Exemple #1
bool CCoinsViewCache::HaveJoinSplitRequirements(const CTransaction& tx) const
    boost::unordered_map<uint256, ZCIncrementalMerkleTree, CCoinsKeyHasher> intermediates;

    BOOST_FOREACH(const JSDescription &joinsplit, tx.vjoinsplit)
        BOOST_FOREACH(const uint256& nullifier, joinsplit.nullifiers)
            if (GetNullifier(nullifier)) {
                // If the nullifier is set, this transaction
                // double-spends!
                return false;

        ZCIncrementalMerkleTree tree;
        auto it = intermediates.find(joinsplit.anchor);
        if (it != intermediates.end()) {
            tree = it->second;
        } else if (!GetAnchorAt(joinsplit.anchor, tree)) {
            return false;

        BOOST_FOREACH(const uint256& commitment, joinsplit.commitments)

        intermediates.insert(std::make_pair(tree.root(), tree));

    return true;
Exemple #2
uint256 appendRandomCommitment(ZCIncrementalMerkleTree &tree)
    libzcash::SpendingKey k = libzcash::SpendingKey::random();
    libzcash::PaymentAddress addr = k.address();

    libzcash::Note note(addr.a_pk, 0, uint256(), uint256());

    auto cm = note.cm();
    return cm;
Exemple #3
CWalletTx GetValidSpend(ZCJoinSplit& params,
                        const libzcash::SpendingKey& sk,
                        const libzcash::Note& note, CAmount value) {
    CMutableTransaction mtx;
    mtx.vout[0].nValue = value;
    mtx.vout[1].nValue = 0;

    // Generate an ephemeral keypair.
    uint256 joinSplitPubKey;
    unsigned char joinSplitPrivKey[crypto_sign_SECRETKEYBYTES];
    crypto_sign_keypair(joinSplitPubKey.begin(), joinSplitPrivKey);
    mtx.joinSplitPubKey = joinSplitPubKey;

    // Fake tree for the unused witness
    ZCIncrementalMerkleTree tree;

    libzcash::JSOutput dummyout;
    libzcash::JSInput dummyin;

        if (note.value > value) {
            libzcash::SpendingKey dummykey = libzcash::SpendingKey::random();
            libzcash::PaymentAddress dummyaddr = dummykey.address();
            dummyout = libzcash::JSOutput(dummyaddr, note.value - value);
        } else if (note.value < value) {
            libzcash::SpendingKey dummykey = libzcash::SpendingKey::random();
            libzcash::PaymentAddress dummyaddr = dummykey.address();
            libzcash::Note dummynote(dummyaddr.a_pk, (value - note.value), uint256(), uint256());
            dummyin = libzcash::JSInput(tree.witness(), dummynote, dummykey);


    boost::array<libzcash::JSInput, 2> inputs = {
        libzcash::JSInput(tree.witness(), note, sk),

    boost::array<libzcash::JSOutput, 2> outputs = {
        dummyout, // dummy output
        libzcash::JSOutput() // dummy output

    boost::array<libzcash::Note, 2> output_notes;

    // Prepare JoinSplits
    uint256 rt = tree.root();
    JSDescription jsdesc {params, mtx.joinSplitPubKey, rt,
                          inputs, outputs, 0, value, false};

    // Empty output script.
    CScript scriptCode;
    CTransaction signTx(mtx);
    uint256 dataToBeSigned = SignatureHash(scriptCode, signTx, NOT_AN_INPUT, SIGHASH_ALL);

