static void WStrVecTest() { WStrVec v; v.Append(str::Dup(L"foo")); v.Append(str::Dup(L"bar")); WCHAR *s = v.Join(); utassert(v.Count() == 2); utassert(str::Eq(L"foobar", s)); free(s); s = v.Join(L";"); utassert(v.Count() == 2); utassert(str::Eq(L"foo;bar", s)); free(s); v.Append(str::Dup(L"glee")); s = v.Join(L"_ _"); utassert(v.Count() == 3); utassert(str::Eq(L"foo_ _bar_ _glee", s)); free(s); v.Sort(); s = v.Join(); utassert(str::Eq(L"barfooglee", s)); free(s); { WStrVec v2(v); utassert(str::Eq(v2.At(1), L"foo")); v2.Append(str::Dup(L"nobar")); utassert(str::Eq(v2.At(3), L"nobar")); v2 = v; utassert(v2.Count() == 3 && v2.At(0) != v.At(0)); utassert(str::Eq(v2.At(1), L"foo")); utassert(&v2.At(2) == v2.AtPtr(2) && str::Eq(*v2.AtPtr(2), L"glee")); } { WStrVec v2; size_t count = v2.Split(L"a,b,,c,", L","); utassert(count == 5 && v2.Find(L"c") == 3); utassert(v2.Find(L"") == 2 && v2.Find(L"", 3) == 4 && v2.Find(L"", 5) == -1); utassert(v2.Find(L"B") == -1 && v2.FindI(L"B") == 1); ScopedMem<WCHAR> joined(v2.Join(L";")); utassert(str::Eq(joined, L"a;b;;c;")); } { WStrVec v2; size_t count = v2.Split(L"a,b,,c,", L",", true); utassert(count == 3 && v2.Find(L"c") == 2); ScopedMem<WCHAR> joined(v2.Join(L";")); utassert(str::Eq(joined, L"a;b;c")); ScopedMem<WCHAR> last(v2.Pop()); utassert(v2.Count() == 2 && str::Eq(last, L"c")); } }
void LaunchWithSumatra(InstanceData *data, const char *url_utf8) { if (!file::Exists(data->filepath)) plogf("sp: NPP_StreamAsFile() error: file doesn't exist"); ScopedMem<WCHAR> url(str::conv::FromUtf8(url_utf8)); // escape quotation marks and backslashes for CmdLineParser.cpp's ParseQuoted if (str::FindChar(url, '"')) { WStrVec parts; parts.Split(url, L"\""); url.Set(parts.Join(L"%22")); } if (str::EndsWith(url, L"\\")) { url[str::Len(url) - 1] = '\0'; url.Set(str::Join(url, L"%5c")); } // prevent overlong URLs from making LaunchProcess fail if (str::Len(url) > 4096) url.Set(NULL); ScopedMem<WCHAR> cmdLine(str::Format(L"\"%s\" -plugin \"%s\" %d \"%s\"", data->exepath, url ? url : L"", (HWND)data->npwin->window, data->filepath)); data->hProcess = LaunchProcess(cmdLine); if (!data->hProcess) { plogf("sp: NPP_StreamAsFile() error: couldn't run SumatraPDF!"); data->message = _TR("Error: Couldn't run SumatraPDF!"); } }
/* Make a string safe to be displayed as a menu item (preserving all & so that they don't get swallowed) Caller needs to free() the result. */ WCHAR *ToSafeString(const WCHAR *str) { if (!str::FindChar(str, '&')) return str::Dup(str); WStrVec ampSplitter; ampSplitter.Split(str, L"&"); return ampSplitter.Join(L"&&"); }
void CopySelectionToClipboard(WindowInfo* win) { if (!win->currentTab || !win->currentTab->selectionOnPage) return; CrashIf(win->currentTab->selectionOnPage->size() == 0 && win->mouseAction != MouseAction::SelectingText); if (win->currentTab->selectionOnPage->size() == 0) return; CrashIf(!win->AsFixed()); if (!win->AsFixed()) return; if (!OpenClipboard(nullptr)) return; EmptyClipboard(); DisplayModel* dm = win->AsFixed(); #ifndef DISABLE_DOCUMENT_RESTRICTIONS if (!dm->GetEngine()->AllowsCopyingText()) win->ShowNotification(_TR("Copying text was denied (copying as image only)")); else #endif if (!dm->GetEngine()->IsImageCollection()) { AutoFreeW selText; bool isTextSelection = dm->textSelection->result.len > 0; if (isTextSelection) { selText.Set(dm->textSelection->ExtractText(L"\r\n")); } else { WStrVec selections; for (SelectionOnPage& sel : *win->currentTab->selectionOnPage) { WCHAR* text = dm->GetTextInRegion(sel.pageNo, sel.rect); if (text) selections.Push(text); } selText.Set(selections.Join()); } // don't copy empty text if (!str::IsEmpty(selText.Get())) CopyTextToClipboard(selText, true); if (isTextSelection) { // don't also copy the first line of a text selection as an image CloseClipboard(); return; } } /* also copy a screenshot of the current selection to the clipboard */ SelectionOnPage* selOnPage = &win->currentTab->selectionOnPage->at(0); RenderedBitmap* bmp = dm->GetEngine()->RenderBitmap(selOnPage->pageNo, dm->GetZoomReal(), dm->GetRotation(), &selOnPage->rect, RenderTarget::Export); if (bmp) CopyImageToClipboard(bmp->GetBitmap(), true); delete bmp; CloseClipboard(); }
void DumpProperties(BaseEngine *engine, bool fullDump) { Out("\t<Properties\n"); ScopedMem<char> str; str.Set(Escape(str::Dup(engine->FileName()))); Out("\t\tFilePath=\"%s\"\n", str.Get()); str.Set(Escape(engine->GetProperty(Prop_Title))); if (str) Out("\t\tTitle=\"%s\"\n", str.Get()); str.Set(Escape(engine->GetProperty(Prop_Subject))); if (str) Out("\t\tSubject=\"%s\"\n", str.Get()); str.Set(Escape(engine->GetProperty(Prop_Author))); if (str) Out("\t\tAuthor=\"%s\"\n", str.Get()); str.Set(Escape(engine->GetProperty(Prop_Copyright))); if (str) Out("\t\tCopyright=\"%s\"\n", str.Get()); str.Set(Escape(engine->GetProperty(Prop_CreationDate))); if (str) Out("\t\tCreationDate=\"%s\"\n", str.Get()); str.Set(Escape(engine->GetProperty(Prop_ModificationDate))); if (str) Out("\t\tModDate=\"%s\"\n", str.Get()); str.Set(Escape(engine->GetProperty(Prop_CreatorApp))); if (str) Out("\t\tCreator=\"%s\"\n", str.Get()); str.Set(Escape(engine->GetProperty(Prop_PdfProducer))); if (str) Out("\t\tPdfProducer=\"%s\"\n", str.Get()); str.Set(Escape(engine->GetProperty(Prop_PdfVersion))); if (str) Out("\t\tPdfVersion=\"%s\"\n", str.Get()); str.Set(Escape(engine->GetProperty(Prop_PdfFileStructure))); if (str) Out("\t\tPdfFileStructure=\"%s\"\n", str.Get()); if (!engine->AllowsPrinting()) Out("\t\tPrintingAllowed=\"no\"\n"); if (!engine->AllowsCopyingText()) Out("\t\tCopyingTextAllowed=\"no\"\n"); if (engine->IsImageCollection()) Out("\t\tImageCollection=\"yes\"\n"); if (engine->PreferredLayout()) Out("\t\tPreferredLayout=\"%d\"\n", engine->PreferredLayout()); Out("\t/>\n"); if (fullDump) { ScopedMem<WCHAR> fontlist(engine->GetProperty(Prop_FontList)); if (fontlist) { WStrVec fonts; fonts.Split(fontlist, L"\n"); str.Set(Escape(fonts.Join(L"\n\t\t"))); Out("\t<FontList>\n\t\t%s\n\t</FontList>\n", str.Get()); } } }
void CopySelectionToClipboard(WindowInfo *win) { if (!win->selectionOnPage) return; CrashIf(win->selectionOnPage->Count() == 0); if (win->selectionOnPage->Count() == 0) return; CrashIf(!win->dm || !win->dm->engine); if (!win->dm || !win->dm->engine) return; if (!OpenClipboard(NULL)) return; EmptyClipboard(); #ifndef DISABLE_DOCUMENT_RESTRICTIONS if (!win->dm->engine->AllowsCopyingText()) ShowNotification(win, _TR("Copying text was denied (copying as image only)")); else #endif if (!win->dm->engine->IsImageCollection()) { ScopedMem<WCHAR> selText; bool isTextSelection = win->dm->textSelection->result.len > 0; if (isTextSelection) { selText.Set(win->dm->textSelection->ExtractText(L"\r\n")); } else { WStrVec selections; for (size_t i = 0; i < win->selectionOnPage->Count(); i++) { SelectionOnPage *selOnPage = &win->selectionOnPage->At(i); WCHAR *text = win->dm->GetTextInRegion(selOnPage->pageNo, selOnPage->rect); if (text) selections.Push(text); } selText.Set(selections.Join()); } // don't copy empty text if (!str::IsEmpty(selText.Get())) CopyTextToClipboard(selText, true); if (isTextSelection) { // don't also copy the first line of a text selection as an image CloseClipboard(); return; } } /* also copy a screenshot of the current selection to the clipboard */ SelectionOnPage *selOnPage = &win->selectionOnPage->At(0); RenderedBitmap * bmp = win->dm->engine->RenderBitmap(selOnPage->pageNo, win->dm->ZoomReal(), win->dm->Rotation(), &selOnPage->rect, Target_Export); if (bmp) CopyImageToClipboard(bmp->GetBitmap(), true); delete bmp; CloseClipboard(); }
