Exemple #1
int function_exists_no_autoload( const wcstring &cmd, const env_vars_snapshot_t &vars )
	if( parser_keywords_is_reserved(cmd) )
		return 0;
    scoped_lock lock(functions_lock);
    return loaded_functions.find(cmd) != loaded_functions.end() || function_autoloader.can_load(cmd, vars);            
Exemple #2
int function_exists( const wcstring &cmd )
	if( parser_keywords_is_reserved(cmd) )
		return 0;
    scoped_lock lock(functions_lock);
    return loaded_functions.find(cmd) != loaded_functions.end();            
Exemple #3
void function_set_desc(const wcstring &name, const wcstring &desc) {
    scoped_lock locker(functions_lock);
    function_map_t::iterator iter = loaded_functions.find(name);
    if (iter != loaded_functions.end()) {
        iter->second.description = desc;
Exemple #4
static const function_info_t *function_get(const wcstring &name) {
    // The caller must lock the functions_lock before calling this; however our mutex is currently
    // recursive, so trylock will never fail. We need a way to correctly check if a lock is locked
    // (or better yet, make our lock non-recursive).
    // ASSERT_IS_LOCKED(functions_lock);
    function_map_t::iterator iter = loaded_functions.find(name);
    if (iter == loaded_functions.end()) {
        return NULL;
    return &iter->second;
Exemple #5
bool function_copy(const wcstring &name, const wcstring &new_name)
    bool result = false;
    scoped_lock lock(functions_lock);
    function_map_t::const_iterator iter = loaded_functions.find(name);
    if (iter != loaded_functions.end()) {
		// This new instance of the function shouldn't be tied to the definition file of the original, so pass NULL filename, etc.
        const function_map_t::value_type new_pair(new_name, function_info_t(iter->second, NULL, 0, false));
        result = true;
	return result;
Exemple #6
   Make sure that if the specified function is a dynamically loaded
   function, it has been fully loaded.
static int load( const wcstring &name )
    scoped_lock lock(functions_lock);
	bool was_autoload = is_autoload;
	int res;
    function_map_t::iterator iter = loaded_functions.find(name);
	if( iter !=  loaded_functions.end() && !iter->second.is_autoload ) {
        /* We have a non-autoload version already */
		return 0;
	is_autoload = true;	
	res = function_autoloader.load( name, true );
	is_autoload = was_autoload;
	return res;
Exemple #7
wcstring_list_t function_get_names(int get_hidden) {
    std::set<wcstring> names;
    scoped_lock locker(functions_lock);
    autoload_names(names, get_hidden);

    function_map_t::const_iterator iter;
    for (iter = loaded_functions.begin(); iter != loaded_functions.end(); ++iter) {
        const wcstring &name = iter->first;

        // Maybe skip hidden.
        if (!get_hidden) {
            if (name.empty() || name.at(0) == L'_') continue;
    return wcstring_list_t(names.begin(), names.end());
Exemple #8
static bool function_remove_ignore_autoload(const wcstring &name, bool tombstone) {
    // Note: the lock may be held at this point, but is recursive.
    scoped_lock locker(functions_lock);

    function_map_t::iterator iter = loaded_functions.find(name);

    // Not found.  Not erasing.
    if (iter == loaded_functions.end()) return false;

    // Removing an auto-loaded function.  Prevent it from being auto-reloaded.
    if (iter->second.is_autoload && tombstone) function_tombstones.insert(name);

    event_t ev(EVENT_ANY);
    ev.function_name = name;
    return true;
Exemple #9
/// Make sure that if the specified function is a dynamically loaded function, it has been fully
/// loaded.
static int load(const wcstring &name) {
    scoped_lock locker(functions_lock);
    bool was_autoload = is_autoload;
    int res;

    bool no_more_autoload = function_tombstones.count(name) > 0;
    if (no_more_autoload) return 0;

    function_map_t::iterator iter = loaded_functions.find(name);
    if (iter != loaded_functions.end() && !iter->second.is_autoload) {
        // We have a non-autoload version already.
        return 0;

    is_autoload = true;
    res = function_autoloader.load(name, true);
    is_autoload = was_autoload;
    return res;