int YARPLogpolar::ReconstructGrays (const YARPImageOf<YarpPixelMono>& in, YARPImageOf<YarpPixelMono>& out)
	using namespace _logpolarParams;

	Reconstruct_Grays((unsigned char *)out.GetRawBuffer(), (unsigned char *)in.GetRawBuffer(), _srho, _stheta, _img.padding, _weightsMap, _img.Pix_Numb);
	return YARP_OK;
int YARPLogpolar::Uniform2Sawt(const YARPImageOf<YarpPixelBGR>& in, YARPImageOf<YarpPixelBGR>& out)
	using namespace _logpolarParams;

	uniform2Sawt((unsigned char *)out.GetRawBuffer(), (unsigned char *)in.GetRawBuffer(), &_img, _padMap);
	return YARP_OK;
/// out -> 256 x 256, in 152 x 256.
int YARPLogpolar::Logpolar2Cartesian (const YARPImageOf<YarpPixelBGR>& in, YARPImageOf<YarpPixelBGR>& out)
	using namespace _logpolarParams;
	ACE_ASSERT (in.GetWidth() == _stheta && in.GetHeight() == _srho);
	ACE_ASSERT (out.GetWidth() == _xsize && out.GetHeight() == _ysize);

	Remap ((unsigned char *)out.GetRawBuffer(), (unsigned char *)in.GetRawBuffer(), &_img, _remapMap);
	return YARP_OK;
void TmpFilter (YARPImageOf<YarpPixelMono>& old, YARPImageOf<YarpPixelMono>& img)
	char *src = img.GetRawBuffer();
	char *optr = old.GetRawBuffer();
	const int w = img.GetWidth ();
	const int h = img.GetHeight ();

	for (int i = 0; i < w * h; i++)
		*optr = 0.5 * *src++ + 0.5 * *optr;

	memcpy (img.GetRawBuffer(), old.GetRawBuffer(), w * h);
Exemple #5
void YARPImageTrackTool::Apply(YARPImageOf<YarpPixelBGR>& src)
	YARPImageOf<YarpPixelBGR> nextImg, blah;
	int ox, oy;

	if (src.GetWidth() != IMG_W || src.GetHeight() != IMG_H)
		printf("Image tracking code is old, and specific to %dx%d images\n", IMG_W, IMG_H);

	if (first)
		first = 0;
		delta = 0;
		ox = tx;
		oy = ty;
		ImgInt3& ii1 = *((ImgInt3 *)prevImg3.GetRawBuffer());
		ImgInt3& ii2 = *((ImgInt3 *)src.GetRawBuffer());
		Apply(ii1, ii2, tx, ty);
		if (ox != tx || oy != ty || delta)
			delta = 0;
// helper.
YARPFlowTracker::GrowMask (const YARPImageOf<YarpPixelMono>& src, YARPImageOf<YarpPixelMono>& dest)
	// block filter 7x7
	const int w = segmentation_mask.GetWidth();
	const int h = segmentation_mask.GetHeight();
	unsigned char *ss = (unsigned char *)src.GetRawBuffer();


	// save in +2,+2...
	unsigned char *s[7];
	for (int ll = 0; ll < 7; ll++)
		s[ll] = ss+ll*w;

	int accum = 0;

	for (int i = 0; i < h-7; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < w-7; j++)
			accum = 0;
			for (int k = 0; k < 7; k++)
				accum += s[0][k];
				accum += s[1][k];
				accum += s[2][k];
				accum += s[3][k];
				accum += s[4][k];
				accum += s[5][k];
				accum += s[6][k];

			accum /= 49;
			accum = (accum >= 64) ? 255 : 0;
			dest (j+3, i+3) = accum;

			s[0] ++;
			s[1] ++;
			s[2] ++;
			s[3] ++;
			s[4] ++;
			s[5] ++;
			s[6] ++;

		ss += w;
		s[0] = ss;
		s[1] = s[0]+w;
		s[2] = s[1]+w;
		s[3] = s[2]+w;
		s[4] = s[3]+w;
		s[5] = s[4]+w;
		s[6] = s[5]+w;

	return 0;
void YARPImageUtils::PasteInto (const YARPImageOf<YarpPixelMono>& src, int x, int y, int zoom, YARPImageOf<YarpPixelMono>& dst)
	char *bs = dst.GetRawBuffer ();

	IplImage *ipl = src.GetIplPointer ();
	const int dh = ipl->height;
	const int dw = ipl->width;
	char *dsY = ipl->imageData;

	int depth = dst.GetPixelSize ();
	ACE_ASSERT (depth == ipl->nChannels);	// same # of chan.

	const int h = dst.GetHeight();
	ACE_ASSERT (h >= dh);			// same height.
    const int w = dst.GetWidth();
	ACE_ASSERT (w >= dw);			// same width.

	const int rem_w = w - dw;

	// crude limit check.
	ACE_ASSERT (dw * zoom + x < w);
	ACE_ASSERT (dh * zoom + y < h);

	if (zoom == 1)
		bs += (y * w);
		for (int i = 0; i < dh; i++)
			memcpy (bs + x, dsY, dw);

			bs += w;
			dsY += dw;
		bs += (y * w);
		for (int i = 0; i < dh; i++)
			char * st_row = bs;
			bs += x;
			for (int j = 0; j < dw; j++)
				for (int k = 0; k < zoom; k++)
					*bs++ = *dsY;

			for (int k = 1; k < zoom; k++)
				memcpy (st_row + x + w * k, st_row + x, dw * zoom); 

			bs = st_row + w * zoom;
int YARPLogpolar::Logpolar2CartesianFovea (const YARPImageOf<YarpPixelBGR>& in, YARPImageOf<YarpPixelBGR>& out)
	using namespace _logpolarParams;
	ACE_ASSERT (in.GetWidth() == _stheta && in.GetHeight() == _srho);
	ACE_ASSERT (out.GetWidth() == _xsizefovea && out.GetHeight() == _ysizefovea);

