ControlConnection::handleMsg( msg_ptr msg )
    if ( msg->is( Msg::PING ) )
        // qDebug() << "Received Connection PING, nice." << m_pingtimer_mark.elapsed();

    // if small and not compresed, print it out for debug
    if ( msg->length() < 1024 && !msg->is( Msg::COMPRESSED ) )
        qDebug() << id() << "got msg:" << QString::fromLatin1( msg->payload() );

    // All control connection msgs are JSON
    if ( !msg->is( Msg::JSON ) )
        Q_ASSERT( msg->is( Msg::JSON ) );

    QVariantMap m = msg->json().toMap();
    if ( !m.isEmpty() )
        if ( m.value( "conntype" ).toString() == "request-offer" )
            QString theirkey = m["key"].toString();
            QString ourkey   = m["offer"].toString();
            QString theirdbid = m["controlid"].toString();
            servent()->reverseOfferRequest( this, theirdbid, ourkey, theirkey );
        else if ( m.value( "method" ).toString() == "dbsync-offer" )
            m_dbconnkey = m.value( "key" ).toString() ;
        else if ( m.value( "method" ) == "protovercheckfail" )
            qDebug() << "*** Remote peer protocol version mismatch, connection closed";
            shutdown( true );
            tDebug() << id() << "Unhandled msg:" << QString::fromLatin1( msg->payload() );


    tDebug() << id() << "Invalid msg:" << QString::fromLatin1( msg->payload() );
MsgProcessor::append( msg_ptr msg )
    if( QThread::currentThread() != thread() )
        qDebug() << "reinvoking msgprocessor::append in correct thread, ie not" << QThread::currentThread();
        QMetaObject::invokeMethod( this, "append", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(msg_ptr, msg) );

    m_msgs.append( msg );
    m_msg_ready.insert( msg.data(), false );

    m_totmsgsize += msg->payload().length();

    if( m_mode & NOTHING )
        //qDebug() << "MsgProcessor::NOTHING";
        handleProcessedMsg( msg );

    QFuture<msg_ptr> fut = QtConcurrent::run(&MsgProcessor::process, msg, m_mode, m_threshold);
    QFutureWatcher<msg_ptr> * watcher = new QFutureWatcher<msg_ptr>;
    connect( watcher, SIGNAL( finished() ),
             this, SLOT( processed() ),
             Qt::QueuedConnection );

    watcher->setFuture( fut );
/// This method is run by QtConcurrent:
MsgProcessor::process( msg_ptr msg, quint32 mode, quint32 threshold )
    // uncompress if needed
    if( (mode & UNCOMPRESS_ALL) && msg->is( Msg::COMPRESSED ) )
        qDebug() << "MsgProcessor::UNCOMPRESSING";
        msg->m_payload = qUncompress( msg->payload() );
        msg->m_length  = msg->m_payload.length();
        msg->m_flags ^= Msg::COMPRESSED;

    // parse json payload into qvariant if needed
    if( (mode & PARSE_JSON) &&
        msg->is( Msg::JSON ) &&
        msg->m_json_parsed == false )
        qDebug() << "MsgProcessor::PARSING JSON";
        bool ok;
        QJson::Parser parser;
        msg->m_json = parser.parse( msg->payload(), &ok );
        msg->m_json_parsed = true;

    // compress if needed
    if( (mode & COMPRESS_IF_LARGE) &&
        !msg->is( Msg::COMPRESSED )
        && msg->length() > threshold )
        qDebug() << "MsgProcessor::COMPRESSING";
        msg->m_payload = qCompress( msg->payload(), 9 );
        msg->m_length  = msg->m_payload.length();
        msg->m_flags |= Msg::COMPRESSED;
    return msg;
StreamConnection::handleMsg( msg_ptr msg )
    Q_ASSERT( msg->is( Msg::RAW ) );

    if ( msg->payload().startsWith( "block" ) )
        int block = QString( msg->payload() ).mid( 5 ).toInt();
        m_readdev->seek( block * BufferIODevice::blockSize() );

        qDebug() << "Seeked to block:" << block;

        QByteArray sm;
        sm.append( QString( "doneblock%1" ).arg( block ) );

        sendMsg( Msg::factory( sm, Msg::RAW | Msg::FRAGMENT ) );
        QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( sendSome() ) );
    else if ( msg->payload().startsWith( "doneblock" ) )
        int block = QString( msg->payload() ).mid( 9 ).toInt();
        ( (BufferIODevice*)m_iodev.data() )->seeked( block );

        m_curBlock = block;
        qDebug() << "Next block is now:" << block;
    else if ( msg->payload().startsWith( "data" ) )
        m_badded += msg->payload().length() - 4;
        ( (BufferIODevice*)m_iodev.data() )->addData( m_curBlock++, msg->payload().mid( 4 ) );

    //qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "flags" << (int) msg->flags()
    //         << "payload len" << msg->payload().length()
    //         << "written to device so far: " << m_badded;

    if ( m_iodev && ( (BufferIODevice*)m_iodev.data() )->nextEmptyBlock() < 0 )
        m_allok = true;

        // tell our iodev there is no more data to read, no args meaning a success:
        ( (BufferIODevice*)m_iodev.data() )->inputComplete();

Exemple #5
DBSyncConnection::handleMsg( msg_ptr msg )
    Q_ASSERT( !msg->is( Msg::COMPRESSED ) );

    if ( m_state == FETCHING )
        changeState( PARSING );

    // "everything is synced" indicated by non-json msg containing "ok":
    if ( !msg->is( Msg::JSON ) &&
         msg->is( Msg::DBOP ) &&
         msg->payload() == "ok" )
        changeState( SYNCED );

        // calc the collection stats, to updates the "X tracks" in the sidebar etc
        // this is done automatically if you run a dbcmd to add files.
        DatabaseCommand_CollectionStats* cmd = new DatabaseCommand_CollectionStats( m_source );
        connect( cmd,           SIGNAL( done( const QVariantMap & ) ),
                 m_source.data(), SLOT( setStats( const QVariantMap& ) ), Qt::QueuedConnection );
        Database::instance()->enqueue( QSharedPointer<DatabaseCommand>(cmd) );