std::stringstream cloud_xyz_comp(VideoFrameRef frame,VideoStream &stream,bool showstats) { std::stringstream comp_data; pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> cloud; if(frame.getData() == NULL) std::cout<<"Empty data\n.."; float px,py,pz; DepthPixel *depthp,dp; Status status; cloud.width = frame.getWidth(); cloud.height = frame.getHeight(); cloud.resize(cloud.height * cloud.width); int count=0; depthp = (DepthPixel*)((char*)frame.getData()); for(int y=0;y<frame.getHeight();y++) { for(int x=0;x<frame.getWidth();x++) { dp=*depthp; status = CoordinateConverter::convertDepthToWorld(stream,x,y,dp,&px,&py,&pz); if(!handlestatus(status)) exit(0); cloud.points[x + (frame.getStrideInBytes() * y)/2].x = (px); cloud.points[x + (frame.getStrideInBytes() * y)/2].y = (py); cloud.points[x + (frame.getStrideInBytes() * y)/2].z = (pz); depthp++; } } pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::ConstPtr const_cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>(cloud)); pcl::octree::PointCloudCompression<pcl::PointXYZ> *encoder; pcl::octree::compression_Profiles_e comp_profile = pcl::octree::LOW_RES_ONLINE_COMPRESSION_WITHOUT_COLOR; encoder = new pcl::octree::PointCloudCompression<pcl::PointXYZ>(comp_profile,showstats); encoder->encodePointCloud(const_cloud,comp_data); return comp_data; }
void analyzeFrame(const VideoFrameRef& frame) { DepthPixel* pDepth; RGB888Pixel* pColor; int middleIndex = (frame.getHeight()+1)*frame.getWidth()/2; switch (frame.getVideoMode().getPixelFormat()) { case PIXEL_FORMAT_DEPTH_1_MM: case PIXEL_FORMAT_DEPTH_100_UM: pDepth = (DepthPixel*)frame.getData(); printf("[%08llu] %8d\n", (long long)frame.getTimestamp(), pDepth[middleIndex]); break; case PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB888: pColor = (RGB888Pixel*)frame.getData(); printf("[%08llu] 0x%02x%02x%02x\n", (long long)frame.getTimestamp(), pColor[middleIndex].r&0xff, pColor[middleIndex].g&0xff, pColor[middleIndex].b&0xff); break; default: printf("Unknown format\n"); } }
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> cloud_xyz(VideoFrameRef frame,VideoStream &stream) { pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> cloud; if(frame.getData() == NULL) std::cout<<"Empty data\n.."; float px,py,pz; DepthPixel *depthp,dp; Status status; cloud.width = frame.getWidth(); cloud.height = frame.getHeight(); cloud.resize(cloud.height * cloud.width); int count=0; depthp = (DepthPixel*)((char*)frame.getData()); for(int y=0;y<frame.getHeight();y++) { for(int x=0;x<frame.getWidth();x++) { dp=*depthp; status = CoordinateConverter::convertDepthToWorld(stream,x,y,dp,&px,&py,&pz); if(!handlestatus(status)) exit(0); cloud.points[x + (frame.getStrideInBytes() * y)/2].x = (px); cloud.points[x + (frame.getStrideInBytes() * y)/2].y = (py); cloud.points[x + (frame.getStrideInBytes() * y)/2].z = (pz); depthp++; } } return cloud; }
/** Reads a frame. @return If no frame can be read or the frame read is not valid returns false, otherwise returns true. */ bool Kinect::readFrame(cv::Mat &frame, CameraMode camMode) { VideoFrameRef irf; int hIr, wIr; VideoFrameRef colorf; int hColor, wColor; switch (camMode) { case (NI_SENSOR_DEPTH): rc = depth.readFrame(&irf); if (irf.isValid()) { const uint16_t* imgBufIr = (const uint16_t*)irf.getData(); hIr = irf.getHeight(); wIr = irf.getWidth(); frame.create(hIr, wIr, CV_16U); memcpy(, imgBufIr, hIr * wIr * sizeof(uint16_t)); frame.convertTo(frame, CV_8U); return true; } else { cout << "ERROR: Frame not valid." << endl; return false; } case (NI_SENSOR_COLOR): rc = color.readFrame(&colorf); if(colorf.isValid()) { const openni::RGB888Pixel* imgBufColor = (const openni::RGB888Pixel*)colorf.getData(); hColor = colorf.getHeight(); wColor = colorf.getWidth(); frame.create(hColor, wColor, CV_8UC3); memcpy(, imgBufColor, 3 * hColor * wColor * sizeof(uint8_t)); cvtColor(frame, frame, CV_BGR2RGB); return true; } else { cout << "ERROR: Frame not valid." << endl; return false; } default: cout << "ERROR: No frame to be read. Object not initialize." << endl; return false; } }
void XtionDepthDriverImpl::onNewFrame(VideoStream &stream) { VideoFrameRef ref; stream.readFrame(&ref); _lastCaptured = XtionDepthImage(ref.getData(), ref.getDataSize(), ref.getWidth(), ref.getHeight(), 0, this); }
Status ClosestPoint::getNextData(IntPoint3D& closestPoint, VideoFrameRef& rawFrame) { Status rc = m_pInternal->m_pDepthStream->readFrame(&rawFrame); if (rc != STATUS_OK) { printf("readFrame failed\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError()); } DepthPixel* pDepth = (DepthPixel*)rawFrame.getData(); bool found = false; closestPoint.Z = 0xffff; int width = rawFrame.getWidth(); int height = rawFrame.getHeight(); for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x, ++pDepth) { if (*pDepth < closestPoint.Z && *pDepth != 0) { closestPoint.X = x; closestPoint.Y = y; closestPoint.Z = *pDepth; found = true; } } if (!found) { return STATUS_ERROR; } return STATUS_OK; }
