Exemple #1
void mdeath::focused_beam( monster &z )

    for( int k = g->m.i_at( z.pos() ).size() - 1; k >= 0; k-- ) {
        if( g->m.i_at( z.pos() )[k].typeId() == "processor" ) {
            g->m.i_rem( z.pos(), k );

    if( !z.inv.empty() ) {

        if( g->u.sees( z ) ) {
            add_msg( m_warning, _( "As the final light is destroyed, it erupts in a blinding flare!" ) );

        item &settings = z.inv[0];

        int x = z.posx() + settings.get_var( "SL_SPOT_X", 0 );
        int y = z.posy() + settings.get_var( "SL_SPOT_Y", 0 );
        tripoint p( x, y, z.posz() );

        std::vector <tripoint> traj = line_to( z.pos(), p, 0, 0 );
        for( auto &elem : traj ) {
            if( !g->m.trans( elem ) ) {
            g->m.add_field( elem, fd_dazzling, 2 );


    explosion_handler::explosion( z.pos(), 8 );
void stash_on_pet( const std::list<item> &items, monster &pet )
    units::volume remaining_volume = pet.inv.empty() ? 0_ml : pet.inv.front().get_storage();
    units::mass remaining_weight = pet.weight_capacity();

    for( const auto &it : pet.inv ) {
        remaining_volume -= it.volume();
        remaining_weight -= it.weight();

    for( auto &it : items ) {
        pet.add_effect( effect_controlled, 5_turns );
        if( it.volume() > remaining_volume ) {
            add_msg( m_bad, _( "%1$s did not fit and fell to the %2$s." ),
                     it.display_name(), g->m.name( pet.pos() ) );
            g->m.add_item_or_charges( pet.pos(), it );
        } else if( it.weight() > remaining_weight ) {
            add_msg( m_bad, _( "%1$s is too heavy and fell to the %2$s." ),
                     it.display_name(), g->m.name( pet.pos() ) );
            g->m.add_item_or_charges( pet.pos(), it );
        } else {
            pet.add_item( it );
            remaining_volume -= it.volume();
            remaining_weight -= it.weight();
Exemple #3
void mdeath::blobsplit( monster &z )
    int speed = z.get_speed() - rng( 30, 50 );
    g->m.spawn_item( z.pos(), "slime_scrap", 1, 0, calendar::turn );
    if( z.get_speed() <= 0 ) {
        if( g->u.sees( z ) ) {
            // TODO: Add vermin-tagged tiny versions of the splattered blob  :)
            add_msg( m_good, _( "The %s splatters apart." ), z.name() );
    if( g->u.sees( z ) ) {
        if( z.type->dies.size() == 1 ) {
            add_msg( m_good, _( "The %s splits in two!" ), z.name() );
        } else {
            add_msg( m_bad, _( "Two small blobs slither out of the corpse." ) );
    std::vector <tripoint> valid;

    for( auto &&dest : g->m.points_in_radius( z.pos(), 1 ) ) { // *NOPAD*
        if( g->is_empty( dest ) && z.can_move_to( dest ) ) {
            valid.push_back( dest );

    for( int s = 0; s < 2 && !valid.empty(); s++ ) {
        const tripoint target = random_entry_removed( valid );
        if( monster *const blob = g->summon_mon( speed < 50 ? mon_blob_small : mon_blob, target ) ) {
            blob->make_ally( z );
            blob->set_speed_base( speed );
            blob->set_hp( speed );
bool Creature_tracker::add( monster &critter )
    if( critter.type->id.is_null() ) { // Don't want to spawn null monsters o.O
        return false;

    if( critter.type->has_flag( MF_VERMIN ) ) {
        // Don't spawn vermin, they aren't implemented yet
        return false;

    if( const std::shared_ptr<monster> existing_mon_ptr = find( critter.pos() ) ) {
        // We can spawn stuff on hallucinations, but we need to kill them first
        if( existing_mon_ptr->is_hallucination() ) {
            existing_mon_ptr->die( nullptr );
            // But don't remove - that would change the monster order and could segfault
        } else if( critter.is_hallucination() ) {
            return false;
        } else {
            debugmsg( "add_zombie: there's already a monster at %d,%d,%d",
                      critter.posx(), critter.posy(), critter.posz() );
            return false;

