int PNS_TOPOLOGY::MatchDpSuffix( wxString aNetName, wxString& aComplementNet, wxString& aBaseDpName )
    int rv = 0;

    if( aNetName.EndsWith( "+" ) )
        aComplementNet = "-";
        rv = 1;
    else if( aNetName.EndsWith( "_P" ) )
        aComplementNet = "_N";
        rv = 1;
    else if( aNetName.EndsWith( "-" ) )
        aComplementNet = "+";
        rv = -1;
    else if( aNetName.EndsWith( "_N" ) )
        aComplementNet = "_P";
        rv = -1;

    if( rv != 0 )
        aBaseDpName = aNetName.Left( aNetName.Length() - aComplementNet.Length() );
        aComplementNet = aBaseDpName + aComplementNet;

    return rv;
Exemple #2
int PCBNEW_PAIRING_RESOLVER::MatchDpSuffix(wxString aNetName, wxString &aComplementNet, wxString &aBaseDpName) const
    int rv = 0;

    if( aNetName.EndsWith( "+" ) )
        aComplementNet = "-";
        rv = 1;
    else if( aNetName.EndsWith( "_P" ) )
        aComplementNet = "_N";
        rv = 1;
    else if( aNetName.EndsWith( "-" ) )
        aComplementNet = "+";
        rv = -1;
    else if( aNetName.EndsWith( "_N" ) )
        aComplementNet = "_P";
        rv = -1;

    if( rv != 0 )
        aBaseDpName = aNetName.Left( aNetName.Length() - aComplementNet.Length() );
        aComplementNet = aBaseDpName + aComplementNet;

    return rv;
int PNS_DIFF_PAIR_PLACER::matchDpSuffix( wxString aNetName, wxString& aComplementNet, wxString& aBaseDpName )
    int rv = 0;

    if( aNetName.EndsWith( "+" ) )
        aComplementNet = "-";
        rv = 1;
    else if( aNetName.EndsWith( "_P" ) )
        aComplementNet = "_N";
        rv = 1;
    else if( aNetName.EndsWith( "-" ) )
        aComplementNet = "+";
        rv = -1;
    else if( aNetName.EndsWith( "_N" ) )
        aComplementNet = "_P";
        rv = -1;

    if( rv != 0 )
        aBaseDpName = aNetName.Left( aNetName.Length() - aComplementNet.Length() );

    return rv;
Exemple #4
bool CopyDirWithFilebackupRename( wxString from, wxString to, bool overwrite )
    wxString sep = wxFileName::GetPathSeparator();

    // append a slash if there is not one (for easier parsing)
    // because who knows what people will pass to the function.
    if ( !to.EndsWith( sep ) ) {
            to += sep;
    // for both dirs
    if ( !from.EndsWith( sep ) ) {
            from += sep;

    // first make sure that the source dir exists
    if(!wxDir::Exists(from)) {
            wxLogError(from + _T(" does not exist.  Can not copy directory.") );
            return false;

    if (!wxDirExists(to))

    wxDir dir(from);
    wxString filename;
    bool bla = dir.GetFirst(&filename);

