 * Find an entry by name.
ZipEntry* ZipFile::getEntryByName(const char* fileName) const
     * Do a stupid linear string-compare search.
     * There are various ways to speed this up, especially since it's rare
     * to intermingle changes to the archive with "get by name" calls.  We
     * don't want to sort the mEntries vector itself, however, because
     * it's used to recreate the Central Directory.
     * (Hash table works, parallel list of pointers in sorted order is good.)
    int idx;

    for (idx = mEntries.size()-1; idx >= 0; idx--) {
        ZipEntry* pEntry = mEntries[idx];
        if (!pEntry->getDeleted() &&
            strcmp(fileName, pEntry->getFileName()) == 0)
            return pEntry;

    return NULL;
Exemple #2
bool ZipArchive::setEntryComment(const ZipEntry& entry, const string& comment) const {
    if (!isOpen()) { return false; }
    if (entry.zipFile!=this) { return false; }
    bool result = zip_file_set_comment(zipHandle, entry.getIndex(), comment.c_str(), comment.size(), ZIP_FL_ENC_GUESS);
    return result==0;
Exemple #3
s::String MountpointZip::FileReadAll(const char* fnm)
	ZipEntry entry;
	if (!m_zip.GetEntry(fnm, entry)) {
		throw s::Exception("File not found.");
		return "";
	size_t sz = entry.GetSize();
	char* buffer = (char*)malloc(sz + 1);
	entry.Read(buffer, sz);
	buffer[sz] = '\0';
	s::String ret(buffer);
	return ret;
Exemple #4
string ZipArchive::getEntryComment(const ZipEntry& entry, State state) const {
    if (!isOpen()) { return string(); }
    if (entry.zipFile!=this) { return string(); }
    int flag = ZIP_FL_ENC_GUESS;
    if (state==ORIGINAL) { flag = flag | ZIP_FL_UNCHANGED; }
    unsigned int clen;
    const char* com = zip_file_get_comment(zipHandle, entry.getIndex(), &clen, flag);
    string comment = com==NULL ? string() : string(com, clen);
    return comment;
 * Process a regular file, adding it to the archive if appropriate.
 * This function is intended for use when creating a cached overlay package.
 * Only xml and .9.png files are processed and added to the package.
 * If we're in "update" mode, and the file already exists in the archive,
 * delete the existing entry before adding the new one.
bool processOverlayFile(Bundle* bundle, ZipFile* zip,
                            String8 storageName, const sp<const AaptFile>& file)
    const bool hasData = file->hasData();

    ZipEntry* entry;
    bool fromGzip = false;
    status_t result;

    if (strcasecmp(storageName.getPathExtension().string(), ".gz") == 0) {
        fromGzip = true;
        storageName = storageName.getBasePath();

    if (bundle->getUpdate()) {
        entry = zip->getEntryByName(storageName.string());
        if (entry != NULL) {
            /* file already exists in archive; there can be only one */
            if (entry->getMarked()) {
                        "ERROR: '%s' exists twice (check for with & w/o '.gz'?)\n",
                return false;

    if (hasData) {
        const char* name = storageName.string();
        if (endsWith(name, ".9.png") || endsWith(name, ".xml") || endsWith(name, ".arsc")) {
            result = zip->add(file->getData(), file->getSize(), storageName.string(),
                               file->getCompressionMethod(), &entry);
            if (result == NO_ERROR) {
                if (bundle->getVerbose()) {
                    printf("      '%s'%s", storageName.string(), fromGzip ? " (from .gz)" : "");
                    if (entry->getCompressionMethod() == ZipEntry::kCompressStored) {
                        printf(" (not compressed)\n");
                    } else {
                        printf(" (compressed %d%%)\n", calcPercent(entry->getUncompressedLen(),
            } else {
                if (result == ALREADY_EXISTS) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "      Unable to add '%s': file already in archive (try '-u'?)\n",
                } else {
                    fprintf(stderr, "      Unable to add '%s': Zip add failed\n",
                return false;

    return true;
Exemple #6
int ZipArchive::deleteEntry(const ZipEntry& entry) const {
    if (!isOpen()) { return LIBZIPPP_ERROR_NOT_OPEN; }
    if (entry.zipFile!=this) { return LIBZIPPP_ERROR_INVALID_ENTRY; }
    if (mode==READ_ONLY) { return LIBZIPPP_ERROR_NOT_ALLOWED; } //deletion not allowed
    if (entry.isFile()) {
        int result = zip_delete(zipHandle, entry.getIndex());
        if (result==0) { return 1; }
        return LIBZIPPP_ERROR_UNKNOWN; //unable to delete the entry
    } else {
        int counter = 0;
        vector<ZipEntry> allEntries = getEntries();
        vector<ZipEntry>::const_iterator eit;
        for(eit=allEntries.begin() ; eit!=allEntries.end() ; ++eit) {
            ZipEntry ze = *eit;
            int startPosition = ze.getName().find(entry.getName());
            if (startPosition==0) {
                int result = zip_delete(zipHandle, ze.getIndex());
                if (result==0) { ++counter; }
                else { return LIBZIPPP_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } //unable to remove the current entry
        return counter;
ssize_t processJarFile(ZipFile* jar, ZipFile* out)
    size_t N = jar->getNumEntries();
    size_t count = 0;
    for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) {
        ZipEntry* entry = jar->getEntryByIndex(i);
        const char* storageName = entry->getFileName();
        if (endsWith(storageName, ".class")) {
            int compressionMethod = entry->getCompressionMethod();
            size_t size = entry->getUncompressedLen();
            const void* data = jar->uncompress(entry);
            if (data == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unable to uncompress entry '%s'\n",
                return -1;
            out->add(data, size, storageName, compressionMethod, NULL);
    return count;
static void ListOne(const ZipEntry& entry, const std::string& name) {
  tm t = entry.GetModificationTime();
  char time[32];
  snprintf(time, sizeof(time), "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d", t.tm_year + 1900, t.tm_mon + 1,
           t.tm_mday, t.tm_hour, t.tm_min);
  if (flag_v) {
    printf("%8d  %s  %7d %3d%% %s %08x  %s\n", entry.uncompressed_length,
           (entry.method == kCompressStored) ? "Stored" : "Defl:N", entry.compressed_length,
           CompressionRatio(entry.uncompressed_length, entry.compressed_length), time, entry.crc32,
  } else {
    printf("%9d  %s   %s\n", entry.uncompressed_length, time, name.c_str());
Exemple #9
int ZipArchive::deleteEntry(const string& e) const {
    ZipEntry entry = getEntry(e);
    if (entry.isNull()) { return LIBZIPPP_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
    return deleteEntry(entry);
 * The directory hierarchy looks like this:
 * "outputDir" and "assetRoot" are existing directories.
 * On success, "bundle->numPackages" will be the number of Zip packages
 * we created.
status_t writeAPK(Bundle* bundle, const String8& outputFile, const sp<OutputSet>& outputSet)
    fprintf(stdout, "BENCHMARK: Starting APK Bundling \n");
    long startAPKTime = clock();
    #endif /* BENCHMARK */

    status_t result = NO_ERROR;
    ZipFile* zip = NULL;
    int count;