    if( MonsterGroupManager::monster_is_blacklisted( critter.type->id ) ) {
        return false;

    monsters_list.emplace_back( std::make_shared<monster>( critter ) );
    monsters_by_location[critter.pos()] = monsters_list.back();
    return true;
bool Creature_tracker::add( monster &critter )
    if( critter.type->id.is_null() ) { // Don't wanna spawn null monsters o.O
        return false;

    if( critter.type->has_flag( MF_VERMIN ) ) {
        // Don't spawn vermin, they aren't implemented yet
        return false;

    const int critter_id = mon_at( critter.pos() );
    if( critter_id != -1 ) {
        // We can spawn stuff on hallucinations, but we need to kill them first
        if( monsters_list[critter_id]->is_hallucination() ) {
            monsters_list[critter_id]->die( nullptr );
            // But don't remove - that would change the monster order and could segfault
        } else if( critter.is_hallucination() ) {
            return false;
        } else {
            debugmsg( "add_zombie: there's already a monster at %d,%d,%d",
                      critter.posx(), critter.posy(), critter.posz() );
            return false;

    if( MonsterGroupManager::monster_is_blacklisted( critter.type->id ) ) {
        return false;

    monsters_by_location[critter.pos()] = monsters_list.size();
    monsters_list.push_back( new monster( critter ) );
    return true;
Exemple #6
void mdeath::boomer_glow( monster &z )
    std::string explode = string_format( _( "a %s explode!" ), z.name() );
    sounds::sound( z.pos(), 24, sounds::sound_t::combat, explode, false, "explosion", "small" );

    for( auto &&dest : g->m.points_in_radius( z.pos(), 1 ) ) { // *NOPAD*
        g->m.bash( dest, 10 );
        if( monster *const z = g->critter_at<monster>( dest ) ) {
            z->moves -= 250;
        if( Creature *const critter = g->critter_at( dest ) ) {
            critter->add_env_effect( effect_boomered, bp_eyes, 5, 25_turns );
            for( int i = 0; i < rng( 2, 4 ); i++ ) {
                body_part bp = random_body_part();
                critter->add_env_effect( effect_glowing, bp, 4, 4_minutes );
                if( critter != nullptr && critter->has_effect( effect_glowing ) ) {

    g->m.propagate_field( z.pos(), fd_bile, 30, 2 );
void mdefense::acidsplash( monster &m, Creature *const source,
                           dealt_projectile_attack const *const proj )
    // Would be useful to have the attack data here, for cutting vs. bashing etc.
    if( proj != nullptr && proj->dealt_dam.total_damage() <= 0 ) {
        // Projectile didn't penetrate the target, no acid will splash out of it.
    if( proj != nullptr && !one_in( 3 ) ) {
        return; //Less likely for a projectile to deliver enough force

    size_t num_drops = rng( 4, 6 );
    player const *const foe = dynamic_cast<player *>( source );
    if( proj == nullptr && foe != nullptr ) {
        if( foe->weapon.is_melee( DT_CUT ) || foe->weapon.is_melee( DT_STAB ) ) {
            num_drops += rng( 3, 4 );

        if( foe->unarmed_attack() ) {
            damage_instance const burn {
                DT_ACID, static_cast<float>( rng( 1, 5 ) )

            if( one_in( 2 ) ) {
                source->deal_damage( &m, bp_hand_l, burn );
            } else {
                source->deal_damage( &m, bp_hand_r, burn );

            source->add_msg_if_player( m_bad, _( "Acid covering %s burns your hand!" ),
                                       m.disp_name().c_str() );

    tripoint initial_target = source == nullptr ? m.pos() : source->pos();