    if (bla){
        do {

            if (wxDirExists(from + filename) )
                wxMkdir(to + filename);
                CopyDir(from + filename, to + filename, overwrite);
                //if files exists move it to backup, this way we can use this func on windows to replace 'active' files
                if ( wxFileExists( to + filename ) ) {
                    //delete prev backup
                    if ( wxFileExists( to + filename + _T(".old") ) ) {
                        wxRemoveFile( to + filename + _T(".old")  );
                    //make backup
                    if ( !wxRenameFile( to + filename, to + filename + _T(".old") ) ) {
						wxLogError( _T("could not rename %s, copydir aborted"), (to + filename).c_str() );
                        return false;
                //do the actual copy
                if ( !wxCopyFile(from + filename, to + filename, overwrite) ) {
					wxLogError( _T("could not copy %s to %s, copydir aborted"), (from + filename).c_str(), (to + filename).c_str() );
                    return false;
        while (dir.GetNext(&filename) );
    return true;
Exemple #5
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
bool guIsValidImageFile( const wxString &filename )
    return filename.EndsWith( wxT( ".jpg" ) ) ||
           filename.EndsWith( wxT( ".jpeg" ) ) ||
           filename.EndsWith( wxT( ".png" ) ) ||
           filename.EndsWith( wxT( ".bmp" ) ) ||
           filename.EndsWith( wxT( ".gif" ) );
Exemple #6
	virtual bool isSCMdir(const wxString& dirname) const
		if(dirname.EndsWith(wxString(wxT("CVS")) + wxFileName::GetPathSeparator()) || 
		   dirname.EndsWith(wxString(wxT(".svn")) + wxFileName::GetPathSeparator()) ) {
			return true;
		return false;
Exemple #7
int PNS_PCBNEW_RULE_RESOLVER::matchDpSuffix( const wxString& aNetName, wxString& aComplementNet, wxString& aBaseDpName )
    int rv = 0;

    if( aNetName.EndsWith( "+" ) )
        aComplementNet = "-";
        rv = 1;
    else if( aNetName.EndsWith( "P" ) )
        aComplementNet = "N";
        rv = 1;
    else if( aNetName.EndsWith( "-" ) )
        aComplementNet = "+";
        rv = -1;
    else if( aNetName.EndsWith( "N" ) )
        aComplementNet = "P";
        rv = -1;
    // Match P followed by 2 digits
    else if( aNetName.Right( 2 ).IsNumber() && aNetName.Right( 3 ).Left( 1 ) == "P" )
        aComplementNet = "N" + aNetName.Right( 2 );
        rv = 1;
    // Match P followed by 1 digit
    else if( aNetName.Right( 1 ).IsNumber() && aNetName.Right( 2 ).Left( 1 ) == "P" )
        aComplementNet = "N" + aNetName.Right( 1 );
        rv = 1;
    // Match N followed by 2 digits
    else if( aNetName.Right( 2 ).IsNumber() && aNetName.Right( 3 ).Left( 1 ) == "N" )
        aComplementNet = "P" + aNetName.Right( 2 );
        rv = -1;
    // Match N followed by 1 digit
    else if( aNetName.Right( 1 ).IsNumber() && aNetName.Right( 2 ).Left( 1 ) == "N" )
        aComplementNet = "P" + aNetName.Right( 1 );
        rv = -1;
    if( rv != 0 )
        aBaseDpName = aNetName.Left( aNetName.Length() - aComplementNet.Length() );
        aComplementNet = aBaseDpName + aComplementNet;

    return rv;
void SPICE_VALUE::stripZeros( wxString& aString )
    if ( aString.Find( ',' ) >= 0 || aString.Find( '.' ) >= 0 )
        while( aString.EndsWith( '0' ) )

        if( aString.EndsWith( '.' ) || aString.EndsWith( ',' ) )
Exemple #9
    // Return the size in KiB from a string with either KiB or MiB suffix.
    int GetSizeFromText(const wxString& text) const
        wxString size;
        unsigned factor = 1;
        if ( text.EndsWith(" MiB", &size) )
            factor = 1024;
        else if ( !text.EndsWith(" KiB", &size) )
            return 0;

        unsigned long n = 0;

        return n*factor;
Exemple #10
 * FUNCTION: commandLineCleanOption
 *       option       - input string needs to be reformatted
 *       schemaObject - Is this an object related to schema?
 *  - Fixup a (double-quoted) string for use on the command line
wxString commandLineCleanOption(const wxString &option, bool schemaObject)
	wxString tmp = option;

	if (schemaObject)
		// Replace double-quote with slash & double-quote
		tmp.Replace(wxT("\""), wxT("\\\""));
		// If required, clean the string to know the real object name
		if (option.StartsWith(wxT("\"")) && option.EndsWith(wxT("\"")))
			tmp = option.AfterFirst((wxChar)'"').BeforeLast((wxChar)'"');