     * Prep the Zip archive.
     * If the file already exists, fail unless "update" or "force" is set.
     * If "update" is set, update the contents of the existing archive.
     * Else, if "force" is set, remove the existing archive.
    FileType fileType = getFileType(outputFile.string());
    if (fileType == kFileTypeNonexistent) {
        // okay, create it below
    } else if (fileType == kFileTypeRegular) {
        if (bundle->getUpdate()) {
            // okay, open it below
        } else if (bundle->getForce()) {
            if (unlink(outputFile.string()) != 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unable to remove '%s': %s\n", outputFile.string(),
                goto bail;
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: '%s' exists (use '-f' to force overwrite)\n",
            goto bail;
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: '%s' exists and is not a regular file\n", outputFile.string());
        goto bail;

    if (bundle->getVerbose()) {
        printf("%s '%s'\n", (fileType == kFileTypeNonexistent) ? "Creating" : "Opening",

    status_t status;
    zip = new ZipFile;
    status = zip->open(outputFile.string(), ZipFile::kOpenReadWrite | ZipFile::kOpenCreate);
    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unable to open '%s' as Zip file for writing\n",
        goto bail;

    if (bundle->getVerbose()) {
        printf("Writing all files...\n");

    count = processAssets(bundle, zip, outputSet);
    if (count < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unable to process assets while packaging '%s'\n",
        result = count;
        goto bail;

    if (bundle->getVerbose()) {
        printf("Generated %d file%s\n", count, (count==1) ? "" : "s");
    count = processJarFiles(bundle, zip);
    if (count < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unable to process jar files while packaging '%s'\n",
        result = count;
        goto bail;
    if (bundle->getVerbose())
        printf("Included %d file%s from jar/zip files.\n", count, (count==1) ? "" : "s");
    result = NO_ERROR;

     * Check for cruft.  We set the "marked" flag on all entries we created
     * or decided not to update.  If the entry isn't already slated for
     * deletion, remove it now.
        if (bundle->getVerbose())
            printf("Checking for deleted files\n");
        int i, removed = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < zip->getNumEntries(); i++) {
            ZipEntry* entry = zip->getEntryByIndex(i);

            if (!entry->getMarked() && entry->getDeleted()) {
                if (bundle->getVerbose()) {
                    printf("      (removing crufty '%s')\n",
        if (bundle->getVerbose() && removed > 0)
            printf("Removed %d file%s\n", removed, (removed==1) ? "" : "s");

    /* tell Zip lib to process deletions and other pending changes */
    result = zip->flush();
    if (result != NO_ERROR) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Zip flush failed, archive may be hosed\n");
        goto bail;

    /* anything here? */
    if (zip->getNumEntries() == 0) {
        if (bundle->getVerbose()) {
            printf("Archive is empty -- removing %s\n", outputFile.getPathLeaf().string());
        delete zip;        // close the file so we can remove it in Win32
        zip = NULL;
        if (unlink(outputFile.string()) != 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "warning: could not unlink '%s'\n", outputFile.string());

    // If we've been asked to generate a dependency file for the .ap_ package,
    // do so here
    if (bundle->getGenDependencies()) {
        // The dependency file gets output to the same directory
        // as the specified output file with an additional .d extension.
        // e.g. bin/resources.ap_.d
        String8 dependencyFile = outputFile;

        FILE* fp = fopen(dependencyFile.string(), "a");
        // Add this file to the dependency file
        fprintf(fp, "%s \\\n", outputFile.string());

    assert(result == NO_ERROR);

    delete zip;        // must close before remove in Win32
    if (result != NO_ERROR) {
        if (bundle->getVerbose()) {
            printf("Removing %s due to earlier failures\n", outputFile.string());
        if (unlink(outputFile.string()) != 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "warning: could not unlink '%s'\n", outputFile.string());

    if (result == NO_ERROR && bundle->getVerbose())

    fprintf(stdout, "BENCHMARK: End APK Bundling. Time Elapsed: %f ms \n",(clock() - startAPKTime)/1000.0);
    #endif /* BENCHMARK */
    return result;
 * Process a regular file, adding it to the archive if appropriate.
 * If we're in "update" mode, and the file already exists in the archive,
 * delete the existing entry before adding the new one.
bool processFile(Bundle* bundle, ZipFile* zip,
                 String8 storageName, const sp<const AaptFile>& file)
    const bool hasData = file->hasData();

    ZipEntry* entry;
    bool fromGzip = false;
    status_t result;

