Exemple #1
static void lb_migrate_points(const par::communicator& comm, list_type& pl, LBData& lbd)
        const unsigned int num_proc = comm.size();
        const unsigned int dim = point_type::dim;

        // Sendcounts should be already filled
        // Perform alltoall for recvcounts from sendcounts
        comm.alltoall(lbd.sendcounts.data(), 1, lbd.recvcounts.data(), 1);

        // Resize the send buffer
        lbd.send.resize(pl.size() * dim);

        // Pack up the send buffer
                unsigned int i = 0;
                for (const point_type& p : pl)
                        for (unsigned int d=0; d<dim; d++, i++)
                                lbd.send[i] = p[d];

        // Offsets in memory (for alltoallv)
        lbd.sdispls[0] = 0;
        for (unsigned int i=1; i<num_proc; i++)
                lbd.sdispls[i] = lbd.sdispls[i-1] + lbd.sendcounts[i-1];

        lbd.rdispls[0] = 0;
        for (unsigned int i=1; i<num_proc; i++)
                lbd.rdispls[i] = lbd.rdispls[i-1] + lbd.recvcounts[i-1];

        // Create receive buffer
        const int total_recv = std::accumulate(lbd.recvcounts.begin(), lbd.recvcounts.end(), 0);

        // Communicate points (alltoallv)
        comm.alltoallv(lbd.send.data(), lbd.sendcounts.data(), lbd.sdispls.data(),
                       lbd.recv.data(), lbd.recvcounts.data(), lbd.rdispls.data());

        // Clear out current points and reload from the receive buffer
        for (unsigned int i=0; i<lbd.recv.size(); i+=dim)
                pl.emplace_back(point_type(lbd.recv[i], lbd.recv[i+1]));
Exemple #2
static void rcb1d_recurse(const par::communicator& comm, unsigned int dimen,
                          list_type& pl, LBData& lbd)
        const unsigned int my_rank = comm.rank();
        const unsigned int num_proc = comm.size();

        // First: sort list
        sort_point2d_list(dimen, pl);

        if (num_proc == 1) return;
        lbd.change_comm(comm, pl.size());

        const list_type::size_type orig_num_point = lbd.size[my_rank];
        const unsigned int dim = point_type::dim;

        const list_type::size_type glob_num_point =
                std::accumulate(lbd.size.begin(), lbd.size.end(), 0);


        const real ratio = static_cast<real>((num_proc+1) / 2) / num_proc;
        list_type::size_type this_offset = ratio * orig_num_point;
        const unsigned int rank_midpt = ratio * num_proc;
                real cut = 0;
                int use = 0;
                if (orig_num_point > 0) {
                        const point_type& p = *std::next(pl.begin(), this_offset);
                        cut = p[dimen];
                        use = 1;
                comm.allgather(&cut, 1, lbd.cut.data(), 1);
                comm.allgather(&use, 1, lbd.bin.data(), 1);

        // std::cout << "this_offset = " << this_offset << std::endl;
        // std::cout << "ratio = " << ratio << std::endl;
        // std::cout << "cuts: ";
        // for (auto& p : lbd.cut) std::cout << p << " ";
        // std::cout << std::endl;
        // std::cout << "use: ";
        // for (auto& p : lbd.bin) std::cout << p << " ";
        // std::cout << std::endl;

        real midpt = 0.;
        // std::cout << "my_rank = " << my_rank << std::endl;
        // std::cout << "num_proc = " << num_proc << std::endl;
        for (unsigned int i=0; i<num_proc; i++)
                if (lbd.bin[i] != 0) // include this point
                        midpt += lbd.cut[i] *
                                static_cast<real>(lbd.size[i]) /

        list_type other;
        list_type::iterator pit = std::find_if(pl.begin(), pl.end(),
                                               [midpt,dimen](const point_type& p)
                                               { return p[dimen] >= midpt; });
        list_type::size_type offset;
        if (my_rank < rank_midpt) {
                other.splice(other.begin(), pl, pit, pl.end());
                offset = pl.size();
        else {
                other.splice(other.begin(), pl, pl.begin(), pit);
                offset = other.size();
        // std::cout << "pl: ";
        // for (auto& p : pl) std::cout << p << " ";
        // std::cout << std::endl;
        // std::cout << "other: ";
        // for (auto& p : other) std::cout << p << " ";
        // std::cout << std::endl;
        // std::cout << "offset = " << offset << std::endl;
        lbd.send.resize(other.size() * dim);
                list_type::iterator it=other.begin();
                list_type::size_type i = 0;
                while (it != other.end()) {
                        const point_type& p = *it;
                        for (unsigned int d=0; d<dim; d++, i++)
                                lbd.send[i] = p[d];
        // std::cout << "send: ";
        // for (auto& p : lbd.send) std::cout << p << " ";
        // std::cout << std::endl;

        // std::cout << "midpt = " << midpt << std::endl;
        // std::cout << "rank_midpt = " << rank_midpt << std::endl;
        // std::cout << "this_offset = " << this_offset << std::endl;

        // Pack up points

        // Zero out
        std::fill(lbd.sendcounts.begin(), lbd.sendcounts.end(), 0);

        if (my_rank < rank_midpt) {
                // Left side
                for (unsigned int i=offset; i<orig_num_point; i++) {
                        const unsigned int inc = (i-offset) % (num_proc - rank_midpt);
                        lbd.sendcounts[rank_midpt + inc] += dim;
        else {
                // Right side
                for (unsigned int i=0; i<offset; i++) {
                        lbd.sendcounts[i % rank_midpt] += dim;

        // std::cout << "sendcounts: ";
        // for (auto& p : lbd.sendcounts) std::cout << p << " ";
        // std::cout << std::endl;

        // alltoall recvcounts
        comm.alltoall(lbd.sendcounts.data(), 1, lbd.recvcounts.data(), 1);

        // std::cout << "recvcounts: ";
        // for (auto& p : lbd.recvcounts) std::cout << p << " ";
        // std::cout << std::endl;

        // Offsets in memory (for alltoallv)
        lbd.sdispls[0] = 0;
        for (unsigned int i=1; i<num_proc; i++)
                lbd.sdispls[i] = lbd.sdispls[i-1] + lbd.sendcounts[i-1];

        lbd.rdispls[0] = 0;
        for (unsigned int i=1; i<num_proc; i++)
                lbd.rdispls[i] = lbd.rdispls[i-1] + lbd.recvcounts[i-1];

        // Create receive buffer
        const int total_recv = std::accumulate(lbd.recvcounts.begin(), lbd.recvcounts.end(), 0);

        // Communicate points (alltoallv)
        comm.alltoallv(lbd.send.data(), lbd.sendcounts.data(), lbd.sdispls.data(),
                       lbd.recv.data(), lbd.recvcounts.data(), lbd.rdispls.data());

        // Clear out current points and reload from the receive buffer
        for (unsigned int i=0; i<lbd.recv.size(); i+=dim)
                pl.emplace_back(point_type(lbd.recv[i], lbd.recv[i+1]));

        // std::cout << "points: ";
        // for (auto& p : pl) std::cout << p << " ";
        // std::cout << std::endl;
        // std::cout << "--------------" << std::endl;

        par::communicator halfcomm(comm, my_rank < rank_midpt);
        rcb1d_recurse(halfcomm, dimen, pl, lbd);