Exemple #1
HistoryWidget::HistoryWidget( const source_ptr& source, QWidget* parent )
    : FlexibleView( parent, m_header = new QWidget() )
    m_header->setMaximumHeight( 160 );
/*    QCalendarWidget* m_calendarFrom = new QCalendarWidget();
    QCalendarWidget* m_calendarTo = new QCalendarWidget();
    m_calendarFrom->setGridVisible( false );
    m_calendarTo->setGridVisible( false );*/
    m_calendarFrom = new QDateEdit( QDate::currentDate() );
    m_calendarTo = new QDateEdit( QDate::currentDate() );
    m_calendarFrom->setDisplayFormat( "yyyy MMMM dd" );
    m_calendarTo->setDisplayFormat( "yyyy MMMM dd" );

    // setting an empty style-sheet prevents the QDateEdits from adopting their parent's QPalette
    QString calSheet = QString( "QDateEdit { }" ).arg( TomahawkStyle::PAGE_BACKGROUND.name() );
    m_calendarFrom->setStyleSheet( calSheet );
    m_calendarTo->setStyleSheet( calSheet );

    QPalette pal = m_header->palette();
    pal.setColor( QPalette::Foreground, Qt::white );
    pal.setColor( QPalette::Text, Qt::white );
    pal.setBrush( backgroundRole(), TomahawkStyle::PAGE_BACKGROUND );
    m_header->setPalette( pal );
    m_header->setAutoFillBackground( true );

    QHBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout( m_header );
    layout->addSpacerItem( new QSpacerItem( 1, 0, QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ) );
    layout->addWidget( new QLabel( tr( "From:" ) ) );
    layout->addWidget( m_calendarFrom );
    layout->addSpacerItem( new QSpacerItem( 16, 0, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum ) );
    layout->addWidget( new QLabel( tr( "To:" ) ) );
    layout->addWidget( m_calendarTo );
    layout->addSpacerItem( new QSpacerItem( 1, 0, QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ) );
    m_header->setLayout( layout );

    setPixmap( TomahawkUtils::defaultPixmap( TomahawkUtils::RecentlyPlayed ) );

    m_model = new RecentlyPlayedModel( this );
    m_model->setTitle( tr( "Recently Played Tracks" ) );

    if ( source->isLocal() )
        m_model->setDescription( tr( "Your recently played tracks" ) );
        m_model->setDescription( tr( "%1's recently played tracks" ).arg( source->friendlyName() ) );

    PlaylistLargeItemDelegate* del = new PlaylistLargeItemDelegate( PlaylistLargeItemDelegate::RecentlyPlayed, trackView(), trackView()->proxyModel() );
    trackView()->setItemDelegate( del );

    setPlayableModel( m_model );
    setEmptyTip( tr( "Sorry, we could not find any recent plays!" ) );
    m_model->setSource( source );

    setGuid( QString( "recentplays/%1" ).arg( source->nodeId() ) );

/*    connect( m_calendarFrom, SIGNAL( clicked( QDate ) ), SLOT( onDateClicked( QDate ) ) );
    connect( m_calendarTo, SIGNAL( clicked( QDate ) ), SLOT( onDateClicked( QDate ) ) );*/
    connect( m_calendarFrom, SIGNAL( dateChanged( QDate ) ), SLOT( onDateClicked( QDate ) ) );
    connect( m_calendarTo, SIGNAL( dateChanged( QDate ) ), SLOT( onDateClicked( QDate ) ) );
LatchManager::latchRequest( const source_ptr& source )
    qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO;
    if ( isLatched( source ) )

    m_state = Latching;
    m_waitingForLatch = source;
    AudioEngine::instance()->playItem( source->playlistInterface(), source->playlistInterface()->nextResult() );
Exemple #3
Collection::Collection( const source_ptr& source, const QString& name, QObject* parent )
    : QObject( parent )
    , m_name( name )
    , m_lastmodified( 0 )
    , m_changed( false )
    , m_source( source )
    qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << name << source->friendlyName();

