Exemple #1
bool mitk::Equal(vtkPolyData &leftHandSide, vtkPolyData &rightHandSide, mitk::ScalarType eps, bool verbose)
  bool noDifferenceFound = true;

  if (!mitk::Equal(leftHandSide.GetNumberOfCells(), rightHandSide.GetNumberOfCells(), eps, verbose))
    if (verbose)
      MITK_INFO << "[Equal( vtkPolyData*, vtkPolyData* )] Number of cells not equal";
    noDifferenceFound = false;

  if (!mitk::Equal(leftHandSide.GetNumberOfVerts(), rightHandSide.GetNumberOfVerts(), eps, verbose))
    if (verbose)
      MITK_INFO << "[Equal( vtkPolyData*, vtkPolyData* )] Number of vertices not equal";
    noDifferenceFound = false;

  if (!mitk::Equal(leftHandSide.GetNumberOfLines(), rightHandSide.GetNumberOfLines(), eps, verbose))
    if (verbose)
      MITK_INFO << "[Equal( vtkPolyData*, vtkPolyData* )] Number of lines not equal";
    noDifferenceFound = false;

  if (!mitk::Equal(leftHandSide.GetNumberOfPolys(), rightHandSide.GetNumberOfPolys(), eps, verbose))
    if (verbose)
      MITK_INFO << "[Equal( vtkPolyData*, vtkPolyData* )] Number of polys not equal";
    noDifferenceFound = false;

  if (!mitk::Equal(leftHandSide.GetNumberOfStrips(), rightHandSide.GetNumberOfStrips(), eps, verbose))
    if (verbose)
      MITK_INFO << "[Equal( vtkPolyData*, vtkPolyData* )] Number of strips not equal";
    noDifferenceFound = false;

    unsigned int numberOfPointsRight = rightHandSide.GetPoints()->GetNumberOfPoints();
    unsigned int numberOfPointsLeft = leftHandSide.GetPoints()->GetNumberOfPoints();
    if (!mitk::Equal(numberOfPointsLeft, numberOfPointsRight, eps, verbose))
      if (verbose)
        MITK_INFO << "[Equal( vtkPolyData*, vtkPolyData* )] Number of points not equal";
      noDifferenceFound = false;
      for (unsigned int i(0); i < numberOfPointsRight; i++)
        bool pointFound = false;
        double pointOne[3];
        rightHandSide.GetPoints()->GetPoint(i, pointOne);

        for (unsigned int j(0); j < numberOfPointsLeft; j++)
          double pointTwo[3];
          leftHandSide.GetPoints()->GetPoint(j, pointTwo);

          double x = pointOne[0] - pointTwo[0];
          double y = pointOne[1] - pointTwo[1];
          double z = pointOne[2] - pointTwo[2];
          double distance = x * x + y * y + z * z;

          if (distance < eps)
            pointFound = true;
        if (!pointFound)
          if (verbose)
            MITK_INFO << "[Equal( vtkPolyData*, vtkPolyData* )] Right hand side point with id " << i
                      << " and coordinates ( " << std::setprecision(12) << pointOne[0] << " ; " << pointOne[1] << " ; "
                      << pointOne[2] << " ) could not be found in left hand side with epsilon " << eps << ".";
          noDifferenceFound = false;
  return noDifferenceFound;