(tempF.rows() == F.rows()); cout<<GREENGIN("selfintersect created no duplicate faces")<<endl; } F = tempF; } #endif } #ifdef MEX // Prepare left-hand side switch(nlhs) { case 5: { // Treat indices as reals plhs[4] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(IM.rows(),IM.cols(), mxREAL); double * IMp = mxGetPr(plhs[4]); VectorXd IMd = (IM.cast<double>().array()+1).matrix(); copy(&[0],&[0]+IMd.size(),IMp); // Fallthrough } case 4: { // Treat indices as reals plhs[3] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(J.rows(),J.cols(), mxREAL); double * Jp = mxGetPr(plhs[3]); VectorXd Jd = (J.cast<double>().array()+1).matrix(); copy(&[0],&[0]+Jd.size(),Jp); // Fallthrough } case 3: { // Treat indices as reals plhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(IF.rows(),IF.cols(), mxREAL); double * IFp = mxGetPr(plhs[2]); MatrixXd IFd = (IF.cast<double>().array()+1).matrix(); copy(&[0],&[0]+IFd.size(),IFp); // Fallthrough } case 2: { // Treat indices as reals plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(F.rows(),F.cols(), mxREAL); double * Fp = mxGetPr(plhs[1]); MatrixXd Fd = (F.cast<double>().array()+1).matrix(); copy(&[0],&[0]+Fd.size(),Fp); // Fallthrough } case 1: { plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(V.rows(),V.cols(), mxREAL); double * Vp = mxGetPr(plhs[0]); copy(&[0],&[0]+V.size(),Vp); break; } default:break; } // Restore the std stream buffer Important! std::cout.rdbuf(outbuf); #else return 0; #endif }
//#define IGL_LINPROG_VERBOSE IGL_INLINE bool igl::linprog( const Eigen::VectorXd & c, const Eigen::MatrixXd & _A, const Eigen::VectorXd & b, const int k, Eigen::VectorXd & x) { // This is a very literal translation of // using namespace Eigen; using namespace std; bool success = true; // number of constraints const int m = _A.rows(); // number of original variables const int n = _A.cols(); // number of iterations int it = 0; // maximum number of iterations //const int MAXIT = 10*m; const int MAXIT = 100*m; // residual tolerance const double tol = 1e-10; const auto & sign = [](const Eigen::VectorXd & B) -> Eigen::VectorXd { Eigen::VectorXd Bsign(B.size()); for(int i = 0;i<B.size();i++) { Bsign(i) = B(i)>0?1:(B(i)<0?-1:0); } return Bsign; }; // initial (inverse) basis matrix VectorXd Dv = sign(sign(b).array()+0.5); Dv.head(k).setConstant(1.); MatrixXd D = Dv.asDiagonal(); // Incorporate slack variables MatrixXd A(_A.rows(),_A.cols()+D.cols()); A<<_A,D; // Initial basis VectorXi B = igl::colon<int>(n,n+m-1); // non-basis, may turn out that vector<> would be better here VectorXi N = igl::colon<int>(0,n-1); int j; double bmin = b.minCoeff(&j); int phase; VectorXd xb; VectorXd s; VectorXi J; if(k>0 && bmin<0) { phase = 1; xb = VectorXd::Ones(m); // super cost s.resize(n+m+1); s<<VectorXd::Zero(n+k),VectorXd::Ones(m-k+1); N.resize(n+1); N<<igl::colon<int>(0,n-1),B(j); J.resize(B.size()-1); // [0 1 2 3 4] // ^ // [0 1] // [3 4] J.head(j) = B.head(j); J.tail(B.size()-j-1) = B.tail(B.size()-j-1); B(j) = n+m; MatrixXd AJ; igl::slice(A,J,2,AJ); const VectorXd a = b - AJ.rowwise().sum(); { MatrixXd old_A = A; A.resize(A.rows(),A.cols()+a.cols()); A<<old_A,a; } D.col(j) = -a/a(j); D(j,j) = 1./a(j); }else if(k==m) { phase = 2; xb = b; s.resize(c.size()+m); // cost function s<<c,VectorXd::Zero(m); }else //k = 0 or bmin >=0 { phase = 1; xb = b.array().abs(); s.resize(n+m); // super cost s<<VectorXd::Zero(n+k),VectorXd::Ones(m-k); } while(phase<3) { double df = -1; int t = std::numeric_limits<int>::max(); // Lagrange mutipliers fro Ax=b VectorXd yb = D.transpose() * igl::slice(s,B); while(true) { if(MAXIT>0 && it>=MAXIT) { #ifdef IGL_LINPROG_VERBOSE cerr<<"linprog: warning! maximum iterations without convergence."