// @TODO - this should only set some variables in a global and the drawinbg should be handled my show_scene() // That way we can move the run_XXX methods into threads to run in paralel void sceneShow::run_image_scene(CURRENT_FILE_FORMAT::file_scene_show_image scene_image) { std::cout << "** sceneShow::run_image_scene::START" << std::endl; float x = scene_image.ini_x; float y = scene_image.ini_y; graphicsLib_gSurface image; graphicsLib_gSurface bg_image; graphLib.initSurface(st_size(RES_W, RES_H), &bg_image); graphLib.copy_gamescreen_area(st_rectangle(0, 0, RES_W, RES_H), st_position(0, 0), &bg_image); graphLib.surfaceFromFile(FILEPATH + "images/scenes/" + scene_image.filename, &image); std::cout << "** sceneShow::run_image_scene::total_dist: " << total_dist << std::endl; while (total_dist > 0) { input.read_input(); //std::cout << "total_dist: " << total_dist << std::endl; timer.delay(scene_image.move_delay); // @TODO - copy background, but should be done in a smarter way as there can be several moving elements graphLib.showSurfaceAt(&bg_image, st_position(0, 0), false); graphLib.showSurfaceAt(&image, st_position(x, y), false); graphLib.updateScreen(); x += speed_x; y += speed_y; total_dist--; } graphLib.showSurfaceAt(&image, st_position(x, y), false); graphLib.updateScreen(); }
void sceneShow::show_animation(int n, int repeat_n, int repeat_mode) { int frame_n = 0; CURRENT_FILE_FORMAT::file_scene_show_animation scene = animation_list.at(n); long frame_timer = timer.getTimer() + scene.frame_delay; long started_timer = timer.getTimer(); int repeat_times = 0; graphicsLib_gSurface image; graphLib.surfaceFromFile(FILEPATH + "images/scenes/animations/" + scene.filename, &image); int max_frames = image.width / scene.frame_w; graphicsLib_gSurface bg_image; graphLib.initSurface(st_size(scene.frame_w, scene.frame_h), &bg_image); graphLib.copy_gamescreen_area(st_rectangle(scene.x, scene.y, scene.frame_w, scene.frame_h), st_position(0, 0), &bg_image); while (true) { std::cout << "sceneShow::show_animation::LOOP" << std::endl; //graphLib.showSurfaceAt(&bg_image, st_position(scene.x, scene.y), false); int x = frame_n*scene.frame_w; std::cout << "origin.x: " << x << ", dest.x: " << scene.x << ", frame.w: " << scene.frame_w << ", frame.h: " << scene.frame_h << std::endl; graphLib.showSurfaceRegionAt(&image, st_rectangle(x, 0, scene.frame_w, scene.frame_h), st_position(scene.x, scene.y)); graphLib.updateScreen(); if (frame_timer < timer.getTimer()) { frame_n++; if (frame_n > max_frames) { frame_n = 0; repeat_times++; } frame_timer = timer.getTimer() + scene.frame_delay; } // stop condition if (repeat_times > 0 && repeat_n <= 1) { std::cout << "sceneShow::show_animation::LEAVE#1" << std::endl; return; } else { if (repeat_mode == 0) { // time-mode if ((timer.getTimer() - started_timer) > repeat_n) { std::cout << "sceneShow::show_animation::LEAVE#2" << std::endl; return; } } else { // repeat number mode if (repeat_times > repeat_n) { std::cout << "sceneShow::show_animation::LEAVE#3" << std::endl; return; } } } timer.delay(10); } }
void class_config::set_player_ref(classPlayer* set_player_ref) { player_ref = set_player_ref; if (_player_surface.width == 0) { graphLib.initSurface(st_size(player_ref->get_char_frame(ANIM_DIRECTION_RIGHT, ANIM_TYPE_ATTACK, 0)->width, player_ref->get_char_frame(ANIM_DIRECTION_RIGHT, ANIM_TYPE_ATTACK, 0)->height), &_player_surface); graphLib.copyArea(st_position(0, 0), player_ref->get_char_frame(ANIM_DIRECTION_RIGHT, ANIM_TYPE_ATTACK, 0), &_player_surface); } }
