Exemple #1
int main()
  // Create some module to put our function into it.
  Module *M = new Module("test");

  Function* add1F = createAdd1( M );
  Function* fibF = CreateFibFunction( M );

  // Now we create the JIT.
  ExistingModuleProvider* MP = new ExistingModuleProvider(M);
  ExecutionEngine* EE = ExecutionEngine::create(MP, false);

  //~ std::cout << "We just constructed this LLVM module:\n\n" << *M;
  //~ std::cout << "\n\nRunning foo: " << std::flush;

  // Create one thread for add1 and two threads for fib
  struct threadParams add1 = { EE, add1F, 1000 };
  struct threadParams fib1 = { EE, fibF, 39 };
  struct threadParams fib2 = { EE, fibF, 42 };

  pthread_t add1Thread;
  int result = pthread_create( &add1Thread, NULL, callFunc, &add1 );
  if ( result != 0 ) {
          std::cerr << "Could not create thread" << std::endl;
          return 1;

  pthread_t fibThread1;
  result = pthread_create( &fibThread1, NULL, callFunc, &fib1 );
  if ( result != 0 ) {
          std::cerr << "Could not create thread" << std::endl;
          return 1;

  pthread_t fibThread2;
  result = pthread_create( &fibThread2, NULL, callFunc, &fib2 );
  if ( result != 0 ) {
          std::cerr << "Could not create thread" << std::endl;
          return 1;

  synchronize.releaseThreads(3); // wait until other threads are at this point

  void* returnValue;
  result = pthread_join( add1Thread, &returnValue );
  if ( result != 0 ) {
          std::cerr << "Could not join thread" << std::endl;
          return 1;
  std::cout << "Add1 returned " << intptr_t(returnValue) << std::endl;

  result = pthread_join( fibThread1, &returnValue );
  if ( result != 0 ) {
          std::cerr << "Could not join thread" << std::endl;
          return 1;
  std::cout << "Fib1 returned " << intptr_t(returnValue) << std::endl;

  result = pthread_join( fibThread2, &returnValue );
  if ( result != 0 ) {
          std::cerr << "Could not join thread" << std::endl;
          return 1;
  std::cout << "Fib2 returned " << intptr_t(returnValue) << std::endl;

  return 0;
Exemple #2
int main() {
  LLVMContext Context;

  // Create some module to put our function into it.
  std::unique_ptr<Module> Owner = make_unique<Module>("test", Context);
  Module *M = Owner.get();

  Function* add1F = createAdd1( M );
  Function* fibF = CreateFibFunction( M );

  // Now we create the JIT.
  ExecutionEngine* EE = EngineBuilder(std::move(Owner)).create();

  //~ std::cout << "We just constructed this LLVM module:\n\n" << *M;
  //~ std::cout << "\n\nRunning foo: " << std::flush;

  // Create one thread for add1 and two threads for fib
  struct threadParams add1 = { EE, add1F, 1000 };
  struct threadParams fib1 = { EE, fibF, 39 };
  struct threadParams fib2 = { EE, fibF, 42 };

  pthread_t add1Thread;
  int result = pthread_create( &add1Thread, NULL, callFunc, &add1 );
  if ( result != 0 ) {
          std::cerr << "Could not create thread" << std::endl;
          return 1;

  pthread_t fibThread1;
  result = pthread_create( &fibThread1, NULL, callFunc, &fib1 );
  if ( result != 0 ) {
          std::cerr << "Could not create thread" << std::endl;
          return 1;

  pthread_t fibThread2;
  result = pthread_create( &fibThread2, NULL, callFunc, &fib2 );
  if ( result != 0 ) {
          std::cerr << "Could not create thread" << std::endl;
          return 1;

  synchronize.releaseThreads(3); // wait until other threads are at this point

  void* returnValue;
  result = pthread_join( add1Thread, &returnValue );
  if ( result != 0 ) {
          std::cerr << "Could not join thread" << std::endl;
          return 1;
  std::cout << "Add1 returned " << intptr_t(returnValue) << std::endl;

  result = pthread_join( fibThread1, &returnValue );
  if ( result != 0 ) {
          std::cerr << "Could not join thread" << std::endl;
          return 1;
  std::cout << "Fib1 returned " << intptr_t(returnValue) << std::endl;

  result = pthread_join( fibThread2, &returnValue );
  if ( result != 0 ) {
          std::cerr << "Could not join thread" << std::endl;
          return 1;
  std::cout << "Fib2 returned " << intptr_t(returnValue) << std::endl;

  return 0;