void inventory_selector::remove_dropping_items( player &u ) const
    // We iterate backwards because deletion will invalidate later indices.
    for( inventory_selector::drop_map::const_reverse_iterator a = dropping.rbegin();
         a != dropping.rend(); ++a ) {
        if( a->first < 0 ) { // weapon or armor, handled separately
        const int count = a->second;
        item &tmpit = u.inv.find_item( a->first );
        if( tmpit.count_by_charges() ) {
            long charges = tmpit.charges;
            if( count != -1 && count < charges ) {
                tmpit.charges -= count;
            } else {
                u.inv.remove_item( a->first );
        } else {
            size_t max_count = u.inv.const_stack( a->first ).size();
            if( count != -1 && ( size_t )count < max_count ) {
                max_count = count;
            for( size_t i = 0; i < max_count; i++ ) {
                u.inv.remove_item( a->first );
void inventory_selector::set_drop_count(int it_pos, int count, const item &it)
    // "dropping" when comparing means select for comparison, valid for bionics
    if (it_pos == -1 && g->u.weapon.has_flag("NO_UNWIELD") && !compare) {
        if (!warned_about_bionic) {
            popup(_("You cannot drop your %s."), g->u.weapon.tname().c_str());
            warned_about_bionic = true;
    // count 0 means toggle, if already selected for dropping, drop none
    drop_map::iterator iit = dropping.find(it_pos);
    if (count == 0 && iit != dropping.end()) {
        if (first_item == &it) {
            first_item = second_item;
            second_item = NULL;
        } else if (second_item == &it) {
            second_item = NULL;
    } else {
        // allow only -1 or anything > 0
        dropping[it_pos] = (count <= 0) ? -1 : count;
        if (first_item == NULL || first_item == &it) {
            first_item = const_cast<item *>(&it);
        } else {
            second_item = const_cast<item *>(&it);
Exemple #3
void inventory_selector::print_right_column() const
    if (right_column_width == 0) {
    player &u = g->u;
    int drp_line = 1;
    drop_map::const_iterator dit = dropping.find(-1);
    if (dit != dropping.end()) {
        std::string item_name = u.weapname();
        if (dit->second == -1) {
            item_name.insert(0, "+ ");
        } else {
            item_name = string_format("# %s {%d}", item_name.c_str(), dit->second);
        const char invlet = invlet_or_space(u.weapon);
        item_name = trim_to(item_name, right_column_width - 2); // 2 for the invlet & space
        mvwprintz(w_inv, drp_line, right_column_offset, c_ltblue, "%c %s", invlet, item_name.c_str());
    for (size_t k = 0; k < u.worn.size(); k++) {
        // worn items can not be dropped partially
        if (dropping.count(player::worn_position_to_index(k)) == 0) {
        const char invlet = invlet_or_space(u.worn[k]);
        std::string item_name = trim_to(u.worn[k].display_name(),
                                        right_column_width - 4); // 2 for the invlet '+' &  2 space
        mvwprintz(w_inv, drp_line, right_column_offset, c_cyan, "%c + %s", invlet, item_name.c_str());
    for (drop_map::const_iterator a = dropping.begin(); a != dropping.end(); ++a) {
        if (a->first < 0) { // worn or wielded item, already displayed above
        const std::list<item> &stack = u.inv.const_stack(a->first);
        const item &it = stack.front();
        const char invlet = invlet_or_space(it);
        const int count = a->second;
        const int display_count = (count == -1) ? (it.charges >= 0) ? it.charges : stack.size() : count;
        const nc_color col = it.color_in_inventory();
        std::string item_name = it.tname( display_count );
        if (count == -1) {
            if (stack.size() > 1) {
                item_name = string_format("%d %s", stack.size(), item_name.c_str());
            } else {
                item_name.insert(0, "+ ");
        } else {
            item_name = string_format("# %s {%d}", item_name.c_str(), count);
        item_name = trim_to(item_name, right_column_width - 2); // 2 for the invlet & space
        mvwprintz(w_inv, drp_line, right_column_offset, col, "%c %s", invlet, item_name.c_str());
Exemple #4
void inventory_selector::display() const
    const size_t &current_page_offset = in_inventory ? current_page_offset_i : current_page_offset_w;
    mvwprintw(w_inv, 0, 0, title.c_str());
    if (multidrop) {
        mvwprintw(w_inv, 1, 0, _("To drop x items, type a number and then the item hotkey."));
    std::string msg_str;
    nc_color msg_color;
    if (inCategoryMode) {
        msg_str = _("Category selection; Press [TAB] to switch the mode.");
        msg_color = c_white_red;
    } else {
        msg_str = _("Item selection; Press [TAB] to switch the mode.");
        msg_color = h_white;
    mvwprintz(w_inv, items_per_page + 4, FULL_SCREEN_WIDTH - utf8_width(msg_str.c_str()),
              msg_color, msg_str.c_str());
    const size_t max_size = in_inventory ? items.size() : worn.size();
    const size_t max_pages = (max_size + items_per_page - 1) / items_per_page;
    mvwprintw(w_inv, items_per_page + 4, 1, _("Page %d/%d"), current_page_offset / items_per_page + 1,
    if (multidrop) {
        // Make copy, remove to be dropped items from that
        // copy and let the copy recalculate the volume capacity
        // (can be affected by various traits).
