bool ESSimpleRenderView::AddTextStyle(_string sName, const _string sFontName, bool bItalic, bool bUnderLine, bool bBold, int nFontHeight){ ESSimpleRenderView_TextStyle* pStyle = new ESSimpleRenderView_TextStyle(); pStyle->m_bItalic = bItalic; pStyle->m_bUnderLine = bUnderLine; pStyle->m_bBold = bBold; pStyle->m_nFontHeight = nFontHeight; pStyle->m_sStyleName = sName; pStyle->m_sFontName = sFontName; LOGFONT lf; memset(&lf, 0, sizeof(LOGFONT)); lf.lfHeight = nFontHeight; _tcscpy(lf.lfFaceName, sFontName.c_str()); lf.lfWeight = bBold ? FW_BOLD : FW_NORMAL; lf.lfCharSet = ANSI_CHARSET; lf.lfItalic = bItalic; lf.lfUnderline = bUnderLine; lf.lfStrikeOut = 0; lf.lfQuality = PROOF_QUALITY; lf.lfPitchAndFamily = DEFAULT_PITCH; pStyle->m_font.CreateFontIndirect(&lf); m_listTextStyles.Add(pStyle); return true; }
bool ESSimpleRenderView::AddImage(_string sStyleName, _Size szImage, float fCX, float fPosX, int nVAlign, int nHAlign, bool bRedraw){ ESSimpleRenderView_ImageStyle* pStyle = (ESSimpleRenderView_ImageStyle*)GetImageStyleByName(sStyleName.c_str()); if( !pStyle ) return false; if( !m_pLastLine ){ m_pLastLine = new RenderLine(); m_pRootLine->m_pNextLine= m_pLastLine; } RenderItemImage* pItemNew = new RenderItemImage(); pItemNew->m_pLine = m_pLastLine; pItemNew->m_pStyle = pStyle; pItemNew->m_nVAlign = nVAlign; pItemNew->m_nHAlign = nHAlign; pItemNew->m_szItem = szImage; pItemNew->m_fPosX = fPosX; pItemNew->m_fCX = fCX; if( <= 0 || <= 0 ) pItemNew->m_szItem = pStyle->m_szImage; else pItemNew->m_szItem = szImage; RenderItem* pItem = m_pLastLine->m_pFirstItem; if( pItem ){ while(pItem->m_pNext) pItem = pItem->m_pNext; pItem->m_pNext = pItemNew; pItemNew->m_pPrev = pItem; } else m_pLastLine->m_pFirstItem = pItemNew; int nHeightOld = m_pLastLine->; CalcLineSize(m_pLastLine); m_nContentHeight += m_pLastLine->; m_nTopFullOffsetY = 0; = m_nContentHeight; if( IsCreated() ) AdjustScrollBarPos(false); return true; }
void ESSimpleRenderView::AddText(_string sStyleName, _string sText, bool bLineBreak, COLORREF crText, _Size szText, float fCX, float fPosX /*= 0.0f*/, int nVAlign, int nHAlign, bool bRedraw){ ESSimpleRenderView_TextStyle* pStyle = (ESSimpleRenderView_TextStyle*)GetTextStyleByName(sStyleName.c_str()); if( !pStyle ) return; /* if( !m_pLastLine ){ m_pLastLine = new RenderLine(); m_pRootLine->m_pNextLine = m_pLastLine; m_pLastLine->m_bLineBreak = bLineBreak; bLineBreak = false; }*/ CStringArray arrStrings; StringHelper::Split(&sText, _T("\r\n"), arrStrings); RenderItemText* pItemNew = NULL; RenderItem* pItemPrev = NULL; RenderLine* pLine = m_pLastLine; bool bNewLine = false; if( !pLine || pLine->m_bLineBreak ){ RenderLine* pNewLine = new RenderLine(); pNewLine->m_pPrevLine = pLine; if( !pLine ){ m_pLastLine = pNewLine; m_pRootLine->m_pNextLine = m_pLastLine; m_pLastLine->m_bLineBreak = bLineBreak; } else{ pLine->m_pNextLine = pNewLine; } pLine = pNewLine; bNewLine = true; } pItemPrev = pLine->m_pFirstItem; if( pItemPrev ){ while(pItemPrev->m_pNext) pItemPrev = pItemPrev->m_pNext; } int nHeightOld = pLine->; for(int i=0; i<arrStrings.size(); i++){ RenderItemText* pItemNew = new RenderItemText(); pItemNew->m_pLine = pLine; pItemNew->m_pStyle = pStyle; pItemNew->m_sText =; pItemNew->m_sTextLocal = pItemNew->m_sText; ESLocalizationMan::ParseText(pItemNew->m_sTextLocal); pItemNew->m_nHAlign = nHAlign; pItemNew->m_nVAlign = nVAlign; pItemNew->m_crText = crText; pItemNew->m_fPosX = fPosX; pItemNew->m_fCX = fCX; pStyle->m_font.GetTextSize(&pItemNew->m_sTextLocal, pItemNew->m_szText); pItemNew->m_szItem = pItemNew->m_szText; pItemNew-> += 2*m_nTextMarginTopBottom; if( i > 0 ){ // Break line on previous item. pItemPrev->m_bBreakLine = true; // Set offset of item. pItemNew->m_ptOffset.SetPoint(0, pLine->; // Set size of line height. pLine-> += pItemNew->; } else{ pLine-> += pItemNew->; pLine-> = std::max(pLine->, pItemNew->; } if( pItemPrev ) pItemPrev->m_pNext = pItemNew; else pLine->m_pFirstItem = pItemNew; pItemNew->m_pPrev = pItemPrev; pItemPrev = pItemNew; } CalcLineSize(pLine); if( bNewLine ){ m_nContentHeight += pLine->; m_pLastLine = pLine; } else m_nContentHeight += (pLine-> - nHeightOld); m_nTopFullOffsetY = 0; if( != m_nContentHeight ){ = m_nContentHeight; if( IsCreated() ) AdjustScrollBarPos(bRedraw); } pLine->m_bLineBreak = bLineBreak; if( bRedraw ){ _Rect rcLine; if( IsLineVisible(pLine, rcLine) ) RedrawRect(rcLine, false); //Redraw(true); } }
__declspec(dllexport) BOOL runApplication(LPCTSTR cmdline, const RunOptions * options) { try { if (options->size != sizeof(RunOptions) || ((options->user != NULL) ^ (options->password != NULL)) || ((options->stdIn != NULL) ^ (options->stdOut != NULL))) { throw WinApiException(_T(""),ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } init(); setRestrictions(job,options); Process process(cmdline); process.setDesktop(getDesktop(options->useDefaultDesktop != FALSE)); if (options->user != NULL && options->password != NULL) process.setCredentials(options->user,options->password); if (options->stdIn != NULL && options->stdOut != NULL) process.redirect(options->stdIn,options->stdOut); process.load(); job->assignMainProcess(process); process.resume(); CAutoPtr<ConsoleWindow> wnd; if (options->showStatusWindow) { ConsoleWindow * pWnd = new ConsoleWindow(CRect(-28,0,-1,5)); wnd.Attach(pWnd); wnd->show(); } while (job->active()) { job->waitForEvent(30); if (options->showStatusWindow) { _stringstream msg; msg << dec << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(1); msg << _T("Time elapsed: ") << setw(6) << job->infoElapsedTime() << _T("\n"); msg << _T("Time used: ") << setw(6) << job->infoCPUTime() << _T("\n"); msg << _T("Memory used: ") << setw(6) << job->infoMemoryUsage()/1024 << _T("Kb\n"); wnd->setMessage(msg.str()); wnd->redraw(); } if (options->callback != NULL ) { RunStatus status; status.elapsedTime = job->infoElapsedTime(); status.cpuTime = job->infoCPUTime(); status.memoryUsed = job->infoMemoryUsage(); status.peakMemoryUsed = job->infoMemoryUsagePeak(); if (!options->callback(&status)) { job->terminate(); } } } if (options->showStatusWindow) wnd->hide(); JobResult jobresult = job->result(); if (jobresult.result() == JobResult::OK) { DWORD code = process.exitCode(); if (code != 0) { jobresult = JobResult(JobResult::RE, RuntimeErrorMessages::getFullMessage(code)); } } job->gatherInfo(); result.resultcode = jobresult.result(); result.exitcode = process.exitCode(); resultMessage =; result.message = resultMessage.c_str(); result.elapsedTime = job->infoElapsedTime(); result.cpuTime = job->infoCPUTime(); result.memoryUsed = job->infoMemoryUsagePeak(); result.exception = false; } catch (WinApiException e) { result.exception = true; result.exitcode = e.errorCode(); resultMessage = e.message(); result.message = resultMessage.c_str(); } return !result.exception; }