Exemple #1
   CNDCpt& p,           // Screen point at which to do intersect
   Wpt&    nearpt,      // Point on face visually nearest to p
   double& dist,        // Distance from nearpt to ray from camera
   double& d2d,         // Distance in pixels nearpt to p
   Wvec& n              // "normal" at nearpt in world coordinates
   ) const
   // (Bsimplex virtual method):
   // Intersection w/ ray from given screen point -- returns the point
   // on the Bface that is nearest to the given screen space point.
   // Note: the returned "near point" and "normal" are both
   //       transformed to world space.

   // Get "eye point" for computing distance.
   // Not sure if this is the same as cam->from(),
   // but it seems to be the way it's done in other
   // intersection code.
   Wpt eye = XYpt(p);

   // Make object-space ray:
   Wline ray = mesh()->inv_xform()*Wline(p); // ray in object space
   Wpt hit;

   // Try for exact intersection:
   double d;
   if (ray_intersect(ray, hit, d)) {
      // Direct hit
      nearpt = mesh()->xform()*hit;
      dist   = nearpt.dist(eye);
      d2d    = PIXEL(nearpt).dist(PIXEL(p));
      n      = (mesh()->inv_xform().transpose()*norm()).normalized();
      return true;

   Wpt    hit1, hit2, hit3;
   double d1 = DBL_MAX, d2 = DBL_MAX, d3 = DBL_MAX;
   Wvec   n1, n2, n3;
   _e1->view_intersect(p, hit1, d, d1, n1);
   _e2->view_intersect(p, hit2, d, d2, n2);
   _e3->view_intersect(p, hit3, d, d3, n3);

   // Rename so d1 represents closest hit
   if (d1 > d2) {
      swap(d1, d2);
      swap(hit1, hit2);
      swap(n1, n2);
   if (d1 > d3) {
      swap(d1, d3);
      swap(hit1, hit3);
      swap(n1, n3);
   nearpt = mesh()->xform()*hit1;
   dist   = nearpt.dist(eye);
   d2d    = PIXEL(nearpt).dist(PIXEL(p));
   n      = n1;
   return true;
Exemple #2
QuadtreeNode::farthest_pt(Wpt& p)
   Wpt ret = _v1;
   double max_dist = ret.dist(p);
   if (_v2.dist(p) > max_dist) {
      ret = _v2;
      max_dist = ret.dist(p);
   if (_v3.dist(p) > max_dist) {
      ret = _v3;
   return ret;
Exemple #3
    CNDCpt& p,           // Screen point at which to do intersect
    Wpt&    nearpt,      // Point on edge visually nearest to p
    double& dist,        // Distance from nearpt to ray from camera
    double& d2d,         // Distance in pixels nearpt to p
    Wvec& n              // "normal" at nearpt in world space
) const
    // (Bsimplex virtual method):
    // Intersection w/ ray from given screen point -- returns the point
    // on the Bedge that is nearest to the given screen space point.
    // Note: the returned "near point" and "normal" are both
    //       transformed to world space.

    // Find nearest point on the edge in screen-space, and make a 3D
    // ray out of it (world space, not object space):
    Wline ray(NDCline(_v1->ndc(), _v2->ndc()).project_to_seg(p));

    // Working in world space (applying mesh xf to verts), find
    // nearest point on the edge to the ray:
    nearpt = Wline(_v1->wloc(), _v2->wloc()).project_to_seg(ray);

    // Compute world and screen distances
    dist = nearpt.dist(ray.point());
    d2d  = PIXEL(nearpt).dist(PIXEL(ray.point()));

    // Return a "normal" vector:
    Wvec n1;
    if (nfaces() == 2)
        n1 = norm();
    else if (nfaces() == 1)
        n1 = get_face()->norm();
        n1 = (ray.point() - nearpt).normalized();

    // Transform the normal properly:
    n = (_mesh->inv_xform().transpose()*n1).normalized();

    return 1;
Exemple #4
//! Given an initial slash gesture (or delayed slash) near the
//! center of an existing straight Bcurve, set up the widget to
//! do a sweep cross-ways to the Bcurve:
SWEEP_LINE::setup(CGESTUREptr& slash, double dur)

   static bool debug =
      Config::get_var_bool("DEBUG_SWEEP_SETUP",false) || debug_all;

   err_adv(debug, "SWEEP_LINE::setup");

   // check the gesture
   if (!(slash && slash->straightness() > 0.99)) {
      err_adv(debug, "SWEEP_LINE::setup: gesture is bad");
      return false;

   // find the (straight) Bcurve near slash start
   _curve = Bcurve::hit_ctrl_curve(slash->start());
   if (!(_curve && _curve->is_straight())) {
      err_adv(debug, "SWEEP_LINE::setup: no straight curve at start");
      return false;

   // find endpoints
   Bpoint *b1 = _curve->b1(), *b2 = _curve->b2();
   assert(b1 && b2);    // straight curve must have endpoints

   // curve cannot be connected to other curves
   if (b1->vert()->degree() != 1 || b2->vert()->degree() != 1) {
      err_adv(debug, "SWEEP_LINE::setup: curve is not isolated");
      return false;

   // ensure the gesture starts near the center of the straight line Bcurve:
      PIXEL a = b1->vert()->pix();
      PIXEL b = b2->vert()->pix();
      double t = (slash->start() - a).tlen(b-a);
      if (t < 0.35 || t > 0.65) {
         err_adv(debug, "SWEEP_LINE::setup: gesture not near center of line");
         return false;

   // find the plane to work in
   _plane = check_plane(shared_plane(b1, b2));
   if (!_plane.is_valid()) {
      err_adv(debug, "SWEEP_LINE::setup: no valid plane");
      return false;

   // check that slash is perpendicular to line
   Wpt  a = b1->loc();  // endpoint at b1
   Wpt  b = b2->loc();  // endpoint at b2
   Wvec t = b - a;      // vector from endpt a to endpt b
   Wpt  o = a + t/2;    // center of straight line curve
   Wvec n = cross(_plane.normal(), t); // direction across line ab

   Wvec slash_vec = endpt_vec(slash, _plane);
   const double ALIGN_ANGLE_THRESH = 15;
   double angle = rad2deg(slash_vec.angle(n));
   if (angle > 90) {
      angle = 180 - angle;
      n = -n;
   if (angle > ALIGN_ANGLE_THRESH) {
      err_adv(debug, "SWEEP_LINE::setup: slash is not perpendicular to line");
      err_adv(debug, "                   angle: %f", angle);
      return false;

   // compute guideline endpoint:
   Wpt endpt = o + n.normalized()*a.dist(b);

   return SWEEP_BASE::setup(_curve->mesh(), o, endpt, dur);