void draw::show_boss_intro_sprites(short boss_id, bool show_fall) { UNUSED(show_fall); unsigned int intro_frames_n = 0; //int intro_frames_rollback = 0; st_position boss_pos(20, -37); st_position sprite_size; graphicsLib_gSurface bgCopy, boss_graphics; std::string graph_filename = FILEPATH + "data/images/sprites/enemies/" + std::string(game_data.game_npcs[boss_id].graphic_filename); sprite_size.x = game_data.game_npcs[boss_id].frame_size.width; sprite_size.y = game_data.game_npcs[boss_id].frame_size.height; graphLib.surfaceFromFile(graph_filename.c_str(), &boss_graphics); graphLib.initSurface(st_size(RES_W, RES_H), &bgCopy); graph_filename = FILEPATH + "data/images/backgrounds/stage_boss_intro.png"; graphLib.surfaceFromFile(graph_filename.c_str(), &bgCopy); st_position bg_pos(0, (RES_H/2)-(bgCopy.height/2)); graphLib.copyArea(bg_pos, &bgCopy, &graphLib.gameScreen); update_screen(); int sprite_pos_y = RES_H/2 - sprite_size.y/2; for (int i=0; i<ANIM_FRAMES_COUNT; i++) { if (game_data.game_npcs[boss_id].sprites[ANIM_TYPE_INTRO][i].used == true) { intro_frames_n++; } } // fall into position while (boss_pos.y < sprite_pos_y) { boss_pos.y += 4; graphLib.copyArea(bg_pos, &bgCopy, &graphLib.gameScreen); graphLib.copyArea(st_rectangle(0, 0, sprite_size.x, sprite_size.y), st_position(boss_pos.x, boss_pos.y), &boss_graphics, &graphLib.gameScreen); graphLib.wait_and_update_screen(5); } graphLib.wait_and_update_screen(500); // show intro sprites if (intro_frames_n > 1) { for (int i=0; i<ANIM_FRAMES_COUNT; i++) { if (game_data.game_npcs[boss_id].sprites[ANIM_TYPE_INTRO][i].used == true) { //std::cout << "i: " << i << ", used: " << game_data.game_npcs[boss_id].sprites[ANIM_TYPE_INTRO][i].used << ", duration: " << game_data.game_npcs[boss_id].sprites[ANIM_TYPE_INTRO][i].duration << std::endl; graphLib.copyArea(bg_pos, &bgCopy, &graphLib.gameScreen); graphLib.copyArea(st_rectangle(sprite_size.x * game_data.game_npcs[boss_id].sprites[ANIM_TYPE_INTRO][i].sprite_graphic_pos_x, 0, sprite_size.x, sprite_size.y), st_position(boss_pos.x, boss_pos.y), &boss_graphics, &graphLib.gameScreen); graphLib.wait_and_update_screen(game_data.game_npcs[boss_id].sprites[ANIM_TYPE_INTRO][i].duration); } } } else { // just frow first sprite graphLib.copyArea(bg_pos, &bgCopy, &graphLib.gameScreen); graphLib.copyArea(st_rectangle(0, 0, sprite_size.x, sprite_size.y), st_position(boss_pos.x, boss_pos.y), &boss_graphics, &graphLib.gameScreen); graphLib.wait_and_update_screen(200); } }
bool dialogs::show_leave_game_dialog() const { bool res = false; bool repeat_menu = true; int picked_n = -1; timer.pause(); std::cout << ">>>>>>> show_leave_game_dialog::START" << std::endl; graphicsLib_gSurface bgCopy; graphLib.initSurface(st_size(RES_W, RES_H), &bgCopy); graphLib.copyArea(st_position(0, 0), &graphLib.gameScreen, &bgCopy); graphLib.show_dialog(0, false); st_position dialog_pos = graphLib.get_dialog_pos(); graphLib.draw_text(dialog_pos.x+30, dialog_pos.y+16, "QUIT GAME?"); std::vector<std::string> item_list; item_list.push_back("YES"); item_list.push_back("NO"); option_picker main_picker(false, st_position(dialog_pos.x+40, dialog_pos.y+16+11), item_list, false); draw_lib.update_screen(); while (repeat_menu == true) { picked_n = main_picker.pick(); std::cout << "picked_n: " << picked_n << std::endl; if (picked_n == 0) { res = true; repeat_menu = false; } else if (picked_n == 1) { res = false; repeat_menu = false; } else { main_picker.draw(); } } input.clean(); input.waitTime(200); graphLib.copyArea(st_position(0, 0), &bgCopy, &graphLib.gameScreen); draw_lib.update_screen(); timer.unpause(); std::cout << ">>>>>>> show_leave_game_dialog::END" << std::endl; return res; }
