Exemple #1
	WinPoint GetClusterPoint(CMapPVCluster* pcluster)
		WinPoint pt = WinPoint(
			(int)(m_rectMap.XMin() + ((pcluster->GetScreenX() - m_xMin)/(m_xMax - m_xMin))*(m_rectMap.XSize() - 2*c_nXBorder) + c_nXBorder), 
			(int)(m_rectMap.YMin() + ((pcluster->GetScreenY() - m_yMin)/(m_yMax - m_yMin))*(m_rectMap.YSize() - 2*c_nYBorder) + c_nYBorder)

		return pt;
Exemple #2
 void DrawItem(Surface* pSurface, const WinRect& rect, bool fSelected, int iFirstSlot)
     IEngineFont* pfont = m_pchatInfo->IsFromLeader() ? TrekResources::SmallBoldFont() : TrekResources::SmallFont();
     WinPoint pt(rect.Min() + WinPoint(3,3));
     for (
         int i = iFirstSlot; 
         i < m_vMsgLines.GetCount() && pt.Y() < rect.YMax(); 
     ) {
         pSurface->DrawString(pfont, m_pchatInfo->GetColor(), pt, m_vMsgLines[i]);
         pt += WinPoint(0, m_ptLineSize.Y());
// GenerateFillVerticesD3DColor()
void CVertexGenerator::GenerateFillVerticesD3DColor( const WinRect & rectToFill, const bool bSetStream, D3DCOLOR d3dColor )
    if( CVBIBManager::Get()->LockDynamicVertexBuffer(
                (void**) &pVertArray ) == false )
        // Failed to lock the vertex buffer.
        _ASSERT( false );
    // 2d texturing, adjust the vertex positions slightly.
    float fMinX, fMinY, fMaxX, fMaxY;
    fMinX = (float) rectToFill.Min().X() - 0.5f;
    fMinY = (float) rectToFill.Min().Y() - 0.5f;
    fMaxX = (float) rectToFill.Max().X() - 0.5f;
    fMaxY = (float) rectToFill.Max().Y() - 0.5f;

    pVertArray[0].x		= fMinX;
    pVertArray[0].y		= fMinY;
    pVertArray[0].z		= 0.5f;
    pVertArray[0].rhw	= 1.0f;
    pVertArray[0].color	= d3dColor;

    pVertArray[1].x		= fMaxX;
    pVertArray[1].y		= fMinY;
    pVertArray[1].z		= 0.5f;
    pVertArray[1].rhw	= 1.0f;
    pVertArray[1].color	= d3dColor;

    pVertArray[2].x		= fMinX;
    pVertArray[2].y		= fMaxY;
    pVertArray[2].z		= 0.5f;
    pVertArray[2].rhw	= 1.0f;
    pVertArray[2].color	= d3dColor;

    pVertArray[3].x		= fMaxX;
    pVertArray[3].y		= fMaxY;
    pVertArray[3].z		= 0.5f;
    pVertArray[3].rhw	= 1.0f;
    pVertArray[3].color	= d3dColor;

    // Finished adding verts, unlock.
    CVBIBManager::Get()->UnlockDynamicVertexBuffer( &m_sVGState.hPredefinedDynBuffers[ePDBT_UIFillVB] );

    if( bSetStream == true )
        CVBIBManager::Get()->SetVertexStream( &m_sVGState.hPredefinedDynBuffers[ePDBT_UIFillVB] );
Exemple #4
    void Paint(Surface* pSurface)

        if (m_pImageBkgnd)
            pSurface->BitBlt(WinPoint(0, 0), 
                WinRect(m_ptImgOrigin.X(), m_ptImgOrigin.Y(),
                    m_ptImgOrigin.X() + XSize(), m_ptImgOrigin.Y() + YSize()));

        // calc num Items to draw
        int iLastVisibleItem = LastVisibleItem();
        int iLastItem = m_vItems.GetCount() - 1;
        if (iLastVisibleItem > iLastItem)
            iLastVisibleItem = iLastItem;

        // draw each Item
        WinRect rectPaint = WinRect(0, 0, m_nItemWidth, YSize());
        WinRect rectItem = rectPaint;
        rectItem.bottom = rectItem.top;
        ZAssert(m_iTopItem >= 0);

