Exemple #1
/** Move attached rows to somewhere else in same storage
 * There is a lot of trickery going on here.  The whole point of this
 * code is that moving rows between (compatible!) subviews should not
 * use copying when potentially large memo's and subviews are involved.
 * In that case, the best solution is really to move pointers, not data.
void c4_View::RelocateRows(int from_, int count_, c4_View& dest_, int pos_)
  if (count_ < 0)
    count_ = GetSize() - from_;
  if (pos_ < 0)
    pos_ = dest_.GetSize();

  d4_assert(0 <= from_ && from_ <= GetSize());
  d4_assert(0 <= count_ && from_ + count_ <= GetSize());
  d4_assert(0 <= pos_ && pos_ <= dest_.GetSize());

  if (count_ > 0) {
      // the destination must not be inside the source rows
    d4_assert(&dest_ != this || from_ > pos_ || pos_ >= from_ + count_);

      // this test is slow, so do it only as a debug check

      // make space, swap rows, drop originals
    c4_Row empty;
    dest_.InsertAt(pos_, empty, count_);

      // careful if insert moves origin
    if (&dest_ == this && pos_ <= from_)
      from_ += count_;

    for (int i = 0; i < count_; ++i)
      ((c4_HandlerSeq*) _seq)->ExchangeEntries(from_ + i,
				*(c4_HandlerSeq*) dest_._seq, pos_ + i);

    RemoveAt(from_, count_);
bool c4_SliceViewer::InsertRows(int pos_, c4_Cursor value_, int count_) {
  if (_step != 1)
    return false;

  pos_ = _first + _step *(_step > 0 ? pos_ : pos_ - GetSize() + 1);
  if (_limit >= 0)
    _limit += count_;

  _parent.InsertAt(pos_,  *value_, count_);
  return true;
int CResizer::Ins(int pos_, int cnt_) {
  A(pos_ <= _refSize);
  A(_refSize + cnt_ < kMaxData);

  memmove(_refData + pos_ + cnt_, _refData + pos_, _refSize - pos_);
  _refSize += cnt_;

  c4_Row row;
  _unattached.InsertAt(pos_, row, cnt_);
  _attached.InsertAt(pos_, row, cnt_);

  for (int i = pos_; i < pos_ + cnt_; ++i) {
    _refData[i] = ++_seed;
    _prop(_unattached[i]) = _seed;
    _prop(_attached[i]) = _seed;

    if (_seed >= 123)
      _seed = 0;


  return _refSize;
Exemple #4
bool c4_PairViewer::InsertRows(int pos_, c4_Cursor value_, int count_)
  _parent.InsertAt(pos_, *value_, count_);
  _argView.InsertAt(pos_, *value_, count_);
  return true;