    // Add the signature
    assert(crypto_sign_detached(&mtx.joinSplitSig[0], NULL,
                                dataToBeSigned.begin(), 32,
                               ) == 0);
    CTransaction tx {mtx};
    CWalletTx wtx {NULL, tx};
    return wtx;
// Notes:
// 1. #1159 Currently there is no limit set on the number of joinsplits, so size of tx could be invalid.
// 2. #1360 Note selection is not optimal
// 3. #1277 Spendable notes are not locked, so an operation running in parallel could also try to use them
bool AsyncRPCOperation_sendmany::main_impl() {

    assert(isfromtaddr_ != isfromzaddr_);

    bool isSingleZaddrOutput = (t_outputs_.size()==0 && z_outputs_.size()==1);
    bool isMultipleZaddrOutput = (t_outputs_.size()==0 && z_outputs_.size()>=1);
    bool isPureTaddrOnlyTx = (isfromtaddr_ && z_outputs_.size() == 0);
    CAmount minersFee = fee_;

    // When spending coinbase utxos, you can only specify a single zaddr as the change must go somewhere
    // and if there are multiple zaddrs, we don't know where to send it.
    if (isfromtaddr_) {
        if (isSingleZaddrOutput) {
            bool b = find_utxos(true);
            if (!b) {
                throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS, "Insufficient funds, no UTXOs found for taddr from address.");
        } else {
            bool b = find_utxos(false);
            if (!b) {
                if (isMultipleZaddrOutput) {
                    throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS, "Could not find any non-coinbase UTXOs to spend. Coinbase UTXOs can only be sent to a single zaddr recipient.");
                } else {
                    throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS, "Could not find any non-coinbase UTXOs to spend.");
    if (isfromzaddr_ && !find_unspent_notes()) {
        throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS, "Insufficient funds, no unspent notes found for zaddr from address.");

    CAmount t_inputs_total = 0;
    for (SendManyInputUTXO & t : t_inputs_) {
        t_inputs_total += std::get<2>(t);

    CAmount z_inputs_total = 0;
    for (SendManyInputJSOP & t : z_inputs_) {
        z_inputs_total += std::get<2>(t);

    CAmount t_outputs_total = 0;
    for (SendManyRecipient & t : t_outputs_) {
        t_outputs_total += std::get<1>(t);

    CAmount z_outputs_total = 0;
    for (SendManyRecipient & t : z_outputs_) {
        z_outputs_total += std::get<1>(t);

    CAmount sendAmount = z_outputs_total + t_outputs_total;
    CAmount targetAmount = sendAmount + minersFee;

    assert(!isfromtaddr_ || z_inputs_total == 0);
    assert(!isfromzaddr_ || t_inputs_total == 0);

    if (isfromtaddr_ && (t_inputs_total < targetAmount)) {
            strprintf("Insufficient transparent funds, have %s, need %s",
            FormatMoney(t_inputs_total), FormatMoney(targetAmount)));
    if (isfromzaddr_ && (z_inputs_total < targetAmount)) {
            strprintf("Insufficient protected funds, have %s, need %s",
            FormatMoney(z_inputs_total), FormatMoney(targetAmount)));

    // If from address is a taddr, select UTXOs to spend
    CAmount selectedUTXOAmount = 0;
    bool selectedUTXOCoinbase = false;
    if (isfromtaddr_) {
        // Get dust threshold
        CKey secret;
        CScript scriptPubKey = GetScriptForDestination(secret.GetPubKey().GetID());
        CTxOut out(CAmount(1), scriptPubKey);
        CAmount dustThreshold = out.GetDustThreshold(minRelayTxFee);
        CAmount dustChange = -1;

        std::vector<SendManyInputUTXO> selectedTInputs;
        for (SendManyInputUTXO & t : t_inputs_) {
            bool b = std::get<3>(t);
            if (b) {
                selectedUTXOCoinbase = true;
            selectedUTXOAmount += std::get<2>(t);
            if (selectedUTXOAmount >= targetAmount) {
                // Select another utxo if there is change less than the dust threshold.
                dustChange = selectedUTXOAmount - targetAmount;
                if (dustChange == 0 || dustChange >= dustThreshold) {