virtual void onNewFrame(VideoStream& stream) { ros::Time ts = ros::Time::now(); VideoFrameRef frame; stream.readFrame(&frame); sensor_msgs::Image::Ptr img(new sensor_msgs::Image); sensor_msgs::CameraInfo::Ptr info(new sensor_msgs::CameraInfo); double scale = double(frame.getWidth()) / double(1280); info->header.stamp = ts; info->header.frame_id = frame_id_; info->width = frame.getWidth(); info->height = frame.getHeight(); info->K.assign(0); info->K[0] = 1050.0 * scale; info->K[4] = 1050.0 * scale; info->K[2] = frame.getWidth() / 2.0 - 0.5; info->K[5] = frame.getHeight() / 2.0 - 0.5; info->P.assign(0); info->P[0] = 1050.0 * scale; info->P[5] = 1050.0 * scale; info->P[2] = frame.getWidth() / 2.0 - 0.5; info->P[6] = frame.getHeight() / 2.0 - 0.5; switch(frame.getVideoMode().getPixelFormat()) { case PIXEL_FORMAT_GRAY8: img->encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::MONO8; break; case PIXEL_FORMAT_GRAY16: img->encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::MONO16; break; case PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV422: img->encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::YUV422; break; case PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB888: img->encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::RGB8; break; case PIXEL_FORMAT_SHIFT_9_2: case PIXEL_FORMAT_DEPTH_1_MM: img->encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::TYPE_16UC1; break; default: ROS_WARN("Unknown OpenNI pixel format!"); break; } img->header.stamp = ts; img->header.frame_id = frame_id_; img->height = frame.getHeight(); img->width = frame.getWidth(); img->step = frame.getStrideInBytes(); img->data.resize(frame.getDataSize()); std::copy(static_cast<const uint8_t*>(frame.getData()), static_cast<const uint8_t*>(frame.getData()) + frame.getDataSize(), img->data.begin()); publish(img, info); }
void copyFrameToImage(VideoFrameRef frame, DepthImage& image) { if (image.height() != frame.getHeight() || image.width() != frame.getWidth()) { image = DepthImage( DepthImage::Data( static_cast<const uint16_t*>(frame.getData()), static_cast<const uint16_t*>(frame.getData()) + frame.getWidth() * frame.getHeight()), frame.getWidth(), frame.getHeight()); } else { static_cast<const uint16_t*>(frame.getData()), static_cast<const uint16_t*>(frame.getData()) + frame.getWidth() * frame.getHeight())); } }
void DepthCallback::analyzeFrame(const VideoFrameRef& frame) { Mat image; image.create(frame.getHeight(),frame.getWidth(),CV_16UC1); const openni::DepthPixel* pImageRow = (const openni::DepthPixel*)frame.getData(); memcpy(,pImageRow,frame.getStrideInBytes() * frame.getHeight()); // image *= 16; if (createCVWindow) { imshow( "DepthWindow", image ); waitKey(10); } // cout<<"New depth frame w: "<<frame.getWidth()<<" h: "<<frame.getHeight()<<endl; if (saveOneFrame || saveFrameSequence) { char buffer[50]; sprintf(buffer,"depth%lld.png",frame.getTimestamp()); imwrite(buffer,image); saveOneFrame = false; std::cout<<"DepthCallback :: saved file "<<buffer<<std::endl; } if (publishRosMessage) { cv_bridge::CvImage aBridgeImage; aBridgeImage.image = image; aBridgeImage.encoding = "mono16"; cv::flip(aBridgeImage.image,aBridgeImage.image,1); sensor_msgs::ImagePtr rosImage = aBridgeImage.toImageMsg(); // rosImage.get()->header.frame_id="/camera_depth_optical_frame"; rosImage.get()->header.frame_id=string("/") + string (m_CameraNamespace)+string("_depth_optical_frame"); rosImage.get()->encoding="16UC1"; rosImage.get()->header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); m_RosPublisher.publish(rosImage); sensor_msgs::CameraInfo camInfo; camInfo.width = frame.getWidth(); camInfo.height = frame.getHeight(); camInfo.distortion_model = "plumb_bob"; camInfo.K = {{570.3422241210938, 0.0, 314.5, 0.0, 570.3422241210938, 235.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}}; camInfo.R = {{1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}}; camInfo.P = {{570.3422241210938, 0.0, 314.5, -21.387834254417157, 0.0, 570.3422241210938, 235.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0}}; double D[5] = {0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0}; camInfo.D.assign(&D[0], &D[0]+5); camInfo.header.frame_id = string("/") + string (m_CameraNamespace)+string("_depth_optical_frame"); camInfo.header.stamp = rosImage.get()->header.stamp; m_RosCameraInfoPublisher.publish(camInfo); } }
void KinectHelper::consume_color(VideoFrameRef frame){ /// Fetch new color frame from the frame listener class /// Get color data from the frame just fetched const openni::RGB888Pixel* imageBuffer = (const openni::RGB888Pixel*) frame.getData(); (*color_back_buffer) = QImage((uchar*) imageBuffer, frame.getWidth(), frame.getHeight(), QImage::Format_RGB888); _mutex.lock(); qSwap(color_front_buffer, color_back_buffer); _mutex.unlock(); }