    connect( source.data(), SIGNAL( synced() ), SLOT( onSynced() ) );
Exemple #4
Source::reportSocialAttributesChanged( DatabaseCommand_SocialAction* action )
    emit socialAttributesChanged();

    if ( action->action() == "latchOn" )
        const source_ptr to = SourceList::instance()->get( action->comment() );
        if ( !to.isNull() )
            emit latchedOn( to );
    else if ( action->action() == "latchOff" )
        const source_ptr from = SourceList::instance()->get( action->comment() );
        if ( !from.isNull() )
            emit latchedOff( from );
Exemple #5
Collection::Collection( const source_ptr& source, const QString& name, QObject* parent )
    : QObject( parent )
    , m_name( name )
    , m_lastmodified( 0 )
    , m_isLoaded( false )
    , m_source( source )
    qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << name << source->friendlyName();
Exemple #6
SourceItem::latchedOff( const source_ptr& from, const source_ptr& to )
    if ( from->isLocal() && ( m_source == to || m_source == from ) )
        m_latchedOn = false;
        disconnect( m_latchedOnTo->playlistInterface().data(), SIGNAL( latchModeChanged( Tomahawk::PlaylistModes::LatchMode ) ) );
        emit updated();
Exemple #7
SourcesModel::appendItem( const source_ptr& source )
    SourceTreeItem* item = new SourceTreeItem( source, this );
    connect( item, SIGNAL( clicked( QModelIndex ) ), this, SIGNAL( clicked( QModelIndex ) ) );

//    qDebug() << "Appending source item:" << item->source()->username();
    invisibleRootItem()->appendRow( item->columns() );

    if ( !source.isNull() )
        connect( source.data(), SIGNAL( offline() ), SLOT( onSourceChanged() ) );
        connect( source.data(), SIGNAL( online() ), SLOT( onSourceChanged() ) );
        connect( source.data(), SIGNAL( stats( QVariantMap ) ), SLOT( onSourceChanged() ) );
        connect( source.data(), SIGNAL( playbackStarted( Tomahawk::query_ptr ) ), SLOT( onSourceChanged() ) );
        connect( source.data(), SIGNAL( stateChanged() ), SLOT( onSourceChanged() ) );
    return true; // FIXME
Exemple #8
SourceItem::latchedOn( const source_ptr& from, const source_ptr& to )
    if ( from->isLocal() && ( m_source == to || m_source == from ) )
        m_latchedOn = true;
        m_latchedOnTo = to;
        connect( m_latchedOnTo->playlistInterface().data(), SIGNAL( latchModeChanged( Tomahawk::PlaylistInterface::LatchMode ) ), SLOT( latchModeChanged( Tomahawk::PlaylistInterface::LatchMode ) ) );
        emit updated();
Exemple #9
unsigned int
Artist::playbackCount( const source_ptr& source )
    unsigned int count = 0;
    foreach ( const PlaybackLog& log, m_playbackHistory )
        if ( source.isNull() || log.source == source )

    return count;
Exemple #10
HistoryWidget::HistoryWidget( const source_ptr& source, QWidget* parent )
    : FlexibleView( parent )
    setPixmap( TomahawkUtils::defaultPixmap( TomahawkUtils::RecentlyPlayed ) );

    m_model = new RecentlyPlayedModel( this );
    m_model->setTitle( tr( "Recently Played Tracks" ) );

    if ( source->isLocal() )
        m_model->setDescription( tr( "Your recently played tracks" ) );
        m_model->setDescription( tr( "%1's recently played tracks" ).arg( source->friendlyName() ) );

    trackView()->setIndentation( 0 );
    trackView()->setUniformRowHeights( false );

    setPlayableModel( m_model );
    setEmptyTip( tr( "Sorry, we could not find any recent plays!" ) );
    m_model->setSource( source );