    // Don't splatter directly on the `m`, that doesn't work well
    auto pts = closest_tripoints_first( 1, initial_target );
    pts.erase( std::remove( pts.begin(), pts.end(), m.pos() ), pts.end() );

    projectile prj;
    prj.speed = 10;
    prj.range = 4;
    prj.proj_effects.insert( "DRAW_AS_LINE" );
    prj.proj_effects.insert( "NO_DAMAGE_SCALING" );
    prj.impact.add_damage( DT_ACID, rng( 1, 3 ) );
    for( size_t i = 0; i < num_drops; i++ ) {
        const tripoint &target = random_entry( pts );
        projectile_attack( prj, m.pos(), target, { 1200 } );

    if( g->u.sees( m.pos() ) ) {
        add_msg( m_warning, _( "Acid sprays out of %s as it is hit!" ),
                 m.disp_name().c_str() );
Exemple #8
void mdeath::conflagration( monster &z )
    for( const auto &dest : g->m.points_in_radius( z.pos(), 1 ) ) {
        g->m.propagate_field( dest, fd_fire, 18, 3 );
    const std::string explode = string_format( _( "a %s explode!" ), z.name() );
    sounds::sound( z.pos(), 24, sounds::sound_t::combat, explode, false, "explosion", "small" );

void mdeath::fireball( monster &z )
    if( one_in( 10 ) ) {
        g->m.propagate_field( z.pos(), fd_fire, 15, 3 );
        std::string explode = string_format( _( "an explosion of tank of the %s's flamethrower!" ), z.name().c_str() );
        sounds::sound( z.pos(), 24, explode );
        add_msg( m_good, _( "I love the smell of burning zed in the morning." ) );
    } else {
        normal( z );
bool melee_actor::call( monster &z ) const
    Creature *target = find_target( z );
    if( target == nullptr ) {
        return false;

    z.mod_moves( -move_cost );

    add_msg( m_debug, "%s attempting to melee_attack %s", z.name().c_str(),
             target->disp_name().c_str() );

    const int acc = accuracy >= 0 ? accuracy : z.type->melee_skill;
    int hitspread = target->deal_melee_attack( &z, dice( acc, 10 ) );

    if( hitspread < 0 ) {
        auto msg_type = target == &g->u ? m_warning : m_info;
        sfx::play_variant_sound( "mon_bite", "bite_miss", sfx::get_heard_volume( z.pos() ),
                                 sfx::get_heard_angle( z.pos() ) );
        target->add_msg_player_or_npc( msg_type, miss_msg_u.c_str(), miss_msg_npc.c_str(),
                                       z.name().c_str() );
        return true;

    damage_instance damage = damage_max_instance;

    double multiplier = rng_float( min_mul, max_mul );
    damage.mult_damage( multiplier );

    body_part bp_hit = body_parts.empty() ?
                       target->select_body_part( &z, hitspread ) :

    target->on_hit( &z, bp_hit );
    dealt_damage_instance dealt_damage = target->deal_damage( &z, bp_hit, damage );
    dealt_damage.bp_hit = bp_hit;

    int damage_total = dealt_damage.total_damage();
    add_msg( m_debug, "%s's melee_attack did %d damage", z.name().c_str(), damage_total );
    if( damage_total > 0 ) {
        on_damage( z, *target, dealt_damage );
    } else {
        sfx::play_variant_sound( "mon_bite", "bite_miss", sfx::get_heard_volume( z.pos() ),
                                 sfx::get_heard_angle( z.pos() ) );
        target->add_msg_player_or_npc( no_dmg_msg_u.c_str(), no_dmg_msg_npc.c_str(), z.name().c_str(),
                                       body_part_name_accusative( bp_hit ).c_str() );

    return true;
Exemple #11
void mdefense::zapback( monster &m, Creature *const source,
                        dealt_projectile_attack const *const proj )
    // Not a melee attack, attacker lucked out or out of range
    if( source == nullptr || proj != nullptr ||
        rng( 0, 100 ) > m.def_chance || rl_dist( m.pos(), source->pos() ) > 1 ) {

    if( source->is_elec_immune() ) {

    // Players/NPCs can avoid the shock by using non-conductive weapons
    player const *const foe = dynamic_cast<player *>( source );
    if( foe != nullptr && !foe->weapon.conductive() && !foe->unarmed_attack() ) {