const short unsigned int *wb_kinect_get_range_image_mm(WbDeviceTag tag) { if(kinectenable) { int i; int changedStreamDummy; VideoStream* pStream = &depth; rc = OpenNI::waitForAnyStream(&pStream, 1, &changedStreamDummy, SAMPLE_READ_WAIT_TIMEOUT); if (rc != STATUS_OK) { printf("Wait failed! (timeout is %d ms)\n%s\n", SAMPLE_READ_WAIT_TIMEOUT, OpenNI::getExtendedError()); return NULL; } rc = depth.readFrame(&frame); if (rc != STATUS_OK) { printf("Read failed!\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError()); return NULL; } if (frame.getVideoMode().getPixelFormat() != PIXEL_FORMAT_DEPTH_1_MM && frame.getVideoMode().getPixelFormat() != PIXEL_FORMAT_DEPTH_100_UM) { printf("Unexpected frame format\n"); return NULL; } DepthPixel* pDepth = (DepthPixel*)frame.getData(); height_pixels = frame.getHeight(); width_pixels = frame.getWidth(); if (width_pixels>160){ //Fix blind column for(i=0;i<height_pixels;i++){ pDepth[i*width_pixels + 0] = pDepth[i*width_pixels + 3]; pDepth[i*width_pixels + 1] = pDepth[i*width_pixels + 3]; pDepth[i*width_pixels + 2] = pDepth[i*width_pixels + 3]; } } else { for(i=0;i<height_pixels;i++){ pDepth[i*width_pixels + 0] = pDepth[i*width_pixels + 1]; } } return pDepth; } // kinect not enable fprintf(stderr, "2.Please enable the kinect before to use wb_kinect_get_range_image()\n"); return NULL; }
// save depth images void saveDepthImage(const std::string name, const VideoFrameRef &depthFrame) { int height = depthFrame.getHeight(); int width = depthFrame.getWidth(); cv::Mat image = cv::Mat::zeros(height, width, CV_16UC1); DepthPixel *pDepth = (DepthPixel *)depthFrame.getData(); for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {<uint16_t>(i, j) = (uint16_t)(*pDepth); pDepth++; } } cv::imwrite(name, image); }
BBox3 KinectHelper::compute_frame_bbox(VideoFrameRef frame){ // qDebug() << "KinectThread::setBoundingBox(VideoFrameRef frame)"; /// Get depth data from the frame just fetched const openni::DepthPixel* pDepth = (const openni::DepthPixel*)frame.getData(); float wx,wy,wz; BBox3 box; box.setNull(); for (int y = 0; y<frame.getHeight(); ++y){ for(int x = 0; x<frame.getWidth(); ++x){ DepthPixel d = *pDepth; pDepth++; CoordinateConverter::convertDepthToWorld(depth, x, y, d, &wx, &wy, &wz); box.extend( Vector3(wx,wy,wz) ); } } this->_bbox = box; }
bool OpenNI2CameraImpl::copyInfrared( OpenNI2Camera::FrameView& frame ) { frame.infraredUpdated = false; VideoFrameRef src; Status rc = m_infraredStream.readFrame( &src ); if( rc == STATUS_OK ) { Array2DReadView< uint16_t > srcData( src.getData(), { src.getWidth(), src.getHeight() }, { sizeof( uint16_t ), src.getStrideInBytes() } ); frame.infraredTimestampNS = usToNS( static_cast< int64_t >( src.getTimestamp() ) ); frame.infraredFrameNumber = src.getFrameIndex(); frame.infraredUpdated = copy( srcData, frame.infrared ); return frame.infraredUpdated; } return false; }
Status NUIPoints::getNextData(std::list<cv::Point3f>& nuiPoints, VideoFrameRef& rawFrame) { Status rc = m_pInternal->m_pDepthStream->readFrame(&rawFrame); if (rc != STATUS_OK) { printf("readFrame failed\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError()); } DepthPixel* pDepth = (DepthPixel*)rawFrame.getData(); bool found = false; cv::Point3f nuiPoint; int width = rawFrame.getWidth(); int height = rawFrame.getHeight(); for (int x = 1; x < width / 6.0; ++x) { for (int y = 1; y < height - (height / 4.5); ++y) { if (pDepth[y * width + x] < FAR_LIMIT && pDepth[y * width + x] != 0 && (ZERO_TO_INFINITY(pDepth[(y + 1) * width + (x + 1)]) - pDepth[y * width + x] > DEPTH_TRESHOLD || ZERO_TO_INFINITY(pDepth[(y - 1) * width + (x + 1)]) - pDepth[y * width + x] > DEPTH_TRESHOLD || ZERO_TO_INFINITY(pDepth[(y + 1) * width + (x - 1)]) - pDepth[y * width + x] > DEPTH_TRESHOLD || ZERO_TO_INFINITY(pDepth[(y - 1) * width + (x - 1)]) - pDepth[y * width + x] > DEPTH_TRESHOLD)) { nuiPoint.x = x; nuiPoint.y = y; nuiPoint.z = pDepth[y * width + x]; nuiPoints.push_back(nuiPoint); } } } if (nuiPoints.empty()) { return STATUS_ERROR; } return STATUS_OK; }
void KinectHelper::consume_depth(VideoFrameRef frame){ /// Get depth data from the frame just fetched const openni::DepthPixel* pDepth = (const openni::DepthPixel*)frame.getData(); float wx,wy,wz; /// NaN values must be handled well and not displayed by OpenGL for (int y = 0; y<frame.getHeight(); ++y){ for(int x = 0; x<frame.getWidth(); ++x){ DepthPixel d = *pDepth; pDepth++; /// Convert depth coordinates to world coordinates to remove camera intrinsics CoordinateConverter::convertDepthToWorld(depth, x, y, d, &wx, &wy, &wz); /// Change the coordinates of the vertices in the model (*points_back_buffer)(y,x) = Vector3(wx,wy,wz); } } /// Now swap front and back buffers _mutex.lock(); qSwap(points_front_buffer, points_back_buffer); _mutex.unlock(); }
int main (int argc, char** argv) { Status rc = OpenNI::initialize(); if (rc != STATUS_OK) { std::cout << "Initialize failed: " << OpenNI::getExtendedError() << std::endl; return 1; } Device device; rc =; if (rc != STATUS_OK) { std::cout << "Couldn't open device: " << OpenNI::getExtendedError() << std::endl; return 2; } VideoStream stream; if (device.getSensorInfo(currentSensor) != NULL) { rc = stream.create(device, currentSensor); if (rc != STATUS_OK) { std::cout << "Couldn't create stream: " << OpenNI::getExtendedError() << std::endl; return 3; } } rc = stream.start(); if (rc != STATUS_OK) { std::cout << "Couldn't start the stream: " << OpenNI::getExtendedError() << std::endl; return 4; } VideoFrameRef frame; //now open the video writer Size S = Size(stream.getVideoMode().getResolutionX(), stream.getVideoMode().getResolutionY()); VideoWriter outputVideo; std::string fileName = "out.avi";, -1, stream.getVideoMode().getFps(), S, currentSensor == SENSOR_COLOR ? true : false); if (!outputVideo.isOpened()) { std::cout << "Could not open the output video for write: " << fileName << std::endl; return -1; } while (waitKey(50) == -1) { int changedStreamDummy; VideoStream* pStream = &stream; rc = OpenNI::waitForAnyStream(&pStream, 1, &changedStreamDummy, SAMPLE_READ_WAIT_TIMEOUT); if (rc != STATUS_OK) { std::cout << "Wait failed! (timeout is " << SAMPLE_READ_WAIT_TIMEOUT << "ms): " << OpenNI::getExtendedError() << std::endl; continue; } rc = stream.readFrame(&frame); if (rc != STATUS_OK) { std::cout << "Read failed:" << OpenNI::getExtendedError() << std::endl; continue; } Mat image; switch (currentSensor) { case SENSOR_COLOR: image = Mat(frame.getHeight(), frame.getWidth(), CV_8UC3, (void*)frame.getData()); break; case SENSOR_DEPTH: image = Mat(frame.getHeight(), frame.getWidth(), DataType<DepthPixel>::type, (void*)frame.getData()); break; case SENSOR_IR: image = Mat(frame.getHeight(), frame.getWidth(), CV_8U, (void*)frame.getData()); break; default: break; } namedWindow( "Display window", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ); // Create a window for display. imshow( "Display window", image ); // Show our image inside it. outputVideo << image; } stream.stop(); stream.destroy(); device.close(); OpenNI::shutdown(); return 0; }
int main() { // 2. initialize OpenNI Status rc = OpenNI::initialize(); if (rc != STATUS_OK) { printf("Initialize failed\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError()); return 1; } // 3. open a device Device device; rc =; if (rc != STATUS_OK) { printf("Couldn't open device\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError()); return 2; } // 4. create depth stream VideoStream depth; if (device.getSensorInfo(SENSOR_DEPTH) != NULL){ rc = depth.create(device, SENSOR_DEPTH); if (rc != STATUS_OK){ printf("Couldn't create depth stream\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError()); return 3; } } VideoStream color; if (device.getSensorInfo(SENSOR_COLOR) != NULL){ rc = color.create(device, SENSOR_COLOR); if (rc != STATUS_OK){ printf("Couldn't create color stream\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError()); return 4; } } // 5. create OpenCV Window cv::namedWindow("Depth Image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); cv::namedWindow("Color Image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); // 6. start rc = depth.start(); if (rc != STATUS_OK) { printf("Couldn't start the depth stream\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError()); return 5; } rc = color.start(); if (rc != STATUS_OK){ printf("Couldn't start the depth stream\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError()); return 6; } VideoFrameRef colorframe; VideoFrameRef depthframe; int iMaxDepth = depth.getMaxPixelValue(); int iColorFps = color.getVideoMode().getFps(); cv::Size iColorFrameSize = cv::Size(color.getVideoMode().getResolutionX(), color.getVideoMode().getResolutionY()); cv::Mat colorimageRGB; cv::Mat colorimageBGR; cv::Mat depthimage; cv::Mat depthimageScaled; #ifdef F_RECORDVIDEO cv::VideoWriter outputvideo_color; cv::FileStorage outputfile_depth; time_t timenow = time(0); tm ltime; localtime_s(<ime, &timenow); int tyear = 1900 + ltime.tm_year; int tmouth = 1 + ltime.tm_mon; int tday = ltime.tm_mday; int thour = ltime.tm_hour; int tmin = ltime.tm_min; int tsecond = ltime.tm_sec; string filename_rgb = "RGB/rgb_" + to_string(tyear) + "_" + to_string(tmouth) + "_" + to_string(tday) + "_" + to_string(thour) + "_" + to_string(tmin) + "_" + to_string(tsecond) + ".avi"; string filename_d = "D/d_" + to_string(tyear) + "_" + to_string(tmouth) + "_" + to_string(tday) + "_" + to_string(thour) + "_" + to_string(tmin) + "_" + to_string(tsecond) + ".yml";, CV_FOURCC('I', '4', '2', '0'), iColorFps, iColorFrameSize, true); if (!outputvideo_color.isOpened()){ cout << "Could not open the output color video for write: " << endl; return 7; }, cv::FileStorage::WRITE); if (!outputfile_depth.isOpened()){ cout << "Could not open the output depth file for write: " << endl; return 8; } #endif // F_RECORDVIDEO // 7. main loop, continue read while (!wasKeyboardHit()) { // 8. check is color stream is available if (color.isValid()){ if (color.readFrame(&colorframe) == STATUS_OK){ colorimageRGB = { colorframe.getHeight(), colorframe.getWidth(), CV_8UC3, (void*)colorframe.getData() }; cv::cvtColor(colorimageRGB, colorimageBGR, CV_RGB2BGR); } } // 9. check is depth stream is available if (depth.isValid()){ if (depth.readFrame(&depthframe) == STATUS_OK){ depthimage = { depthframe.getHeight(), depthframe.getWidth(), CV_16UC1, (void*)depthframe.getData() }; depthimage.convertTo(depthimageScaled, CV_8U, 255.0 / iMaxDepth); } } cv::imshow("Color Image", colorimageBGR); cv::imshow("Depth Image", depthimageScaled); #ifdef F_RECORDVIDEO outputvideo_color << colorimageBGR; outputfile_depth << "Mat" << depthimage; #endif // F_RECORDVIDEO cv::waitKey(10); } color.stop(); depth.stop(); color.destroy(); depth.destroy(); device.close(); OpenNI::shutdown(); return 0; }