     * See if the filename ends in ".EXCLUDE".  We can't use
     * String8::getPathExtension() because the length of what it considers
     * to be an extension is capped.
     * The Asset Manager doesn't check for ".EXCLUDE" in Zip archives,
     * so there's no value in adding them (and it makes life easier on
     * the AssetManager lib if we don't).
     * NOTE: this restriction has been removed.  If you're in this code, you
     * should clean this up, but I'm in here getting rid of Path Name, and I
     * don't want to make other potentially breaking changes --joeo
    int fileNameLen = storageName.length();
    int excludeExtensionLen = strlen(kExcludeExtension);
    if (fileNameLen > excludeExtensionLen
            && (0 == strcmp(storageName.string() + (fileNameLen - excludeExtensionLen),
                            kExcludeExtension))) {
        fprintf(stderr, "warning: '%s' not added to Zip\n", storageName.string());
        return true;

    if (strcasecmp(storageName.getPathExtension().string(), ".gz") == 0) {
        fromGzip = true;
        storageName = storageName.getBasePath();

    if (bundle->getUpdate()) {
        entry = zip->getEntryByName(storageName.string());
        if (entry != NULL) {
            /* file already exists in archive; there can be only one */
            if (entry->getMarked()) {
                        "ERROR: '%s' exists twice (check for with & w/o '.gz'?)\n",
                return false;
            if (!hasData) {
                const String8& srcName = file->getSourceFile();
                time_t fileModWhen;
                fileModWhen = getFileModDate(srcName.string());
                if (fileModWhen == (time_t) -1) { // file existence tested earlier,
                    return false;                 //  not expecting an error here
                if (fileModWhen > entry->getModWhen()) {
                    // mark as deleted so add() will succeed
                    if (bundle->getVerbose()) {
                        printf("      (removing old '%s')\n", storageName.string());
                } else {
                    // version in archive is newer
                    if (bundle->getVerbose()) {
                        printf("      (not updating '%s')\n", storageName.string());
                    return true;
            } else {
                // Generated files are always replaced.

    //android_setMinPriority(NULL, ANDROID_LOG_VERBOSE);

    if (fromGzip) {
        result = zip->addGzip(file->getSourceFile().string(), storageName.string(), &entry);
    } else if (!hasData) {
        /* don't compress certain files, e.g. PNGs */
        int compressionMethod = bundle->getCompressionMethod();
        if (!okayToCompress(bundle, storageName)) {
            compressionMethod = ZipEntry::kCompressStored;
        result = zip->add(file->getSourceFile().string(), storageName.string(), compressionMethod,
    } else {
        result = zip->add(file->getData(), file->getSize(), storageName.string(),
                           file->getCompressionMethod(), &entry);
    if (result == NO_ERROR) {
        if (bundle->getVerbose()) {
            printf("      '%s'%s", storageName.string(), fromGzip ? " (from .gz)" : "");
            if (entry->getCompressionMethod() == ZipEntry::kCompressStored) {
                printf(" (not compressed)\n");
            } else {
                printf(" (compressed %d%%)\n", calcPercent(entry->getUncompressedLen(),
    } else {
        if (result == ALREADY_EXISTS) {
            fprintf(stderr, "      Unable to add '%s': file already in archive (try '-u'?)\n",
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "      Unable to add '%s': Zip add failed (%d)\n",
                    file->getPrintableSource().string(), result);
        return false;

    return true;
Exemple #12
AaptAssets::slurpResourceZip(Bundle* bundle, const char* filename)
    int count = 0;
    SortedVector<AaptGroupEntry> entries;

    ZipFile* zip = new ZipFile;
    status_t err = zip->open(filename, ZipFile::kOpenReadOnly);
    if (err != NO_ERROR) {
        fprintf(stderr, "error opening zip file %s\n", filename);
        count = err;
        delete zip;
        return -1;

    const int N = zip->getNumEntries();
    for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
        ZipEntry* entry = zip->getEntryByIndex(i);
        if (entry->getDeleted()) {

        String8 entryName(entry->getFileName());

        String8 dirName = entryName.getPathDir();
        sp<AaptDir> dir = dirName == "" ? this : makeDir(dirName);

        String8 resType;
        AaptGroupEntry kind;

        String8 remain;
        if (entryName.walkPath(&remain) == kResourceDir) {
            // these are the resources, pull their type out of the directory name
            kind.initFromDirName(remain.walkPath().string(), &resType);
        } else {
            // these are untyped and don't have an AaptGroupEntry
        if (entries.indexOf(kind) < 0) {

        // use the one from the zip file if they both exist.

        sp<AaptFile> file = new AaptFile(entryName, kind, resType);
        status_t err = dir->addLeafFile(entryName.getPathLeaf(), file);
        if (err != NO_ERROR) {
            fprintf(stderr, "err=%s entryName=%s\n", strerror(err), entryName.string());
            count = err;
            goto bail;

#if 0
        if (entryName == "AndroidManifest.xml") {
        printf("\n\nfile: %s\n", entryName.string());

        size_t len = entry->getUncompressedLen();
        void* data = zip->uncompress(entry);
        void* buf = file->editData(len);
        memcpy(buf, data, len);

#if 0
        const int OFF = 0;
        const unsigned char* p = (unsigned char*)data;
        const unsigned char* end = p+len;
        p += OFF;
        for (int i=0; i<32 && p < end; i++) {
            printf("0x%03x ", i*0x10 + OFF);
            for (int j=0; j<0x10 && p < end; j++) {
                printf(" %02x", *p);



    delete zip;
    return count;
Exemple #13
 * Add an entry by copying it from another zip file, recompressing with
 * Zopfli if already compressed.
 * If "ppEntry" is non-NULL, a pointer to the new entry will be returned.
status_t ZipFile::addRecompress(const ZipFile* pSourceZip, const ZipEntry* pSourceEntry,
    ZipEntry** ppEntry)
    ZipEntry* pEntry = NULL;
    status_t result;
    long lfhPosn, startPosn, endPosn, uncompressedLen;

    if (mReadOnly)
        return INVALID_OPERATION;

    /* make sure we're in a reasonable state */
    assert(mZipFp != NULL);
    assert(mEntries.size() == mEOCD.mTotalNumEntries);

    if (fseek(mZipFp, mEOCD.mCentralDirOffset, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
        result = UNKNOWN_ERROR;
        goto bail;

    pEntry = new ZipEntry;
    if (pEntry == NULL) {
        result = NO_MEMORY;
        goto bail;

    result = pEntry->initFromExternal(pSourceEntry);
    if (result != NO_ERROR)
        goto bail;

     * From here on out, failures are more interesting.
    mNeedCDRewrite = true;

     * Write the LFH, even though it's still mostly blank.  We need it
     * as a place-holder.  In theory the LFH isn't necessary, but in
     * practice some utilities demand it.
    lfhPosn = ftell(mZipFp);
    startPosn = ftell(mZipFp);