        player tmp = g->u;
        // first round: remove weapon & worn items, start with larges worn index
        for (drop_map::const_iterator a = dropping.begin(); a != dropping.end(); ++a) {
            if (a->first == -1 && a->second == -1) {
            } else if (a->first == -1 && a->second != -1) {
                tmp.weapon.charges -= a->second;
            } else if (a->first < 0) {
                tmp.worn.erase(tmp.worn.begin() + player::worn_position_to_index(a->first));
        print_inv_weight_vol(tmp.weight_carried(), tmp.volume_carried(), tmp.volume_capacity());
    } else {
        print_inv_weight_vol(g->u.weight_carried(), g->u.volume_carried(), g->u.volume_capacity());
    if (!multidrop && !compare) {
        mvwprintw(w_inv, 1, 61, _("Hotkeys:  %d/%d "),
                  g->u.allocated_invlets().size(), inv_chars.size());
std::string inventory_selector::get_drop_icon(drop_map::const_iterator dit) const
    if (!multidrop && !compare) {
        return "";
    } else if (dit == dropping.end()) {
        return "- ";
    } else if (dit->second == -1) {
        return "+ ";
    } else {
        return "# ";
void inventory_selector::print_column(const itemstack_vector &items, size_t y, size_t w,
                                      size_t selected, size_t current_page_offset) const
    nc_color selected_line_color = inCategoryMode ? c_white_red : h_white;
    if ((&items == &this->items) != in_inventory) {
        selected_line_color = inCategoryMode ? c_ltgray_red : h_ltgray;
    int cur_line = 2;
    for (size_t a = 0; a + current_page_offset < items.size() && a < items_per_page; a++, cur_line++) {
        const itemstack_or_category &cur_entry = items[a + current_page_offset];
        if (cur_entry.category == NULL) {
        if (cur_entry.it == NULL) {
            const std::string name = trim_to(cur_entry.category->name, w);
            mvwprintz(w_inv, cur_line, y, c_magenta, "%s", name.c_str());
        const item &it = *cur_entry.it;
        std::string item_name = it.display_name();
        if (cur_entry.slice != NULL) {
            const size_t count = cur_entry.slice->size();
            if (count > 1) {
                item_name = string_format("%d %s", count, it.display_name(count).c_str());
        nc_color name_color = it.color_in_inventory();
        nc_color invlet_color = c_white;
        if (g->u.assigned_invlet.count(it.invlet)) {
            invlet_color = c_yellow;
        if (a + current_page_offset == selected) {
            name_color = selected_line_color;
            invlet_color = selected_line_color;
        item_name = get_drop_icon(dropping.find(cur_entry.item_pos)) + item_name;
        if (it.invlet != 0) {
            mvwputch(w_inv, cur_line, y, invlet_color, it.invlet);
        if (OPTIONS["ITEM_SYMBOLS"]) {
            item_name = string_format("%c %s", it.symbol(), item_name.c_str());
        trim_and_print(w_inv, cur_line, y + 2, w - 2, name_color, "%s", item_name.c_str());