double cTerrainGen2D::BuildNarrowGaps(double width, const tParams& params, cRand& rand, std::vector<float>& out_data)
	double spacing_min = params[eParamsNarrowGapSpacingMin];
	double spacing_max = params[eParamsNarrowGapSpacingMax];
	double dist_min = params[eParamsNarrowGapDistMin];
	double dist_max = params[eParamsNarrowGapDistMax];
	double gap_w_min = params[eParamsNarrowGapWidthMin];
	double gap_w_max = params[eParamsNarrowGapWidthMax];
	double gap_d_min = params[eParamsNarrowGapDepthMin];
	double gap_d_max = params[eParamsNarrowGapDepthMax];
	int count_min = std::max(1, static_cast<int>(params[eParamsNarrowGapCountMin]));
	int count_max = std::max(1, static_cast<int>(params[eParamsNarrowGapCountMax]));

	double total_w = 0;
	while (total_w < width)
		double spacing = rand.RandDouble(spacing_min, spacing_max);
		int count = rand.RandInt(count_min, count_max + 1);
		for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
			double w = rand.RandDouble(gap_w_min, gap_w_max);
			double d = rand.RandDouble(gap_d_min, gap_d_max);

			double curr_w = AddBox(spacing, w, d, out_data);
			total_w += curr_w;

			spacing = rand.RandDouble(dist_min, dist_max);
	return total_w;
void cTerrainGen2D::OverlaySlopes(double delta_range, double delta_min, double delta_max, double init_slope, int beg_idx, int end_idx,
									cRand& rand, std::vector<float>& out_data)
	double curr_slope = init_slope;
	double curr_delta_h = 0;
	assert(beg_idx < out_data.size());
	assert(end_idx <= out_data.size());
	assert(delta_min < delta_max);

	double delta_mean = 0.5 * (delta_min + delta_max);
	double delta_diff = 0.5 * (delta_max - delta_min);

	for (int i = beg_idx; i < end_idx; ++i)
		const double w = 0.1;
		double delta = rand.RandDouble(0, delta_range);

		double sign_rand = rand.RandDouble(-1, 1);
		double sign_threshold = (curr_slope - delta_mean) / delta_diff;
		bool neg = sign_rand < sign_threshold;
		delta = (neg) ? -delta : delta;

		curr_slope += delta;
		curr_delta_h += curr_slope * gVertSpacing;

		out_data[i] += static_cast<float>(curr_delta_h);
double cTerrainGen2D::BuildSteps(double width, const tParams& params, cRand& rand, std::vector<float>& out_data)
	double spacing_min = params[eParamsStepSpacingMin];
	double spacing_max = params[eParamsStepSpacingMax];
	double step_h0_min = params[eParamsStepHeight0Min];
	double step_h0_max = params[eParamsStepHeight0Max];
	double step_h1_min = params[eParamsStepHeight1Min];
	double step_h1_max = params[eParamsStepHeight1Max];

	double total_w = 0;
	while (total_w < width)
		double min_h = 0;
		double max_h = 0;

		bool valid_h0 = (step_h0_min != 0 || step_h0_max != 0);
		bool valid_h1 = (step_h1_min != 0 || step_h1_max != 0);
		if (valid_h0 && valid_h1)
			bool heads = rand.FlipCoin();
			min_h = (heads) ? step_h0_min : step_h1_min;
			max_h = (heads) ? step_h0_max : step_h1_max;
		else if (valid_h0)
			min_h = step_h0_min;
			max_h = step_h0_max;
			min_h = step_h1_min;
			max_h = step_h1_max;

		double w = rand.RandDouble(spacing_min, spacing_max);
		double h = rand.RandDouble(min_h, max_h);

		double curr_w = AddStep(w, h, out_data);
		total_w += curr_w;

	return total_w;
double cTerrainGen2D::BuildWalls(double width, const tParams& params, cRand& rand, std::vector<float>& out_data)
	double spacing_min = params[eParamsWallSpacingMin];
	double spacing_max = params[eParamsWallSpacingMax];
	double wall_w_min = params[eParamsWallWidthMin];
	double wall_w_max = params[eParamsWallWidthMax];
	double wall_g_min = params[eParamsWallHeightMin];
	double wall_g_max = params[eParamsWallHeightMax];

	double total_w = 0;
	while (total_w < width)
		double spacing = rand.RandDouble(spacing_min, spacing_max);
		double w = rand.RandDouble(wall_w_min, wall_w_max);
		double h = rand.RandDouble(wall_g_min, wall_g_max);

		double curr_w = AddBox(spacing, w, h, out_data);
		total_w += curr_w;

	return total_w;
double cTerrainGen2D::BuildGaps(double width, const tParams& params, cRand& rand, std::vector<float>& out_data)
	double spacing_min = params[eParamsGapSpacingMin];
	double spacing_max = params[eParamsGapSpacingMax];
	double gap_w_min = params[eParamsGapWidthMin];
	double gap_w_max = params[eParamsGapWidthMax];
	double gap_d_min = params[eParamsGapDepthMin];
	double gap_d_max = params[eParamsGapDepthMax];

	double total_w = 0;
	while (total_w < width)
		double spacing = rand.RandDouble(spacing_min, spacing_max);
		double w = rand.RandDouble(gap_w_min, gap_w_max);
		double d = rand.RandDouble(gap_d_min, gap_d_max);