        // If there is transparent change, is it valid or is it dust?
        if (dustChange < dustThreshold && dustChange != 0) {
                strprintf("Insufficient transparent funds, have %s, need %s more to avoid creating invalid change output %s (dust threshold is %s)",
                FormatMoney(t_inputs_total), FormatMoney(dustThreshold - dustChange), FormatMoney(dustChange), FormatMoney(dustThreshold)));

        t_inputs_ = selectedTInputs;
        t_inputs_total = selectedUTXOAmount;

        // Check mempooltxinputlimit to avoid creating a transaction which the local mempool rejects
        size_t limit = (size_t)GetArg("-mempooltxinputlimit", 0);
            if (NetworkUpgradeActive(chainActive.Height() + 1, Params().GetConsensus(), Consensus::UPGRADE_OVERWINTER)) {
                limit = 0;
        if (limit > 0) {
            size_t n = t_inputs_.size();
            if (n > limit) {
                throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, strprintf("Too many transparent inputs %zu > limit %zu", n, limit));

        // update the transaction with these inputs
        CMutableTransaction rawTx(tx_);
        for (SendManyInputUTXO & t : t_inputs_) {
            uint256 txid = std::get<0>(t);
            int vout = std::get<1>(t);
            CAmount amount = std::get<2>(t);
            CTxIn in(COutPoint(txid, vout));
        tx_ = CTransaction(rawTx);

    LogPrint((isfromtaddr_) ? "zrpc" : "zrpcunsafe", "%s: spending %s to send %s with fee %s\n",
            getId(), FormatMoney(targetAmount), FormatMoney(sendAmount), FormatMoney(minersFee));
    LogPrint("zrpc", "%s: transparent input: %s (to choose from)\n", getId(), FormatMoney(t_inputs_total));
    LogPrint("zrpcunsafe", "%s: private input: %s (to choose from)\n", getId(), FormatMoney(z_inputs_total));
    LogPrint("zrpc", "%s: transparent output: %s\n", getId(), FormatMoney(t_outputs_total));
    LogPrint("zrpcunsafe", "%s: private output: %s\n", getId(), FormatMoney(z_outputs_total));
    LogPrint("zrpc", "%s: fee: %s\n", getId(), FormatMoney(minersFee));

    // Grab the current consensus branch ID
        consensusBranchId_ = CurrentEpochBranchId(chainActive.Height() + 1, Params().GetConsensus());

     * SCENARIO #1
     * taddr -> taddrs
     * There are no zaddrs or joinsplits involved.
    if (isPureTaddrOnlyTx) {
        CAmount funds = selectedUTXOAmount;
        CAmount fundsSpent = t_outputs_total + minersFee;
        CAmount change = funds - fundsSpent;
        if (change > 0) {

            LogPrint("zrpc", "%s: transparent change in transaction output (amount=%s)\n",
        UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
        obj.push_back(Pair("rawtxn", EncodeHexTx(tx_)));
        return true;
     * END SCENARIO #1

    // Prepare raw transaction to handle JoinSplits
    CMutableTransaction mtx(tx_);
    crypto_sign_keypair(joinSplitPubKey_.begin(), joinSplitPrivKey_);
    mtx.joinSplitPubKey = joinSplitPubKey_;
    tx_ = CTransaction(mtx);

    // Copy zinputs and zoutputs to more flexible containers
    std::deque<SendManyInputJSOP> zInputsDeque; // zInputsDeque stores minimum numbers of notes for target amount
    CAmount tmp = 0;
    for (auto o : z_inputs_) {
        tmp += std::get<2>(o);
        if (tmp >= targetAmount) {
    std::deque<SendManyRecipient> zOutputsDeque;
    for (auto o : z_outputs_) {
        // TODO: Add Sapling support. For now, ensure we can later convert freely.
        auto addr = DecodePaymentAddress(std::get<0>(o));
        assert(boost::get<libzcash::SproutPaymentAddress>(&addr) != nullptr);

