Exemple #1
void idaapi term(void) {
   msg(PLUGIN_NAME": collabREate is being unloaded\n");
   authenticated = false;
   if (is_connected()) {
      msg(PLUGIN_NAME": calling cleanup\n");
      msg(PLUGIN_NAME": back from cleanup\n");
   msg(PLUGIN_NAME": closing status form\n");
   close_chooser("Collab form:1");
   msg(PLUGIN_NAME": status form closed\n");
   if (msgHistory.size() > 0) {
      qstring temp;
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < msgHistory.size(); i++) {
         temp += msgHistory[i];
         temp += '\n';
      cnn.setblob(temp.c_str(), temp.length() + 1, 1, COLLABREATE_MSGHISTORY_TAG);
   if (changeCache != NULL && changeCache->length() > 0) {
      cnn.setblob(changeCache->c_str(), changeCache->length() + 1, 1, COLLABREATE_CACHE_TAG);
      delete changeCache;
      changeCache = NULL;
Exemple #2
//      Initialize.
//      IDA will call this function only once.
//      If this function returns PLGUIN_SKIP, IDA will never load it again.
//      If this function returns PLUGIN_OK, IDA will unload the plugin but
//      remember that the plugin agreed to work with the database.
//      The plugin will be loaded again if the user invokes it by
//      pressing the hotkey or selecting it from the menu.
//      After the second load the plugin will stay on memory.
//      If this function returns PLUGIN_KEEP, IDA will keep the plugin
//      in the memory. In this case the initialization function can hook
//      into the processor module and user interface notification points.
//      See the hook_to_notification_point() function.
//      In this example we check the input file format and make the decision.
//      You may or may not check any other conditions to decide what you do:
//      whether you agree to work with the database or not.
int idaapi init(void) {
   unsigned char md5[MD5_LEN];
   msg(PLUGIN_NAME": collabREate has been loaded\n");
   //while the md5 is not used here, it has the side effect of ensuring
   //that the md5 is taken at the earliest opportunity for storage in
   //the database in the event that the original binary is deleted
   getFileMd5(md5, sizeof(md5));
   unsigned char gpid[GPID_SIZE];
   ssize_t sz = getGpid(gpid, sizeof(gpid));
   if (sz > 0) {
      msg(PLUGIN_NAME": Operating in caching mode until connected.\n");
      if (changeCache == NULL) {
         size_t sz = 0;
         void *tcache = cnn.getblob(NULL, &sz, 1, COLLABREATE_CACHE_TAG);
         if (tcache != NULL && sz > 0) {
            changeCache = new qstring((char*)tcache);
         else {
            changeCache = new qstring();
   if (msgHistory.size() == 0) {
      size_t sz = 0;
      void *thist = cnn.getblob(NULL, &sz, 1, COLLABREATE_MSGHISTORY_TAG);
      if (thist != NULL && sz > 1) {
         char *sptr, *endp;
         sptr = (char*)thist;
         while ((endp = strchr(sptr, '\n')) != NULL) {
            msgHistory.push_back(qstring(sptr, endp - sptr));
            sptr = endp + 1;
   if (init_network()) {
      return PLUGIN_KEEP;
   else {
      return PLUGIN_SKIP;
Exemple #3
  void on_get_line(int lineno, char * const *line_arr)
    // Called from s_getl, which itself can be called from the kernel. Ensure GIL

    // Get headers?
    if ( lineno == 0 )
      // Copy the pre-parsed columns
      for ( size_t i=0; i < cols.size(); i++ )
        qstrncpy(line_arr[i], cols[i].c_str(), MAXSTR);

    // Clear buffer
    int ncols = int(cols.size());
    for ( int i=ncols-1; i>=0; i-- )
      line_arr[i][0] = '\0';

    // Call Python
    newref_t list(PyObject_CallMethod(self, (char *)S_ON_GET_LINE, "i", lineno - 1));
    if ( list == NULL )