    damage_instance const shock {
        DT_ELECTRIC, static_cast<float>( rng( 1, 5 ) )
    source->deal_damage( &m, bp_arm_l, shock );
    source->deal_damage( &m, bp_arm_r, shock );

    if( g->u.sees( source->pos() ) ) {
        auto const msg_type = ( source == &g->u ) ? m_bad : m_info;
        add_msg( msg_type, _( "Striking the %1$s shocks %2$s!" ),
                 m.name().c_str(), source->disp_name().c_str() );
Exemple #12
void mdeath::broken( monster &z ) {
    // Bail out if flagged (simulates eyebot flying away)
    if( z.no_corpse_quiet ) {
    std::string item_id = z.type->id.str();
    if (item_id.compare(0, 4, "mon_") == 0) {
        item_id.erase(0, 4);
    // make "broken_manhack", or "broken_eyebot", ...
    item_id.insert(0, "broken_");
    g->m.spawn_item( z.pos(), item_id, 1, 0, calendar::turn );
    if( g->u.sees( z.pos() ) ) {
        add_msg( m_good, _( "The %s collapses!" ), z.name().c_str() );
Exemple #13
void mdeath::worm( monster &z )
    if( g->u.sees( z ) ) {
        if( z.type->dies.size() == 1 ) {
            add_msg( m_good, _( "The %s splits in two!" ), z.name() );
        } else {
            add_msg( m_warning, _( "Two worms crawl out of the %s's corpse." ), z.name() );

    std::vector <tripoint> wormspots;
    for( auto &&wormp : g->m.points_in_radius( z.pos(), 1 ) ) { // *NOPAD*
        if( g->m.has_flag( "DIGGABLE", wormp ) && g->is_empty( wormp ) ) {
            wormspots.push_back( wormp );
    int worms = 0;
    while( worms < 2 && !wormspots.empty() ) {
        const tripoint target = random_entry_removed( wormspots );
        if( !g->critter_at( target ) ) {
            g->summon_mon( mon_halfworm, target );
bool gun_actor::call( monster &z ) const
    Creature *target;
    if( z.friendly != 0 ) {
        // Attacking monsters, not the player!
        int boo_hoo;
        target = z.auto_find_hostile_target( range, boo_hoo );
        if( target == nullptr ) {
            // Couldn't find any targets!
            if( boo_hoo > 0 && g->u.sees( z ) ) {
                // because that stupid oaf was in the way!
                add_msg( m_warning, ngettext( "Pointed in your direction, the %s emits an IFF warning beep.",
                                              "Pointed in your direction, the %s emits %d annoyed sounding beeps.",
                                              boo_hoo ),
                         z.name().c_str(), boo_hoo );
            return false;

        shoot( z, *target );
        return true;

    // Not friendly; hence, firing at the player too
    target = z.attack_target();
    if( target == nullptr || rl_dist( z.pos(), target->pos() ) > range ||
        !z.sees( *target ) ) {
        return false;

    shoot( z, *target );
    return true;
// Simplified version of the function in monattack.cpp
bool is_adjacent( const monster &z, const Creature &target )
    if( rl_dist( z.pos(), target.pos() ) != 1 ) {
        return false;

    return z.posz() == target.posz();
Exemple #16
void mdeath::boomer( monster &z )
    std::string explode = string_format( _( "a %s explode!" ), z.name() );
    sounds::sound( z.pos(), 24, sounds::sound_t::combat, explode, false, "explosion", "small" );
    for( auto &&dest : g->m.points_in_radius( z.pos(), 1 ) ) { // *NOPAD*
        g->m.bash( dest, 10 );
        if( monster *const z = g->critter_at<monster>( dest ) ) {
            z->moves -= 250;

    if( rl_dist( z.pos(), g->u.pos() ) == 1 ) {
        g->u.add_env_effect( effect_boomered, bp_eyes, 2, 24_turns );