    setGuid( QString( "recentplays/%1" ).arg( source->nodeId() ) );
Exemple #11
unsigned int
TrackData::playbackCount( const source_ptr& source )
    QMutexLocker locker( &s_memberMutex );

    unsigned int count = 0;
    foreach ( const PlaybackLog& log, m_playbackHistory )
        if ( source.isNull() || log.source == source )

    return count;
RecentlyAddedModel::RecentlyAddedModel( const source_ptr& source, QObject* parent )
    : TrackModel( parent )
    , m_source( source )
    , m_limit( LATEST_TRACK_ITEMS )
    if ( source.isNull() )
        connect( SourceList::instance(), SIGNAL( ready() ), SLOT( onSourcesReady() ) );
        connect( SourceList::instance(), SIGNAL( sourceAdded( Tomahawk::source_ptr ) ), SLOT( onSourceAdded( Tomahawk::source_ptr ) ) );
        onSourceAdded( source );
Exemple #13
DBSyncConnection::DBSyncConnection( Servent* s, source_ptr src )
    : Connection( s )
    , m_source( src )
    , m_state( UNKNOWN )
    qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << src->id() << thread();
    connect( this,            SIGNAL( stateChanged( DBSyncConnection::State, DBSyncConnection::State, QString ) ),
             m_source.data(),   SLOT( onStateChanged( DBSyncConnection::State, DBSyncConnection::State, QString ) ) );

    m_timer.setInterval( IDLE_TIMEOUT );
    connect( &m_timer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), SLOT( idleTimeout() ) );

    this->setMsgProcessorModeIn( MsgProcessor::PARSE_JSON | MsgProcessor::UNCOMPRESS_ALL );

    // msgs are stored compressed in the db, so not typically needed here, but doesnt hurt:
    this->setMsgProcessorModeOut( MsgProcessor::COMPRESS_IF_LARGE );
DBSyncConnection::DBSyncConnection( Servent* s, const source_ptr& src )
    : Connection( s )
    , m_source( src )
    , m_state( UNKNOWN )
    qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << src->id() << thread();

    connect( this,            SIGNAL( stateChanged( DBSyncConnection::State, DBSyncConnection::State, QString ) ),
             m_source.data(),   SLOT( onStateChanged( DBSyncConnection::State, DBSyncConnection::State, QString ) ) );
    connect( m_source.data(), SIGNAL( commandsFinished() ),
             this,              SLOT( lastOpApplied() ) );

    this->setMsgProcessorModeIn( MsgProcessor::PARSE_JSON | MsgProcessor::UNCOMPRESS_ALL );

    // msgs are stored compressed in the db, so not typically needed here, but doesnt hurt:
    this->setMsgProcessorModeOut( MsgProcessor::COMPRESS_IF_LARGE );
CustomPlaylistView::CustomPlaylistView( CustomPlaylistView::PlaylistType type, const source_ptr& s, QWidget* parent )
    : PlaylistView ( parent )
    , m_type( type )
    , m_source( s )
    , m_model( new PlaylistModel( this ) )
    // Generate the tracks, add them to the playlist
    m_model->setStyle( PlayableModel::Large );
    setPlaylistModel( m_model );

    if ( m_type == SourceLovedTracks )
        connect( m_source.data(), SIGNAL( socialAttributesChanged( QString ) ), this, SLOT( socialAttributesChanged( QString ) ) );
    else if ( m_type == TopLovedTracks )
        connect( SourceList::instance()->getLocal().data(), SIGNAL( socialAttributesChanged( QString ) ), this, SLOT( socialAttributesChanged( QString ) ) );
        foreach ( const source_ptr& s, SourceList::instance()->sources( true ) )
            connect( s.data(), SIGNAL( socialAttributesChanged( QString ) ), this, SLOT( socialAttributesChanged( QString ) ) );

