Exemple #1
// Returns it whether it is an object with need checking in detail.
// If this function returns true, the object is possible to be directory
// and is needed checking detail(searching sub object).
bool is_need_check_obj_detail(headers_t& meta)
  headers_t::const_iterator iter;

  // directory object is Content-Length as 0.
  if(0 != get_size(meta)){
    return false;
  // if the object has x-amz-meta information, checking is no more.
  if(meta.end() != meta.find("x-amz-meta-mode")  ||
     meta.end() != meta.find("x-amz-meta-mtime") ||
     meta.end() != meta.find("x-amz-meta-uid")   ||
     meta.end() != meta.find("x-amz-meta-gid")   ||
     meta.end() != meta.find("x-amz-meta-owner") ||
     meta.end() != meta.find("x-amz-meta-group") ||
     meta.end() != meta.find("x-amz-meta-permissions") )
    return false;
  // if there is not Content-Type, or Content-Type is "x-directory",
  // checking is no more.
  if(meta.end() == (iter = find_content_type(meta))){
    return false;
  if("application/x-directory" == (*iter).second){
    return false;
  return true;
Exemple #2
mode_t get_mode(headers_t& meta, const char* path, bool checkdir, bool forcedir)
  mode_t mode = 0;
  bool isS3sync = false;
  headers_t::const_iterator iter;

  if(meta.end() != (iter = meta.find("x-amz-meta-mode"))){
    mode = get_mode((*iter).second.c_str());
    if(meta.end() != (iter = meta.find("x-amz-meta-permissions"))){ // for s3sync
      mode = get_mode((*iter).second.c_str());
      isS3sync = true;
  // Checking the bitmask, if the last 3 bits are all zero then process as a regular
  // file type (S_IFDIR or S_IFREG), otherwise return mode unmodified so that S_IFIFO,
  // S_IFSOCK, S_IFCHR, S_IFLNK and S_IFBLK devices can be processed properly by fuse.
  if(!(mode & S_IFMT)){
          mode |= S_IFDIR;
          if(meta.end() != (iter = find_content_type(meta))){
            string strConType = (*iter).second;
            // Leave just the mime type, remove any optional parameters (eg charset)
            string::size_type pos = strConType.find(";");
            if(string::npos != pos){
              strConType = strConType.substr(0, pos);
            if(strConType == "application/x-directory"){
              mode |= S_IFDIR;
            }else if(path && 0 < strlen(path) && '/' == path[strlen(path) - 1]){
              if(strConType == "binary/octet-stream" || strConType == "application/octet-stream"){
                mode |= S_IFDIR;
                mode |= S_IFREG;
              mode |= S_IFREG;
            mode |= S_IFREG;
        // cut dir/reg flag.
        mode &= ~S_IFDIR;
        mode &= ~S_IFREG;
  return mode;
Exemple #3
gid_t get_gid(headers_t& meta)
  headers_t::const_iterator iter;
  if(meta.end() == (iter = meta.find("x-amz-meta-gid"))){
    if(meta.end() == (iter = meta.find("x-amz-meta-group"))){ // for s3sync
      return 0;
  return get_gid((*iter).second.c_str());
Exemple #4
inline headers_t::const_iterator find_content_type(headers_t& meta)
  headers_t::const_iterator iter;

  if(meta.end() == (iter = meta.find("Content-Type"))){
    if(meta.end() == (iter = meta.find("Content-type"))){
      if(meta.end() == (iter = meta.find("content-type"))){
        iter = meta.find("content-Type");
  return iter;
Exemple #5
time_t get_lastmodified(headers_t& meta)
  headers_t::const_iterator iter;
  if(meta.end() == (iter = meta.find("Last-Modified"))){
    return 0;
  return get_lastmodified((*iter).second.c_str());
Exemple #6
off_t get_size(headers_t& meta)
  headers_t::const_iterator iter;
  if(meta.end() == (iter = meta.find("Content-Length"))){
    return 0;
  return get_size((*iter).second.c_str());
Exemple #7
time_t get_mtime(headers_t& meta, bool overcheck)
  headers_t::const_iterator iter;
  if(meta.end() == (iter = meta.find("x-amz-meta-mtime"))){
      return get_lastmodified(meta);
    return 0;
  return get_mtime((*iter).second.c_str());