<<endl; #endif success = false; break; } // no freedom for minimization if(N.size() == 0) { break; } // reduced costs VectorXd sN = igl::slice(s,N); MatrixXd AN = igl::slice(A,N,2); VectorXd r = sN - AN.transpose() * yb; int q; // determine new basic variable double rmin = r.minCoeff(&q); // optimal! infinity norm if(rmin>=-tol*(sN.array().abs().maxCoeff()+1)) { break; } // increment iteration count it++; // apply Bland's rule to avoid cycling if(df>=0) { if(MAXIT == -1) { #ifdef IGL_LINPROG_VERBOSE cerr<<"linprog: warning! degenerate vertex"<<endl; #endif success = false; } igl::find((r.array()<0).eval(),J); double Nq = igl::slice(N,J).minCoeff(); // again seems like q is assumed to be a scalar though matlab code // could produce a vector for multiple matches (N.array()==Nq).cast<int>().maxCoeff(&q); } VectorXd d = D*A.col(N(q)); VectorXi I; igl::find((d.array()>tol).eval(),I); if(I.size() == 0) { #ifdef IGL_LINPROG_VERBOSE cerr<<"linprog: warning! solution is unbounded"<<endl; #endif // This seems dubious: it=-it; success = false; break; } VectorXd xbd = igl::slice(xb,I).array()/igl::slice(d,I).array(); // new use of r int p; { double r; r = xbd.minCoeff(&p); p = I(p); // apply Bland's rule to avoid cycling if(df>=0) { igl::find((xbd.array()==r).eval(),J); double Bp = igl::slice(B,igl::slice(I,J)).minCoeff(); // idiotic way of finding index in B of Bp // code down the line seems to assume p is a scalar though the matlab // code could find a vector of matches) (B.array()==Bp).cast<int>().maxCoeff(&p); } // update x xb -= r*d; xb(p) = r; // change in f df = r*rmin; } // row vector RowVectorXd v = D.row(p)/d(p); yb += v.transpose() * (s(N(q)) - d.transpose()*igl::slice(s,B)); d(p)-=1; // update inverse basis matrix D = D - d*v; t = B(p); B(p) = N(q); if(t>(n+k-1)) { // remove qth entry from N VectorXi old_N = N; N.resize(N.size()-1); N.head(q) = old_N.head(q); N.head(q) = old_N.head(q); N.tail(old_N.size()-q-1) = old_N.tail(old_N.size()-q-1); }else { N(q) = t; } } // iterative refinement xb = (xb+D*(b-igl::slice(A,B,2)*xb)).eval(); // must be due to rounding VectorXi I; igl::find((xb.array()<0).eval(),I); if(I.size()>0) { // so correct VectorXd Z = VectorXd::Zero(I.size(),1); igl::slice_into(Z,I,xb); } // B, xb,n,m,res=A(:,B)*xb-b if(phase == 2 || it<0) { break; } if(xb.transpose()*igl::slice(s,B) > tol) { it = -it; #ifdef IGL_LINPROG_VERBOSE cerr<<"linprog: warning, no feasible solution"<<endl; #endif success = false; break; } // re-initialize for Phase 2 phase = phase+1; s*=1e6*c.array().abs().maxCoeff(); s.head(n) = c; } x.resize(std::max(B.maxCoeff()+1,n)); igl::slice_into(xb,B,x); x = x.head(n).eval(); return success; }
bool ClassLayouter::computeNormally() { FuzzyDependAttr::Ptr fuzzyAttr = m_parent->getAttr<FuzzyDependAttr>(); if (!fuzzyAttr) return false; Graph G; GraphAttributes GA(G, GraphAttributes::nodeGraphics | GraphAttributes::edgeGraphics | GraphAttributes::nodeLabel | GraphAttributes::nodeTemplate | GraphAttributes::edgeDoubleWeight); SparseMatrix& veMat = fuzzyAttr->vtxEdgeMatrix(); VectorXd edgeWeight = fuzzyAttr->edgeWeightVector(); if (edgeWeight.size() != veMat.cols()) { m_status |= WARNING_USE_DEFAULT_EDGE_WEIGHT; edgeWeight.setOnes(veMat.cols()); } const int nNodes = veMat.rows(); const int nEdges = veMat.cols(); if (nNodes <= 0 || nNodes != m_childList.size() || nEdges < 1) { m_status |= WARNING_NO_EDGE; return false; } bool