Exemple #1
void filter(image& img, const filter_t& filter)
    auto fw = filter.size1();
    auto fh = filter.size2();
    auto num_channels = gil::num_channels<image::pixel_t>();

    // Calculates the correlation result for each region. The correlation result
    // is calculated by multiplying the respective elements in neighbourhood and
    // filter mask and then taking the sum of those elements. This is done for
    // each channel of the pixel.
    nlfilter(img, fw, fh, [&](const ublas::matrix<image::pixel_t>& neighbourhood) {
        image::pixel_t correlation;

        for(decltype(fw) i = 0; i < fw; ++i) {
            for(decltype(fh) j = 0; j < fh; ++j) {
                const auto& src = neighbourhood(i, j);

                for(auto c = 0; c < num_channels; ++c) {
                    auto element_corr = src[c] * filter(i, j);

                    if(i == 0 && j == 0) {
                        correlation[c] = element_corr;
                    } else {
                        correlation[c] += element_corr;

        return correlation;
// Populates a filter with random values.
// Note: A filter with a small r_bits is difficult to fill.
static void populate(filter_t &filter, size_t insertion_tries = SIZE_MAX) {
  auto gen_fp = make_fp_generator(filter);
  while (!filter.full() && insertion_tries) {
Exemple #3
	virtual void OnRehash(const std::string &parameter)
		// reload our config file on rehash - we must destroy and re-allocate the classes
		// to call the constructor again and re-read our data.
		ConfigReader* Conf = new ConfigReader(ServerInstance);
		std::string filterfile = Conf->ReadValue("filter","file",0);
		// this automatically re-reads the configuration file into the class
		ConfigReader* MyConf = new ConfigReader(ServerInstance, filterfile);
		if ((filterfile == "") || (!MyConf->Verify()))
			// bail if the user forgot to create a config file
			FilterException e;
		for (filter_t::iterator n = filters.begin(); n != filters.end(); n++)
		for (int index = 0; index < MyConf->Enumerate("keyword"); index++)
			std::string pattern = MyConf->ReadValue("keyword","pattern",index);
			std::string reason = MyConf->ReadValue("keyword","reason",index);
			std::string do_action = MyConf->ReadValue("keyword","action",index);
			if (do_action == "")
				do_action = "none";
			Filter* x = new Filter;
			x->reason = reason;
			x->action = do_action;
			filters[pattern] = x;
		ServerInstance->Log(DEFAULT,"m_filter: read configuration from "+filterfile);
static auto make_fp_generator(const filter_t &filter) {
  const size_t fp_bits = filter.quotient_bits() + filter.remainder_bits();
  const value_t max_fp = (value_t{1} << fp_bits) - 1;

  mt19937 gen(823076453);
  uniform_int_distribution<value_t> dist(0, max_fp);

  return [ gen = std::move(gen), dist ]() mutable { return dist(gen); };
static auto make_insertion_decision_generator(const filter_t &filter) {
  using param_t = std::bernoulli_distribution::param_type;
  bernoulli_distribution dist;
  minstd_rand gen(3782348);

  return [&filter, gen = std::move(gen), dist ]() mutable {
    if (filter.empty())
      return true;
    if (filter.full())
      return false;
    const double load_factor = double(filter.size()) / filter.capacity();
    return dist(gen, param_t(1.0 - load_factor));
static void expect_properties(const filter_t &c, const slots_status sstatus,
                              const test_hash hash_fn, const float ml) {
  switch (sstatus.status) {
  case slots_status::exactly:
    EXPECT_EQ(sstatus.slot_count, c.slot_count());
  case slots_status::at_least:
    // Note: probably replace EXPECT_LE with EXPECT_EQ will be the same since
    // the current implementation always use the minimal space it can.
    EXPECT_LE(sstatus.slot_count, c.slot_count());