		double curr_w = AddBox(spacing, w, d, out_data);
		total_w += curr_w;

	return total_w;
void cTerrainGen2D::OverlayBumps(double min_delta_h, double max_delta_h, int beg_idx, int end_idx,
									cRand& rand, std::vector<float>& out_data)
	double curr_slope = 0;
	double curr_delta_h = 0;
	assert(beg_idx < out_data.size());
	assert(end_idx <= out_data.size());

	for (int i = beg_idx; i < end_idx - 1; ++i)
		double delta = rand.RandSign() * rand.RandDouble(min_delta_h, max_delta_h);
		out_data[i] += static_cast<float>(delta);
void cTerrainGen3D::AddStairs(const tVector& origin, const Eigen::Vector2i& start_coord, const tVector& size, double spacing_min, double spacing_max, double step_h_min, double step_h_max, 
							const Eigen::Vector2i& out_res, cRand& rand, std::vector<float>& out_data, std::vector<int>& out_flags)
	const double pad = 1;
	int res_x = CalcResX(size[0]);
	int res_z = CalcResX(size[2]);
	int num_verts = res_x * res_z;
    //double last_step_z = origin[2];

    //double current_spacing = rand.RandDouble(spacing_min, spacing_max);
    //double current_height = 0;

    double randomness = rand.RandDouble();

	for (int j = 0; j < res_z; ++j)
        //Check the new step and reset the height if we are done with the last step 
        double z = origin[2] + (j / (res_z - 1.0)) * size[2];
        if (z > (last_step_z + current_spacing)) 
            last_step_z = z; 
            current_height += cMathUtil::Sign(z)*rand.RandDouble(step_h_min, step_h_max);
            current_spacing = rand.RandDouble(spacing_min, spacing_max);
		size_t coord_z = j + start_coord[1];
		for (int i = 0; i < res_x; ++i)
			size_t coord_x = i + start_coord[0];
			size_t idx = coord_z * out_res[0] + coord_x;

			double x = origin[0] + (i / (res_x - 1.0)) * size[0];

			x = cMathUtil::Sign(x) * std::max(0.0, (std::abs(x) - pad));

            double h = (std::floor(x*2))*0.1/2;
            //h += rand.RandDouble(step_h_min, step_h_max);
            h += cMathUtil::RandDoubleSeed(h*randomness)*(step_h_max-step_h_min)+step_h_min;

			int curr_flags = 1 << eVertFlagEnableTex;
			out_data[idx] = h;
			out_flags[idx] = curr_flags;
double cTerrainGen2D::BuildCliffs(double width, const tParams& params, cRand& rand, std::vector<float>& out_data)
	double spacing_min = params[eParamsCliffSpacingMin];
	double spacing_max = params[eParamsCliffSpacingMax];
	double cliff_h0_min = params[eParamsCliffHeight0Min];
	double cliff_h0_max = params[eParamsCliffHeight0Max];
	double cliff_h1_min = params[eParamsCliffHeight1Min];
	double cliff_h1_max = params[eParamsCliffHeight1Max];
	int mini_count_max = static_cast<int>(params[eParamsCliffMiniCountMax]);

	double bump_h_min = params[eParamsBumpHeightMin];
	double bump_h_max = params[eParamsBumpHeightMax];

	const double delta_range = std::abs(params[eParamsSlopeDeltaRange]);
	const double delta_min = params[eParamsSlopeDeltaMin];
	const double delta_max = params[eParamsSlopeDeltaMax];

	int beg_idx = static_cast<int>(out_data.size());

	double total_w = 0;
	while (total_w < width)
		double min_h = 0;
		double max_h = 0;

		bool valid_h0 = (cliff_h0_min != 0 || cliff_h0_max != 0);
		bool valid_h1 = (cliff_h1_min != 0 || cliff_h1_max != 0);
		if (valid_h0 && valid_h1)
			bool heads = rand.FlipCoin();
			min_h = (heads) ? cliff_h0_min : cliff_h1_min;
			max_h = (heads) ? cliff_h0_max : cliff_h1_max;
		else if (valid_h0)
			min_h = cliff_h0_min;
			max_h = cliff_h0_max;
			min_h = cliff_h1_min;
			max_h = cliff_h1_max;

		double w = rand.RandDouble(spacing_min, spacing_max);
		double h = rand.RandDouble(min_h, max_h);

		double curr_w = 0;
		double curr_delta_h = 0;
		int num_mini = rand.RandInt(0, mini_count_max + 1);
		for (int i = 0; i < num_mini + 1; ++i)
			const double mini_w = (i == 0) ? w : 0.1;
			double mini_h = rand.RandDouble(curr_delta_h, h);
			mini_h = (i == num_mini) ? h : mini_h;

			double dh = mini_h - curr_delta_h;
			curr_w += AddStep(mini_w, dh, out_data);

			curr_delta_h = mini_h;

		total_w += curr_w;

	int end_idx = static_cast<int>(out_data.size());
	OverlaySlopes(delta_range, delta_min, delta_max, 0, beg_idx, end_idx, rand, out_data);
	OverlayBumps(bump_h_min, bump_h_max, beg_idx, end_idx, rand, out_data);

	return total_w;