        // count the number of slots for the first item which we are not drawing
        int nNumHiddenSlots = 0;
        if (m_vItems.GetCount() > 0)
            while (m_iTopItem - nNumHiddenSlots > 0 
                && m_vItems[m_iTopItem - (nNumHiddenSlots + 1)] == m_vItems[m_iTopItem])

            for (int iItem = m_iTopItem;
                    iItem <= iLastVisibleItem; 
                    iItem += m_vItems[iItem]->GetItemHeight() - nNumHiddenSlots, nNumHiddenSlots = 0)
                rectItem.top = rectItem.bottom;
                int nLinesLeft = (iLastVisibleItem - iItem) + 1;
                int nLines = m_vItems[iItem]->GetItemHeight() - nNumHiddenSlots;
                rectItem.bottom += m_nItemHeight * (nLines > nLinesLeft ? nLinesLeft : nLines);

                // draw highlight if selected
                bool bItemSel = (m_iSelItem == iItem);
                if (bItemSel && m_pImageBkgndSel)
                // draw item
                m_vItems[iItem]->DrawItem(pSurface, rectItem, bItemSel, nNumHiddenSlots);
Exemple #5
 void    SetImage(Image* pimage, const WinRect& rect)
     m_pimage = pimage;
     if (rect.Size() != GetSize()) 
Exemple #6
 void DrawItem(Surface* pSurface, const WinRect& rect, bool fSelected, int iFirstSlot)
     int data = (int)this;
     char buf[30];
     sprintf(buf,"%d", data);
     pSurface->DrawString(TrekResources::SmallFont(), Color::White(), rect.Min(), buf);
Exemple #7
    void MouseMove(IInputProvider* pprovider, const Point& point, bool bCaptured, bool bInside)
        if (bCaptured)
            ZAssert(m_bDragging && m_bCanDrag);

            float fScale = (m_xMax - m_xMin)/m_rectMap.XSize();

            float fDeltaX = fScale * (m_pointLastDrag.X() - point.X());
            float fDeltaY = fScale * (m_pointLastDrag.Y() - point.Y());

            // make sure we don't drag the map off of the screen
            m_xDrag = max(min((m_xClusterMax - m_xClusterMin) - (m_xMax - m_xMin), m_xDrag + fDeltaX), 0);
            m_yDrag = max(min((m_yClusterMax - m_yClusterMin) - (m_yMax - m_yMin), m_yDrag + fDeltaY), 0);

            m_pointLastDrag = point;
            if (m_bCanDrag)

Exemple #8
void ImagemapDlg::SetDPI(SelectionType stExportArea, double dDPI)
	//First we need to get the bounding box of the area to export
	DocRect rectBounds=ImagemapFilterOptions::GetSizeOfExportArea(stExportArea);

	//And scale it by the DPI we have been given. The easiest
	//way to do this is to use this function
	Matrix Identity;
	WinRect	Rect = OSRenderRegion::BitmapDocRectToWin( Identity, rectBounds, dDPI );

	//Then set the result into the width and height fields
	SetLongGadgetValue(_R(IDC_IMAGEMAP_WIDTH), Rect.Width());

	SetLongGadgetValue(_R(IDC_IMAGEMAP_HEIGHT), Rect.Height());
Exemple #9
// PaintAll()
// Paint this panes surface, then paint any children.
// Note: the function ::Paint(), is overloaded by any class derived from Pane.
// Added: pass the clip rect round, as with the others, pass by copy, as this can then be modified
// and passed to child panes.
void Pane::PaintAll(	Surface * psurface )
	// Clipping test - TBD: reinstate.
/*	if( ( rectClip.XMax() <= rectClip.XMin() ) ||
		( rectClip.YMax() <= rectClip.YMin() ) ||
		( rectClip.XMax() < 0 ) ||
		( rectClip.YMax() < 0 ) )

    if( !m_bHidden )
		Paint( psurface );

        for(Pane* ppane = m_pchild; ppane != NULL; ppane = ppane->m_pnext) 
            WinRect rectClipOld = psurface->GetClipRect();
            psurface->SetClipRect(WinRect(WinPoint(0, 0), ppane->GetSize()));