void KinectHelper::consume_depth(VideoFrameRef frame){ /// Get depth data from the frame just fetched const openni::DepthPixel* pDepth = (const openni::DepthPixel*)frame.getData(); // for point cloud const openni::DepthPixel* iDepth = (const openni::DepthPixel*)frame.getData(); // for depth image /// Depth Image (*depth_back_buffer) = QImage(frame.getWidth(), frame.getHeight(), QImage::Format_RGB32); for (unsigned nY=0; nY<frame.getHeight(); nY++) { uchar *imageptr = (*depth_back_buffer).scanLine(nY); for (unsigned nX=0; nX < frame.getWidth(); nX++) { unsigned depth = *iDepth; unsigned maxdist=10000; if(depth>maxdist) depth=maxdist; if(depth) { depth = (depth*255)/maxdist; //depth = (maxdist-depth)*255/maxdist+1; } // depth: 0: invalid // depth: 255: closest // depth: 1: furtherst (maxdist distance) // Here we could do depth*color, to show the colored depth imageptr[0] = depth; imageptr[1] = depth; imageptr[2] = depth; imageptr[3] = 0xff; iDepth++; imageptr+=4; } } _mutex.lock(); qSwap(depth_front_buffer, depth_back_buffer); _mutex.unlock(); /// Point Cloud float wx,wy,wz; /// NaN values must be handled well and not displayed by OpenGL for (int y = 0; y<frame.getHeight(); ++y){ for(int x = 0; x<frame.getWidth(); ++x){ DepthPixel d = *pDepth; pDepth++; /// Convert depth coordinates to world coordinates to remove camera intrinsics CoordinateConverter::convertDepthToWorld(depth, x, y, d, &wx, &wy, &wz); /// Change the coordinates of the vertices in the model (*points_back_buffer)(y,x) = Vector3(wx,wy,wz); } } /// Now swap front and back buffers _mutex.lock(); qSwap(points_front_buffer, points_back_buffer); _mutex.unlock(); }
void* camera_thread(void*){ VideoFrameRef frame; VideoFrameRef rgbframe; int changed_stream; VideoStream* pStream; VideoStream* pRgbStream; sensor_msgs::CameraInfo rgb_info; sensor_msgs::CameraInfo depth_info; sensor_msgs::Image image; image.header.frame_id=frame_id; image.is_bigendian=0; int count = 0; int num_frames_stat=64; struct timeval previous_time; gettimeofday(&previous_time, 0); uint64_t last_stamp = 0; while(run){ bool new_frame = false; uint64_t current_stamp = 0; openni::OpenNI::waitForAnyStream(streams, 2, &changed_stream); switch (changed_stream) { //DEPTH case 0: depth.readFrame(&frame); depth_info.header.stamp=ros::Time::now(); image.header.stamp=ros::Time::now(); if(!frame.isValid()) break; current_stamp=frame.getTimestamp(); if (current_stamp-last_stamp>5000){ count++; new_frame = true; } last_stamp = current_stamp; if (! (count % (_frame_skip)) ){ image.header.seq = count; if (! _registration){ image.header.frame_id=frame_id+"_depth"; } else image.header.frame_id=frame_id+"_rgb"; depth_info.width=frame.getWidth(); depth_info.height=frame.getHeight(); depth_info.header.seq = count; depth_info.distortion_model = sensor_msgs::distortion_models::PLUMB_BOB; depth_info.D.resize(5, 0.0); depth_info.K[0]=depth_info.width/(2*tan(depth.getHorizontalFieldOfView()/2)); //fx depth_info.K[4]=depth_info.height/(2*tan(depth.getVerticalFieldOfView()/2));; //fy depth_info.K[2]=depth_info.width/2; //cx depth_info.K[5]=depth_info.height/2; //cy depth_info.K[8]=1; depth_info.header.frame_id=image.header.frame_id; image.height=frame.getHeight(); image.width=frame.getWidth(); image.encoding="mono16"; image.step=frame.getWidth()*2;*image.height); memcpy((char*)(&[0]),frame.getData(),image.height*image.width*2); pub_depth.publish(image); pub_camera_info_depth.publish(depth_info); } break; //RGB case 1: rgb.readFrame(&rgbframe); image.header.stamp=ros::Time::now(); rgb_info.header.stamp=ros::Time::now(); if(!rgbframe.isValid()) break; current_stamp=rgbframe.getTimestamp(); if (current_stamp-last_stamp>5000){ count++; new_frame = true; } last_stamp = current_stamp; if (_gain>=0) { if (count > 64 && gain_status==0){ rgb.getCameraSettings()->setAutoExposureEnabled(false); rgb.getCameraSettings()->setAutoWhiteBalanceEnabled(false); rgb.getCameraSettings()->setExposure(1); rgb.getCameraSettings()->setGain(100); gain_status=1; } else if (count > 128 && gain_status==1){ rgb.getCameraSettings()->setExposure(_exposure); rgb.getCameraSettings()->setGain(_gain); gain_status=2; } } if (! (count%(_frame_skip)) ){ rgb_info.header.frame_id=frame_id+"_rgb"; rgb_info.width=rgbframe.getWidth(); rgb_info.height=rgbframe.getHeight(); rgb_info.header.seq = count; rgb_info.K[0]=rgb_info.width/(2*tan(rgb.getHorizontalFieldOfView()/2)); //fx rgb_info.K[4]=rgb_info.height/(2*tan(rgb.getVerticalFieldOfView()/2));; //fy rgb_info.K[2]=rgb_info.width/2; //cx rgb_info.K[5]=rgb_info.height/2; //cy rgb_info.K[8]=1; image.header.seq = count; image.header.frame_id=frame_id+"_rgb"; image.height=rgbframe.getHeight(); image.width=rgbframe.getWidth(); image.encoding="rgb8"; image.step=rgbframe.getWidth()*3;*image.height); memcpy((char*)(&[0]),rgbframe.getData(),image.height*image.width*3); pub_rgb.publish(image); pub_camera_info_rgb.publish(rgb_info); } break; default: printf("Error in wait\n"); } if (!(count%num_frames_stat) && new_frame){ struct timeval current_time, interval; gettimeofday(¤t_time, 0); timersub(¤t_time, &previous_time, &interval); previous_time = current_time; double fps = num_frames_stat/(interval.tv_sec +1e-6*interval.tv_usec); printf("running at %lf fps\n", fps); fflush(stdout); } } }