isUseOrthoLayout = nEdges < 50; vector<node> nodeArray; vector<edge> edgeArray; NodeArray<float> nodeSize(G); EdgeArray<double> edgeLength(G); for (int i = 0; i < nNodes; ++i) { nodeArray.push_back(G.newNode()); float r = m_nodeRadius[i]; GA.width(nodeArray.back()) = r*2; GA.height(nodeArray.back()) = r*2; nodeSize[nodeArray.back()] = r * 2; } float maxEdgeWeight = edgeWeight.maxCoeff(); float minEdgeWeight = edgeWeight.minCoeff(); for (int ithEdge = 0; ithEdge < nEdges; ++ithEdge) { int src, dst; GraphUtility::getVtxFromEdge(veMat, ithEdge, src, dst); edgeArray.push_back(G.newEdge(nodeArray[src], nodeArray[dst])); //GA.doubleWeight(edgeArray.back()) = edgeWeight[ithEdge]; edgeLength[edgeArray.back()] = 1;//log(edgeWeight[ithEdge] + 1); } // add dummy vertices and edges in order to merge parallel edge segments attached to the same node VectorXi compVec; int nComp = 1; const float dummyNodeRadius = 0.01; if(m_isMergeEdgeEnd && isUseOrthoLayout && GraphUtility::findConnectedComponentsVE( veMat, compVec, nComp )) { bool* isCompSet = new bool[nComp]; for (int i = 0; i < nComp; ++i) isCompSet[i] = false; // add a dummy node and edge for each connect component for (int ithVtx = 0; ithVtx < compVec.size(); ++ithVtx) { int ithCmp = compVec[ithVtx]; if (isCompSet[ithCmp] == false) { // add dummy node and set its radius nodeArray.push_back(G.newNode()); GA.width(nodeArray.back()) = dummyNodeRadius; GA.height(nodeArray.back()) = dummyNodeRadius; // add dummy edge edgeArray.push_back(G.newEdge(nodeArray[ithVtx], nodeArray.back())); isCompSet[ithCmp] = true; } } delete[] isCompSet; } MatrixXd pos; pos.resize(nNodes, 2); try { if (isUseOrthoLayout) { PlanarizationLayout layouter; OrthoLayout *ol = new OrthoLayout; float sep = max(m_nodeRadius.sum() / nNodes, LayoutSetting::s_baseRadius * 12); ol->separation(sep); ol->cOverhang(0.1); ol->setOptions(1+4); layouter.setPlanarLayouter(ol);; for (int v = 0; v < nNodes; ++v) { double x = GA.x(nodeArray[v]); double y = GA.y(nodeArray[v]); pos(v,0) = x; pos(v,1) = y; } } else { FMMMLayout layouter; //CircularLayout layouter; float avgRadius = m_nodeRadius.sum(); layouter.unitEdgeLength(avgRadius * 4); //, edgeLength);; // layouter.resizeDrawing(true); // layouter.resizingScalar(3); for (int v = 0; v < nNodes; ++v) { double x = GA.x(nodeArray[v]); double y = GA.y(nodeArray[v]); pos(v,0) = x; pos(v,1) = y; } MDSPostProcesser m_postProcessor(5000, 1, 1.0, 1.0, LayoutSetting::s_baseRadius * 2); m_postProcessor.set2DPos(pos, m_nodeRadius.cast<double>()); m_postProcessor.compute(); m_postProcessor.getFinalPos(pos); } } catch(...)//AlgorithmFailureException e { return false; } VectorXd halfSize,offset; GeometryUtility::moveToOrigin(pos, m_nodeRadius.cast<double>(), halfSize, &offset); m_nodePos = pos.cast<float>(); // postprocessing, and set edges float edgeBound[2] = {halfSize[0], halfSize[1]}; if (isUseOrthoLayout) { for(int ithEdge = 0; ithEdge < nEdges; ++ithEdge) { DPolyline& p = GA.bends(edgeArray[ithEdge]); int nPoints = p.size(); BSpline splineBuilder(5, BSpline::BSPLINE_OPEN_UNIFORM, true); int ithPnt = 0; for (DPolyline::iterator pLine = p.begin(); pLine != p.end(); ++pLine, ++ithPnt) { float px = (*pLine).m_x + offset[0]; float py = (*pLine).m_y + offset[1]; splineBuilder.addPoint(px,py); splineBuilder.addPoint(px,py); } splineBuilder.computeLine((nPoints) * 5); const QList<QPointF>& curve = splineBuilder.getCurvePnts(); m_edgeParam.push_back(EdgeParam()); EdgeParam& ep = m_edgeParam.back(); ep.m_points.resize(curve.size(),2); for (int i = 0; i < curve.size(); ++i) { ep.m_points(i, 0) = curve[i].x(); ep.m_points(i, 1) = curve[i].y(); edgeBound[0] = qMax(edgeBound[0], (float)qAbs(curve[i].x())); edgeBound[1] = qMax(edgeBound[1], (float)qAbs(curve[i].y())); } ep.m_weight = edgeWeight[ithEdge]; } } else { DelaunayCore::DelaunayRouter router; router.setLaneWidthRatio(2); router.setSmoothParam(0.5,2); router.setEndPointNormalRatio(0.8); computeEdgeRoute(router); } m_totalRadius = qSqrt(edgeBound[0]*edgeBound[0] + edgeBound[1]*edgeBound[1]); return true; }
