Exemple #1
void ResultsPage::initializePage()
    // Register this instance as the Qt message handler.
    Q_ASSERT(instance == NULL);
    instance = this;
    previousMessageHandler = qInstallMessageHandler(&ResultsPage::messageHandler);

    // Debug log the application version information.
    VersionInfo versionInfo;
    if (versionInfo.isValid()) {
        qDebug() << QApplication::applicationName()
                 << versionInfo.fileVersionString()
                 << versionInfo.fileInfo(QLatin1String("SpecialBuild"));

    // Debug log the hook version information.
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
    for (int index = 0; index < 2; ++index) {
        const QDir dir = (index == 0) ?
            FlowSyncHook::flowSyncDir() : FlowSyncHook::installableHookDir();
        const int version = FlowSyncHook::getVersion(dir);
        qDebug() << QDir::toNativeSeparators(dir.absolutePath())
                 << "hook version" << version;

    // Once the application is ready, begin the processing.
    QTimer::singleShot(0, converter, SLOT(start()));
Exemple #2
MainWizard::MainWizard(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags): QWizard(parent,flags) {
    setWindowTitle(tr("%1 %2")
        .arg(QStringList(QApplication::applicationVersion().split(QLatin1Char('.')).mid(0, 3)).join(QLatin1Char('.'))));
    const VersionInfo versionInfo;
    const QString specialBuild = (versionInfo.isValid()) ?
        versionInfo.fileInfo(QLatin1String("SpecialBuild")) : QString();
    if (!specialBuild.isEmpty()) {
        setWindowTitle(windowTitle() + QLatin1Char(' ') + specialBuild);

    #if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 3, 0))

    addPage(new InputsPage());
    addPage(new OutputsPage());
    addPage(new ResultsPage());