Exemple #1
void RegistrationWidget::confirmIsYou()

  switch (model_->confirmIsExistingUser()) {
  case RegistrationModel::ConfirmWithPassword:
      delete confirmPasswordLogin_;
      confirmPasswordLogin_ = new Login();
      confirmPasswordLogin_->login(model_->existingUser(), WeakLogin);
	->changed().connect(this, &RegistrationWidget::confirmedIsYou);

      WDialog *dialog =

  case RegistrationModel::ConfirmWithEmail:
    // FIXME send a confirmation email to merge the new identity
    // with the existing one. We need to include the provisional
    // id in the token -- no problem there, integrity is verified by a
    // hash in the database

    LOG_INFO("confirming a new identity to existing user not yet implemented");

    LOG_ERROR("that's gone haywire.");
void MediaInfoPanel::info( Media &media )
  WContainerWidget *header = WW<WContainerWidget>().setContentAlignment( AlignCenter );
  Dbo::Transaction t( *d->session );
  WString title = media.title( t );
  header->addWidget( WW<WText>( title ).css( "media-title" ) );
  Dbo::ptr<MediaAttachment> previewAttachment = media.preview( t, Media::PreviewPlayer );

  if( previewAttachment )
    WLink previewLink = previewAttachment->link( previewAttachment, t, header );
    WLink fullImage = previewLink;

    Dbo::ptr<MediaAttachment> fullImageAttachment = media.preview( t, Media::PreviewFull );

    if( fullImageAttachment )
      fullImage = fullImageAttachment->link( fullImageAttachment, t, header );

    WAnchor *fullImageLink = new WAnchor {fullImage, WW<WImage>(previewLink, title).css("img-responsive img-rounded")};
    fullImageLink->setTarget( Wt::AnchorTarget::TargetNewWindow );
    header->addWidget( fullImageLink );
    auto iconType = ( media.mimetype().find( "video" ) == string::npos ) ? Settings::AudioFile : Settings::VideoFile;
    WImage *icon = new WImage { d->settings->icon( iconType ) };
    header->addWidget( icon );

  auto mediaMediaInfoPanel = d->createPanel( "mediabrowser.information" );
  WTable *table = new WTable( mediaMediaInfoPanel.second );
  table->setWidth( WLength( 100, WLength::Percentage ) );
  d->labelValueBox( "mediabrowser.filename", WString::fromUTF8(media.filename()), table );
  d->labelValueBox( "mediabrowser.filesize", Utils::formatFileSize( fs::file_size( media.path() ) ), table );

  MediaPropertiesPtr mediaProperties = media.properties( t );

  if( mediaProperties )
    d->labelValueBox( "mediabrowser.creation_time", mediaProperties->creationTime().toString(), table );
    d->labelValueBox( "mediabrowser.medialength", WTime( 0, 0, 0 ).addSecs( mediaProperties->duration() ).toString(), table );

    if( media.mimetype().find( "video" ) != string::npos && mediaProperties->width() > 0 && mediaProperties->height() > 0 )
      d->labelValueBox( "mediabrowser.resolution", WString( "{1}x{2}" ).arg( mediaProperties->width() ).arg( mediaProperties->height() ), table );

  Ratings rating = MediaRating::ratingFor( media, t );

  if( rating.users > 0 )
    WContainerWidget *avgRatingWidget = new WContainerWidget;

    for( int i = 1; i <= 5; i++ )
      avgRatingWidget->addWidget( WW<WImage>( Settings::staticPath( "/icons/rating_small.png" ) ).css( rating.ratingAverage < i ? "rating-unrated" : "" ) );

    d->labelValueBox( "mediabrowser.rating", avgRatingWidget, table );

  auto actions = d->createPanel( "mediabrowser.actions" );
  actions.second->addWidget( WW<WPushButton>( wtr( "mediabrowser.play" ) ).css( "btn btn-block btn-sm btn-primary" ).onClick( [ = ]( WMouseEvent )
    d->play.emit( media );
  } ) );
  actions.second->addWidget( WW<WPushButton>( wtr( "mediabrowser.queue" ) ).css( "btn btn-block btn-sm" ).onClick( [ = ]( WMouseEvent )
    d->queue.emit( media );
  } ) );
  actions.second->addWidget( WW<WPushButton>( wtr( "mediabrowser.share" ) ).css( "btn btn-block btn-sm" ).onClick( [ = ]( WMouseEvent )
    Wt::Dbo::Transaction t( *d->session );
    WW<WMessageBox>(wtr( "mediabrowser.share" ),
                    wtr( "mediabrowser.share.dialog" )
                      .arg( media.title( t ) )
                      .arg( d->settings->shareLink( media.uid() ).url() ),
                    Wt::Information, Ok)
    .button(Ok, [=](WMessageBox *msgBox){ msgBox->accept(); }).get()->show();
  } ) );
  addWidget( WW<WPushButton>( wtr( "button.close.info" ) ).css( "btn btn-primary btn-block hidden-lg hidden-md" )
             .onClick( [ = ]( WMouseEvent )
  } ) );
  actions.second->addWidget( WW<WPushButton>( wtr( "player.downloadlink" ) ).css( "btn btn-block btn-sm btn-success" ).onClick( [ = ]( WMouseEvent )
    WDialog *downloadDialog = new WDialog(wtr("player.downloadlink"));
    downloadDialog->contents()->addWidget(new WText{wtr("player.downloadlink.message").arg(d->settings->linkFor( media.path() , d->session).url()), XHTMLUnsafeText});
    downloadDialog->footer()->addWidget(WW<WPushButton>(wtr("button.ok")).css("btn btn-primary").onClick([=](WMouseEvent){ downloadDialog->accept(); }));
  } ) );
  addWidget( WW<WPushButton>( wtr( "button.close.info" ) ).css( "btn btn-primary btn-block hidden-lg hidden-md" )
             .onClick( [ = ]( WMouseEvent )
  } ) );
  addWidget( header );
  addWidget( mediaMediaInfoPanel.first );
  addWidget( actions.first );

  if( d->isAdmin )
    auto adminActions = d->createPanel( "mediabrowser.admin.actions" );
    adminActions.first->addStyleClass( "visible-lg visible-md" );
    adminActions.second->addWidget( WW<WPushButton>( wtr( "mediabrowser.admin.settitle" ) ).css( "btn btn-block btn-sm btn-primary" ).onClick( [ = ]( WMouseEvent )
      setTitle().emit( media );
    } ) );
    adminActions.second->addWidget( WW<WPushButton>( wtr( "mediabrowser.admin.setposter" ) ).css( "btn btn-block btn-sm btn-primary" ).onClick( [ = ]( WMouseEvent )
      setPoster().emit( media );
    } ) );
    adminActions.second->addWidget( WW<WPushButton>( wtr( "mediabrowser.admin.deletepreview" ) ).css( "btn btn-block btn-sm btn-danger" ).onClick( [ = ]( WMouseEvent )
      deletePoster().emit( media );
    } ) );
    adminActions.second->addWidget( WW<WPushButton>( wtr( "mediabrowser.admin.deleteattachments" ) ).css( "btn btn-block btn-sm btn-danger" ).onClick( [ = ]( WMouseEvent )
      deleteAttachments().emit( media );
    } ) );
    addWidget( adminActions.first );
