Exemple #1
int UTF16stoUTF8s(mem16_ptr_t utf16, mem64_t utf16_len, mem8_ptr_t utf8, mem64_t utf8_len)
	cellL10n.Warning("UTF16stoUTF8s(utf16_addr=0x%x, utf16_len_addr=0x%x, utf8_addr=0x%x, utf8_len_addr=0x%x)",
		utf16.GetAddr(), utf16_len.GetAddr(), utf8.GetAddr(), utf8_len.GetAddr());

	if (!utf16.IsGood() || !utf16_len.IsGood() || !utf8_len.IsGood())
		return SRCIllegal;

	std::u16string wstr =(char16_t*)Memory.VirtualToRealAddr(utf16);
	wstr.resize(utf16_len.GetValue()); // TODO: Is this really the role of utf16_len in this function?
#ifdef _MSC_VER
	std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<char16_t>,char16_t> convert;
	std::string str = convert.to_bytes(wstr);

	if (!utf8.IsGood() || utf8_len.GetValue() < str.size())
		utf8_len = str.size();
		return DSTExhausted;

	utf8_len = str.size();
	Memory.WriteString(utf8, str.c_str());
	return ConversionOK;
Exemple #2
int UTF16stoUTF8s(mem16_ptr_t utf16, mem64_t utf16_len, mem8_ptr_t utf8, mem64_t utf8_len)
	cellL10n.Warning("UTF16stoUTF8s(utf16_addr=0x%x, utf16_len_addr=0x%x, utf8_addr=0x%x, utf8_len_addr=0x%x)",
		utf16.GetAddr(), utf16_len.GetAddr(), utf8.GetAddr(), utf8_len.GetAddr());

	if (!utf16.IsGood() || !utf16_len.IsGood() || !utf8_len.IsGood())
		return SRCIllegal;

	std::wstring wstr = (wchar_t*)Memory.VirtualToRealAddr(utf16);
	std::string str;

	int len = min((int)utf16_len.GetValue(), (int)wstr.size());
	int size = (int)WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wstr.c_str(), len, 0, 0, NULL, NULL);

	if (!utf8.IsGood())
		utf8_len = size;
	if (utf8_len.GetValue() < size)
		return DSTExhausted;

#ifdef WIN32
	WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wstr.c_str(), len, &str[0], size, NULL, NULL);
	// TODO

	Memory.WriteString(utf8, str);
	return ConversionOK;
Exemple #3
//TODO: Check the code in emulation. If support for UTF8/UTF16/UTF32/UCS2/UCS4 should use wider chars.. awful.
int L10nConvertStr(int src_code, mem8_ptr_t src, mem64_t src_len, int dst_code, mem8_ptr_t dst, mem64_t dst_len)
	LOG_ERROR(HLE, "L10nConvertStr(src_code=%d,src=0x%x,src_len=%ld,dst_code=%d,dst=0x%x,dst_len=%ld)",
		src_code, src.GetAddr(), src_len.GetValue(), dst_code, dst.GetAddr(), dst_len.GetValue());
	LOG_ERROR(HLE, "L10nConvertStr: 1st char at dst: %x(Hex)", *((char*)Memory.VirtualToRealAddr(src.GetAddr())));
#ifdef _MSC_VER
	unsigned int srcCode = 0, dstCode = 0;	//OEM code pages
	bool src_page_converted = _L10nCodeParse(src_code, srcCode);	//Check if code is in list.
	bool dst_page_converted = _L10nCodeParse(dst_code, dstCode);

	if (((!src_page_converted) && (srcCode == 0))
		|| ((!dst_page_converted) && (dstCode == 0)))
		return ConverterUnknown;

	//if (strnlen_s((char*)src, *src_len) != *src_len) return SRCIllegal;
	std::string wrapped_source = (char*)Memory.VirtualToRealAddr(src.GetAddr());
	//std::string wrapped_source((char*)src);
	if (wrapped_source.length() != src_len.GetValue()) return SRCIllegal;
	std::string target = _OemToOem(srcCode, dstCode, wrapped_source);

	if (target.length() > dst_len.GetValue()) return DSTExhausted;

	Memory.WriteString(dst, target.c_str());

	return ConversionOK;
	std::string srcCode, dstCode;
	int retValue = ConversionOK;
	if ((_L10nCodeParse(src_code, srcCode)) && (_L10nCodeParse(dst_code, dstCode)))
		iconv_t ict = iconv_open(srcCode.c_str(), dstCode.c_str());
		char *srcBuf = (char*)Memory.VirtualToRealAddr(src.GetAddr());
		char *dstBuf = (char*)Memory.VirtualToRealAddr(dst.GetAddr());
		//char *srcBuf = (char*)src, *dstBuf = (char*)dst;
		//size_t srcLen = *src_len, dstLen = *dst_len;
		size_t srcLen = src_len.GetValue(), dstLen = dst_len.GetValue();
		size_t ictd = iconv(ict, &srcBuf, &srcLen, &dstBuf, &dstLen);
		if (ictd != src_len.GetValue())//if (ictd != *src_len)
			if (errno == EILSEQ)
				retValue = SRCIllegal;  //Invalid multi-byte sequence
			else if (errno == E2BIG)
				retValue = DSTExhausted;//Not enough space
			else if (errno == EINVAL)
				retValue = SRCIllegal;
		//retValue = ConversionOK;
	else retValue = ConverterUnknown;
	return retValue;