		// Replace single splash to double-splash
		tmp.Replace(wxT("\\"), wxT("\\\\"));

		// Replace double-quote with slash & double-quote
		tmp.Replace(wxT("\""), wxT("\\\""));

		// Replace double (slash & double-quote) combination to single (slash & double-quote) combination
		tmp.Replace(wxT("\\\"\\\""), wxT("\\\""));

		// Add the double quotes
		tmp = wxT("\"") + tmp + wxT("\"");

	return tmp;
wxString KeynameConverter::discardModifier( const wxString& keystring )
	wxString result;
	if ( keystring.EndsWith(wxT("+")) )	//handle stuff like numpad+ or ctrl++
		wxString tmp = keystring;
		result = tmp.RemoveLast().AfterLast(wxT('+')) + wxT('+');
	else if ( keystring.StartsWith(wxT("+")) )	//handle stuff like "+ (numpad)"
		result = keystring;
		size_t lastAdd = keystring.find_last_of(wxT('+'));
		if ( ( lastAdd != keystring.npos ) && ( keystring.GetChar(lastAdd - 1) == wxT('+') ) )
			assert( (lastAdd > 0) && "character '+' found in unexcepted location!" );
			result = keystring.substr( lastAdd );
			result = keystring.AfterLast(wxT('+'));
	return result;
Exemple #12
wxHtmlTag::GetParamAsIntOrPercent(const wxString& par,
                                  int* value,
                                  bool& isPercent) const
    const wxString param = GetParam(par);
    if ( param.empty() )
        return false;

    wxString num;
    if ( param.EndsWith("%", &num) )
        isPercent = true;
        isPercent = false;
        num = param;

    long lValue;
    if ( !num.ToLong(&lValue) )
        return false;

    if ( lValue > INT_MAX || lValue < INT_MIN )
        return false;

    *value = static_cast<int>(lValue);

    return true;
   //! @param filepath - path to file, either original or backup
   virtual wxDirTraverseResult OnFile(const wxString& filepath) {
      wxString destinationFilepath;
      wxString sourceFilepath;

      // Check if the filename finishes with ".original"
      // If so it's the backup else the original to restore
      if (filepath.EndsWith(_(".original"), &destinationFilepath)) {
         sourceFilepath = filepath;
      else {
         destinationFilepath = filepath;
         sourceFilepath      = filepath+_(".original");
      cerr << "Info: Restoring \n"
           << " => " << destinationFilepath.ToAscii() <<"\n"
           << " <= " << sourceFilepath.ToAscii() << "\n";

      if (!wxFileExists(sourceFilepath)) {
         cerr << "Warning: No backup exists - skipping restoration\n";
         return wxDIR_CONTINUE;
      if (!wxRenameFile(sourceFilepath, destinationFilepath, true)) {
         cerr << "Error: Failed to restore" << destinationFilepath.ToAscii() << "\n";
         return wxDIR_STOP;
      cerr << "Done\n";
      return wxDIR_CONTINUE;
    void setImage(wxString path)
        m_image_path = path;

        if(path.EndsWith(wxT(".icns"))) {
            wxExecute(wxT("sips -s format png '") + path + wxT("' --out /tmp/tmpicon.png"), wxEXEC_SYNC);
            path = wxT("/tmp/tmpicon.png");

        m_image.LoadFile(path, wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY);

        if(m_image.IsOk()) {
            if(m_image.GetWidth() > 50 or m_image.GetHeight() > 50) {
                wxImage tmp = m_image.ConvertToImage();
                tmp.Rescale(50, 50, wxIMAGE_QUALITY_HIGH);
                m_image = wxBitmap(tmp);

            const int w = m_image.GetWidth();
            const int h = m_image.GetHeight();
            SetMinSize(wxSize(w + 20, h + 20));
            SetMaxSize(wxSize(w + 20, h + 20));
            Refresh(); // repaint needed to see change
        } else {
            wxMessageBox(_("Failed to load image"));
Exemple #15
Instance::Instance(const wxString &rootDir)
    : modList(this), m_running(false)
    if (!rootDir.EndsWith("/"))
        this->rootDir = wxFileName::DirName(rootDir + "/");
        this->rootDir = wxFileName::DirName(rootDir);
    config = new wxFileConfig(wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, GetConfigPath().GetFullPath(), wxEmptyString,
                              wxCONFIG_USE_LOCAL_FILE | wxCONFIG_USE_RELATIVE_PATH);
    evtHandler = NULL;