     * Copy the data over.
     * If the "has data descriptor" flag is set, we want to copy the DD
     * fields as well.  This is a fixed-size area immediately following
     * the data.
    if (fseek(pSourceZip->mZipFp, pSourceEntry->getFileOffset(), SEEK_SET) != 0)
        result = UNKNOWN_ERROR;
        goto bail;

    uncompressedLen = pSourceEntry->getUncompressedLen();

    if (pSourceEntry->isCompressed()) {
        void *buf = pSourceZip->uncompress(pSourceEntry);
        if (buf == NULL) {
            result = NO_MEMORY;
            goto bail;
        long startPosn = ftell(mZipFp);
        uint32_t crc;
        if (compressFpToFp(mZipFp, NULL, buf, uncompressedLen, &crc) != NO_ERROR) {
            ALOGW("recompress of '%s' failed\n", pEntry->mCDE.mFileName);
            result = UNKNOWN_ERROR;
            goto bail;
        long endPosn = ftell(mZipFp);
        pEntry->setDataInfo(uncompressedLen, endPosn - startPosn,
            pSourceEntry->getCRC32(), ZipEntry::kCompressDeflated);
    } else {
        off_t copyLen;
        copyLen = pSourceEntry->getCompressedLen();
        if ((pSourceEntry->mLFH.mGPBitFlag & ZipEntry::kUsesDataDescr) != 0)
            copyLen += ZipEntry::kDataDescriptorLen;

        if (copyPartialFpToFp(mZipFp, pSourceZip->mZipFp, copyLen, NULL)
            != NO_ERROR)
            ALOGW("copy of '%s' failed\n", pEntry->mCDE.mFileName);
            result = UNKNOWN_ERROR;
            goto bail;

     * Update file offsets.
    endPosn = ftell(mZipFp);

     * Success!  Fill out new values.
    mEOCD.mCentralDirSize = 0;      // mark invalid; set by flush()
    mEOCD.mCentralDirOffset = endPosn;

     * Go back and write the LFH.
    if (fseek(mZipFp, lfhPosn, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
        result = UNKNOWN_ERROR;
        goto bail;

     * Add pEntry to the list.
    if (ppEntry != NULL)
        *ppEntry = pEntry;
    pEntry = NULL;

    result = NO_ERROR;

    delete pEntry;
    return result;
Exemple #14
int ZipArchive::readEntry(const ZipEntry& zipEntry, std::ofstream& ofOutput, State state, libzippp_uint64 chunksize) const {
    if (!ofOutput.is_open()) { return LIBZIPPP_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
    if (!isOpen()) { return LIBZIPPP_ERROR_NOT_OPEN; }
    if (zipEntry.zipFile!=this) { return LIBZIPPP_ERROR_INVALID_ENTRY; }
    int iRes = LIBZIPPP_OK;
    int flag = state==ORIGINAL ? ZIP_FL_UNCHANGED : 0;
    struct zip_file* zipFile = zip_fopen_index(zipHandle, zipEntry.getIndex(), flag);
    if (zipFile) {
        libzippp_uint64 maxSize = zipEntry.getSize();
        if (!chunksize) { chunksize = DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE; } // use the default chunk size (512K) if not specified by the user
        if (maxSize<chunksize) {
            char* data = new char[maxSize];
            if (data!=NULL) {
                libzippp_int64 result = zip_fread(zipFile, data, maxSize);
                if (result>0) {
                    if (result != static_cast<libzippp_int64>(maxSize)) {
                        iRes = LIBZIPPP_ERROR_OWRITE_INDEX_FAILURE;
                    } else {
                        ofOutput.write(data, maxSize);
                        if (!ofOutput) { iRes = LIBZIPPP_ERROR_OWRITE_FAILURE; }
                } else {
                    iRes = LIBZIPPP_ERROR_FREAD_FAILURE;
                delete[] data;
            } else {
        } else {
            libzippp_uint64 uWrittenBytes = 0;
            libzippp_int64 result = 0;
            char* data = new char[chunksize];
            if (data!=NULL) {
                int nbChunks = maxSize/chunksize;
                for (int uiChunk=0 ; uiChunk<nbChunks ; ++uiChunk) {
                    result = zip_fread(zipFile, data, chunksize);
                    if (result>0) {
                        if (result!=static_cast<libzippp_int64>(chunksize)) {
                            iRes = LIBZIPPP_ERROR_OWRITE_INDEX_FAILURE;
                        } else {
                            ofOutput.write(data, chunksize);
                            if (!ofOutput) {
                                iRes = LIBZIPPP_ERROR_OWRITE_FAILURE;
                            uWrittenBytes += result;
                    } else {
                        iRes = LIBZIPPP_ERROR_FREAD_FAILURE;
                delete[] data;
            } else {
            int leftOver = maxSize%chunksize;
            if (iRes==0 && leftOver>0) {
                char* data = new char[leftOver];
                if (data!=NULL) {
                    result = zip_fread(zipFile, data, leftOver);
                    if (result>0) {
                        if (result!=static_cast<libzippp_int64>(leftOver)) {
                            iRes = LIBZIPPP_ERROR_OWRITE_INDEX_FAILURE;
                        } else {
                            ofOutput.write(data, leftOver);
                            if (!ofOutput) {
                                iRes = LIBZIPPP_ERROR_OWRITE_FAILURE;
                            } else {
                                uWrittenBytes += result;
                                if (uWrittenBytes!=maxSize) {
                                    iRes = LIBZIPPP_ERROR_UNKNOWN; // shouldn't occur but let's be careful
                    } else {
                        iRes = LIBZIPPP_ERROR_FREAD_FAILURE;
                } else {
                    iRes = LIBZIPPP_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION;
                delete[] data;
    } else {
    return iRes;
Exemple #15
int ZipArchive::renameEntry(const string& e, const string& newName) const {
    ZipEntry entry = getEntry(e);
    if (entry.isNull()) { return LIBZIPPP_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
    return renameEntry(entry, newName);
Exemple #16
int ZipArchive::renameEntry(const string& e, const string& newName) const {
    ZipEntry entry = getEntry(e);
    if (entry.isNull()) { return -4; }
    return renameEntry(entry, newName);
 * Add an entry by copying it from another zip file.  If "padding" is
 * nonzero, the specified number of bytes will be added to the "extra"
 * field in the header.
 * If "ppEntry" is non-NULL, a pointer to the new entry will be returned.
status_t ZipFile::add(const ZipFile* pSourceZip, const ZipEntry* pSourceEntry,
    int padding, ZipEntry** ppEntry)
    ZipEntry* pEntry = NULL;
    status_t result;
    long lfhPosn, endPosn;

    if (mReadOnly)
        return INVALID_OPERATION;

