void strreplaceall						(xr_string &str, LPCSTR S, LPCSTR N)
	int		S_len = xr_strlen(S);
	while ((A = strstr(str.c_str(),S)) != 0)
		str.replace(A - str.c_str(),S_len,N);
Exemple #2
void TDB_packer::_load_(const xr_string& fname)
    	lbIncludeFolders->Items->Clear		();
    	lbIncludeFiles->Items->Clear		();

     	CInifile ini						(fname.c_str());

           CInifile::Sect S 		= ini.r_section("include_folders");
           CInifile::SectCIt it 		= S.Data.begin();
           CInifile::SectCIt it_e 	= S.Data.end();
           for( ;it!=it_e; ++it)
           		WideString 					ws;
                ws 							= (*it).first.c_str();
               lbIncludeFolders->Items->Add	(ws);
           CInifile::Sect S 		= ini.r_section("include_files");
           CInifile::SectCIt it 	= S.Data.begin();
           CInifile::SectCIt it_e 	= S.Data.end();
           for( ;it!=it_e; ++it)
           		WideString 					ws;
                ws 							= (*it).first.c_str();
               lbIncludeFiles->Items->Add	(ws);
        Caption	=	fname.c_str();
Exemple #3
LPCSTR _CopyVal(LPCSTR src, xr_string& dst, char separator)
    LPCSTR p;
    ptrdiff_t n;
    p = strchr(src, separator);
    n = (p > 0) ? (p - src) : xr_strlen(src);
    dst = src;
    dst = dst.erase(n, dst.length());
    return dst.c_str();
Exemple #4
void CMapListHelper::LoadMapInfo(LPCSTR map_cfg_fn, const xr_string& map_name, LPCSTR map_ver)
	CInifile	ini				(map_cfg_fn);

	shared_str _map_name		= map_name.substr(0,map_name.find('\\')).c_str();
	shared_str _map_ver			= map_ver;

		if(ini.line_exist("map_usage","ver") && !map_ver)
			_map_ver				= ini.r_string("map_usage", "ver");

		CInifile::Sect S			= ini.r_section("map_usage");
		CInifile::SectCIt si		= S.Data.begin();
		CInifile::SectCIt si_e		= S.Data.end();
		for( ;si!=si_e; ++si)
			const shared_str& game_type = (*si).first;
			if(game_type=="ver")		continue;

			SGameTypeMaps* M			= GetMapListInt(game_type);
				Msg						("--unknown game type-%s",game_type.c_str());
				m_storage.resize		(m_storage.size()+1);
				SGameTypeMaps&	Itm		= m_storage.back();
				Itm.m_game_type_name	= game_type;
				Itm.m_game_type_id		= ParseStringToGameType(game_type.c_str());
				M						= &m_storage.back();
			SGameTypeMaps::SMapItm	Itm;
			Itm.map_name				= _map_name;
			Itm.map_ver					= _map_ver;
				Msg("! duplicate map found [%s] [%s]", _map_name.c_str(), _map_ver.c_str());
				Msg("added map [%s] [%s]", _map_name.c_str(), _map_ver.c_str());
#endif // #ifndef MASTER_GOLD
				M->m_map_names.push_back	(Itm);

Exemple #5
// %c[255,255,255,255]
u32 CUILines::GetColorFromText(const xr_string& str)const {
//	typedef xr_string::size_type size;

    StrSize begin, end, comma1_pos, comma2_pos, comma3_pos;

    begin = str.find(BEGIN);
    end = str.find(END, begin);
    R_ASSERT2(npos != begin, "CUISubLine::GetColorFromText -- can't find beginning tag %c[");
    R_ASSERT2(npos != end, "CUISubLine::GetColorFromText -- can't find ending tag ]");

    // try default color
    if (npos != str.find("%c[default]", begin, end - begin))
        return m_dwTextColor;

    // Try predefined in XML colors
//	CUIXmlInit xml;
    for (CUIXmlInit::ColorDefs::const_iterator it = CUIXmlInit::GetColorDefs()->begin(); it != CUIXmlInit::GetColorDefs()->end(); ++it)
        int cmp = str.compare(begin+3, end-begin-3, *it->first);
        if (cmp == 0)
            return it->second;

    // try parse values separated by commas
    comma1_pos = str.find(",", begin);
    comma2_pos = str.find(",", comma1_pos + 1);
    comma3_pos = str.find(",", comma2_pos + 1);