    // When spending notes, take a snapshot of note witnesses and anchors as the treestate will
    // change upon arrival of new blocks which contain joinsplit transactions.  This is likely
    // to happen as creating a chained joinsplit transaction can take longer than the block interval.
    if (z_inputs_.size() > 0) {
        LOCK2(cs_main, pwalletMain->cs_wallet);
        for (auto t : z_inputs_) {
            JSOutPoint jso = std::get<0>(t);
            std::vector<JSOutPoint> vOutPoints = { jso };
            uint256 inputAnchor;
            std::vector<boost::optional<ZCIncrementalWitness>> vInputWitnesses;
            pwalletMain->GetNoteWitnesses(vOutPoints, vInputWitnesses, inputAnchor);
            jsopWitnessAnchorMap[ jso.ToString() ] = WitnessAnchorData{ vInputWitnesses[0], inputAnchor };

     * SCENARIO #2
     * taddr -> taddrs
     *       -> zaddrs
     * Note: Consensus rule states that coinbase utxos can only be sent to a zaddr.
     *       Local wallet rule does not allow any change when sending coinbase utxos
     *       since there is currently no way to specify a change address and we don't
     *       want users accidentally sending excess funds to a recipient.
    if (isfromtaddr_) {
        CAmount funds = selectedUTXOAmount;
        CAmount fundsSpent = t_outputs_total + minersFee + z_outputs_total;
        CAmount change = funds - fundsSpent;
        if (change > 0) {
            if (selectedUTXOCoinbase) {
                throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, strprintf(
                    "Change %s not allowed. When protecting coinbase funds, the wallet does not "
                    "allow any change as there is currently no way to specify a change address "
                    "in z_sendmany.", FormatMoney(change)));
            } else {
                LogPrint("zrpc", "%s: transparent change in transaction output (amount=%s)\n",

        // Create joinsplits, where each output represents a zaddr recipient.
        UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
        while (zOutputsDeque.size() > 0) {
            AsyncJoinSplitInfo info;
            info.vpub_old = 0;
            info.vpub_new = 0;
            int n = 0;
            while (n++<ZC_NUM_JS_OUTPUTS && zOutputsDeque.size() > 0) {
                SendManyRecipient smr = zOutputsDeque.front();
                std::string address = std::get<0>(smr);
                CAmount value = std::get<1>(smr);
                std::string hexMemo = std::get<2>(smr);

                PaymentAddress pa = DecodePaymentAddress(address);
                JSOutput jso = JSOutput(boost::get<libzcash::SproutPaymentAddress>(pa), value);
                if (hexMemo.size() > 0) {
                    jso.memo = get_memo_from_hex_string(hexMemo);
                // Funds are removed from the value pool and enter the private pool
                info.vpub_old += value;
            obj = perform_joinsplit(info);
        return true;
     * END SCENARIO #2
     * SCENARIO #3
     * zaddr -> taddrs
     *       -> zaddrs
     * Send to zaddrs by chaining JoinSplits together and immediately consuming any change
     * Send to taddrs by creating dummy z outputs and accumulating value in a change note
     * which is used to set vpub_new in the last chained joinsplit.
    UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ);
    CAmount jsChange = 0;   // this is updated after each joinsplit
    int changeOutputIndex = -1; // this is updated after each joinsplit if jsChange > 0
    bool vpubNewProcessed = false;  // updated when vpub_new for miner fee and taddr outputs is set in last joinsplit
    CAmount vpubNewTarget = minersFee;
    if (t_outputs_total > 0) {
        vpubNewTarget += t_outputs_total;

    // Keep track of treestate within this transaction
    boost::unordered_map<uint256, ZCIncrementalMerkleTree, CCoinsKeyHasher> intermediates;
    std::vector<uint256> previousCommitments;

    while (!vpubNewProcessed) {
        AsyncJoinSplitInfo info;
        info.vpub_old = 0;
        info.vpub_new = 0;