  EXPECT_EQ(hash_fn, c.hash_function());
  EXPECT_EQ(ml, c.max_load_factor());
// Checks whether a filter is empty and checks invariants.
static void expect_empty(const filter_t &c) {
  EXPECT_EQ(0, c.size());
  EXPECT_EQ(0, distance(c.begin(), c.end()));
  EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.0f, c.load_factor());
  EXPECT_LE(c.load_factor(), c.max_load_factor());
Exemple #8
	virtual int OnUserPreNotice(userrec* user,void* dest,int target_type, std::string &text, char status)
		std::string text2 = text+" ";
		for (filter_t::iterator index = filters.begin(); index != filters.end(); index++)
			if ((ServerInstance->MatchText(text2,index->first)) || (ServerInstance->MatchText(text,index->first)))
				Filter* f = (Filter*)index->second;
				std::string target = "";

				if (target_type == TYPE_USER)
					userrec* t = (userrec*)dest;
					target = std::string(t->nick);
				else if (target_type == TYPE_CHANNEL)
					chanrec* t = (chanrec*)dest;
					target = std::string(t->name);

				if (f->action == "block")
					ServerInstance->WriteOpers(std::string("FILTER: ")+user->nick+" had their notice filtered, target was "+target+": "+f->reason);
					user->WriteServ("NOTICE "+std::string(user->nick)+" :Your notice has been filtered and opers notified: "+f->reason);
				ServerInstance->Log(DEFAULT,"FILTER: "+std::string(user->nick)+std::string(" had their notice filtered, target was ")+target+": "+f->reason+" Action: "+f->action);

				if (f->action == "kill")
				return 1;
		return 0;
TEST(FilterTest, Count) {
  const filter_t c = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 50, 50, 40, 40};
  ASSERT_EQ(5, c.size());

  EXPECT_EQ(0, c.count(0));
  EXPECT_EQ(1, c.count(10));
  EXPECT_EQ(1, c.count(20));
  EXPECT_EQ(1, c.count(30));
  EXPECT_EQ(1, c.count(40));
  EXPECT_EQ(1, c.count(50));
  EXPECT_EQ(0, c.count(60));
TEST(FilterTest, Find) {
  const filter_t c = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50};
    SCOPED_TRACE("Find existing key");
    const auto it = c.find(30);
    ASSERT_TRUE(it != c.end());
    EXPECT_EQ(30, *it);
    EXPECT_TRUE(it == std::next(c.begin(), 2));
    SCOPED_TRACE("Find non existing key");
    const auto it = c.find(35);
    EXPECT_TRUE(it == c.end());
// Checks whether lhs and rhs are clones.
static bool totally_equal(const filter_t &lhs, const filter_t &rhs) noexcept {
  return lhs.size() == rhs.size() && lhs.capacity() == rhs.capacity() &&
         lhs.quotient_bits() == rhs.quotient_bits() &&
         lhs.remainder_bits() == rhs.remainder_bits() && equal(lhs, rhs);
TEST(FilterTest, Iterators) {
    const filter_t empty_filter;
    EXPECT_TRUE(empty_filter.begin() == empty_filter.end());
    EXPECT_FALSE(empty_filter.begin() != empty_filter.end());
    const filter_t c = {50, 70, 90};
    ASSERT_TRUE(c.begin() != c.end());
    ASSERT_FALSE(c.begin() == c.end());
    auto it1 = c.begin();
    ASSERT_TRUE(it1 == c.begin());
    ASSERT_FALSE(it1 != c.begin());
    EXPECT_EQ(50, *it1);

    auto it2 = ++it1;
    ASSERT_TRUE(it2 == it1);
    ASSERT_FALSE(it2 != it1);
    ASSERT_TRUE(it2 != c.begin() && it2 != c.end());
    ASSERT_FALSE(it2 == c.begin() || it2 == c.end());
    EXPECT_EQ(70, *it2);
    EXPECT_EQ(70, *it1);

    auto it3 = it2++;
    ASSERT_TRUE(it3 == it1);
    EXPECT_EQ(70, *it3);
    EXPECT_EQ(90, *it2++);

    ASSERT_TRUE(it2 == c.end());
    ASSERT_FALSE(it2 != c.end());