real GTextUtils::CPPStringToReal(const cppstring &sNumber)
	real fResult;
	GTextUtils::IsStringRealNumber(sNumber, &fResult);	// just return the result
	return fResult;
real GTextUtils::StringToReal(const narrowstring &sNumber)
{// not as robust as CPPStringToReal but does not need to be
	real fValue;
	std::stringstream ss;
	ss << sNumber;
	ss >> fValue;
	return fValue;
int GTextUtils::CPPStringToLong(const cppstring &sInteger)
	int nResult = 0L;
	if (GTextUtils::IsStringLong(sInteger))
		nResult = GTextUtils::Gstrtol(sInteger.c_str(), NULL, 10);
	return nResult;
void GUtils::Trace(cppstring msg,
				   gchar * psFile,
				   int nLine)
	int nLen = 0;
	if (psFile != NULL)
#ifdef _UNICODE
		nLen = wcslen(psFile);
		nLen = strlen(psFile);
	if ((nLen > 0) && 
		(nLine != -1)	)
	{ // Only print File and Line if we have something..
		cppsstream ss;
		ss << psFile << GSTD_S("(") << nLine << GSTD_S(") : ") << msg << kOSNewlineString;

std::string	GTextUtils::ConvertWideStringToNarrow(const cppstring  sWide)
	char * pMultiByteBuf;
	pMultiByteBuf   = (char *)malloc( sWide.length()*2 );
	size_t i = wcstombs( pMultiByteBuf, sWide.c_str(), sWide.length()*2 );
	std::string sNarrow (pMultiByteBuf);
	delete pMultiByteBuf;
	std::string sNarrow(sWide); // since cppstring is already narrow there is nothing to do
	return sNarrow;