    g->m.propagate_field( z.pos(), fd_bile, 15, 1 );
Exemple #17
void mdeath::broken_ammo( monster &z )
    if( g->u.sees( z.pos() ) ) {
        //~ %s is the possessive form of the monster's name
        add_msg( m_info, _( "The %s's interior compartment sizzles with destructive energy." ),
                 z.name() );
    mdeath::broken( z );
void Creature_tracker::remove_from_location_map( const monster &critter )
    const tripoint &loc = critter.pos();
    const auto pos_iter = monsters_by_location.find( loc );
    if( pos_iter != monsters_by_location.end() ) {
        if( pos_iter->second.get() == &critter ) {
            monsters_by_location.erase( pos_iter );
Exemple #19
void overmapbuffer::despawn_monster(const monster &critter)
    // Get absolute coordinates of the monster in map squares, translate to submap position
    tripoint sm = ms_to_sm_copy( g->m.getabs( critter.pos() ) );
    // Get the overmap coordinates and get the overmap, sm is now local to that overmap
    const point omp = sm_to_om_remain( sm.x, sm.y );
    overmap &om = get( omp.x, omp.y );
    // Store the monster using coordinates local to the overmap.
    om.monster_map.insert( std::make_pair( sm, critter ) );
void melee_actor::on_damage( monster &z, Creature &target, dealt_damage_instance &dealt ) const
    if( target.is_player() ) {
        sfx::play_variant_sound( "mon_bite", "bite_hit", sfx::get_heard_volume( z.pos() ),
                                 sfx::get_heard_angle( z.pos() ) );
        sfx::do_player_death_hurt( dynamic_cast<player &>( target ), false );
    auto msg_type = target.attitude_to( g->u ) == Creature::A_FRIENDLY ? m_bad : m_neutral;
    const body_part bp = dealt.bp_hit;
    target.add_msg_player_or_npc( msg_type, hit_dmg_u, hit_dmg_npc, z.name(),
                                  body_part_name_accusative( bp ) );

    for( const auto &eff : effects ) {
        if( x_in_y( eff.chance, 100 ) ) {
            const body_part affected_bp = eff.affect_hit_bp ? bp : eff.bp;
            target.add_effect( eff.id, time_duration::from_turns( eff.duration ), affected_bp, eff.permanent );
Exemple #21
void mdeath::fungus( monster &z )
    // If the fungus died from anti-fungal poison, don't pouf
    if( g->m.get_field_strength( z.pos(), fd_fungicidal_gas ) ) {

    //~ the sound of a fungus dying
    sounds::sound( z.pos(), 10, sounds::sound_t::combat, _( "Pouf!" ), false, "misc", "puff" );

    fungal_effects fe( *g, g->m );
    for( auto &&sporep : g->m.points_in_radius( z.pos(), 1 ) ) { // *NOPAD*
        if( g->m.impassable( sporep ) ) {
        // z is dead, don't credit it with the kill
        // Maybe credit z's killer?
        fe.fungalize( sporep, nullptr, 0.25 );
Exemple #22
void scatter_chunks( const std::string &chunk_name, int chunk_amt, monster &z, int distance,
                     int pile_size = 1 )
    // can't have less than one item in a pile or it would cause an infinite loop
    pile_size = std::max( pile_size, 1 );
    // can't have more items in a pile than total items
    pile_size = std::min( chunk_amt, pile_size );
    distance = abs( distance );
    const item chunk( chunk_name, calendar::turn, pile_size );
    for( int i = 0; i < chunk_amt; i += pile_size ) {
        bool drop_chunks = true;
        tripoint tarp( z.pos() + point( rng( -distance, distance ), rng( -distance, distance ) ) );
        const auto traj = line_to( z.pos(), tarp );