 			D3DVIEWPORT9 newViewport, oldViewport;
			CD3DDevice9::Get()->GetViewport( &oldViewport );
			WinRect surfClip = psurface->GetClipRect();
			WinPoint surfOffset = psurface->GetOffset();

			newViewport.X = surfClip.XMin() + surfOffset.X();
			newViewport.Y = surfClip.YMin() + surfOffset.Y();
			newViewport.Width = surfClip.XMax() - surfClip.XMin();
			newViewport.Height = surfClip.YMax() - surfClip.YMin();
			newViewport.MinZ = oldViewport.MinZ;
			newViewport.MaxZ = oldViewport.MaxZ;

			newViewport.X = (int) newViewport.X < 0 ? 0 : newViewport.X;
			newViewport.Y = (int) newViewport.Y < 0 ? 0 : newViewport.Y;
			newViewport.Width = (int) newViewport.Width < 0 ? 0 : newViewport.Width;
			newViewport.Height = (int) newViewport.Height < 0 ? 0 : newViewport.Height;

			if( ( newViewport.Width > 0 ) &&
				( newViewport.Height > 0 ) )
				CD3DDevice9::Get()->SetViewport( &newViewport );			
				ppane->PaintAll( psurface );


			if( ( newViewport.Width > 0 ) &&
				( newViewport.Height > 0 ) )
				CD3DDevice9::Get()->SetViewport( &oldViewport );
        m_bNeedPaint = false;
        m_bPaintAll  = false;
Exemple #10
 void UpdateLayout()
// GenerateUITexturedVertices()
void CVertexGenerator::GenerateUITexturedVertices( 	const TEXHANDLE hTexture,
        const WinRect & rectToDraw,
        const bool bSetStream )
    _ASSERT( hTexture != INVALID_TEX_HANDLE );
    float fMinX, fMinY, fMaxX, fMaxY;
    float fU1, fV1;
    DWORD dwWidth, dwHeight;
    UIVERTEX * pVertArray;

    CVRAMManager::Get()->GetOriginalDimensions( hTexture, &dwWidth, &dwHeight );

    if( CVBIBManager::Get()->LockDynamicVertexBuffer(
//							&m_sVGState.hUITexVertsVB,
                (void**) &pVertArray ) == false )
        // Failed to lock the vertex buffer.
        _ASSERT( false );

    // 2d texturing, adjust the vertex positions slightly.
    fMinX = (float) rectToDraw.Min().X() - 0.5f;
    fMinY = (float) rectToDraw.Min().Y() - 0.5f;
    fMaxX = (float) rectToDraw.Max().X() - 0.5f;
    fMaxY = (float) rectToDraw.Max().Y() - 0.5f;

    // Calculate our uv coords.
    fU1 = 1.0f;
    fV1 = 1.0f;
    if( rectToDraw.XSize() < (int)dwWidth )
        fU1 = (float) rectToDraw.XSize() / (float) dwWidth;
    if( rectToDraw.YSize() < (int)dwHeight )
        fV1 = (float) rectToDraw.YSize() / (float) dwHeight;

    pVertArray[0].x = fMinX;
    pVertArray[0].y = fMinY;
    pVertArray[0].z = 0.5f;
    pVertArray[0].rhw = 1.0f;
    pVertArray[0].fU = 0.0f;
    pVertArray[0].fV = 0.0f;

    pVertArray[1].x = fMaxX;
    pVertArray[1].y = fMinY;
    pVertArray[1].z = 0.5f;
    pVertArray[1].rhw = 1.0f;
    pVertArray[1].fU = fU1;
    pVertArray[1].fV = 0.0f;

    pVertArray[2].x = fMinX;
    pVertArray[2].y = fMaxY;
    pVertArray[2].z = 0.5f;
    pVertArray[2].rhw = 1.0f;
    pVertArray[2].fU = 0.0f;
    pVertArray[2].fV = fV1;

    pVertArray[3].x = fMaxX;
    pVertArray[3].y = fMaxY;
    pVertArray[3].z = 0.5f;
    pVertArray[3].rhw = 1.0f;
    pVertArray[3].fU = fU1;
    pVertArray[3].fV = fV1;