    R_ASSERT2(npos != comma1_pos, "CUISubLine::GetColorFromText -- can't find first comma");
    R_ASSERT2(npos != comma2_pos, "CUISubLine::GetColorFromText -- can't find second comma");
    R_ASSERT2(npos != comma3_pos, "CUISubLine::GetColorFromText -- can't find third comma");

    u32 a, r, g, b;
    xr_string single_color;


    single_color = str.substr(begin, comma1_pos - 1);
    a = atoi(single_color.c_str());
    single_color = str.substr(comma1_pos + 1, comma2_pos - 1);
    r = atoi(single_color.c_str());
    single_color = str.substr(comma2_pos + 1, comma3_pos - 1);
    g = atoi(single_color.c_str());
    single_color = str.substr(comma3_pos + 1, end - 1);
    b = atoi(single_color.c_str());

    return color_argb(a,r,g,b);
xr_string	EFS_Utils::AppendFolderToName(xr_string& tex_name, int depth, BOOL full_name)
	string1024 nm;
	tex_name = AppendFolderToName(nm,sizeof(nm),depth,full_name);
	return tex_name;
bool EFS_Utils::GetOpenName(LPCSTR initial, xr_string& buffer, bool bMulti, LPCSTR offset, int start_flt_ext )
	char			buf	[255*255]; //max files to select
	xr_strcpy			(buf, buffer.c_str());

char* g_SHBF_Folder =("C:\\Program Files");
BROWSEINFO info={NULL,NULL,path,"title",BIF_USENEWUI,BrowseCallbackProc, (LPARAM)g_SHBF_Folder };
SHBrowseForFolder       (&info);
		HANDLE hDialog = OSDInit(true, "SDITEST", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
			OSDRET osResult=OSDDoModal(hDialog, 0);

//	bool bRes = false;
	bool bRes		= GetOpenNameInternal(initial, buf, sizeof(buf), bMulti, offset, start_flt_ext);

	if (bRes)

	return bRes;
Exemple #8
void CWeaponMagazined::GetBriefInfo(xr_string& str_name, xr_string& icon_sect_name, xr_string& str_count)
	int	AE = GetAmmoElapsed();
	int	AC = GetAmmoCurrent();

	if (AE == 0 || 0 == m_magazine.size())
		icon_sect_name = *m_ammoTypes[m_ammoType];
		icon_sect_name = *m_ammoTypes[m_magazine.back().m_LocalAmmoType];

	string256		sItemName;
	strcpy_s(sItemName, *CStringTable().translate(pSettings->r_string(icon_sect_name.c_str(), "inv_name_short")));

	if (HasFireModes())
		strcat_s(sItemName, GetCurrentFireModeStr());

	str_name = sItemName;

		if (!unlimited_ammo())
			sprintf_s(sItemName, "%d/%d", AE, AC - AE);
			sprintf_s(sItemName, "%d/--", AE);

		str_count = sItemName;
bool EFS_Utils::GetSaveName( LPCSTR initial, xr_string& buffer, LPCSTR offset, int start_flt_ext )
	string4096 buf;
	bool bRes = GetSaveName(initial,buf,sizeof(buf),offset,start_flt_ext);
	if (bRes) buffer=buf;
	return bRes;
Exemple #10
bool CPropHelper::CNameAfterEdit(PropValue* sender, xr_string& edit_val)
	CTextValue* V	= dynamic_cast<CTextValue*>(sender); VERIFY(V);
    ListItem* L		= (ListItem*)sender->tag;
    shared_str tmp	= edit_val.c_str();
	bool accepted	= LHelper().NameAfterEdit(L,V->GetValue(),tmp);
    edit_val		= tmp.c_str();
    return 			accepted;
Exemple #11
LPCSTR _GetItem(LPCSTR src, int index, xr_string& dst, char separator, LPCSTR def, bool trim)
    LPCSTR ptr;
    ptr = _SetPos(src, index, separator);
    if (ptr) _CopyVal(ptr, dst, separator);
    else dst = def;
    if (trim) _Trim(dst);
    return dst.c_str();
bool EFS_Utils::GetOpenName(LPCSTR initial, xr_string& buffer, bool bMulti, LPCSTR offset, int start_flt_ext )
	string_path		buf;
	strcpy			(buf,buffer.c_str());
	bool bRes		= GetOpenName(initial,buf,sizeof(buf),bMulti,offset,start_flt_ext);

	if (bRes) 

	return bRes;
Exemple #13
void   add_debug_info_restrictions (debug::text_tree& root_s, const xr_string& restr)
	size_t cur_i = 0;

		size_t pos = restr.find(',', cur_i);
		if ( pos == xr_string::npos )
			pos = restr.size()-1;

		if ( cur_i > pos )

			root_s.add_line(restr.substr(cur_i, pos-cur_i));
		cur_i = pos + 1;