// returns a list of permissions denied by this document // Caller needs to free the result static WCHAR *FormatPermissions(Doc doc) { if (!doc.IsEngine()) return NULL; WStrVec denials; if (!doc.AsEngine()->AllowsPrinting()) denials.Push(str::Dup(_TR("printing document"))); if (!doc.AsEngine()->AllowsCopyingText()) denials.Push(str::Dup(_TR("copying text"))); return denials.Join(L", "); }
// returns a list of permissions denied by this document // Caller needs to free the result static WCHAR *FormatPermissions(Controller *ctrl) { if (!ctrl->AsFixed()) return nullptr; WStrVec denials; BaseEngine *engine = ctrl->AsFixed()->GetEngine(); if (!engine->AllowsPrinting()) denials.Push(str::Dup(_TR("printing document"))); if (!engine->AllowsCopyingText()) denials.Push(str::Dup(_TR("copying text"))); return denials.Join(L", "); }
WCHAR* TextSelection::ExtractText(const WCHAR* lineSep) { WStrVec lines; int fromPage, fromGlyph, toPage, toGlyph; GetGlyphRange(&fromPage, &fromGlyph, &toPage, &toGlyph); for (int page = fromPage; page <= toPage; page++) { int textLen; textCache->GetData(page, &textLen); int glyph = page == fromPage ? fromGlyph : 0; int length = (page == toPage ? toGlyph : textLen) - glyph; if (length > 0) FillResultRects(page, glyph, length, &lines); } return lines.Join(lineSep); }
WCHAR *CbxEngineImpl::GetProperty(DocumentProperty prop) { switch (prop) { case Prop_Title: return str::Dup(propTitle); case Prop_Author: return propAuthors.Count() ? propAuthors.Join(L", ") : NULL; case Prop_CreationDate: return str::Dup(propDate); case Prop_ModificationDate: return str::Dup(propModDate); case Prop_CreatorApp: return str::Dup(propCreator); // TODO: replace with Prop_Summary case Prop_Subject: return str::Dup(propSummary); default: return NULL; } }
static WCHAR *FormatPdfFileStructure(Doc doc) { ScopedMem<WCHAR> fstruct(doc.GetProperty(Prop_PdfFileStructure)); if (str::IsEmpty(fstruct.Get())) return NULL; WStrVec parts; parts.Split(fstruct, L",", true); WStrVec props; if (parts.Find(L"linearized") != -1) props.Push(str::Dup(_TR("Fast Web View"))); if (parts.Find(L"tagged") != -1) props.Push(str::Dup(_TR("Tagged PDF"))); if (parts.Find(L"PDFX") != -1) props.Push(str::Dup(L"PDF/X (ISO 15930)")); if (parts.Find(L"PDFA1") != -1) props.Push(str::Dup(L"PDF/A (ISO 19005)")); if (parts.Find(L"PDFE1") != -1) props.Push(str::Dup(L"PDF/E (ISO 24517)")); return props.Join(L", "); }
static WCHAR *FormatPdfFileStructure(Controller *ctrl) { ScopedMem<WCHAR> fstruct(ctrl->GetProperty(Prop_PdfFileStructure)); if (str::IsEmpty(fstruct.Get())) return nullptr; WStrVec parts; parts.Split(fstruct, L",", true); WStrVec props; if (parts.Contains(L"linearized")) props.Push(str::Dup(_TR("Fast Web View"))); if (parts.Contains(L"tagged")) props.Push(str::Dup(_TR("Tagged PDF"))); if (parts.Contains(L"PDFX")) props.Push(str::Dup(L"PDF/X (ISO 15930)")); if (parts.Contains(L"PDFA1")) props.Push(str::Dup(L"PDF/A (ISO 19005)")); if (parts.Contains(L"PDFE1")) props.Push(str::Dup(L"PDF/E (ISO 24517)")); return props.Join(L", "); }