void AutoSeg::autoSegment() { // Total timing double last = getTime (); // Step 1: filter the input cloud //double last_f = pcl::getTime (); SampleFilter filter (input_cloud_); filter.setMaxPtLimit (input_task_->getMaxPatchDistance()); filter.filter(); filtered_cloud_ = filter.cloud_filtered_; //double now_f = pcl::getTime (); //cerr << "Time for filter: " << now_f-last_f << endl; // Return if no points are valid if (!AutoSeg::numValidPoints(filtered_cloud_)) return; // Update the viewer if (do_vis_ && show_filtered_ && viewer_) AutoSeg::showFilteredCloud(); // Decimation ratio float dec_ratio = static_cast<float> (nd) / (2.0*static_cast<float> (filtered_cloud_->points.size ())); // Step 2: find salient points on the filtered cloud //double last_sal = pcl::getTime (); sal_ = new SampleSaliency; sal_->setInputCloud (filtered_cloud_); sal_->setNNSize (2.0f*radius_, 580.0f/dec_ratio); sal_->setNNCAThres (MAX_DON_COS_ANGLE); if (use_gravity_) {sal_->setG (g_);} if (use_gravity_) {sal_->setNGCAThres (MAX_DONG_COS_ANGLE);} sal_->setNMS(do_nms_); sal_->extractSalientPoints (); // Keep only MAX_SAL_POINTS random points // TBD: do it in sal_ if ((sal_->getIndxSalient())->size() > MAX_SAL_POINTS) { random_shuffle((sal_->getIndxSalient())->begin(), (sal_->getIndxSalient())->end()); (sal_->getIndxSalient())->resize (MAX_SAL_POINTS); } //double now_sal = pcl::getTime (); //cerr << "Time for sal: " << now_sal-last_sal << endl; // Update viewer with normals if (do_vis_ && viewer_) { sal_->setViewer (viewer_); if (show_sal_filtered_) sal_->showDtFPCloud (); if (show_fixation_) sal_->showFixation (); if (show_salient_) sal_->showSalPoints (true); if (show_sal_curvatures_) sal_->showCurvature (true); if (show_sal_normals_) sal_->showNormals (true); } if (do_vis_ && show_patches_ && viewer_) removePatchPlots(); // Create nn object search::OrganizedNeighbor<PointXYZ> search; search.setInputCloud(filtered_cloud_); // For each seed point ns = 0; // set number of current seeds to zero int num_patches = 0; for (int si=0; si<(sal_->getIndxSalient())->size (); si++) { // generate seeds until some termination condition holds //if (AutoSeg::terminate()) // break; // Step 3: generate and validate a new seed seed = (sal_->getIndxSalient())->at(si); if (!isSeedValid()) continue; seeds.push_back(seed); ns++; // Step 4: fetch and validate neighborhood //double last_nn = pcl::getTime (); search.radiusSearch(filtered_cloud_->points[seed], radius_, nn_indices, nn_sqr_distances); nn_cloud_->points.resize (0); for (int i=0; i<nn_indices.size(); i++) nn_cloud_->points.push_back(filtered_cloud_->points[nn_indices[i]]); //double now_nn = pcl::getTime (); //cerr << "Time for nn: " << now_nn-last_nn << endl; if (do_vis_ && show_nn_ && viewer_) AutoSeg::showNN(); // Step 5: fit the patch //double last_pf = pcl::getTime (); PatchFit *patchFit; patchFit = new PatchFit(nn_cloud_); patchFit->setSSmax (50); patchFit->fit(); //double now_pf = pcl::getTime (); //cerr << "Time for fitting " << nn_cloud_->points.size() << // " points: " << now_pf-last_pf << endl; // Step 6: validate patch //double last_val = pcl::getTime (); if (do_validation_) { (*patchFit->p_).computeResidual (nn_cloud_); if ((*patchFit->p_).getResidual() > t_residual_) continue; VectorXd k; k = (*patchFit->p_).getK (); if (k.minCoeff () < t_min_curv_ || k.maxCoeff ()>t_max_curv_) continue; } num_patches++; //double now_val = pcl::getTime (); //cerr << "Time for validation: " << now_val-last_val << endl; // Visualize patch //double last_pp = pcl::getTime (); if (do_vis_ && show_patches_ && viewer_) { PatchPlot *patch_plot; (*patchFit->p_).setID (ns); (*patchFit->p_).setSS (0.025); (*patchFit->p_).infer_params(); (*patchFit->p_).gs(); //PatchPlot patch_plot (*patchFit->p_); patch_plot = new PatchPlot (*patchFit->p_); patch_plot->showPatch (viewer_, 0, 1, 0, boost::to_string(ns) + "_patch"); delete (patch_plot); } //double now_pp = pcl::getTime (); //cerr << "Time for ploting patch: " << now_pp-last_pp << endl; if (!no_stats_) { // Save normal vector (*patchFit->p_).setCnn (sal_->getNormalNormalAngle (seed)); if (use_gravity_) (*patchFit->p_).setCng (sal_->getNormalGravityAngle (seed)); // Step 7: save statistics AutoSeg::saveStat (*patchFit->p_); // Step 8: print statistics Vector2d sk = (*patchFit->p_).getSK(); cout << "patch stats" << " " << sk (0) << " " << sk (1) << " " << (*patchFit->p_).getCnn () << " " << (*patchFit->p_).getCng () << endl; } // delete objects delete (patchFit); } // for each seed if(do_vis_ && show_patches_) max_patch_plot_id_ = ns-1; else max_patch_plot_id_ = 0; // Total timing double now = getTime(); cerr << "Total autoseg for " << num_patches << " patches out of " << ns << " seed points: " << now-last << " sec." << endl; // destroy objects delete (sal_); }
double DataGenerator::evaluate(MatrixXd estimate) { if (estimate.rows()!=mCenters.rows()) { cout << endl <<"ERROR:DataGenerator evaluate"<< endl; cout << "resultEvaluation dimension mismatch "<< endl; return 0; } //MatrixXd finalEstimate(mPara.dimension(), mPara.cluster()); unsigned long nEstimate = estimate.cols(); //cout << "finalEstimate row:"<< finalEstimate.rows() << endl; //cout << "estimate row:"<< estimate.rows() << endl; //cout << "nEstimate:"<< nEstimate <<" mPara.cluster():"<< mPara.cluster() << endl; //finalEstimate.leftCols(nEstimate) = estimate; MatrixXd finalEstimate = estimate; /* if (nEstimate != mPara.cluster()) { unsigned long sizeDiff = mPara.cluster() - nEstimate; if (sizeDiff>0) { finalEstimate.rightCols(sizeDiff) = MatrixXd::Zero(mPara.dimension(), sizeDiff); cout << "# of decomposed element is less than expected!! expect:" << mPara.cluster() << " only:" << nEstimate << endl; nEstimate = nEstimate + sizeDiff; } else { cout << endl << "ERROR:DataGenerator evaluate" << endl; cout <<"Decompsed center is more than expected. We already pick dominant centers!!" << endl; } } */ // Assign all the real center to the nearest estimater center MatrixXd bestMatch(mPara.dimension(), mPara.cluster()); double error = 0; for (unsigned long i=0; i< mPara.cluster(); i++) { MatrixXd currentRep = mCenters.col(i).replicate(1,nEstimate); MatrixXd diff = finalEstimate - currentRep; diff = diff.array().pow(2); VectorXd dist = diff.colwise().sum(); MatrixXf::Index minRow, minCol; error += pow(dist.minCoeff(&minRow, &minCol),0.5); bestMatch.col(i) = finalEstimate.col(minRow); } //cout << endl <<" ===== Best match ===== " << endl; //cout << bestMatch << endl; //cout << " ===== Original ===== " << endl; //cout << mCenters << endl; // cout << endl << "Avg RMSE=" << error/ mPara.cluster() << endl; return (error/ mPara.cluster()); }