Exemple #1
TEST(FileInfoWorld, Basic)
  const size_t numFrames = 100;
  const std::string fileName = "testWorld.txt";
  double tol = 1e-6;
  bool result = false;
  FileInfoWorld worldFile;

  WorldPtr world = SkelParser::readWorld(
  EXPECT_TRUE(world != nullptr);

  Recording* recording1 = nullptr;
  Recording* recording2 = nullptr;

  // Do some simulation with recording
  for (size_t i = 0; i < numFrames; ++i)

  recording1 = world->getRecording();
  EXPECT_TRUE(recording1 != nullptr);

  // Save the recording to a file
  result = worldFile.saveFile(fileName.c_str(), world->getRecording());

  // Load the file
  result = worldFile.loadFile(fileName.c_str());
  recording2 = worldFile.getRecording();
  EXPECT_TRUE(recording2 != nullptr);

  // Check number of frames
  EXPECT_EQ(recording1->getNumFrames(), (int)numFrames);
  EXPECT_EQ(recording2->getNumFrames(), (int)numFrames);

  // Check number of skeletons
  size_t numSkeletons = recording1->getNumSkeletons();
  EXPECT_EQ(recording1->getNumSkeletons(), recording2->getNumSkeletons());

  // Check number of dofs of the skeletons
  for (size_t i = 0; i < numSkeletons; ++i)
    EXPECT_EQ(recording1->getNumDofs(i), recording2->getNumDofs(i));

  // Check generalized positions and contact info
  for (size_t i = 0; i < numFrames; ++i)
    // Check generalized positions
    for (size_t j = 0; j < numSkeletons; ++j)
      size_t dofs = recording1->getNumDofs(j);

      for (size_t k = 0; k < dofs; ++k)
        EXPECT_NEAR(recording1->getGenCoord(i, j, k),
                    recording2->getGenCoord(i, j, k), tol);

    // Check contact info
    tol = 1e-3;
    size_t numContacts = recording1->getNumContacts(i);
    EXPECT_EQ(recording1->getNumContacts(i), recording2->getNumContacts(i));

    for (size_t j = 0; j < numContacts; ++j)
      for (size_t k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
        EXPECT_NEAR(recording1->getContactForce(i, j)[k],
                    recording2->getContactForce(i, j)[k], tol);

        EXPECT_NEAR(recording1->getContactPoint(i, j)[k],
                    recording2->getContactPoint(i, j)[k], tol);