/*virtual*/ void EldritchFramework::HandleEvent(const WBEvent& Event) { XTRACE_FUNCTION; Framework3D::HandleEvent(Event); STATIC_HASHED_STRING(ToggleInvertY); STATIC_HASHED_STRING(ToggleFullscreen); STATIC_HASHED_STRING(OnSliderChanged); STATIC_HASHED_STRING(WritePrefsConfig); STATIC_HASHED_STRING(CheckForUpdates); const HashedString EventName = Event.GetEventName(); if (EventName == sToggleInvertY) { XTRACE_NAMED(ToggleInvertY); // TODO: Also invert controller? Or on a separate button? STATIC_HASHED_STRING(TurnY); const bool InvertY = !m_InputSystem->GetMouseInvert(sTurnY); m_InputSystem->SetMouseInvert(sTurnY, InvertY); m_InputSystem->SetControllerInvert(sTurnY, InvertY); // Publish config var so UI can reflect the change. // I could make input system publish config vars for each adjustment, but // that seems wasteful since most inputs currently have no adjustment. STATICHASH(InvertY); ConfigManager::SetBool(sInvertY, InvertY); } else if (EventName == sToggleFullscreen) { XTRACE_NAMED(ToggleFullscreen); ToggleFullscreen(); } else if (EventName == sOnSliderChanged) { XTRACE_NAMED(OnSliderChanged); STATIC_HASHED_STRING(SliderName); const HashedString SliderName = Event.GetHash(sSliderName); STATIC_HASHED_STRING(SliderValue); const float SliderValue = Event.GetFloat(sSliderValue); HandleUISliderEvent(SliderName, SliderValue); } else if (EventName == sWritePrefsConfig) { XTRACE_NAMED(WritePrefsConfig); WritePrefsConfig(); } else if (EventName == sCheckForUpdates) { #if BUILD_WINDOWS && !BUILD_STEAM XTRACE_NAMED(CheckForUpdates); // So I can compile updating out of certain builds. STATICHASH(Framework); STATICHASH(CheckForUpdates); const bool CheckForUpdates = ConfigManager::GetBool(sCheckForUpdates, true, sFramework); if (CheckForUpdates) { m_CheckForUpdates->Check(false, true); } #endif } }
/*virtual*/ void WBCompState::HandleEvent(const WBEvent& Event) { XTRACE_FUNCTION; Super::HandleEvent(Event); STATIC_HASHED_STRING(SetState); const HashedString EventName = Event.GetEventName(); if (EventName == sSetState) { STATIC_HASHED_STRING(NewState); const HashedString State = Event.GetHash(sNewState); SetState(State); } }
/*virtual*/ void EldritchPersistence::HandleEvent( const WBEvent& Event ) { STATIC_HASHED_STRING( SetPersistentVar ); const HashedString EventName = Event.GetEventName(); if( EventName == sSetPersistentVar ) { STATIC_HASHED_STRING( Name ); const HashedString Name = Event.GetHash( sName ); STATIC_HASHED_STRING( Value ); const WBEvent::SParameter* const pParameter = Event.GetParameter( sValue ); m_VariableMap.Set( Name, pParameter ); } }
/*virtual*/ void WBCompEldFaction::HandleEvent(const WBEvent& Event) { XTRACE_FUNCTION; Super::HandleEvent(Event); STATIC_HASHED_STRING(SetFaction); const HashedString EventName = Event.GetEventName(); if (EventName == sSetFaction) { if (m_Immutable) { // Faction can't be changed, do nothing } else { STATIC_HASHED_STRING(Faction); m_Faction = Event.GetHash(sFaction); } } }