    // initialize empty mod lists - they are filled later and only if requested (see apropriate Get* methods)
    modloader_list_inited = false;
    coremod_list_inited = false;
    jar_list_inited = false;
    world_list_initialized = false;
    tp_list_initialized = false;
    parentModel = nullptr;
Exemple #16
static wxString TrimSep(const wxString& path)
	const wxString sep = wxFileName::GetPathSeparator();
	if (path.EndsWith(sep)) {
		return path.SubString(0, path.length()-2);
	return path;
Exemple #17
GpxxExtensionsElement::GpxxExtensionsElement(const wxString &element_name) : TiXmlElement(element_name.mb_str())
      if ( element_name.EndsWith (_T("RouteExtension")) )
            GpxSimpleElement * g = new GpxSimpleElement(wxString(_T("gpxx:IsAutoNamed")), _T("false")); //FIXME: the namespace should be taken from element_name...
void MainFrame::SetLastUsedFile(wxString file)
    if ( file.EndsWith(".autosave") ) return;

    m_recentlist.SetLastUsed( file );
    for ( std::size_t i = 0;i < 9;i++ )
        wxConfigBase::Get()->Write( wxString::Format( _T( "/Recent/%d" ), i ), m_recentlist.GetEntry( i ) );
static inline long parseInt( const wxString& aValue, double aScalar )
    double value = LONG_MAX;

     * In 2011 gEDA/pcb introduced values with units, like "10mm" or "200mil".
     * Unit-less values are still centimils (100000 units per inch), like with
     * the previous format.
     * Distinction between the even older format (mils, 1000 units per inch)
     * and the pre-2011 format is done in ::parseMODULE already; the
     * distinction is by wether an object definition opens with '(' or '['.
     * All values with explicite unit open with a '[' so there's no need to
     * consider this distinction when parsing them.
     * The solution here is to watch for a unit and, if present, convert the
     * value to centimils. All unit-less values are read unaltered. This way
     * the code below can contine to consider all read values to be in mils or
     * centimils. It also matches the strategy gEDA/pcb uses for backwards
     * compatibility with its own layouts.
     * Fortunately gEDA/pcb allows only units 'mil' and 'mm' in files, see
     * definition of ALLOW_READABLE in gEDA/pcb's pcb_printf.h. So we don't
     * have to test for all 11 units gEDA/pcb allows in user dialogs.
    if( aValue.EndsWith( wxT( "mm" ) ) )
        aScalar *= 100000.0 / 25.4;
    else if( aValue.EndsWith( wxT( "mil" ) ) )
        aScalar *= 100.;

    // This conversion reports failure on strings as simple as "1000", still
    // it returns the right result in &value. Thus, ignore the return value.
    if( value == LONG_MAX ) // conversion really failed
        THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _( "Cannot convert \"%s\" to an integer" ),
                                          aValue.GetData() ) );
        return 0;

    return KiROUND( value * aScalar );
 * URLの末尾にある拡張子が何か判別し、Content-Typeを返す
wxString XrossBoardUtil::DetermineContentType(const wxString& href) {

