   \brief Return true if \c rhs is of the form (ite c t1 t2) and are_distinct(lhs,t1) && lhs = t2
static bool is_lhs_eq_rhs_ite_else(ast_manager & m, expr * lhs, expr * rhs) {
    return m.is_ite(rhs) && lhs == to_app(rhs)->get_arg(2) && m.are_distinct(lhs, to_app(rhs)->get_arg(1));
   \brief Return true if \c rhs is of the form (ite c t1 t2) and are_distinct(lhs, t1) and are_distinct(lhs, t2).
static bool is_lhs_diseq_rhs_ite_branches(ast_manager & m, expr * lhs, expr * rhs) {
    return m.is_ite(rhs) && m.are_distinct(lhs, to_app(rhs)->get_arg(1)) && m.are_distinct(lhs, to_app(rhs)->get_arg(2));