int main() { // 2. initialize OpenNI Status rc = OpenNI::initialize(); if (rc != STATUS_OK) { printf("Initialize failed\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError()); return 1; } // 3. open a device Device device; rc =; if (rc != STATUS_OK) { printf("Couldn't open device\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError()); return 2; } // 4. create depth stream VideoStream depth; if (device.getSensorInfo(SENSOR_DEPTH) != NULL){ rc = depth.create(device, SENSOR_DEPTH); if (rc != STATUS_OK){ printf("Couldn't create depth stream\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError()); return 3; } } VideoStream color; if (device.getSensorInfo(SENSOR_COLOR) != NULL){ rc = color.create(device, SENSOR_COLOR); if (rc != STATUS_OK){ printf("Couldn't create color stream\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError()); return 4; } } // 5. create OpenCV Window cv::namedWindow("Depth Image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); cv::namedWindow("Color Image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); // 6. start rc = depth.start(); if (rc != STATUS_OK) { printf("Couldn't start the depth stream\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError()); return 5; } rc = color.start(); if (rc != STATUS_OK){ printf("Couldn't start the depth stream\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError()); return 6; } VideoFrameRef colorframe; VideoFrameRef depthframe; int iMaxDepth = depth.getMaxPixelValue(); cv::Mat colorimageRGB; cv::Mat colorimageBGR; cv::Mat depthimage; cv::Mat depthimageScaled; // 7. main loop, continue read while (!wasKeyboardHit()) { // 8. check is color stream is available if (color.isValid()){ if (color.readFrame(&colorframe) == STATUS_OK){ colorimageRGB = { colorframe.getHeight(), colorframe.getWidth(), CV_8UC3, (void*)colorframe.getData() }; cv::cvtColor(colorimageRGB, colorimageBGR, CV_RGB2BGR); } } // 9. check is depth stream is available if (depth.isValid()){ if (depth.readFrame(&depthframe) == STATUS_OK){ depthimage = { depthframe.getHeight(), depthframe.getWidth(), CV_16UC1, (void*)depthframe.getData() }; depthimage.convertTo(depthimageScaled, CV_8U, 255.0 / iMaxDepth); } } cv::imshow("Color Image", colorimageBGR); cv::imshow("Depth Image", depthimageScaled); cv::waitKey(10); } color.stop(); depth.stop(); color.destroy(); depth.destroy(); device.close(); OpenNI::shutdown(); return 0; }
void ONIKinectDevice::onNewDepthFrame(VideoFrameRef frame) { //printf("[%08llu] Depth Frame\n", (long long)frame.getTimestamp()); RGBDFramePtr rgbdFrame; //Make sure frame is in right format if(frame.getVideoMode().getPixelFormat() == PIXEL_FORMAT_DEPTH_1_MM || frame.getVideoMode().getPixelFormat() == PIXEL_FORMAT_DEPTH_100_UM ) { int width = frame.getVideoMode().getResolutionX(); int height = frame.getVideoMode().getResolutionY(); //Initialize frame if not initialized if(rgbdFrame == NULL) { rgbdFrame = mFrameFactory.getRGBDFrame(width,height); } if(width == rgbdFrame->getXRes() && height == rgbdFrame->getYRes()) { //Data array valid. Fill it //TODO: Use more efficient method of transfering memory. (like memcopy, or plain linear indexing?) DPixelArray data = rgbdFrame->getDepthArray(); //TODO: Enable cropping const openni::DepthPixel* pDepthRowONI = (const openni::DepthPixel*)frame.getData(); DPixel* pDepthRow = data.get(); for(int y = 0; y < height; y++) { DPixel* pDepth = pDepthRow; const openni::DepthPixel* pDepthONI = pDepthRowONI; for(int x = 0; x < width; ++x, ++pDepth, ++pDepthONI) { pDepth->depth = *pDepthONI; } pDepthRow += width; pDepthRowONI += width; } rgbdFrame->setDepthTimestamp(frame.getTimestamp()); rgbdFrame->setHasDepth(true); //Check if send if(!mSyncDepthAndColor) { //Send it onNewRGBDFrame(rgbdFrame); rgbdFrame = NULL; }else{ //Sync it frameGuard.lock(); if(mRGBDFrameSynced == NULL) { //FIRST POST!!! mRGBDFrameSynced = rgbdFrame; }else{ //SECOND!! //Send it mRGBDFrameSynced->setDepthArray(rgbdFrame->getDepthArray()); mRGBDFrameSynced->setHasDepth(true); mRGBDFrameSynced->setDepthTimestamp(frame.getTimestamp()); onNewRGBDFrame(mRGBDFrameSynced); mRGBDFrameSynced = NULL; } //Unlock scoped frameGuard.unlock(); } }else{ //Size error onMessage("Error: depth and color frames don't match in size\n"); } }else{ //Format error onMessage("Error: depth format incorrect\n"); } }
int main() { FILE *fptrI = fopen("C:\\Users\\Alan\\Documents\\ShapeFeatures.csv","w"); fprintf(fptrI, "Classtype, Area, Perimeter, Circularity, Extent\n"); fclose(fptrI); Mat input = imread("C:\\Users\\Alan\\Pictures\\Science Fair 2014\\SVM\\Shape Features\\Fingers.bmp", 1); Mat input2 = imread("C:\\Users\\Alan\\Pictures\\Science Fair 2014\\SVM\\Shape Features\\NotFingers.bmp", 1); Mat inputF = imread("C:\\Users\\Alan\\Pictures\\Science Fair 2014\\SVM\\Shape Features\\ImageFeaturesBinaryF.bmp", 1); Mat gray(input.rows, input.cols, CV_8UC3); Mat gray2(input.rows, input.cols, CV_8UC3); Mat grayF(input.rows, input.cols, CV_8UC3); cvtColor(input, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY); cvtColor(input2, gray2, CV_BGR2GRAY); cvtColor(inputF, grayF, CV_BGR2GRAY); shapeFeatures(gray, input, 1); shapeFeatures(gray2, input2, 2); namedWindow("Image"); imshow("Image", input); namedWindow("Image2"); imshow("Image2", input2); //------------------------------------------------------ //--------[SVM]-------- // Read input data from file created above double parameters[5]; vector<double> svmI, svmA, svmP, svmC, svmE; int size = 1; double index = 0; double area = 0; double perimeter = 0; double circularity = 0; char buffer[1024]; char *record, *line; FILE* fptrR = fopen("C:\\Users\\Alan\\Documents\\ShapeFeatures.csv", "r"); fscanf(fptrR, "%*[^\n]\n", NULL); svmI.resize(size); svmA.resize(size); svmP.resize(size); svmC.resize(size); while((line=fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fptrR))!