/* ================================================ idVoiceChatMgr::GetActiveLocalTalkers ================================================ */ void idVoiceChatMgr::GetActiveLocalTalkers( idStaticList< int, MAX_PLAYERS >& localTalkers ) { localTalkers.Clear(); for( int i = 0; i < talkers.Num(); i++ ) { if( !talkers[i].IsLocal() ) { continue; } if( !talkers[i].registeredSuccess ) { continue; } if( !TalkerHasData( i ) ) { continue; } localTalkers.Append( i ); } }
/* ================================================ idVoiceChatMgr::GetRecipientsForTalker ================================================ */ void idVoiceChatMgr::GetRecipientsForTalker( int talkerIndex, idStaticList< const lobbyAddress_t*, MAX_PLAYERS >& recipients ) { recipients.Clear(); talker_t& talker = talkers[talkerIndex]; if( !talker.IsLocal() ) { return; } sendFrame++; for( int i = 0; i < talkers.Num(); i++ ) { if( !talkers[i].registeredSuccess ) { continue; } if( talkers[i].IsLocal() ) { continue; // Only want to send to remote talkers } if( !CanSendVoiceTo( talkerIndex, i ) ) { continue; } if( !sendGlobal && talkers[i].groupIndex != activeGroupIndex ) { continue; } assert( talkers[i].machineIndex >= 0 ); remoteMachine_t& remoteMachine = remoteMachines[ talkers[i].machineIndex ]; assert( remoteMachine.refCount > 0 ); assert( remoteMachine.lobbyType == activeLobbyType ); if( remoteMachine.sendFrame == sendFrame ) { continue; // Already on the recipient list } remoteMachine.sendFrame = sendFrame; recipients.Append( &remoteMachine.address ); } }
/* ================ sdVehiclePathGrid::SetupPathPoints ================ */ void sdVehiclePathGrid::SetupPathPoints( const idVec3& position, idStaticList< idVec3, MAX_SCRIPTENTITY_PATHPOINTS >& pathPoints, int seed, float cornerX, float cornerY ) const { int x, y; int xmin, ymin; GetCoordsForPoint( x, y, xmin, ymin, position ); int nx, ny; GetEdgePoint( x, y, nx, ny, seed, cornerX, cornerY ); idVec3 edgePos; GetPointInternal( nx, ny, edgePos ); AdjustTargetForStart( edgePos, position, x, y, xmin, ymin ); bool ymainaxis = abs( ny - y ) > abs( nx - x ); int loopPos; int loopDir; int loopStart; int loopEnd; float loopLen; if ( ymainaxis ) { loopPos = ny; loopStart = ny; loopDir = ny > y ? -1 : 1; loopLen = ny - y; loopEnd = y; } else { loopPos = nx; loopStart = nx; loopDir = nx > x ? -1 : 1; loopLen = nx - x; loopEnd = x; } idVec3 endPoint; GetPoint( x, y, endPoint ); idVec3 lastPos; GetPoint( nx, ny, lastPos ); idVec3 inVector = ( endPoint - lastPos ); inVector[ 2 ] = 0.f; inVector.Normalize(); float scale = 64.f; // inVector.Normalize(); pathPoints.Clear(); while ( loopPos != loopEnd ) { int currentPos[ 2 ]; loopPos += loopDir; float frac = ( loopPos - loopStart ) / loopLen; if ( ymainaxis ) { currentPos[ 0 ] = nx + ( ( nx - x ) * frac ); currentPos[ 1 ] = loopPos; } else { currentPos[ 0 ] = loopPos; currentPos[ 1 ] = ny + ( ( ny - y ) * frac ); } idVec3 newPos; GetPointInternal( currentPos[ 0 ], currentPos[ 1 ], newPos ); //AddSection( lastPos, inVector, newPos, endPoint, loopPos != loopEnd, inSpline ); pathPoints.Append( newPos ); lastPos = newPos; } // add the final point idVec3 hoverPos = position; hoverPos[ 2 ] = lastPos[ 2 ]; pathPoints.Append( hoverPos ); }