	} while ( cur_i < restr.size() );
Exemple #14
xr_string EFS_Utils::ChangeFileExt(const xr_string& src, LPCSTR ext)
    return ChangeFileExt(src.c_str(), ext);
Exemple #15
void CUILines::CutFirstColoredTextEntry(xr_string& entry, u32& color, xr_string& text) const {

    StrSize begin	= text.find(BEGIN);
    StrSize end	= text.find(END, begin);
    if (xr_string::npos == end)
        begin = end;
    StrSize begin2	= text.find(BEGIN, end);
    StrSize end2	= text.find(END,begin2);
    if (xr_string::npos == end2)
        begin2 = end2;

    // if we do not have any color entry or it is single with 0 position
    if (xr_string::npos == begin)
        entry = text;
        color = m_dwTextColor;
    else if (0 == begin && xr_string::npos == begin2)
        entry = text;
        color = GetColorFromText(entry);
        entry.replace(begin, end - begin + 1, "");
    // if we have color entry not at begin
    else if (0 != begin)
        entry = text.substr(0, begin );
        color = m_dwTextColor;
        text.replace(0, begin, "");
    // if we have two color entries. and first has 0 position
    else if (0 == begin && xr_string::npos != begin2)
        entry = text.substr(0, begin2);
        color = GetColorFromText(entry);
        entry.replace(begin, end - begin + 1, "");
        text.replace(0, begin2, "");
Exemple #16
bool CUILine::GetWord(Word& w, const xr_string& text, int begin) const{

	if (text.empty())
		return false;

	StrSize first, last, lastsp/*last space*/;
	first  = text.find_first_not_of(' ', begin);
	last   = text.find_first_of(' ', first);
	if( npos==last && npos==first )
		return false;

	if( npos==last && npos!=first )
		w.pos		= (int)first;
		w.len		= (int)(text.length()-first);
		w.len_full	= w.len;
		return		true;

	lastsp			= text.find_first_not_of(' ', last);

	if (npos == lastsp && npos == first) // maybe we have string only with spaces
		first		= text.find_first_of(' ',begin);
		last		= text.find_last_of(' ',begin);
		if (npos == first) //suxxx it is empty string
			return	false;

		w.pos		= (int)first;
		w.len		= (int)(last - first + 1);
		w.len_full	= w.len;
		return		true;

	if (npos == lastsp)
		lastsp = last;

	if (npos == last && npos != first)
		last = text.size() - 1;

	if (npos == lastsp)
		lastsp = last;

	first = begin;

	w.pos		= (int) first;
	w.len		= (int)(last - first + 1);
	w.len_full	= (int)(lastsp - first + 1);

#ifdef DEBUG
	if (npos != first && (npos == last || npos == lastsp ))
		R_ASSERT2(false,"CUILine::InitPos -- impossible match");

	return true;        
Exemple #17
void IReader::r_stringZ(xr_string& dest)
    dest = (char*)(data + Pos);
    Pos += int(dest.size() + 1);
Exemple #18
void IReader::r_string(xr_string& dest)
    char* src = (char*)data + Pos;
    u32 sz = advance_term_string();
    dest.assign(src, sz);
Exemple #19
void CPropHelper::CNameBeforeEdit(PropValue* sender, xr_string& edit_val)
	int cnt			=_GetItemCount(edit_val.c_str(),'\\');
	edit_val		= _SetPos(edit_val.c_str(),cnt-1,'\\');
void print_free_functions				(lua_State *L, const luabind::object &object, LPCSTR header, const xr_string &indent)
	u32							count = 0;
	luabind::object::iterator	I = object.begin();
	luabind::object::iterator	E = object.end();
	for ( ; I != E; ++I) {
		if ((*I).type() != LUA_TFUNCTION)
		luabind::detail::free_functions::function_rep* rep = 0;
		if (lua_iscfunction(L, -1))
			if (lua_getupvalue(L, -1, 2) != 0)
				// check the magic number that identifies luabind's functions
				if (lua_touserdata(L, -1) == (void*)0x1337)
					if (lua_getupvalue(L, -2, 1) != 0)
						if (!count)
							FastMsg("\n%snamespace %s {",indent.c_str(),header);
						rep = static_cast<luabind::detail::free_functions::function_rep*>(lua_touserdata(L, -1));
						std::vector<luabind::detail::free_functions::overload_rep>::const_iterator	i = rep->overloads().begin();
						std::vector<luabind::detail::free_functions::overload_rep>::const_iterator	e = rep->overloads().end();
						for ( ; i != e; ++i) {
							xr_string	S;
							FastMsg("    %sfunction %s%s;",indent.c_str(),rep->name(), process_signature(S).c_str());
						lua_pop(L, 1);
				lua_pop(L, 1);
		lua_pop(L, 1);
		static xr_vector<xr_string> nesting_path;

		xr_string				_indent = indent;
		xr_string				last_key = "?";
		_indent.append			("    ");
		int n_table = lua_gettop(L);
		// Msg("# n_table = %d ", n_table);
		lua_pushnil		(L);		
		int save_top = lua_gettop(L);