     // ex) image/png; charset=utf-8
     if (href.EndsWith(wxT(".jpg")) || href.EndsWith(wxT(".JPG"))) {
	  return wxT("image/jpg; charset=utf-8");
     } else if (href.EndsWith(wxT(".jpeg")) || href.EndsWith(wxT(".JPEG"))) {
	  return wxT("image/jpeg; charset=utf-8");
     } else if (href.EndsWith(wxT(".png")) || href.EndsWith(wxT(".PNG"))) {
	  return wxT("image/png; charset=utf-8");
     } else if (href.EndsWith(wxT(".gif")) || href.EndsWith(wxT(".GIF"))) {
	  return wxT("image/gif; charset=utf-8");
     } else if (href.EndsWith(wxT(".bmp")) || href.EndsWith(wxT(".BMP"))) {
	  return wxT("image/bmp; charset=utf-8");

     return wxEmptyString;
Exemple #21
dbgArgInfo::dbgArgInfo(const wxString &_name, const wxString &_type, Oid _typeOid,
                       short _mode)
	: m_name(_name), m_type(_type), m_typeOid(_typeOid), m_mode(_mode),
	  m_hasDefault(false), m_useDefault(false), m_null(false)
	if (!_type.EndsWith(wxT("[]"), &m_baseType))
		m_baseType = wxEmptyString;
Exemple #22
void CUIEdPane::RemoveViewerTemp(wxString path,bool removeAll)
#ifdef _DEBUG

    if (!path.EndsWith(L"\\") && !path.EndsWith(L"/"))

    wxDir dir(path);

    wxString file;
    bool doing=dir.GetFirst(&file,L"",wxDIR_FILES);

    while (doing)
        if (file.Lower().StartsWith(VIEWER_TEMP) || removeAll)


    while (doing)
        if (file.IsSameAs(VIEWER_TEMP,false) || removeAll)

static wxString escapeStr(const wxString& str)
	if (str.Find(_T(" ")) == wxNOT_FOUND) {
		return str;
	if (str.StartsWith(_T("\"")) && str.EndsWith(_T("\""))) { //no double escape
		return str;
	return _T("\"") + str + _T("\"");
Exemple #24
// copied from
//slightly modified
bool CopyDir( wxString from, wxString to, bool overwrite )
    wxString sep = wxFileName::GetPathSeparator();

    // append a slash if there is not one (for easier parsing)
    // because who knows what people will pass to the function.
    if ( !to.EndsWith( sep ) ) {
            to += sep;
    // for both dirs
    if ( !from.EndsWith( sep ) ) {
            from += sep;

    // first make sure that the source dir exists
    if(!wxDir::Exists(from)) {
            wxLogError(from + _T(" does not exist.  Can not copy directory.") );
            return false;

    if (!wxDirExists(to))

    wxDir dir(from);
    wxString filename;
    bool bla = dir.GetFirst(&filename);

    if (bla){
        do {

            if (wxDirExists(from + filename) )
                wxMkdir(to + filename);
                CopyDir(from + filename, to + filename, overwrite);
                wxCopyFile(from + filename, to + filename, overwrite);
        while (dir.GetNext(&filename) );
    return true;
bool MainFrame::Save(gd::Project & project, wxString file)
    bool isJSON = file.EndsWith(".json");
    bool success =
        (!isJSON && gd::ProjectFileWriter::SaveToFile(project, file)) ||
        (isJSON  && gd::ProjectFileWriter::SaveToJSONFile(project, file));

    return success;
void Maximas::saveNifti( wxString fileName )
    // Prevents copying the whole vector
    vector<float> *pDataset = &l_fileFloatData;

    int dims[] = { 4, m_columns, m_rows, m_frames, m_bands, 0, 0, 0 };
    nifti_image* pImage(NULL);
    pImage = nifti_make_new_nim( dims, m_dataType, 1 );
    if( !fileName.EndsWith( _T( ".nii" ) ) && !fileName.EndsWith( _T( ".nii.gz" ) ) )
        fileName += _T( ".nii.gz" );

    char fn[1024];
    strcpy( fn, (const char*)fileName.mb_str( wxConvUTF8 ) );