// ********************************************************************************************** // // // // ********************************************************************************************** // classMap::classMap() : stage_number(-1), number(-1), bg1_scroll(0), bg2_scroll(0), _platform_leave_counter(0) { //std::cout << "classMap::classMap ******** backgrounds[0].filename: " << game_data.stages[0].maps[0].backgrounds[0].filename << std::endl; //std::cout << "classMap::classMap ******** backgrounds[1].filename: " << game_data.stages[0].maps[0].backgrounds[1].filename << std::endl; int i; graphLib.initSurface(st_size(MAP_W*TILESIZE, MAP_H*TILESIZE), &mapSurface); for (i=0; i<MAP_W; i++) { for (int j=0; j<MAP_H; j++) { map_tiles.tiles[i][j].tile1.x = -1; map_tiles.tiles[i][j].tile1.y = -1; } } for (i=0; i<MAP_W; i++) { wall_scroll_lock[i] = false; } }
void draw::show_credits() { int line_n=0; unsigned int scrolled=0; int posY = -RES_H; st_rectangle dest; graphicsLib_gSurface credits_surface; graphLib.initSurface(st_size(RES_W, RES_H+12), &credits_surface); graphLib.blank_surface(credits_surface); graphLib.blank_screen(); // add the initial lines to screen create_credits_text(credits_surface); update_screen(); // scroll the lines while (scrolled < (credits_list.size()*12)+RES_H/2+46) { graphLib.copyArea(st_rectangle(0, posY, RES_W, RES_H), st_position(0, 0), &credits_surface, &graphLib.gameScreen); update_screen(); timer.delay(60); posY++; scrolled++; if (posY > 12) { graphLib.copyArea(st_rectangle(0, posY, credits_surface.width, RES_H), st_position(0, 0), &credits_surface, &credits_surface); // scroll the lines dest.x = 0; dest.y = RES_H; dest.w = RES_W; dest.h = 12; graphLib.blank_area(dest.x, dest.y, dest.w, dest.h, credits_surface); draw_credit_line(credits_surface, line_n+21); posY = 0; line_n++; } } update_screen(); }
void sceneShow::show_animation(int n, int repeat_n, int repeat_mode) { int frame_n = 0; CURRENT_FILE_FORMAT::file_scene_show_animation scene = animation_list.at(n); long frame_timer = timer.getTimer() + scene.frame_delay; long started_timer = timer.getTimer(); int repeat_times = 0; graphicsLib_gSurface image; graphLib.surfaceFromFile(FILEPATH + "images/scenes/animations/" + scene.filename, &image); int max_frames = image.width / scene.frame_w; graphicsLib_gSurface bg_image; graphLib.initSurface(st_size(scene.frame_w, scene.frame_h), &bg_image); graphLib.copy_gamescreen_area(st_rectangle(scene.x, scene.y, scene.frame_w, scene.frame_h), st_position(0, 0), &bg_image); std::cout << "max_frames[" << max_frames << "], image.w[" << image.width << "], scene.frame_w[" << scene.frame_w << "]" << std::endl; while (true) { input.read_input(); int x = frame_n*scene.frame_w; // stop condition if (repeat_times > 0 && repeat_n <= 1) { std::cout << "sceneShow::show_animation::LEAVE#1" << std::endl; break; } else { if (repeat_mode == 0) { // time-mode if ((timer.getTimer() - started_timer) > repeat_n) { std::cout << "sceneShow::show_animation::LEAVE#2" << std::endl; break; } } else { // repeat number mode if (repeat_times > repeat_n) { std::cout << "sceneShow::show_animation::LEAVE#3" << std::endl; break; } } } graphLib.showSurfaceAt(&bg_image, st_position(scene.x, scene.y), false); std::cout << "x[" << x << "], img.w[" << image.width << "], frame.w[" << scene.frame_w << "]" << std::endl; graphLib.showSurfaceRegionAt(&image, st_rectangle(x, 0, scene.frame_w, scene.frame_h), st_position(scene.x, scene.y)); graphLib.updateScreen(); timer.delay(scene.frame_delay); if (frame_timer < timer.getTimer()) { frame_n++; if (frame_n >= max_frames) { frame_n = 0; repeat_times++; } frame_timer = timer.getTimer() + scene.frame_delay; } } // avoid leaving animation image trail if it is a repeating one if (repeat_n > 1) { graphLib.showSurfaceAt(&bg_image, st_position(scene.x, scene.y), false); graphLib.updateScreen(); timer.delay(scene.frame_delay); } }