Exemple #1
// Change the state of the item and redraw it
void wxCheckListBoxItem::Check (
  bool                              bCheck
    m_bChecked = bCheck;

    // Index may be chanegd because new items were added/deleted
    if (m_pParent->GetItemIndex(this) != (int)m_nIndex)
        // Update it
        int                         nIndex = m_pParent->GetItemIndex(this);

        wxASSERT_MSG(nIndex != wxNOT_FOUND, wxT("what does this item do here?"));

        m_nIndex = (size_t)nIndex;

    wxCommandEvent                  vEvent( wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKLISTBOX_TOGGLED

} // end of wxCheckListBoxItem::Check
Exemple #2
void DataExportDlg::on_widget_change()
    wxString s = (only_a_cb->GetValue() ? wxT("if a: ") : wxT("all: "));
    for (size_t i = 0; i < list->GetCount(); ++i) {
        if (list->IsChecked(i)) {
            if (!s.EndsWith(wxT(": ")) && !cv[i].empty())
                    s += wxT(", ");
            s += cv[i];
    bool getResults(wxArrayString& out, bool* createInfoPlistFile, bool* createIcon)
        if(not m_accepted) return false;

        *createInfoPlistFile = m_info_plist_cb->IsChecked();
        *createIcon = m_icon_cb->IsChecked();

        const wxArrayString& items = m_choices_widget->GetStrings();
        const int count = items.GetCount();
        for(int n = 0; n < count; n++) {
            if(m_choices_widget->IsChecked(n)) out.Add(items[n]);

        return true;
Exemple #4
void DataExportDlg::OnTextChanged(wxCommandEvent&)
    //if (!text->IsModified())
    //    return;
    string s = wx2s(text->GetValue());
    size_t colon = s.find(':');
    bool parsable = (ftk->check_syntax("print " + s) && colon != string::npos);
    if (parsable) {
        only_a_cb->SetValue(s.substr(0, colon) == "if a");
        vector<string> v = split_string(s.substr(colon + 1), ',');
        vm_foreach (string, i, v)
            *i = strip_string(*i);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < list->GetCount(); ++i)
            list->Check(i, contains_element(v, wx2s(cv[i])));
Exemple #5
bool wxCheckListBoxItem::OnDrawItem (
  wxDC&                             rDc
, const wxRect&                     rRect
, wxODAction                        eAct
, wxODStatus                        eStat
    wxRect                          vRect = rRect;

    ::WinQueryWindowRect( m_pParent->GetHWND()
    if (IsChecked())
        eStat = (wxOwnerDrawn::wxODStatus)(eStat | wxOwnerDrawn::wxODChecked);

    // Unfortunately PM doesn't quite get the text position exact.  We need to alter
    // it down and to the right, just a little bit.  The coords in rRect are OS/2
    // coords not wxWidgets coords.
    vRect.x += 5;
    vRect.y -= 3;
    if (wxOwnerDrawn::OnDrawItem( rDc
        size_t                      nCheckWidth  = GetDefaultMarginWidth();
        size_t                      nCheckHeight = m_pParent->GetItemHeight();
        int                         nParentHeight;
        int                         nX = rRect.GetX();
        int                         nY = rRect.GetY();
        int                         nOldY = nY;
        wxColour                    vColour(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOW));
        wxPen                       vPenBack;
        wxPen                       vPenGray;
        wxPen                       vPenPrev;

        m_pParent->GetSize( NULL

        nY = nParentHeight - nY - nCheckHeight;
        vPenBack = wxPen(vColour, 1, wxSOLID);
        vPenGray = wxPen(wxColour(127, 127, 127), 1, wxSOLID);

        // Erase the 1-pixel border
        rDc.DrawRectangle( nX

        // Now we draw the smaller rectangle
        nCheckWidth  -= 2;
        nCheckHeight -= 2;

        // Draw hollow gray rectangle
        rDc.DrawRectangle( nX

        if (IsChecked())
            // Draw the check by loading the sys standard bitmap and drawing it
            HBITMAP                 hChkBmp = ::WinGetSysBitmap( HWND_DESKTOP
            POINTL                  vPoint = {nX, nOldY + 3};

            ::WinDrawBitmap( rDc.GetHPS()
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
} // end of wxCheckListBoxItem::OnDrawItem