    pImage->qform_code = 1;    
    pImage->datatype   = m_dataType;
    pImage->fname = fn;
    pImage->dx = m_voxelSizeX;
    pImage->dy = m_voxelSizeY;
    pImage->dz = m_voxelSizeZ;

    vector<float> tmp( pDataset->size() );
    int datasetSize = m_columns * m_rows * m_frames;
    for( int i( 0 ); i < datasetSize; ++i )
        for( int j( 0 ); j < m_bands; ++j )
            tmp[j * datasetSize + i] = l_fileFloatData[i * m_bands + j];
    // Do not move the call to nifti_image_write out of the 
    // if, because it will crash, since the temp vector will
    // not exist anymore, and pImage->data will point to garbage.
    pImage->data = &tmp[0];
    nifti_image_write( pImage );

Exemple #27
wxString::size_type wxFilterClassFactoryBase::FindExtension(
        const wxString& location) const
    for (const wxChar *const *p = GetProtocols(wxSTREAM_FILEEXT); *p; p++)
        if ( location.EndsWith(*p) )
            return location.length() - wxStrlen(*p);

    return wxString::npos;
bool IsFileToIgnore(const wxString& filename) {
	return filename.EndsWith(_T(".exe"))
		|| filename.EndsWith(_T(".map"))
		|| filename.EndsWith(_T(".pdb"))
		|| filename.EndsWith(_T(".app"))
		|| filename.EndsWith(_T(".ini"))
		|| filename.EndsWith(_T(".tar"))
		|| filename.EndsWith(_T(".gz"))
		|| filename.EndsWith(_T(".bz2"))
		|| filename.EndsWith(_T(".tgz"))
		|| filename.EndsWith(_T(".tbz"))
		|| filename.EndsWith(_T(".tbz2"));
Exemple #29
void t4p::ApacheClass::SetVirtualHostMapping(const wxString& fileSystemPath, wxString hostName) {
    if (!hostName.EndsWith(wxT("/"))) {
        hostName += wxT("/");
    if (!hostName.StartsWith(wxT("http://")) && !hostName.StartsWith(wxT("https://"))) {
        hostName = wxT("http://") + hostName;
    wxFileName filename;

    // when inserting into the map, normalize the host document root
    VirtualHostMappings[filename.GetFullPath()] = hostName;
Exemple #30
/// @brief Constructor
/// @param _filename
AvisynthAudioProvider::AvisynthAudioProvider(wxString filename)
: filename(filename)
	try {
		AVSValue script;
		wxMutexLocker lock(avs_wrapper.GetMutex());

		wxFileName fn(filename);
		if (!fn.FileExists())
			throw agi::FileNotFoundError(STD_STR(filename));

		IScriptEnvironment *env = avs_wrapper.GetEnv();

		// Include
		if (filename.EndsWith(".avs")) {
			char *fname = env->SaveString(fn.GetShortPath().mb_str(csConvLocal));
			script = env->Invoke("Import", fname);

		// Use DirectShowSource
		else {
			const char * argnames[3] = { 0, "video", "audio" };
			AVSValue args[3] = { env->SaveString(fn.GetShortPath().mb_str(csConvLocal)), false, true };

			// Load DirectShowSource.dll from app dir if it exists
			wxFileName dsspath(StandardPaths::DecodePath("?data/DirectShowSource.dll"));
			if (dsspath.FileExists()) {

			// Load audio with DSS if it exists
			if (env->FunctionExists("DirectShowSource")) {
				script = env->Invoke("DirectShowSource", AVSValue(args,3),argnames);
			// Otherwise fail
			else {
				throw agi::AudioProviderOpenError("No suitable audio source filter found. Try placing DirectShowSource.dll in the Aegisub application directory.", 0);

	catch (AvisynthError &err) {
		std::string errmsg(err.msg);
		if (errmsg.find("filter graph manager won't talk to me") != errmsg.npos)
			throw agi::AudioDataNotFoundError("Avisynth error: " + errmsg, 0);
			throw agi::AudioProviderOpenError("Avisynth error: " + errmsg, 0);