        connect( SourceList::instance(), SIGNAL( sourceAdded( Tomahawk::source_ptr ) ), this, SLOT( sourceAdded( Tomahawk::source_ptr ) ) );
CustomPlaylistView::CustomPlaylistView( CustomPlaylistView::PlaylistType type, const source_ptr& s, QWidget* parent )
    : PlaylistView ( parent )
    , m_type( type )
    , m_source( s )
    , m_model( new PlaylistModel( this ) )
    // Generate the tracks, add them to the playlist
    setFrameShape( QFrame::NoFrame );
    setAttribute( Qt::WA_MacShowFocusRect, 0 );

    setPlaylistModel( m_model );

    if ( m_type == SourceLovedTracks )
        connect( m_source.data(), SIGNAL( socialAttributesChanged() ), this, SLOT( reload() ) );
    else if ( m_type == AllLovedTracks )
        connect( SourceList::instance()->getLocal().data(), SIGNAL( socialAttributesChanged() ), this, SLOT( reload() ) );
        foreach ( const source_ptr& s, SourceList::instance()->sources( true ) )
            connect( s.data(), SIGNAL( socialAttributesChanged() ), this, SLOT( reload() ) );

        connect( SourceList::instance(), SIGNAL( sourceAdded( Tomahawk::source_ptr ) ), this, SLOT( sourceAdded( Tomahawk::source_ptr ) ) );
LatchManager::playlistChanged( Tomahawk::playlistinterface_ptr )
    // If we were latched on and changed, send the listening along stop
    if ( m_latchedOnTo.isNull() )
        if ( m_waitingForLatch.isNull() )
            return; // Neither latched on nor waiting to be latched on, no-op

        m_latchedOnTo = m_waitingForLatch;
        m_latchedInterface = m_waitingForLatch->playlistInterface();
        m_state = Latched;

        DatabaseCommand_SocialAction* cmd = new DatabaseCommand_SocialAction();
        cmd->setSource( SourceList::instance()->getLocal() );
        cmd->setAction( "latchOn");
        cmd->setComment( m_latchedOnTo->nodeId() );
        cmd->setTimestamp( QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t() );
        Database::instance()->enqueue( Tomahawk::dbcmd_ptr( cmd ) );

        QAction *latchOnAction = ActionCollection::instance()->getAction( "latchOn" );
        latchOnAction->setText( tr( "&Catch Up" ) );
        latchOnAction->setIcon( QIcon() );

        // If not, then keep waiting

    // We're current latched, and the user changed playlist, so stop
    SourcePlaylistInterface* origsourcepi = dynamic_cast< SourcePlaylistInterface* >( m_latchedInterface.data() );
    Q_ASSERT( origsourcepi );
    const source_ptr source = SourceList::instance()->get( origsourcepi->source()->id() );

    DatabaseCommand_SocialAction* cmd = new DatabaseCommand_SocialAction();
    cmd->setSource( SourceList::instance()->getLocal() );
    cmd->setAction( "latchOff");
    cmd->setComment( source->nodeId() );
    cmd->setTimestamp( QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t() );
    Database::instance()->enqueue( Tomahawk::dbcmd_ptr( cmd ) );

    if ( !m_waitingForLatch.isNull() &&
          m_waitingForLatch != m_latchedOnTo )
        // We are asked to latch on immediately to another source

        // call ourselves to hit the "create latch" condition
        playlistChanged( Tomahawk::playlistinterface_ptr() );

    m_state = NotLatched;

    QAction *latchOnAction = ActionCollection::instance()->getAction( "latchOn" );
    latchOnAction->setText( tr( "&Listen Along" ) );
    latchOnAction->setIcon( QIcon( RESPATH "images/headphones-sidebar.png" ) );
DatabaseCollection::DatabaseCollection( const source_ptr& src, QObject* parent )
    : Collection( src, QString( "dbcollection:%1" ).arg( src->nodeId() ), parent )