        for( size_t j = 0; j < traj.size(); j++ ) {
            tarp = traj[j];
            if( one_in( 2 ) && z.bloodType() != fd_null ) {
                g->m.add_splatter( z.bloodType(), tarp );
            } else {
                g->m.add_splatter( z.gibType(), tarp, rng( 1, j + 1 ) );
            if( g->m.impassable( tarp ) ) {
                g->m.bash( tarp, distance );
                if( g->m.impassable( tarp ) ) {
                    // Target is obstacle, not destroyed by bashing,
                    // stop trajectory in front of it, if this is the first
                    // point (e.g. wall adjacent to monster), don't drop anything on it
                    if( j > 0 ) {
                        tarp = traj[j - 1];
                    } else {
                        drop_chunks = false;
        if( drop_chunks ) {
            g->m.add_item_or_charges( tarp, chunk );
bool Creature_tracker::update_pos( const monster &critter, const tripoint &new_pos )
    if( critter.is_dead() ) {
        // find ignores dead critters anyway, changing their position in the
        // monsters_by_location map is useless.
        remove_from_location_map( critter );
        return true;

    if( const std::shared_ptr<monster> new_critter_ptr = find( new_pos ) ) {
        auto &othermon = *new_critter_ptr;
        if( othermon.is_hallucination() ) {
            othermon.die( nullptr );
        } else {
            debugmsg( "update_zombie_pos: wanted to move %s to %d,%d,%d, but new location already has %s",
                      new_pos.x, new_pos.y, new_pos.z, othermon.disp_name() );
            return false;

    const auto iter = std::find_if( monsters_list.begin(), monsters_list.end(),
    [&]( const std::shared_ptr<monster> &ptr ) {
        return ptr.get() == &critter;
    } );
    if( iter != monsters_list.end() ) {
        monsters_by_location.erase( critter.pos() );
        monsters_by_location[new_pos] = *iter;
        return true;
    } else {
        const tripoint &old_pos = critter.pos();
        // We're changing the x/y/z coordinates of a zombie that hasn't been added
        // to the game yet. add_zombie() will update monsters_by_location for us.
        debugmsg( "update_zombie_pos: no %s at %d,%d,%d (moving to %d,%d,%d)",
                  old_pos.x, old_pos.y, old_pos.z, new_pos.x, new_pos.y, new_pos.z );
        // Rebuild cache in case the monster actually IS in the game, just bugged
        return false;
Exemple #24
void mdeath::acid( monster &z )
    if( g->u.sees( z ) ) {
        if( z.type->dies.size() ==
            1 ) { //If this death function is the only function. The corpse gets dissolved.
            add_msg( m_mixed, _( "The %s's body dissolves into acid." ), z.name() );
        } else {
            add_msg( m_warning, _( "The %s's body leaks acid." ), z.name() );
    g->m.add_field( z.pos(), fd_acid, 3 );
Exemple #25
void make_mon_corpse( monster &z, int damageLvl )
    item corpse = item::make_corpse( z.type->id, calendar::turn, z.unique_name );
    corpse.set_damage( damageLvl );
    if( z.has_effect( effect_pacified ) && z.type->in_species( ZOMBIE ) ) {
        // Pacified corpses have a chance of becoming unpacified when regenerating.
        corpse.set_var( "zlave", one_in(2) ? "zlave" : "mutilated" );
    if( z.has_effect( effect_no_ammo ) ) {
        corpse.set_var("no_ammo", "no_ammo");
    g->m.add_item_or_charges( z.pos(), corpse );
bool Creature_tracker::add(monster &critter)
    if (critter.type->id == "mon_null") { // Don't wanna spawn null monsters o.O
        return false;
    if (-1 != mon_at(critter.pos())) {
        debugmsg("add_zombie: there's already a monster at %d,%d", critter.posx(), critter.posy());
        return false;
    _old_monsters_by_location[point(critter.posx(), critter.posy())] = _old_monsters_list.size();
    _old_monsters_list.push_back(new monster(critter));
    return true;
bool Creature_tracker::update_pos( const monster &critter, const tripoint &new_pos )
    const auto old_pos = critter.pos();
    if( critter.is_dead() ) {
        // mon_at ignores dead critters anyway, changing their position in the
        // monsters_by_location map is useless.
        remove_from_location_map( critter );
        return true;