=NULL) { size++; svmI.resize(size); svmA.resize(size); svmP.resize(size); svmC.resize(size); svmE.resize(size); record = strtok(line, ";"); for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++); { double value = atoi(record); record = strtok(line,";"); } char *lineCopy = record; char *pch; pch = strtok(lineCopy, ","); parameters[0] = atoi(pch); int j = 1; while( j < 5 ) { pch = strtok (NULL, ","); parameters[j] = atof(pch); j++; } svmI[size-1] = parameters[0]; svmA[size-1] = parameters[1]; svmP[size-1] = parameters[2]; svmC[size-1] = parameters[3]; svmE[size-1] = parameters[4]; } fclose(fptrR); //--------------------- // Data for visual representation int width = 512, height = 512; Mat image = Mat::zeros(height, width, CV_8UC3); // Set up training data //float labels[8] = {1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0}; float labels[1000]; for(int i = 0; i < svmI.size()-1; i++) { labels[i] = svmI[i+1]; } Mat labelsMat(1000, 1, CV_32FC1, labels); float trainingData[1000][4]; for(int i = 0; i < svmE.size()-1; i++) { trainingData[i][0] = svmE[i+1]; trainingData[i][1] = svmC[i+1]; trainingData[i][2] = svmA[i+1]; trainingData[i][3] = svmP[i+1]; } Mat trainingDataMat(1000, 4, CV_32FC1, trainingData); // Set up SVM's parameters CvSVMParams params; params = SVMFinger.get_params(); //params.svm_type = CvSVM::C_SVC; //params.kernel_type = CvSVM::LINEAR; //params.term_crit = cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 100, 1e-6); // Train the SVM SVMFinger.train_auto(trainingDataMat, labelsMat, Mat(), Mat(), params); // Mat sampleMat = (Mat_<float>(1,2) << 138.5, 57); // float response = SVMFinger.predict(sampleMat); waitKey(); destroyWindow("Image"); destroyWindow("Image2"); //------------------------------------------ OpenNI::initialize(); Device devAnyDevice;; //----------------[Define Video Settings]------------------- //Set Properties of Depth Stream VideoMode mModeDepth; mModeDepth.setResolution( 640, 480 ); mModeDepth.setFps( 30 ); mModeDepth.setPixelFormat( PIXEL_FORMAT_DEPTH_100_UM ); //Set Properties of Color Stream VideoMode mModeColor; mModeColor.setResolution( 640, 480 ); mModeColor.setFps( 30 ); mModeColor.setPixelFormat( PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB888 ); //---------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------[Initial Streams]--------------------- VideoStream streamInitDepth; streamInitDepth.create( devAnyDevice, SENSOR_DEPTH ); VideoStream streamInitColor; streamInitColor.create( devAnyDevice, SENSOR_COLOR ); streamInitDepth.setVideoMode( mModeDepth ); streamInitColor.setVideoMode( mModeColor ); namedWindow( "Depth Image (Init)", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ); namedWindow( "Color Image (Init)", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ); //namedWindow( "Thresholded Image (Init)", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ); VideoFrameRef frameDepthInit; VideoFrameRef frameColorInit; streamInitDepth.start(); streamInitColor.start(); cv::Mat BackgroundFrame; int avgDist = 0; int iMaxDepthInit = streamInitDepth.getMaxPixelValue(); OutX.clear(); OutY.clear(); vector<int> OldOutX, OldOutY; OldOutX.clear(); OldOutY.clear(); //------------------------------------------------------------ //--------------------[Initiation Process]-------------------- while( true ) { streamInitDepth.readFrame( &frameDepthInit ); streamInitColor.readFrame( &frameColorInit ); const cv::Mat mImageDepth( frameDepthInit.getHeight(), frameDepthInit.getWidth(), CV_16UC1, (void*)frameDepthInit.getData()); cv::Mat mScaledDepth; mImageDepth.convertTo( mScaledDepth, CV_8U, 255.0 / iMaxDepthInit ); cv::imshow( "Depth Image (Init)", mScaledDepth ); const cv::Mat mImageRGB(frameColorInit.getHeight(), frameColorInit.getWidth(), CV_8UC3, (void*)frameColorInit.getData()); cv::Mat cImageBGR; cv::cvtColor( mImageRGB, cImageBGR, CV_RGB2BGR ); //--------------------[Get Average Distance]--------------------- int depthVal = 0; int frameHeight = frameDepthInit.getHeight(); int frameWidth = frameDepthInit.getWidth(); //------------ //backgroundDepth.resize(frameHeight * frameWidth); //--------------------------------------------------------------- int initCount = 0; for(int i = 0; i < frameHeight; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < frameWidth; j++) { depthVal =<unsigned short>(i, j) + depthVal; initCount++; } } avgDist = depthVal / ((frameHeight) * (frameWidth)); cout << "Average Distance: " << avgDist << endl; cv::imshow( "Color Image (Init)", cImageBGR ); if( cv::waitKey(1) == 'q') { mImageDepth.copyTo(BackgroundFrame); break; } } streamInitDepth.destroy(); streamInitColor.destroy(); destroyWindow( "Depth