void read_string(wxFileInputStream &file, wxDataInputStream &data, int len, std::string &ret) { wxString str = wxT(""); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (file.Eof()) return; //str.Append(wxString::FromAscii(file.Peek())); ret += file.Peek(); data.Read8(); } //ret = str.ToAscii(); }
std::string read_until(wxFileInputStream &file, wxDataInputStream &data, char stop) { std::string ret; if (file.Eof()) return ret; while (file.Peek() != stop) { ret += file.Peek(); data.Read8(); if (file.Eof()) return ret; } return ret; }
int wx_bdecode(wxFileInputStream &file, wxDataInputStream &data, entry &ret, int depth) { char myByte; wxString padding(wxT("")); if (depth >= 100) { return 0; } if (file.Eof()) { return 0; } switch(file.Peek()) { case 'i': { if (file.Peek() == 'i') data.Read8(); ret = entry(entry::int_t); std::string val = read_until(file, data, 'e'); ret.integer() = boost::lexical_cast<entry::integer_type>(val); if (file.Peek() == 'e') data.Read8(); wxLogMessage(wxT("num: ")+wxString(val.c_str(), wxConvUTF8)); } break; case 'l': { if (file.Peek() == 'l') data.Read8(); ret = entry(entry::list_t); while (file.Peek() != 'e') { ret.list().push_back(entry()); entry& list = ret.list().back(); wx_bdecode(file, data, list, depth + 1); } if (file.Peek() == 'e') data.Read8(); } break; case 'd': { if (file.Peek() == 'd') data.Read8(); ret = entry(entry::dictionary_t); while (file.Peek() != 'e') { entry key; wx_bdecode(file, data, key, depth + 1); if (key.type() != entry::string_t) { return 0; } entry dict; wx_bdecode(file, data, dict, depth + 1); ret.dict().insert(std::pair<std::string, entry>(key.string(), dict)); } if (file.Peek() == 'e') data.Read8(); } break; default: if(isdigit(file.Peek())) { ret = entry(entry::string_t); std::string len_s = read_until(file, data, ':'); if (file.Peek() == ':') data.Read8(); int len = std::atoi(len_s.c_str()); read_string(file, data, len, ret.string()); } else { return 0; } break; }// switch }
void read_mse1_card(Set& set, wxFileInputStream& f, wxTextInputStream& file) { CardP card(new Card(*set.game)); while (!f.Eof()) { // read a line String line = file.ReadLine(); if (line.empty()) continue; Char type = line.GetChar(0); line = line.substr(1); // interpret this line switch (type) { case 'A': { // done set.cards.push_back(card); return; } case 'B': { // name card->value(_("name")) = to_script(line); break; } case 'C': case 'D': { // image filename LocalFileName image_file = set.newFileName(_("image"),_("")); // a new unique name in the package if (wxCopyFile(line, set.nameOut(image_file), true)) { card->value(_("image")) = script_local_image_file(image_file); } break; } case 'E': { // super type card->value(_("super type")) = to_script(line); break; } case 'F': { // sub type card->value(_("sub type")) = to_script(line); break; } case 'G': { // casting cost card->value(_("casting cost")) = to_script(line); break; } case 'H': { // rarity String rarity; if (line == _("(U)")) rarity = _("uncommon"); else if (line == _("(R)")) rarity = _("rare"); else rarity = _("common"); card->value(_("rarity")) = to_script(rarity); break; } case 'I': { // power/thoughness size_t pos = line.find_first_of(_('/')); if (pos != String::npos) { card->value(_("power")) = to_script(line.substr(0, pos)); card->value(_("toughness")) = to_script(line.substr(pos+1)); } break; } case 'J': { // rule text or part of text append_line(card->value(_("rule text")), line); break; } case 'K': { // flavor text or part of text append_line(card->value(_("flavor text")), line); break; } case 'L': { // card color (if not default) // decode color String color; if (line == _("1")) color = _("white"); else if (line == _("2")) color = _("blue"); else if (line == _("3")) color = _("black"); else if (line == _("4")) color = _("red"); else if (line == _("5")) color = _("green"); else if (line == _("6")) color = _("colorless"); else if (line == _("7")) color = _("land"); else if (line == _("9")) color = _("multicolor"); else color = _("colorless"); card->value(_("card color")) = to_script(color); break; } default: { throw ParseError(_("Not a valid MSE1 file")); } } } }