        CAmount jsInputValue = 0;
        uint256 jsAnchor;
        std::vector<boost::optional<ZCIncrementalWitness>> witnesses;

        JSDescription prevJoinSplit;

        // Keep track of previous JoinSplit and its commitments
        if (tx_.vjoinsplit.size() > 0) {
            prevJoinSplit = tx_.vjoinsplit.back();

        // If there is no change, the chain has terminated so we can reset the tracked treestate.
        if (jsChange==0 && tx_.vjoinsplit.size() > 0) {

        // Consume change as the first input of the JoinSplit.
        if (jsChange > 0) {
            LOCK2(cs_main, pwalletMain->cs_wallet);

            // Update tree state with previous joinsplit
            ZCIncrementalMerkleTree tree;
            auto it = intermediates.find(prevJoinSplit.anchor);
            if (it != intermediates.end()) {
                tree = it->second;
            } else if (!pcoinsTip->GetSproutAnchorAt(prevJoinSplit.anchor, tree)) {
                throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, "Could not find previous JoinSplit anchor");

            assert(changeOutputIndex != -1);
            boost::optional<ZCIncrementalWitness> changeWitness;
            int n = 0;
            for (const uint256& commitment : prevJoinSplit.commitments) {
                if (!changeWitness && changeOutputIndex == n++) {
                    changeWitness = tree.witness();
                } else if (changeWitness) {
            if (changeWitness) {
            jsAnchor = tree.root();
            intermediates.insert(std::make_pair(tree.root(), tree));    // chained js are interstitial (found in between block boundaries)

            // Decrypt the change note's ciphertext to retrieve some data we need
            ZCNoteDecryption decryptor(boost::get<libzcash::SproutSpendingKey>(spendingkey_).receiving_key());
            auto hSig = prevJoinSplit.h_sig(*pzcashParams, tx_.joinSplitPubKey);
            try {
                SproutNotePlaintext plaintext = SproutNotePlaintext::decrypt(
                        (unsigned char) changeOutputIndex);

                SproutNote note = plaintext.note(boost::get<libzcash::SproutPaymentAddress>(frompaymentaddress_));

                jsInputValue += plaintext.value();

                LogPrint("zrpcunsafe", "%s: spending change (amount=%s)\n",

            } catch (const std::exception& e) {
                throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, strprintf("Error decrypting output note of previous JoinSplit: %s", e.what()));

        // Consume spendable non-change notes
        std::vector<SproutNote> vInputNotes;
        std::vector<JSOutPoint> vOutPoints;
        std::vector<boost::optional<ZCIncrementalWitness>> vInputWitnesses;
        uint256 inputAnchor;
        int numInputsNeeded = (jsChange>0) ? 1 : 0;
        while (numInputsNeeded++ < ZC_NUM_JS_INPUTS && zInputsDeque.size() > 0) {
            SendManyInputJSOP t = zInputsDeque.front();
            JSOutPoint jso = std::get<0>(t);
            SproutNote note = std::get<1>(t);
            CAmount noteFunds = std::get<2>(t);

            WitnessAnchorData wad = jsopWitnessAnchorMap[ jso.ToString() ];
            if (inputAnchor.IsNull()) {
                inputAnchor = wad.anchor;
            } else if (inputAnchor != wad.anchor) {
                throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, "Selected input notes do not share the same anchor");

            jsInputValue += noteFunds;
            int wtxHeight = -1;
            int wtxDepth = -1;
                LOCK2(cs_main, pwalletMain->cs_wallet);
                const CWalletTx& wtx = pwalletMain->mapWallet[jso.hash];
                // Zero-confirmation notes belong to transactions which have not yet been mined
                if (mapBlockIndex.find(wtx.hashBlock) == mapBlockIndex.end()) {
                    throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, strprintf("mapBlockIndex does not contain block hash %s", wtx.hashBlock.ToString()));
                wtxHeight = mapBlockIndex[wtx.hashBlock]->nHeight;
                wtxDepth = wtx.GetDepthInMainChain();
            LogPrint("zrpcunsafe", "%s: spending note (txid=%s, vjoinsplit=%d, ciphertext=%d, amount=%s, height=%d, confirmations=%d)\n",
                    jso.hash.ToString().substr(0, 10),
                    int(jso.n), // uint8_t
        // Add history of previous commitments to witness
        if (vInputNotes.size() > 0) {