Image (Init)" ); destroyWindow( "Color Image (Init)" ); VideoStream streamDepth; streamDepth.create( devAnyDevice, SENSOR_DEPTH ); VideoStream streamColor; streamColor.create( devAnyDevice, SENSOR_COLOR ); streamDepth.setVideoMode( mModeDepth ); streamColor.setVideoMode( mModeColor ); streamDepth.start(); streamColor.start(); namedWindow( "Depth Image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ); namedWindow( "Color Image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ); namedWindow( "Thresholded Image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ); int iMaxDepth = streamDepth.getMaxPixelValue(); VideoFrameRef frameColor; VideoFrameRef frameDepth; OutX.clear(); OutY.clear(); //------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------ //-----------------------[Main Process]----------------------- while( true ) { streamDepth.readFrame( &frameDepth ); streamColor.readFrame( &frameColor ); const cv::Mat mImageDepth( frameDepth.getHeight(), frameDepth.getWidth(), CV_16UC1, (void*)frameDepth.getData()); cv::Mat mScaledDepth; mImageDepth.convertTo( mScaledDepth, CV_8U, 255.0 / iMaxDepth ); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //---------------------[Downsampling]------------------------------------------------------- double min; double max; cv::minMaxIdx(mImageDepth, &min, &max); cv::Mat adjMap; // expand your range to 0..255. Similar to histEq(); float scale = 255 / (max-min); mImageDepth.convertTo(adjMap,CV_8UC1, scale, -min*scale); // this is great. It converts your grayscale image into a tone-mapped one, // much more pleasing for the eye // function is found in contrib module, so include contrib.hpp // and link accordingly cv::Mat falseColorsMap; applyColorMap(adjMap, falseColorsMap, cv::COLORMAP_AUTUMN); cv::imshow("Out", falseColorsMap); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// cv::imshow( "Depth Image", mScaledDepth ); cv::imshow( "Depth Image2", adjMap ); const cv::Mat mImageRGB(frameColor.getHeight(), frameColor.getWidth(), CV_8UC3, (void*)frameColor.getData()); cv::Mat cImageBGR; cv::cvtColor( mImageRGB, cImageBGR, CV_RGB2BGR ); //-------------[Threshold]----------------- cv::Mat mImageThres( frameDepth.getHeight(), frameDepth.getWidth(), CV_8UC1 ); int backgroundPxlCount = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 480; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < 640; j++) { int depthVal =<unsigned short>(i, j); avgDist =<unsigned short>(i, j)-2; if((depthVal > (avgDist-14)) && (depthVal <= (avgDist-7))) { //[mImageThres.step[0]*i + mImageThres.step[1]*j] = 255;<uchar>(i, j) = 255; } else { //[mImageThres.step[0]*i + mImageThres.step[1]*j] = 0;<uchar>(i, j) = 0; } backgroundPxlCount++; } } GaussianBlur( mImageThres, mImageThres, Size(3,3), 0, 0 ); fingerDetection( mImageThres, cImageBGR, OldOutX, OldOutY); cv::imshow("Thresholded Image", mImageThres); //---------------------------------------- if( cv::waitKey(1) == 'q') { break; } //------------------------------------------------ cv::imshow( "Color Image", cImageBGR ); //---------------------------------- OldOutX.clear(); OldOutY.clear(); OldOutX = OutX; OldOutY = OutY; OutX.clear(); OutY.clear(); } return 0; }
void ONIKinectDevice::onNewColorFrame(VideoFrameRef frame) { //printf("[%08llu] Color Frame\n", (long long)frame.getTimestamp()); RGBDFramePtr rgbdFrame; //Make sure frame is in right format if(frame.getVideoMode().getPixelFormat() == PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB888) { int width = frame.getVideoMode().getResolutionX(); int height = frame.getVideoMode().getResolutionY(); //Initialize frame if not initialized if(rgbdFrame == NULL) { rgbdFrame = mFrameFactory.getRGBDFrame(width,height); } if(width == rgbdFrame->getXRes() && height == rgbdFrame->getYRes()) { //Data array valid. Fill it //TODO: Use more efficient method of transfering memory. (like memcopy, or plain linear indexing?) ColorPixelArray data = rgbdFrame->getColorArray(); //TODO: Enable cropping //printf("Size of ColorPixel: %d Size of RGB88Pixel: %d\n", sizeof(ColorPixel), sizeof(RGB888Pixel)); const openni::RGB888Pixel* pImage = (const openni::RGB888Pixel*)frame.getData(); memcpy(data.get(), pImage, sizeof(RGB888Pixel)*width*height); /*for(int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for(int x = 0; x < width; x++) { int ind = rgbdFrame->getLinearIndex(x,y); data[ind] = ((ColorPixel*)pImage)[ind]; } }*/ rgbdFrame->setColorTimestamp(frame.getTimestamp()); rgbdFrame->setHasColor(true); //Check if send if(!mSyncDepthAndColor) { //Send it onNewRGBDFrame(rgbdFrame); rgbdFrame = NULL; }else{ //Sync it frameGuard.lock(); if(mRGBDFrameSynced == NULL) { //FIRST POST!!! mRGBDFrameSynced = rgbdFrame; }else{ //SECOND!! //Send it mRGBDFrameSynced->setColorArray(rgbdFrame->getColorArray()); mRGBDFrameSynced->setHasColor(true); mRGBDFrameSynced->setColorTimestamp(frame.getTimestamp()); onNewRGBDFrame(mRGBDFrameSynced); mRGBDFrameSynced = NULL; } //Unlock scoped frameGuard.unlock(); } }else{ //Size error onMessage("Error: depth and color frames don't match in size\n"); } }else{ //Format error onMessage("Error: depth format incorrect\n"); } }