// #pragma todo("alpet : при загруженной сохраненке здесь иногда происходит сбой invalid key to 'next', а потом креш в недрах Direct3D ")
		while (lua_next(L, n_table) != 0) {  
			last_key = "~"; 
			int key_type = lua_type(L, -2);			
			if (lua_type(L, -1) == LUA_TTABLE && key_type == LUA_TSTRING && lua_objlen(L, -2) > 0) {				
				last_key = lua_tostring(L, -2);
				LPCSTR	S = last_key.c_str();
				MsgCB("~#CONTEXT: last_key = %s", S);
				string_path script_name;
				sprintf_s(script_name, sizeof(script_name) - 1, "%s.script", S);
				if (nesting_path.size() == 0 && // скан глобального пространства имен
					(last_key == "" || last_key == "config" || last_key == "package" || last_key == "jit" || last_key == "loaded" || last_key == "md_list" ||
   					 FS.exist("$game_scripts$", script_name) )) // с дампом экспортируемых luabind вещей, возникают сбои!
					Msg("! skipping namespace %s ", last_key.c_str());
					lua_pop(L, 1);
				if (xr_strcmp("_G", S)) {					
					luabind::object		object(L);
					// if (!xr_strcmp("security", S)) { S = S; } /// wtf?
					xr_string path_dump = "";
					for (u32 ns = 0; ns < nesting_path.size(); ns++)
						path_dump = path_dump + nesting_path.at(ns) + ".";

					path_dump = path_dump + S;
					Msg("#dumping namespace %s ", path_dump.c_str());

					u32 nest_level = nesting_path.size();
					// если слишком много вложений или начали повторяться строки
					if (nest_level < 2 &&
						!(nest_level > 1 && nesting_path.at(0) == S)
						print_free_functions(L, object, S, _indent);
						// problem detected
						Msg("! WARN: to many nested levels for export = %d, or self-reference detected ", nest_level);

			// #pragma todo("Dima to Dima : Remove this hack if find out why")			
			// */			
			// lua_pop	(L, 1);	// remove value from stack
			lua_pop(L, 1);
			if (lua_gettop(L) > save_top)
				Msg("lua_gettop returned %d vs expected %d", lua_gettop(L), save_top);
				lua_settop(L, save_top);
	if (count)
void print_free_functions				(lua_State *L, const luabind::object &object, LPCSTR header, const xr_string &indent)
	u32							count = 0;
	luabind::object::iterator	I = object.begin();
	luabind::object::iterator	E = object.end();
	for ( ; I != E; ++I) {
		if ((*I).type() != LUA_TFUNCTION)
		luabind::detail::free_functions::function_rep* rep = 0;
		if (lua_iscfunction(L, -1))
			if (lua_getupvalue(L, -1, 2) != 0)
				// check the magic number that identifies luabind's functions
				if (lua_touserdata(L, -1) == (void*)0x1337)
					if (lua_getupvalue(L, -2, 1) != 0)
						if (!count)
							Msg("\n%snamespace %s {",indent.c_str(),header);
						rep = static_cast<luabind::detail::free_functions::function_rep*>(lua_touserdata(L, -1));
						std::vector<luabind::detail::free_functions::overload_rep>::const_iterator	i = rep->overloads().begin();
						std::vector<luabind::detail::free_functions::overload_rep>::const_iterator	e = rep->overloads().end();
						for ( ; i != e; ++i) {
							xr_string	S;
							Msg("    %sfunction %s%s;",indent.c_str(),rep->name(),process_signature(S).c_str());
						lua_pop(L, 1);
				lua_pop(L, 1);
		lua_pop(L, 1);
		xr_string				_indent = indent;
		_indent.append			("    ");
		lua_pushnil		(L);
		while (lua_next(L, -2) != 0) {
			if (lua_type(L, -1) == LUA_TTABLE) {
				if (xr_strcmp("_G",lua_tostring(L, -2))) {
					LPCSTR				S = lua_tostring(L, -2);
					luabind::object		object(L);
					object.set			();
					if (!xr_strcmp("security",S)) {
						S = S;
#pragma todo("Dima to Dima : Remove this hack if find out why")
			if (lua_isnumber(L,-2)) {
			lua_pop	(L, 1);
	if (count)