    // Finished adding verts, unlock.
    CVBIBManager::Get()->UnlockDynamicVertexBuffer( &m_sVGState.hPredefinedDynBuffers[ePDBT_UITexVB] );

    if( bSetStream == true )
        CVBIBManager::Get()->SetVertexStream( &m_sVGState.hPredefinedDynBuffers[ePDBT_UITexVB] );
Exemple #12
	void CalculateScreenMinAndMax()
		// map the sector data
		bool    bFirstCluster = true;
		const ClusterPVList* clusters = m_missionpv.GetClusters();
		for (ClusterPVLink* cLink = clusters->first(); cLink != NULL; cLink = cLink->next())
			CMapPVCluster* pCluster = cLink->data();
			if (true) // pCluster->GetModels()->n() != 0
				float   x = pCluster->GetScreenX();
				float   y = pCluster->GetScreenY();
				if (bFirstCluster)
					bFirstCluster = false;

					m_xClusterMin = m_xClusterMax = x;
					m_yClusterMin = m_yClusterMax = y;
					if (x < m_xClusterMin)
						m_xClusterMin = x;
					else if (x > m_xClusterMax)
						m_xClusterMax = x;

					if (y < m_yClusterMin)
						m_yClusterMin = y;
					else if (y > m_yClusterMax)
						m_yClusterMax = y;

		const   float   c_bfr = 0.1f * 
			max(0.0001, max(m_xClusterMax - m_xClusterMin, 
				m_yClusterMax - m_yClusterMin));
		m_xClusterMin -= c_bfr;
		m_xClusterMax += c_bfr;
		m_yClusterMin -= c_bfr;
		m_yClusterMax += c_bfr;

		// figure out the minimum and maximum screen coordinates
		m_xMin = m_xClusterMin;
		m_xMax = m_xClusterMax;
		m_yMin = m_yClusterMin;
		m_yMax = m_yClusterMax;

		float fDesiredAspectRatio = float(m_rectMap.XSize() - 2*c_nXBorder)/(m_rectMap.YSize() - 2*c_nYBorder);

		// scale it so that a map with height 2 will fit exactly
		const float fMapmakerHeight = 2.2f; // 10% fudge factor
		const float fMaxHeight = fMapmakerHeight;
		const float fMaxWidth = fMaxHeight * fDesiredAspectRatio;

		// if the map is bigger than we want to display, clip the view to the max size
		if (m_xMax - m_xMin > fMaxWidth || m_yMax - m_yMin > fMaxHeight)
			m_bCanDrag = true;
			m_xMax = m_xMin + min(m_xMax - m_xMin, fMaxWidth);
			m_yMax = m_yMin + min(m_yMax - m_yMin, fMaxHeight);
			m_bCanDrag = false;

		//Preserve the aspect ratio
		float fAspectRatio = (m_xMax - m_xMin) / (m_yMax - m_yMin);

		if (fAspectRatio < fDesiredAspectRatio)
			// grow the X size to correct the aspect ratio
			float fXGrowth = (fDesiredAspectRatio / fAspectRatio - 1) * (m_xMax - m_xMin);
			m_xMax += fXGrowth / 2;
			m_xMin -= fXGrowth / 2;
		else if (fAspectRatio > fDesiredAspectRatio)
			// grow the Y size to correct the aspect ratio
			float fYGrowth = (fAspectRatio / fDesiredAspectRatio - 1) * (m_yMax - m_yMin);
			m_yMax += fYGrowth / 2;
			m_yMin -= fYGrowth / 2;

		// translate by the current drag offset
		m_xMin += m_xDrag;
		m_xMax += m_xDrag;
		m_yMin += m_yDrag;
		m_yMax += m_yDrag;
Exemple #13
void Window::SetClientSize(const WinPoint& point)
    WinRect rect = GetClientRect();
Exemple #14
void Window::SetRect(const WinRect& rect)
    MoveWindow(m_hwnd, rect.XMin(), rect.YMin(), rect.XSize(), rect.YSize(), true);