    /* make sure we're in a reasonable state */
    assert(mZipFp != NULL);
    assert(mEntries.size() == mEOCD.mTotalNumEntries);

    if (fseek(mZipFp, mEOCD.mCentralDirOffset, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
        result = UNKNOWN_ERROR;
        goto bail;

    pEntry = new ZipEntry;
    if (pEntry == NULL) {
        result = NO_MEMORY;
        goto bail;

    result = pEntry->initFromExternal(pSourceZip, pSourceEntry);
    if (result != NO_ERROR)
        goto bail;
    if (padding != 0) {
        result = pEntry->addPadding(padding);
        if (result != NO_ERROR)
            goto bail;

     * From here on out, failures are more interesting.
    mNeedCDRewrite = true;

     * Write the LFH.  Since we're not recompressing the data, we already
     * have all of the fields filled out.
    lfhPosn = ftell(mZipFp);

     * Copy the data over.
     * If the "has data descriptor" flag is set, we want to copy the DD
     * fields as well.  This is a fixed-size area immediately following
     * the data.
    if (fseek(pSourceZip->mZipFp, pSourceEntry->getFileOffset(), SEEK_SET) != 0)
        result = UNKNOWN_ERROR;
        goto bail;

    off_t copyLen;
    copyLen = pSourceEntry->getCompressedLen();
    if ((pSourceEntry->mLFH.mGPBitFlag & ZipEntry::kUsesDataDescr) != 0)
        copyLen += ZipEntry::kDataDescriptorLen;

    if (copyPartialFpToFp(mZipFp, pSourceZip->mZipFp, copyLen, NULL)
        != NO_ERROR)
        LOGW("copy of '%s' failed\n", pEntry->mCDE.mFileName);
        result = UNKNOWN_ERROR;
        goto bail;

     * Update file offsets.
    endPosn = ftell(mZipFp);

     * Success!  Fill out new values.
    pEntry->setLFHOffset(lfhPosn);      // sets mCDE.mLocalHeaderRelOffset
    mEOCD.mCentralDirSize = 0;      // mark invalid; set by flush()
    mEOCD.mCentralDirOffset = endPosn;

     * Add pEntry to the list.
    if (ppEntry != NULL)
        *ppEntry = pEntry;
    pEntry = NULL;

    result = NO_ERROR;

    delete pEntry;
    return result;
 * Find the central directory and read the contents.
 * The fun thing about ZIP archives is that they may or may not be
 * readable from start to end.  In some cases, notably for archives
 * that were written to stdout, the only length information is in the
 * central directory at the end of the file.
 * Of course, the central directory can be followed by a variable-length
 * comment field, so we have to scan through it backwards.  The comment
 * is at most 64K, plus we have 18 bytes for the end-of-central-dir stuff
 * itself, plus apparently sometimes people throw random junk on the end
 * just for the fun of it.
 * This is all a little wobbly.  If the wrong value ends up in the EOCD
 * area, we're hosed.  This appears to be the way that everbody handles
 * it though, so we're in pretty good company if this fails.
status_t ZipFile::readCentralDir(void)
    status_t result = NO_ERROR;
    unsigned char* buf = NULL;
    off_t fileLength, seekStart;
    long readAmount;
    int i;

    fseek(mZipFp, 0, SEEK_END);
    fileLength = ftell(mZipFp);

    /* too small to be a ZIP archive? */
    if (fileLength < EndOfCentralDir::kEOCDLen) {
        LOGD("Length is %ld -- too small\n", (long)fileLength);
        result = INVALID_OPERATION;
        goto bail;

    buf = new unsigned char[EndOfCentralDir::kMaxEOCDSearch];
    if (buf == NULL) {
        LOGD("Failure allocating %d bytes for EOCD search",
        result = NO_MEMORY;
        goto bail;

    if (fileLength > EndOfCentralDir::kMaxEOCDSearch) {
        seekStart = fileLength - EndOfCentralDir::kMaxEOCDSearch;
        readAmount = EndOfCentralDir::kMaxEOCDSearch;
    } else {
        seekStart = 0;
        readAmount = (long) fileLength;
    if (fseek(mZipFp, seekStart, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
        LOGD("Failure seeking to end of zip at %ld", (long) seekStart);
        result = UNKNOWN_ERROR;
        goto bail;

    /* read the last part of the file into the buffer */
    if (fread(buf, 1, readAmount, mZipFp) != (size_t) readAmount) {
        LOGD("short file? wanted %ld\n", readAmount);
        result = UNKNOWN_ERROR;
        goto bail;

    /* find the end-of-central-dir magic */
    for (i = readAmount - 4; i >= 0; i--) {
        if (buf[i] == 0x50 &&
            ZipEntry::getLongLE(&buf[i]) == EndOfCentralDir::kSignature)
            LOGV("+++ Found EOCD at buf+%d\n", i);
    if (i < 0) {
        LOGD("EOCD not found, not Zip\n");
        result = INVALID_OPERATION;
        goto bail;

    /* extract eocd values */
    result = mEOCD.readBuf(buf + i, readAmount - i);
    if (result != NO_ERROR) {
        LOGD("Failure reading %ld bytes of EOCD values", readAmount - i);
        goto bail;

    if (mEOCD.mDiskNumber != 0 || mEOCD.mDiskWithCentralDir != 0 ||
        mEOCD.mNumEntries != mEOCD.mTotalNumEntries)
        LOGD("Archive spanning not supported\n");
        result = INVALID_OPERATION;
        goto bail;

     * So far so good.  "mCentralDirSize" is the size in bytes of the
     * central directory, so we can just seek back that far to find it.
     * We can also seek forward mCentralDirOffset bytes from the
     * start of the file.
     * We're not guaranteed to have the rest of the central dir in the
     * buffer, nor are we guaranteed that the central dir will have any
     * sort of convenient size.  We need to skip to the start of it and
     * read the header, then the other goodies.
     * The only thing we really need right now is the file comment, which
     * we're hoping to preserve.
    if (fseek(mZipFp, mEOCD.mCentralDirOffset, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
        LOGD("Failure seeking to central dir offset %ld\n",
        result = UNKNOWN_ERROR;
        goto bail;

