   * 13. 
   * @brief Copy the contents of a matrix.
   * @param[out] A A is overwritten with B.
   * @param[in] B The matrix to be copied.
  static void copy (matrix_type &A, const matrix_type &B) { 

    /** Result matrices should always be of the right size */
    A.Resize (B.Height(), B.Width());

    /** This one is pretty simple, but the order is different */
    elem::Copy (B, A);
   * 6. 
   * @brief Compute the matrix transpose.
   * @param[in] A The matrix to be transposed.
   * @param[out] B B is overwritten with A^{T}
  static void transpose (const matrix_type& A, 
                         matrix_type& B) {

    /** Result matrices should always have sufficient space */
    B.Resize(A.Width(), A.Height());

    /** Compute transpose */
    elem::Transpose (A, B);
   * 5. 
   * @brief Multiply one matrix with another.
   * @param[in] A The first matrix
   * @param[in] B The second matrix
   * @param[out] C C is overwritten with (A*B)
  static void multiply (const matrix_type& A,
                        const matrix_type& B,
                        matrix_type& C) {

    /** Result matrices should always have sufficient space */
    C.Resize(A.Height(), B.Width());

    /** We have to do a Gemm */
    elem::Gemm (elem::NORMAL, elem::NORMAL, 1.0, A, B, 0.0, C);
   * 7. 
   * @brief Compute element-wise negation of a matrix.
   * @param[in] A The matrix to be negated.
   * @param[out] B B is overwritten with -1.0*A
  static void negation (const matrix_type& A,
                        matrix_type& B) {

    /** Result matrices should always have sufficient space */
    B.Resize(A.Height(), A.Width());

    /** Copy over the matrix */
    elem::Copy (A, B);

    /** Multiply by -1.0 */
    elem::Scal(-1.0, B);
   * 4. 
   * @brief Subtract one matrix from another.
   * @param[in] A The first matrix
   * @param[in] B The second matrix
   * @param[out] C C is overwritten with (A-B)
  static void minus (const matrix_type& A,
                     const matrix_type& B, 
                     matrix_type& C) {

    /** Result matrices should always have sufficient space */
    C.Resize(A.Height(), A.Width());

    /** first copy the matrix over */
    elem::Copy (A, C);

    /** now, subtract the other matrix in */
    elem::Axpy (-1.0, B, C);
   * 17.
   * @brief Multiply one scalar with matrix.
   * @param[in] A The matrix.
   * @param[in] a The scalar.
   * @param[out] B B is overwritten with (A*B).
  static void multiply(const matrix_type& A,
                       const value_type& a,
                       matrix_type& B) {
    /** Result matrices should always be of the right size */
    B.Resize(A.Height(), A.Width());

    /** Get the matrix dimensions. */
    const int m = A.Height();
    const int n = A.Width();
    /** Simple scalar-matrix product. */ 
    for (int i=0; i<m; ++i)
      for (int j=0; j<n; ++j)
        B.Set(i, j, (a*A.Get(i, j)));
   * 16. 
   * @brief Compute the element-wise product of two matrices.
   * @param[in] A the first matrix.
   * @param[in] B the second matrix.
   * @param[out] C the result, which contains A.*B.
  static void elementwiseProduct(const matrix_type& A,
                              const matrix_type& B,
                              matrix_type& C) {

    /** Result matrices should always be of the right size */
    C.Resize (A.Height(), A.Width());

    /* Get the matrix dimensions */
    const int m = A.Height();
    const int n = A.Width();

    /* Simple element-wise product */
    for (int i=0; i<m; ++i) 
      for (int j=0; j<n; ++j) 
        C.Set(i, j, (A.Get(i,j)*B.Get(i,j)));