    // Go over the List returned by Python and convert to C strings
    for ( int i=ncols-1; i>=0; i-- )
      borref_t item(PyList_GetItem(list.o, Py_ssize_t(i)));
      if ( item == NULL )

      const char *str = PyString_AsString(item.o);
      if ( str != NULL )
        qstrncpy(line_arr[i], str, MAXSTR);
Exemple #4
static int idaapi callback(void *, int code, va_list va)
  int result = 0;
  switch ( code )
    case grcode_calculating_layout:
                              // calculating user-defined graph layout
                              // in: mutable_graph_t *g
                              // out: 0-not implemented
                              //      1-graph layout calculated by the plugin
      msg("calculating graph layout...\n");

    case grcode_changed_current:
                              // a new graph node became the current node
                              // in:  graph_viewer_t *gv
                              //      int curnode
                              // out: 0-ok, 1-forbid to change the current node
       graph_viewer_t *v = va_arg(va, graph_viewer_t *);
       int curnode       = va_argi(va, int);
       msg("%p: current node becomes %d\n", v, curnode);

    case grcode_clicked:      // a graph has been clicked
                              // in:  graph_viewer_t *gv
                              //      selection_item_t *current_item
                              // out: 0-ok, 1-ignore click
       /*graph_viewer_t *v   =*/ va_arg(va, graph_viewer_t *);
       va_arg(va, selection_item_t *);
       graph_item_t *m = va_arg(va, graph_item_t *);
       msg("clicked on ");
       switch ( m->type )
         case git_none:
         case git_edge:
           msg("edge (%d, %d)\n", m->e.src, m->e.dst);
         case git_node:
           msg("node %d\n", m->n);
         case git_tool:
           msg("toolbutton %d\n", m->b);
         case git_text:
           msg("text (x,y)=(%d,%d)\n", m->p.x, m->p.y);
         case git_elp:
           msg("edge layout point (%d, %d) #%d\n", m->elp.e.src, m->elp.e.dst, m->elp.pidx);

    case grcode_dblclicked:   // a graph node has been double clicked
                              // in:  graph_viewer_t *gv
                              //      selection_item_t *current_item
                              // out: 0-ok, 1-ignore click
       graph_viewer_t *v   = va_arg(va, graph_viewer_t *);
       selection_item_t *s = va_arg(va, selection_item_t *);
       msg("%p: %sclicked on ", v, code == grcode_clicked ? "" : "dbl");
       if ( s == NULL )
       else if ( s->is_node )
         msg("node %d\n", s->node);
         msg("edge (%d, %d) layout point #%d\n", s->elp.e.src, s->elp.e.dst, s->elp.pidx);

    case grcode_creating_group:
                              // a group is being created
                              // in:  mutable_graph_t *g
                              //      intset_t *nodes
                              // out: 0-ok, 1-forbid group creation
       mutable_graph_t *g = va_arg(va, mutable_graph_t *);
       intset_t &nodes    = *va_arg(va, intset_t *);
       msg("%p: creating group", g);
       for ( intset_t::iterator p=nodes.begin(); p != nodes.end(); ++p )
         msg(" %d", *p);

    case grcode_deleting_group:
                              // a group is being deleted
                              // in:  mutable_graph_t *g
                              //      int old_group
                              // out: 0-ok, 1-forbid group deletion
       mutable_graph_t *g = va_arg(va, mutable_graph_t *);
       int group          = va_argi(va, int);
       msg("%p: deleting group %d\n", g, group);

    case grcode_group_visibility:
                              // a group is being collapsed/uncollapsed
                              // in:  mutable_graph_t *g
                              //      int group
                              //      bool expand
                              // out: 0-ok, 1-forbid group modification
       mutable_graph_t *g = va_arg(va, mutable_graph_t *);
       int group          = va_argi(va, int);
       bool expand        = va_argi(va, bool);
       msg("%p: %scollapsing group %d\n", g, expand ? "un" : "", group);

    case grcode_gotfocus:     // a graph viewer got focus
                              // in:  graph_viewer_t *gv
                              // out: must return 0
       graph_viewer_t *g = va_arg(va, graph_viewer_t *);
       msg("%p: got focus\n", g);

    case grcode_lostfocus:    // a graph viewer lost focus
                              // in:  graph_viewer_t *gv
                              // out: must return 0
       graph_viewer_t *g = va_arg(va, graph_viewer_t *);
       msg("%p: lost focus\n", g);