     * Loop through and read the central dir entries.
    LOGV("Scanning %d entries...\n", mEOCD.mTotalNumEntries);
    int entry;
    for (entry = 0; entry < mEOCD.mTotalNumEntries; entry++) {
        ZipEntry* pEntry = new ZipEntry;

        result = pEntry->initFromCDE(mZipFp);
        if (result != NO_ERROR) {
            LOGD("initFromCDE failed\n");
            delete pEntry;
            goto bail;


     * If all went well, we should now be back at the EOCD.
        unsigned char checkBuf[4];
        if (fread(checkBuf, 1, 4, mZipFp) != 4) {
            LOGD("EOCD check read failed\n");
            result = INVALID_OPERATION;
            goto bail;
        if (ZipEntry::getLongLE(checkBuf) != EndOfCentralDir::kSignature) {
            LOGD("EOCD read check failed\n");
            result = UNKNOWN_ERROR;
            goto bail;
        LOGV("+++ EOCD read check passed\n");

    delete[] buf;
    return result;
Exemple #19
void* ZipArchive::readEntry(const string& zipEntry, bool asText, State state, libzippp_uint64 size) const {
    ZipEntry entry = getEntry(zipEntry);
    if (entry.isNull()) { return NULL; }
    return readEntry(entry, asText, state, size);
 * The directory hierarchy looks like this:
 * "outputDir" and "assetRoot" are existing directories.
 * On success, "bundle->numPackages" will be the number of Zip packages
 * we created.
status_t writeAPK(Bundle* bundle, ZipFile* zip, const char* outputFileName,
                    const sp<OutputSet>& outputSet, bool isOverlay)
    status_t result = NO_ERROR;
    int count;

    if (bundle->getVerbose()) {
        printf("Writing all files...\n");

    count = processAssets(bundle, zip, outputSet, isOverlay);
    if (count < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unable to process assets while packaging '%s'\n",
        result = count;
        goto bail;

    if (bundle->getVerbose()) {
        printf("Generated %d file%s\n", count, (count==1) ? "" : "s");

    if (!isOverlay) {
        count = processJarFiles(bundle, zip);
        if (count < 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unable to process jar files while packaging '%s'\n",
            result = count;
            goto bail;

        if (bundle->getVerbose())
            printf("Included %d file%s from jar/zip files.\n", count, (count==1) ? "" : "s");

    result = NO_ERROR;

     * Check for cruft.  We set the "marked" flag on all entries we created
     * or decided not to update.  If the entry isn't already slated for
     * deletion, remove it now.
        if (bundle->getVerbose())
            printf("Checking for deleted files\n");
        int i, removed = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < zip->getNumEntries(); i++) {
            ZipEntry* entry = zip->getEntryByIndex(i);

            if (!entry->getMarked() && entry->getDeleted()) {
                if (bundle->getVerbose()) {
                    printf("      (removing crufty '%s')\n",
        if (bundle->getVerbose() && removed > 0)
            printf("Removed %d file%s\n", removed, (removed==1) ? "" : "s");

    /* tell Zip lib to process deletions and other pending changes */
    result = zip->flush();
    if (result != NO_ERROR) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Zip flush failed, archive may be hosed\n");
        goto bail;

    return result;
Exemple #21
 * The directory hierarchy looks like this:
 * "outputDir" and "assetRoot" are existing directories.
 * On success, "bundle->numPackages" will be the number of Zip packages
 * we created.
status_t writeAPK(Bundle* bundle, const sp<AaptAssets>& assets,
                       const String8& outputFile)
    status_t result = NO_ERROR;
    ZipFile* zip = NULL;
    int count;


     * Prep the Zip archive.
     * If the file already exists, fail unless "update" or "force" is set.
     * If "update" is set, update the contents of the existing archive.
     * Else, if "force" is set, remove the existing archive.
    FileType fileType = getFileType(outputFile.string());
    if (fileType == kFileTypeNonexistent) {
        // okay, create it below
    } else if (fileType == kFileTypeRegular) {
        if (bundle->getUpdate()) {
            // okay, open it below
        } else if (bundle->getForce()) {
            if (unlink(outputFile.string()) != 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unable to remove '%s': %s\n", outputFile.string(),
                goto bail;
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: '%s' exists (use '-f' to force overwrite)\n",
            goto bail;
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: '%s' exists and is not a regular file\n", outputFile.string());
        goto bail;

    if (bundle->getVerbose()) {
        printf("%s '%s'\n", (fileType == kFileTypeNonexistent) ? "Creating" : "Opening",

    status_t status;
    zip = new ZipFile;
    status = zip->open(outputFile.string(), ZipFile::kOpenReadWrite | ZipFile::kOpenCreate);
    if (status != NO_ERROR) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unable to open '%s' as Zip file for writing\n",
        goto bail;

    if (bundle->getVerbose()) {
        printf("Writing all files...\n");

    count = processAssets(bundle, zip, assets);
    if (count < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unable to process assets while packaging '%s'\n",
        result = count;
        goto bail;

    if (bundle->getVerbose()) {
        printf("Generated %d file%s\n", count, (count==1) ? "" : "s");
    count = processJarFiles(bundle, zip);
    if (count < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unable to process jar files while packaging '%s'\n",
        result = count;
        goto bail;
    if (bundle->getVerbose())
        printf("Included %d file%s from jar/zip files.\n", count, (count==1) ? "" : "s");
    result = NO_ERROR;

     * Check for cruft.  We set the "marked" flag on all entries we created
     * or decided not to update.  If the entry isn't already slated for
     * deletion, remove it now.
        if (bundle->getVerbose())
            printf("Checking for deleted files\n");
        int i, removed = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < zip->getNumEntries(); i++) {
            ZipEntry* entry = zip->getEntryByIndex(i);

            if (!entry->getMarked() && entry->getDeleted()) {
                if (bundle->getVerbose()) {
                    printf("      (removing crufty '%s')\n",
        if (bundle->getVerbose() && removed > 0)
            printf("Removed %d file%s\n", removed, (removed==1) ? "" : "s");

    /* tell Zip lib to process deletions and other pending changes */
    result = zip->flush();
    if (result != NO_ERROR) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Zip flush failed, archive may be hosed\n");
        goto bail;