/*virtual*/ void WBCompEldMesh::HandleEvent(const WBEvent& Event) { XTRACE_FUNCTION; Super::HandleEvent(Event); STATIC_HASHED_STRING(OnInitialized); STATIC_HASHED_STRING(OnSpawnedQueued); STATIC_HASHED_STRING(OnLoaded); STATIC_HASHED_STRING(OnBecameFrobTarget); STATIC_HASHED_STRING(Hide); STATIC_HASHED_STRING(Show); STATIC_HASHED_STRING(HideMesh); STATIC_HASHED_STRING(ShowMesh); STATIC_HASHED_STRING(PlayAnim); STATIC_HASHED_STRING(SetAnim); STATIC_HASHED_STRING(CopyAnimations); STATIC_HASHED_STRING(SetMesh); STATIC_HASHED_STRING(SetTexture); const HashedString EventName = Event.GetEventName(); if (EventName == sOnInitialized) { SetSendUpdatedEvent(); } else if (EventName == sOnSpawnedQueued || EventName == sOnLoaded) // Need to have a valid transform { ImmediateUpdateBlendedIrradiance(); } else if (EventName == sOnBecameFrobTarget) { STATIC_HASHED_STRING(IsFrobTarget); const bool IsFrobTarget = Event.GetBool(sIsFrobTarget); if (IsFrobTarget) { STATIC_HASHED_STRING(Highlight); m_CurrentHighlight = Event.GetVector(sHighlight); } else { m_CurrentHighlight.Zero(); } } else if (EventName == sHide || EventName == sHideMesh) { m_Hidden = true; } else if (EventName == sShow || EventName == sShowMesh) { m_Hidden = false; } else if (EventName == sPlayAnim) { STATIC_HASHED_STRING(AnimationName); const HashedString AnimationName = Event.GetHash(sAnimationName); STATIC_HASHED_STRING(Loop); const bool Loop = Event.GetBool(sLoop); STATIC_HASHED_STRING(IgnoreIfAlreadyPlaying); const bool IgnoreIfAlreadyPlaying = Event.GetBool(sIgnoreIfAlreadyPlaying); STATIC_HASHED_STRING(PlayRate); const float PlayRate = Event.GetFloat(sPlayRate); PlayAnimation(AnimationName, Loop, IgnoreIfAlreadyPlaying, PlayRate); } else if (EventName == sSetAnim) { STATIC_HASHED_STRING(AnimationIndex); const int AnimationIndex = Event.GetInt(sAnimationIndex); STATIC_HASHED_STRING(AnimationTime); const float AnimationTime = Event.GetFloat(sAnimationTime); STATIC_HASHED_STRING(AnimationEndBehavior); const int AnimationEndBehavior = Event.GetInt(sAnimationEndBehavior); STATIC_HASHED_STRING(AnimationPlayRate); const float AnimationPlayRate = Event.GetFloat(sAnimationPlayRate); AnimationState::SPlayAnimationParams PlayParams; PlayParams.m_EndBehavior = static_cast<AnimationState::EAnimationEndBehavior>( AnimationEndBehavior); m_Mesh->SetAnimation(AnimationIndex, PlayParams); m_Mesh->SetAnimationTime(AnimationTime); m_Mesh->SetAnimationPlayRate(AnimationPlayRate > 0.0f ? AnimationPlayRate : 1.0f); } else if (EventName == sCopyAnimations) { STATIC_HASHED_STRING(SourceEntity); WBEntity* const pSourceEntity = Event.GetEntity(sSourceEntity); STATIC_HASHED_STRING(SuppressAnimEvents); const bool SuppressAnimEvents = Event.GetBool(sSuppressAnimEvents); CopyAnimationsFrom(pSourceEntity, SuppressAnimEvents); } else if (EventName == sSetMesh) { STATIC_HASHED_STRING(Mesh); const SimpleString Mesh = Event.GetString(sMesh); STATIC_HASHED_STRING(Texture); const SimpleString Texture = Event.GetString(sTexture); SetMesh(Mesh); SetTexture(Texture); UpdateMesh(0.0f); } else if (EventName == sSetTexture) { STATIC_HASHED_STRING(Texture); const SimpleString Texture = Event.GetString(sTexture); SetTexture(Texture); } }