    const int critter_id = mon_at( old_pos );
    const int new_critter_id = mon_at( new_pos );
    if( new_critter_id >= 0 ) {
        auto &othermon = *monsters_list[new_critter_id];
        if( othermon.is_hallucination() ) {
            othermon.die( nullptr );
        } else {
            debugmsg( "update_zombie_pos: wanted to move %s to %d,%d,%d, but new location already has %s",
                      new_pos.x, new_pos.y, new_pos.z, othermon.disp_name().c_str() );
            return false;

    if( critter_id >= 0 ) {
        if( &critter == monsters_list[critter_id] ) {
            monsters_by_location.erase( old_pos );
            monsters_by_location[new_pos] = critter_id;
            return true;
        } else {
            const auto &othermon = *monsters_list[critter_id];
            debugmsg( "update_zombie_pos: wanted to move %s from old location %d,%d,%d, but it had %s instead",
                      old_pos.x, old_pos.y, old_pos.z, othermon.disp_name().c_str() );
            return false;
    } else {
        // We're changing the x/y/z coordinates of a zombie that hasn't been added
        // to the game yet. add_zombie() will update monsters_by_location for us.
        debugmsg( "update_zombie_pos: no %s at %d,%d,%d (moving to %d,%d,%d)",
                  old_pos.x, old_pos.y, old_pos.z, new_pos.x, new_pos.y, new_pos.z );
        // Rebuild cache in case the monster actually IS in the game, just bugged
        return false;

    return false;
Exemple #28
void mdeath::vine_cut( monster &z )
    std::vector<monster *> vines;
    for( const tripoint &tmp : g->m.points_in_radius( z.pos(), 1 ) ) {
        if( tmp == z.pos() ) {
            continue; // Skip ourselves
        if( monster *const z = g->critter_at<monster>( tmp ) ) {
            if( z->type->id == mon_creeper_vine ) {
                vines.push_back( z );

    for( auto &vine : vines ) {
        bool found_neighbor = false;
        tripoint tmp = vine->pos();
        int &x = tmp.x;
        int &y = tmp.y;
        for( x = vine->posx() - 1; x <= vine->posx() + 1 && !found_neighbor; x++ ) {
            for( y = vine->posy() - 1; y <= vine->posy() + 1 && !found_neighbor; y++ ) {
                if( x != z.posx() || y != z.posy() ) {
                    // Not the dying vine
                    if( monster *const v = g->critter_at<monster>( { x, y, z.posz() } ) ) {
                        if( v->type->id == mon_creeper_hub || v->type->id == mon_creeper_vine ) {
                            found_neighbor = true;
        if( !found_neighbor ) {
            vine->die( &z );
Exemple #29
void mdeath::ratking( monster &z )
    g->u.remove_effect( effect_rat );
    if( g->u.sees( z ) ) {
        add_msg( m_warning, _( "Rats suddenly swarm into view." ) );

    std::vector <tripoint> ratspots;
    for( auto &&ratp : g->m.points_in_radius( z.pos(), 1 ) ) { // *NOPAD*
        if( g->is_empty( ratp ) ) {
            ratspots.push_back( ratp );
    for( int rats = 0; rats < 7 && !ratspots.empty(); rats++ ) {
        g->summon_mon( mon_sewer_rat, random_entry_removed( ratspots ) );
Exemple #30
void make_mon_corpse( monster &z, int damageLvl )
    item corpse = item::make_corpse( z.type->id, calendar::turn, z.unique_name );
    // All corpses are at 37 C at time of death
    // This may not be true but anything better would be way too complicated
    if( z.is_warm() ) {
        corpse.set_item_temperature( 310.15 );
    corpse.set_damage( damageLvl );
    if( z.has_effect( effect_pacified ) && z.type->in_species( ZOMBIE ) ) {
        // Pacified corpses have a chance of becoming unpacified when regenerating.
        corpse.set_var( "zlave", one_in( 2 ) ? "zlave" : "mutilated" );
    if( z.has_effect( effect_no_ammo ) ) {
        corpse.set_var( "no_ammo", "no_ammo" );
    g->m.add_item_or_charges( z.pos(), corpse );