    /* anything here? */
    if (zip->getNumEntries() == 0) {
        if (bundle->getVerbose()) {
            printf("Archive is empty -- removing %s\n", outputFile.getPathLeaf().string());
        delete zip;        // close the file so we can remove it in Win32
        zip = NULL;
        if (unlink(outputFile.string()) != 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: could not unlink '%s'\n", outputFile.string());

    assert(result == NO_ERROR);

    delete zip;        // must close before remove in Win32
    if (result != NO_ERROR) {
        if (bundle->getVerbose()) {
            printf("Removing %s due to earlier failures\n", outputFile.string());
        if (unlink(outputFile.string()) != 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: could not unlink '%s'\n", outputFile.string());

    if (result == NO_ERROR && bundle->getVerbose())
    return result;
 * Add a new file to the archive.
 * This requires creating and populating a ZipEntry structure, and copying
 * the data into the file at the appropriate position.  The "appropriate
 * position" is the current location of the central directory, which we
 * casually overwrite (we can put it back later).
 * If we were concerned about safety, we would want to make all changes
 * in a temp file and then overwrite the original after everything was
 * safely written.  Not really a concern for us.
status_t ZipFile::addCommon(const char* fileName, const void* data, size_t size,
    const char* storageName, int sourceType, int compressionMethod,
    ZipEntry** ppEntry)
    ZipEntry* pEntry = NULL;
    status_t result = NO_ERROR;
    long lfhPosn, startPosn, endPosn, uncompressedLen;
    FILE* inputFp = NULL;
    unsigned long crc;
    time_t modWhen;

    if (mReadOnly)
        return INVALID_OPERATION;

    assert(compressionMethod == ZipEntry::kCompressDeflated ||
           compressionMethod == ZipEntry::kCompressStored);

    /* make sure we're in a reasonable state */
    assert(mZipFp != NULL);
    assert(mEntries.size() == mEOCD.mTotalNumEntries);

    /* make sure it doesn't already exist */
    if (getEntryByName(storageName) != NULL)
        return ALREADY_EXISTS;

    if (!data) {
        inputFp = fopen(fileName, FILE_OPEN_RO);
        if (inputFp == NULL)
            return errnoToStatus(errno);

    if (fseek(mZipFp, mEOCD.mCentralDirOffset, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
        result = UNKNOWN_ERROR;
        goto bail;

    pEntry = new ZipEntry;
    pEntry->initNew(storageName, NULL);

     * From here on out, failures are more interesting.
    mNeedCDRewrite = true;

     * Write the LFH, even though it's still mostly blank.  We need it
     * as a place-holder.  In theory the LFH isn't necessary, but in
     * practice some utilities demand it.
    lfhPosn = ftell(mZipFp);
    startPosn = ftell(mZipFp);

     * Copy the data in, possibly compressing it as we go.
    if (sourceType == ZipEntry::kCompressStored) {
        if (compressionMethod == ZipEntry::kCompressDeflated) {
            bool failed = false;
            result = compressFpToFp(mZipFp, inputFp, data, size, &crc);
            if (result != NO_ERROR) {
                LOGD("compression failed, storing\n");
                failed = true;
            } else {
                 * Make sure it has compressed "enough".  This probably ought
                 * to be set through an API call, but I don't expect our
                 * criteria to change over time.
                long src = inputFp ? ftell(inputFp) : size;
                long dst = ftell(mZipFp) - startPosn;
                if (dst + (dst / 10) > src) {
                    LOGD("insufficient compression (src=%ld dst=%ld), storing\n",
                        src, dst);
                    failed = true;

            if (failed) {
                compressionMethod = ZipEntry::kCompressStored;
                if (inputFp) rewind(inputFp);
                fseek(mZipFp, startPosn, SEEK_SET);
                /* fall through to kCompressStored case */
        /* handle "no compression" request, or failed compression from above */
        if (compressionMethod == ZipEntry::kCompressStored) {
            if (inputFp) {
                result = copyFpToFp(mZipFp, inputFp, &crc);
            } else {
                result = copyDataToFp(mZipFp, data, size, &crc);
            if (result != NO_ERROR) {
                // don't need to truncate; happens in CDE rewrite
                LOGD("failed copying data in\n");
                goto bail;

        // currently seeked to end of file
        uncompressedLen = inputFp ? ftell(inputFp) : size;
    } else if (sourceType == ZipEntry::kCompressDeflated) {
        /* we should support uncompressed-from-compressed, but it's not
         * important right now */
        assert(compressionMethod == ZipEntry::kCompressDeflated);

        bool scanResult;
        int method;
        long compressedLen;

        scanResult = ZipUtils::examineGzip(inputFp, &method, &uncompressedLen,
                        &compressedLen, &crc);
        if (!scanResult || method != ZipEntry::kCompressDeflated) {
            LOGD("this isn't a deflated gzip file?");
            result = UNKNOWN_ERROR;
            goto bail;

        result = copyPartialFpToFp(mZipFp, inputFp, compressedLen, NULL);
        if (result != NO_ERROR) {
            LOGD("failed copying gzip data in\n");
            goto bail;
    } else {
        result = UNKNOWN_ERROR;
        goto bail;

     * We could write the "Data Descriptor", but there doesn't seem to
     * be any point since we're going to go back and write the LFH.
     * Update file offsets.
    endPosn = ftell(mZipFp);            // seeked to end of compressed data

     * Success!  Fill out new values.
    pEntry->setDataInfo(uncompressedLen, endPosn - startPosn, crc,
    modWhen = getModTime(inputFp ? fileno(inputFp) : fileno(mZipFp));
    mEOCD.mCentralDirSize = 0;      // mark invalid; set by flush()
    mEOCD.mCentralDirOffset = endPosn;

     * Go back and write the LFH.
    if (fseek(mZipFp, lfhPosn, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
        result = UNKNOWN_ERROR;
        goto bail;