    case grcode_user_refresh: // refresh user-defined graph nodes and edges
                              // in:  mutable_graph_t *g
                              // out: success
       mutable_graph_t *g = va_arg(va, mutable_graph_t *);
       msg("%p: refresh\n", g);
       // our graph is like this:
       //  0 -> 1 -> 2
       //       \-> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6
       //           ^        /
       //           \-------/
       if ( g->empty() )
       g->add_edge(0, 1, NULL);
       g->add_edge(1, 2, NULL);
       g->add_edge(1, 3, NULL);
       g->add_edge(3, 4, NULL);
       g->add_edge(4, 5, NULL);
       g->add_edge(5, 3, NULL);
       g->add_edge(5, 6, NULL);
       result = true;

    case grcode_user_gentext: // generate text for user-defined graph nodes
                              // in:  mutable_graph_t *g
                              // out: must return 0
       mutable_graph_t *g = va_arg(va, mutable_graph_t *);
       msg("%p: generate text for graph nodes\n", g);
       for ( node_iterator p=g->begin(); p != g->end(); ++p )
         int n = *p;
         graph_text[n] = get_node_name(n);
       result = true;

    case grcode_user_text:    // retrieve text for user-defined graph node
                              // in:  mutable_graph_t *g
                              //      int node
                              //      const char **result
                              //      bgcolor_t *bg_color (maybe NULL)
                              // out: must return 0, result must be filled
                              // NB: do not use anything calling GDI!
       mutable_graph_t *g = va_arg(va, mutable_graph_t *);
       int node           = va_arg(va, int);
       const char **text  = va_arg(va, const char **);
       bgcolor_t *bgcolor = va_arg(va, bgcolor_t *);
       *text = graph_text[node].c_str();
       if ( bgcolor != NULL )
         *bgcolor = DEFCOLOR;
       result = true;

    case grcode_user_size:    // calculate node size for user-defined graph
                              // in:  mutable_graph_t *g
                              //      int node
                              //      int *cx
                              //      int *cy
                              // out: 0-did not calculate, ida will use node text size
                              //      1-calculated. ida will add node title to the size
     msg("calc node size - not implemented\n");
     // ida will calculate the node size based on the node text

    case grcode_user_title:   // render node title of a user-defined graph
                              // in:  mutable_graph_t *g
                              //      int node
                              //      rect_t *title_rect
                              //      int title_bg_color
                              //      HDC dc
                              // out: 0-did not render, ida will fill it with title_bg_color
                              //      1-rendered node title
     // ida will draw the node title itself

    case grcode_user_draw:    // render node of a user-defined graph
                              // in:  mutable_graph_t *g
                              //      int node
                              //      rect_t *node_rect
                              //      HDC dc
                              // out: 0-not rendered, 1-rendered
                              // NB: draw only on the specified DC and nowhere else!
     // ida will draw the node text itself

    case grcode_user_hint:    // retrieve hint for the user-defined graph
                              // in:  mutable_graph_t *g
                              //      int mousenode
                              //      int mouseedge_src
                              //      int mouseedge_dst
                              //      char **hint
                              // 'hint' must be allocated by qalloc() or qstrdup()
                              // out: 0-use default hint, 1-use proposed hint
       mutable_graph_t *g = va_arg(va, mutable_graph_t *);
       int mousenode      = va_argi(va, int);
       int mouseedge_src  = va_argi(va, int);
       int mouseedge_dst  = va_argi(va, int);
       char **hint        = va_arg(va, char **);
       char buf[MAXSTR];
       buf[0] = '\0';
       if ( mousenode != -1 )
         qsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "My fancy hint for node %d", mousenode);
       else if ( mouseedge_src != -1 )
         qsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Hovering on (%d,%d)", mouseedge_src, mouseedge_dst);
       if ( buf[0] != '\0' )
         *hint = qstrdup(buf);
       result = true; // use our hint
  return result;
Exemple #5
bool PyW_PyListToStrVec(PyObject *py_list, qstrvec_t &strvec)
  return pyvar_walk_list(py_list, pylist_to_strvec_cb, &strvec) != CIP_FAILED;