 * Filters a transaction list, removing any that aren't found in the
 * watcher database.
 * @param aTransactions The array to filter. This will be modified in-place.
 * @param pCount        The array length. This will be updated upon return.
tABC_CC ABC_BridgeFilterTransactions(Wallet &self,
                                     tABC_TxInfo **aTransactions,
                                     unsigned int *pCount,
                                     tABC_Error *pError)
    tABC_CC cc = ABC_CC_Ok;
    tABC_TxInfo *const *end = aTransactions + *pCount;
    tABC_TxInfo *const *si = aTransactions;
    tABC_TxInfo **di = aTransactions;

    Watcher *watcher = nullptr;
    ABC_CHECK_NEW(watcherFind(watcher, self));

    while (si < end)
        tABC_TxInfo *pTx = *si++;

        int height;
        bc::hash_digest txid;
        if (!bc::decode_hash(txid, pTx->szMalleableTxId))
            ABC_RET_ERROR(ABC_CC_ParseError, "Bad txid");
        if (watcher->get_tx_height(txid, height))
            *di++ = pTx;
    *pCount = di - aTransactions;

    return cc;
ABC_BridgeTxHeight(Wallet &self, const char *szTxId, unsigned int *height, tABC_Error *pError)
    tABC_CC cc = ABC_CC_Ok;
    int height_;
    bc::hash_digest txid;

    Watcher *watcher = nullptr;
    ABC_CHECK_NEW(watcherFind(watcher, self));

    if (!bc::decode_hash(txid, szTxId))
        ABC_RET_ERROR(ABC_CC_ParseError, "Bad txid");
    if (!watcher->get_tx_height(txid, height_))
        cc = ABC_CC_Synchronizing;
    *height = height_;
    return cc;