            if (vInputWitnesses.size()==0) {
                throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, "Could not find witness for note commitment");
            for (auto & optionalWitness : vInputWitnesses) {
                if (!optionalWitness) {
                    throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, "Witness for note commitment is null");
                ZCIncrementalWitness w = *optionalWitness; // could use .get();
                if (jsChange > 0) {
                    for (const uint256& commitment : previousCommitments) {
                    if (jsAnchor != w.root()) {
                        throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, "Witness for spendable note does not have same anchor as change input");

            // The jsAnchor is null if this JoinSplit is at the start of a new chain
            if (jsAnchor.IsNull()) {
                jsAnchor = inputAnchor;

            // Add spendable notes as inputs
            std::copy(vInputNotes.begin(), vInputNotes.end(), std::back_inserter(info.notes));

        // Find recipient to transfer funds to
        std::string address, hexMemo;
        CAmount value = 0;
        if (zOutputsDeque.size() > 0) {
            SendManyRecipient smr = zOutputsDeque.front();
            address = std::get<0>(smr);
            value = std::get<1>(smr);
            hexMemo = std::get<2>(smr);

        // Reset change
        jsChange = 0;
        CAmount outAmount = value;

        // Set vpub_new in the last joinsplit (when there are no more notes to spend or zaddr outputs to satisfy)
        if (zOutputsDeque.size() == 0 && zInputsDeque.size() == 0) {
            if (jsInputValue < vpubNewTarget) {
                throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR,
                    strprintf("Insufficient funds for vpub_new %s (miners fee %s, taddr outputs %s)",
                    FormatMoney(vpubNewTarget), FormatMoney(minersFee), FormatMoney(t_outputs_total)));
            outAmount += vpubNewTarget;
            info.vpub_new += vpubNewTarget; // funds flowing back to public pool
            vpubNewProcessed = true;
            jsChange = jsInputValue - outAmount;
            assert(jsChange >= 0);
        else {
            // This is not the last joinsplit, so compute change and any amount still due to the recipient
            if (jsInputValue > outAmount) {
                jsChange = jsInputValue - outAmount;
            } else if (outAmount > jsInputValue) {
                // Any amount due is owed to the recipient.  Let the miners fee get paid first.
                CAmount due = outAmount - jsInputValue;
                SendManyRecipient r = SendManyRecipient(address, due, hexMemo);

                // reduce the amount being sent right now to the value of all inputs
                value = jsInputValue;

        // create output for recipient
        if (address.empty()) {
            info.vjsout.push_back(JSOutput());  // dummy output while we accumulate funds into a change note for vpub_new
        } else {
            PaymentAddress pa = DecodePaymentAddress(address);
            JSOutput jso = JSOutput(boost::get<libzcash::SproutPaymentAddress>(pa), value);
            if (hexMemo.size() > 0) {
                jso.memo = get_memo_from_hex_string(hexMemo);

        // create output for any change
        if (jsChange>0) {
            info.vjsout.push_back(JSOutput(boost::get<libzcash::SproutPaymentAddress>(frompaymentaddress_), jsChange));

            LogPrint("zrpcunsafe", "%s: generating note for change (amount=%s)\n",

        obj = perform_joinsplit(info, witnesses, jsAnchor);

        if (jsChange > 0) {
            changeOutputIndex = find_output(obj, 1);

    // Sanity check in case changes to code block above exits loop by invoking 'break'
    assert(zInputsDeque.size() == 0);
    assert(zOutputsDeque.size() == 0);

    return true;