	_img.Size_X_Remap = _xsizefovea;
	_img.Size_Y_Remap = _ysizefovea;
	_img.Size_Img_Remap = _xsizefovea * _ysizefovea;
	_img.Zoom_Level = 512.0/1090.0;
	Remap ((unsigned char *)out.GetRawBuffer(), (unsigned char *)in.GetRawBuffer(), &_img, _remapMapFovea);

	_img.Size_X_Remap = _xsize;
	_img.Size_Y_Remap = _ysize;
	_img.Size_Img_Remap = _xsize * _ysize;
	_img.Zoom_Level = 256.0/1090.0;

	return YARP_OK;
bool FindCentroid (YARPImageOf<YarpPixelMono>& img, int *x, int *y)
	char *ptri = img.GetRawBuffer ();
	const int w = img.GetWidth ();
	const int h = img.GetHeight ();

	unsigned char max = 0;

	unsigned char *tmp = (unsigned char *)ptri;
	for (int i = 0; i < w * h; i++, tmp++)
		if (*tmp > max)
			max = *tmp;

	int count = 0;
	*x = 0;
	*y = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < h; i++)
		unsigned char *row = (unsigned char *)ptri + i * w;
		for (int j = 0; j < w; j++, row++)
			if (*row == max)
				*x += j;
				*y += i;
				count ++;

	if (count != 0)
		*x /= count;
		*y /= count;
		*x = img.GetWidth() / 2;
		*y = img.GetHeight() / 2;

	if (max > 0)
		return true;
		return false;
Exemple #10
void DrawBoxes (FiveBoxesInARow boxes, YARPImageOf<YarpPixelMono>& img, int weight, int scalefactor)
	char *ptri = img.GetRawBuffer ();
	const int w = img.GetWidth ();
	const int h = img.GetHeight ();

	// weird stuff...
	CBox2Send *array = &(boxes.box1);

	for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
		CBox2Send *tmp = array++;
		if (tmp->valid && Area (tmp) > 500)
			// draw box i-th
			int minr = (tmp->ymin < 0) ? 0 : tmp->ymin;
			int maxr = (tmp->ymax >= h) ? h-1 : tmp->ymax;
			int minc = (tmp->xmin < 0) ? 0 : tmp->xmin;
			int maxc = (tmp->xmax >= w) ? w-1 : tmp->xmax;

			for (int r = minr; r <= maxr; r++)
				char *row = ptri + r * w + tmp->xmin;
				for (int c = minc; c <= maxc; c++)
					int result = *row + weight * scalefactor;
					if (result >= 255)
						*row++ = 255;
						*row++ = result;
void YARPDispMap::dispWrapper(	YARPImageOf<YarpPixelMono>  & left, 
								YARPImageOf<YarpPixelMono>  & right,
								YARPImageOf<YarpPixelMono>  & mask,
								YARPImageOf<YarpPixelMono>  & disparity)
	int i,j,m,n;

	unsigned char * lmask  = (unsigned char*) mask.GetRawBuffer();
	unsigned char * rmask = (unsigned char*) _imaskImg.GetRawBuffer();
	unsigned char * dilat = (unsigned char*) _dilatImg.GetRawBuffer();
	unsigned char * l  = (unsigned char*) left.GetRawBuffer();
	unsigned char * r  = (unsigned char*) right.GetRawBuffer();
	unsigned char * disp  = (unsigned char*) disparity.GetRawBuffer();
	unsigned char * idisp = (unsigned char*) _idispImg.GetRawBuffer();

	float * eps = (float*)_epsImg.GetRawBuffer();
	_dilatImg = mask;

	for(j=_dilMask; j<_ySize-_dilMask; j++)
		for (i=_dilMask; i<_xSize-_dilMask; i++)
			if (lmask[j*_xSize+i]!=0)
				for (m=j-_dilMask; m<=j+_dilMask; m++)
					for (n=i-_dilMask; n<=i+_dilMask; n++)
						dilat[m*_xSize+n] = 255;
				dilat[j*_xSize+i] = 0;

	if (_epsVal)

		for (j=0; j<_imgSize; j++)
			if (dilat[j]==255)
				l[j] = (unsigned char)(eps[j]+0.5f);
				l[j] = 0;


		for (j=1; j<_ySize-1; j++)
			for (i=1; i<_xSize-1; i++)
				r[j*_xSize+i] = (unsigned char)(eps[j*_xSize+i]+0.5f);


		for (j=0; j<_imgSize; j++)
			if (dilat[j]==0)
					l[j] = 0;


	for (j=0; j<_imgSize; j++)
		if (lmask[j]==0)
			disp[j] = 0;


	for(j=_dilMask; j<_ySize-_dilMask; j++)
		for (i=_dilMask; i<_xSize-_dilMask; i++)
			if (rmask[j*_xSize+i]==255)
				for (m=j-_dilMask; m<=j+_dilMask; m++)
					for (n=i-_dilMask; n<=i+_dilMask; n++)
						dilat[m*_xSize+n] = 255;
				dilat[j*_xSize+i] = 0;

		for (j=0; j<_imgSize; j++)
			if (dilat[j]==255)
				r[j] = (unsigned char)(eps[j]);
				r[j] = 0;
		for (j=0; j<_imgSize; j++)
			if (dilat[j]==0)
				r[j] = 0;


	for (j=0; j<_imgSize; j++)
		if (idisp[j] != 0)
			if (disp[j] == 255)
				disp[j] = idisp[j];
		else if (disp[j] != 0)
			disp[j] = (idisp[j]+disp[j])/2;
