Exemple #1
ZRef<ZStreamerRPos> ZAssetRep_FS::OpenRPos()
	if (fData)
		return new StreamerMemory(this, fData, fDataSize);

	if (fComps.empty())
		return fSpec.OpenRPos();

	string leaf = fComps.back();
	if (leaf == "!binary" || leaf == "!string" || leaf == "!stringtable")
		ZFileSpec branchSpec = fSpec.Trail(ZTrail(fComps.begin(), fComps.end() - 1));
		if (branchSpec.IsFile())
			// And the branch is a file, so we pretend that our specially named leaf exists.
			return branchSpec.OpenRPos();

	return fSpec.Trail(ZTrail(fComps.begin(), fComps.end())).OpenRPos();
Exemple #2
ZRef<ZAssetRep> ZAssetRep_FS::ResolvePath(const char* iPath)
	const char* pathStart = iPath;

	if (pathStart == nullptr || pathStart[0] == 0)
		// An empty path means us.
		return this;

	vector<string> newComps;

	if (pathStart[0] == '|')
		// A | prefix means we want our root, which is fSpec with an empty component vector.
		newComps = fComps;
	const char* iter = pathStart;
	for (;;)
		switch (*iter)
			case 0:
			case '^':
			case '|':
				if (iter > pathStart)
					newComps.push_back(string(pathStart, iter - pathStart));
				pathStart = iter + 1;
				if (*iter == '^')
					if (newComps.empty())
						// We're trying to get the parent of the root,
						// which is an illegal asset reference.
						return ZRef<ZAssetRep>();

		if (*iter == 0)


	if (newComps.empty())
		if (fSpec.Exists())
			return new ZAssetRep_FS(fSpec);
		return ZRef<ZAssetRep>();

	ZFileSpec branchSpec = fSpec.Trail(ZTrail(newComps.begin(), newComps.end() - 1));
	if (!branchSpec.Exists())
		// The branch doesn't exist, so neither can the full path.
		return ZRef<ZAssetRep>();

	// We know the branch exists.
	string leaf = newComps.back();
	if (leaf == "!binary" || leaf == "!string" || leaf == "!stringtable")
		// We've got a leaf with a special name.
		if (branchSpec.IsFile())
			// And the branch is a file, so we pretend that our specially named leaf exists.
			return new ZAssetRep_FS(fSpec, newComps);

	if (fSpec.Trail(ZTrail(newComps.begin(), newComps.end())).Exists())
		// Our spec plus the new components is an extant entity.
		return new ZAssetRep_FS(fSpec, newComps);

	return ZRef<ZAssetRep>();