/*virtual*/ void EldritchGame::HandleEvent( const WBEvent& Event ) { XTRACE_FUNCTION; STATIC_HASHED_STRING( ReturnToHub ); STATIC_HASHED_STRING( GoToNextLevel ); STATIC_HASHED_STRING( GoToPrevLevel ); STATIC_HASHED_STRING( GoToLevel ); STATIC_HASHED_STRING( Checkpoint ); STATIC_HASHED_STRING( TweetRIP ); STATIC_HASHED_STRING( PlayMusic ); STATIC_HASHED_STRING( StopMusic ); STATIC_HASHED_STRING( LaunchWebSite ); STATIC_HASHED_STRING( GoToLevelImmediate ); const HashedString EventName = Event.GetEventName(); if( EventName == sReturnToHub ) { STATIC_HASHED_STRING( Restart ); const bool Restart = Event.GetBool( sRestart ); STATIC_HASHED_STRING( FlushHub ); const bool FlushHub = Event.GetBool( sFlushHub ); RequestReturnToHub( Restart, FlushHub ); } else if( EventName == sGoToNextLevel ) { RequestGoToNextLevel(); } else if( EventName == sGoToPrevLevel ) { RequestGoToPrevLevel(); } else if( EventName == sGoToLevel ) { STATIC_HASHED_STRING( Level ); const SimpleString Level = Event.GetString( sLevel ); STATIC_HASHED_STRING( WorldDef ); const HashedString WorldDef = Event.GetHash( sWorldDef ); RequestGoToLevel( Level, WorldDef, true ); } else if( EventName == sCheckpoint ) { Checkpoint(); } else if( EventName == sTweetRIP ) { LaunchRIPTweet(); } else if( EventName == sLaunchWebSite ) { LaunchWebSite(); } else if( EventName == sPlayMusic ) { STATIC_HASHED_STRING( Music ); const SimpleString Music = Event.GetString( sMusic ); m_Music->PlayMusic( ( Music == "" ) ? m_CurrentMusic : Music ); } else if( EventName == sStopMusic ) { m_Music->StopMusic(); } else if( EventName == sGoToLevelImmediate ) { // This should only be called after we've queued a go-to. ASSERT( m_GoToLevelOnNextTick ); if( m_GoToLevelOnNextTick ) { GoToLevel(); } // HACK: Tick world once to pump the event queue. Fixes title screen bugs. (Hack because this assumes we only ever use this when returning to title screen.) EldritchFramework* const pFramework = EldritchFramework::GetInstance(); EldritchWorld* const pWorld = pFramework->GetWorld(); pWorld->Tick( 0.0f ); } }
/*virtual*/ void WBCompEldHands::HandleEvent( const WBEvent& Event ) { XTRACE_FUNCTION; Super::HandleEvent( Event ); STATIC_HASHED_STRING( OnWorldLoaded ); STATIC_HASHED_STRING( OnItemEquipped ); STATIC_HASHED_STRING( OnItemUnequipped ); STATIC_HASHED_STRING( OnItemsSwapped ); STATIC_HASHED_STRING( UseRightHand ); STATIC_HASHED_STRING( UseLeftHand ); STATIC_HASHED_STRING( ShowHands ); STATIC_HASHED_STRING( HideHands ); STATIC_HASHED_STRING( PlayHandAnim ); STATIC_HASHED_STRING( SetHandMeshes ); const HashedString EventName = Event.GetEventName(); if( EventName == sOnWorldLoaded ) { if( GetItemInRightHand() == GetWeapon() ) { WB_MAKE_EVENT( OnWeaponEquipped, GetEntity() ); WB_SET_AUTO( OnWeaponEquipped, Entity, Weapon, GetWeapon() ); WB_DISPATCH_EVENT( GetEventManager(), OnWeaponEquipped, GetEntity() ); } RestoreHandAnimations(); UpdateWeaponHUD(); } else if( EventName == sOnItemEquipped ) { STATIC_HASHED_STRING( Item ); WBEntity* const pItem = Event.GetEntity( sItem ); ASSERT( pItem ); // Hide fists and show ammo when we equip a weapon if( pItem == GetWeapon() ) { WB_MAKE_EVENT( Hide, GetEntity() ); WB_DISPATCH_EVENT( GetEventManager(), Hide, GetFists() ); WB_MAKE_EVENT( OnWeaponEquipped, GetEntity() ); WB_SET_AUTO( OnWeaponEquipped, Entity, Weapon, pItem ); WB_DISPATCH_EVENT( GetEventManager(), OnWeaponEquipped, GetEntity() ); ShowWeaponHUD(); } if( pItem == GetItemInRightHand() || pItem == GetItemInLeftHand() ) { AddAnimationsToHand( pItem ); } if( pItem == GetWeaponAlt() ) { // When traveling to a new world and spawning an item in the alt slot, immediately hide it WB_MAKE_EVENT( Hide, GetEntity() ); WB_DISPATCH_EVENT( GetEventManager(), Hide, GetWeaponAlt() ); ShowWeaponAltHUD(); } } else if( EventName == sOnItemUnequipped ) { // Show fists when we unequip a weapon STATIC_HASHED_STRING( Item ); WBEntity* const pItem = Event.GetEntity( sItem ); if( pItem == GetWeapon() ) { WB_MAKE_EVENT( Show, GetEntity() ); WB_DISPATCH_EVENT( GetEventManager(), Show, GetFists() ); WB_MAKE_EVENT( OnWeaponUnequipped, GetEntity() ); WB_DISPATCH_EVENT( GetEventManager(), OnWeaponUnequipped, GetEntity() ); // Revert to the fists animations AddAnimationsToHand( GetFists(), EH_Right ); // HACK: Play the idle animation. I could add an event for "restored equip focus" // or whatever and hook this up in data, but eh. That somehow feels worse. STATIC_HASHED_STRING( Idle ); PlayAnimation( GetFists(), sIdle, EH_Right ); HideWeaponHUD(); } } else if( EventName == sOnItemsSwapped ) { // HACK, since the only things we swap (currently) are Weapon/WeaponAlt // Hide the alt weapon, show the right hand item WB_MAKE_EVENT( Hide, GetEntity() ); WB_DISPATCH_EVENT( GetEventManager(), Hide, GetWeaponAlt() ); WB_MAKE_EVENT( Show, GetEntity() ); WB_DISPATCH_EVENT( GetEventManager(), Show, GetItemInRightHand() ); AddAnimationsToHand( GetItemInRightHand() ); STATIC_HASHED_STRING( Idle ); PlayAnimation( GetItemInRightHand(), sIdle, EH_Right ); UpdateWeaponHUD(); WB_MAKE_EVENT( OnWeaponEquipped, GetEntity() ); WB_SET_AUTO( OnWeaponEquipped, Entity, Weapon, GetItemInRightHand() ); WB_DISPATCH_EVENT( GetEventManager(), OnWeaponEquipped, GetEntity() ); } else if( EventName == sUseRightHand ) { WBEntity* const pWeapon = GetItemInRightHand(); if( pWeapon ) { STATIC_HASHED_STRING( InputEdge ); const int InputEdge = Event.GetInt( sInputEdge ); { WB_MAKE_EVENT( Use, GetEntity() ); WB_SET_AUTO( Use, Int, InputEdge, InputEdge ); WB_DISPATCH_EVENT( GetEventManager(), Use, pWeapon ); } } } else if( EventName == sUseLeftHand ) { WBEntity* const pPower = GetItemInLeftHand(); if( pPower ) { STATIC_HASHED_STRING( InputEdge ); const int InputEdge = Event.GetInt( sInputEdge ); { WB_MAKE_EVENT( Use, GetEntity() ); WB_SET_AUTO( Use, Int, InputEdge, InputEdge ); WB_DISPATCH_EVENT( GetEventManager(), Use, pPower ); } } } else if( EventName == sShowHands ) { DecrementHideHandsRefs(); } else if( EventName == sHideHands ) { IncrementHideHandsRefs(); } else if( EventName == sPlayHandAnim ) { STATIC_HASHED_STRING( AnimatingEntity ); WBEntity* const pAnimatingEntity = Event.GetEntity( sAnimatingEntity ); STATIC_HASHED_STRING( AnimationName ); const HashedString AnimationName = Event.GetHash( sAnimationName ); // Don't play hand anim if we're restoring the alternate weapon if( pAnimatingEntity == GetItemInRightHand() || pAnimatingEntity == GetItemInLeftHand() ) { const EHand Hand = GetHandEnum( pAnimatingEntity ); PlayAnimation( pAnimatingEntity, AnimationName, Hand ); } } else if( EventName == sSetHandMeshes ) { STATIC_HASHED_STRING( LeftHandMesh ); const SimpleString LeftHandMesh = Event.GetString( sLeftHandMesh ); STATIC_HASHED_STRING( LeftHandTexture ); const SimpleString LeftHandTexture = Event.GetString( sLeftHandTexture ); STATIC_HASHED_STRING( RightHandMesh ); const SimpleString RightHandMesh = Event.GetString( sRightHandMesh ); STATIC_HASHED_STRING( RightHandTexture ); const SimpleString RightHandTexture = Event.GetString( sRightHandTexture ); SetHandMeshes( LeftHandMesh, LeftHandTexture, RightHandMesh, RightHandTexture ); RestoreHandAnimations(); } }