     * Add pEntry to the list.
    if (ppEntry != NULL)
        *ppEntry = pEntry;
    pEntry = NULL;

    if (inputFp != NULL)
    delete pEntry;
    return result;
Exemple #23
int ZipArchive::renameEntry(const ZipEntry& entry, const string& newName) const {
    if (!isOpen()) { return LIBZIPPP_ERROR_NOT_OPEN; }
    if (entry.zipFile!=this) { return LIBZIPPP_ERROR_INVALID_ENTRY; }
    if (mode==READ_ONLY) { return LIBZIPPP_ERROR_NOT_ALLOWED; } //renaming not allowed
    if (newName.length()==0) { return LIBZIPPP_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
    if (newName==entry.getName()) { return LIBZIPPP_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
    if (entry.isFile()) {
        if (ENTRY_IS_DIRECTORY(newName)) { return LIBZIPPP_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } //invalid new name
        int lastSlash = newName.rfind(ENTRY_PATH_SEPARATOR);
        if (lastSlash!=1) { 
            bool dadded = addEntry(newName.substr(0, lastSlash+1)); 
            if (!dadded) { return LIBZIPPP_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } //the hierarchy hasn't been created
        int result = zip_file_rename(zipHandle, entry.getIndex(), newName.c_str(), ZIP_FL_ENC_GUESS);
        if (result==0) { return 1; }
        return LIBZIPPP_ERROR_UNKNOWN; //renaming was not possible (entry already exists ?)
    } else {
        if (!ENTRY_IS_DIRECTORY(newName)) { return LIBZIPPP_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } //invalid new name
        int parentSlash = newName.rfind(ENTRY_PATH_SEPARATOR, newName.length()-2);
        if (parentSlash!=-1) { //updates the dir hierarchy
            string parent = newName.substr(0, parentSlash+1);
            bool dadded = addEntry(parent);
            if (!dadded) { return LIBZIPPP_ERROR_UNKNOWN; }
        int counter = 0;
        string originalName = entry.getName();
        vector<ZipEntry> allEntries = getEntries();
        vector<ZipEntry>::const_iterator eit;
        for(eit=allEntries.begin() ; eit!=allEntries.end() ; ++eit) {
            ZipEntry ze = *eit;
            string currentName = ze.getName();
            int startPosition = currentName.find(originalName);
            if (startPosition==0) {
                if (currentName == originalName) {
                    int result = zip_file_rename(zipHandle, entry.getIndex(), newName.c_str(), ZIP_FL_ENC_GUESS);
                    if (result==0) { ++counter; }
                    else { return LIBZIPPP_ERROR_UNKNOWN;  } //unable to rename the folder
                } else  {
                    string targetName = currentName.replace(0, originalName.length(), newName);
                    int result = zip_file_rename(zipHandle, ze.getIndex(), targetName.c_str(), ZIP_FL_ENC_GUESS);
                    if (result==0) { ++counter; }
                    else { return LIBZIPPP_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } //unable to rename a sub-entry
            } else {
                //file not affected by the renaming
         * Special case for moving a directory a/x to a/x/y to avoid to lose
         * the a/x path in the archive.
        bool newNameIsInsideCurrent = (newName.find(entry.getName())==0);
        if (newNameIsInsideCurrent) {
            bool dadded = addEntry(newName);
            if (!dadded) { return LIBZIPPP_ERROR_UNKNOWN; }
        return counter;
 * Crunch deleted files out of an archive by shifting the later files down.
 * Because we're not using a temp file, we do the operation inside the
 * current file.
status_t ZipFile::crunchArchive(void)
    status_t result = NO_ERROR;
    int i, count;
    long delCount, adjust;

#if 0
    for (i = 0; i < (int) mEntries.size(); i++) {
        printf(" %d: lfhOff=%ld del=%d\n",
            i, mEntries[i]->getLFHOffset(), mEntries[i]->getDeleted());
    printf("  END is %ld\n", (long) mEOCD.mCentralDirOffset);

     * Roll through the set of files, shifting them as appropriate.  We
     * could probably get a slight performance improvement by sliding
     * multiple files down at once (because we could use larger reads
     * when operating on batches of small files), but it's not that useful.
    count = mEntries.size();
    delCount = adjust = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        ZipEntry* pEntry = mEntries[i];
        long span;

        if (pEntry->getLFHOffset() != 0) {
            long nextOffset;

            /* Get the length of this entry by finding the offset
             * of the next entry.  Directory entries don't have
             * file offsets, so we need to find the next non-directory
             * entry.
            nextOffset = 0;
            for (int ii = i+1; nextOffset == 0 && ii < count; ii++)
                nextOffset = mEntries[ii]->getLFHOffset();
            if (nextOffset == 0)
                nextOffset = mEOCD.mCentralDirOffset;
            span = nextOffset - pEntry->getLFHOffset();

            assert(span >= ZipEntry::LocalFileHeader::kLFHLen);
        } else {
            /* This is a directory entry.  It doesn't have
             * any actual file contents, so there's no need to
             * move anything.
            span = 0;

        //printf("+++ %d: off=%ld span=%ld del=%d [count=%d]\n",
        //    i, pEntry->getLFHOffset(), span, pEntry->getDeleted(), count);

        if (pEntry->getDeleted()) {
            adjust += span;

            delete pEntry;

            /* adjust loop control */
        } else if (span != 0 && adjust > 0) {
            /* shuffle this entry back */
            //printf("+++ Shuffling '%s' back %ld\n",
            //    pEntry->getFileName(), adjust);
            result = filemove(mZipFp, pEntry->getLFHOffset() - adjust,
                        pEntry->getLFHOffset(), span);
            if (result != NO_ERROR) {
                /* this is why you use a temp file */
                LOGE("error during crunch - archive is toast\n");
                return result;

            pEntry->setLFHOffset(pEntry->getLFHOffset() - adjust);

     * Fix EOCD info.  We have to wait until the end to do some of this
     * because we use mCentralDirOffset to determine "span" for the
     * last entry.
    mEOCD.mCentralDirOffset -= adjust;
    mEOCD.mNumEntries -= delCount;
    mEOCD.mTotalNumEntries -= delCount;
    mEOCD.mCentralDirSize = 0;  // mark invalid; set by flush()

    assert(mEOCD.mNumEntries == mEOCD.mTotalNumEntries);
    assert(mEOCD.mNumEntries == count);

    return result;
Exemple #25
int ZipArchive::deleteEntry(const string& e) const {
    ZipEntry entry = getEntry(e);
    if (entry.isNull()) { return -4; }
    return deleteEntry(entry);