Exemple #1
void viewConesAndSupports(const ALE::Obj<BiGraphInt3>& bg, const char *name)

  // View the cones for all base points
  std::cout << name << " cones:" << std::endl;
  BiGraphInt3::traits::baseSequence base = bg->base();
  for (BiGraphInt3::traits::baseSequence::traits::iterator i = base.begin(); i != base.end(); i++) {
    BiGraphInt3::traits::coneSequence cone = bg->cone(*i);
    std::cout << *i << ": ";
    cone.view(std::cout, true);

  // View the supports for all cap points
  std::cout << name << " supports:" << std::endl;
  BiGraphInt3::traits::capSequence cap = bg->cap();
  for (BiGraphInt3::traits::capSequence::traits::iterator i = cap.begin(); i != cap.end(); i++) {
    BiGraphInt3::traits::supportSequence supp = bg->support(*i);
    std::cout << *i << ": ";
    supp.view(std::cout, true);
} /* viewConesAndSupports() */
Exemple #2
PetscErrorCode testBiGraphDiv2()
  PetscInt       debug;
  PetscBool      flag;
  PetscErrorCode ierr;

  debug = 0;
  ierr  = PetscOptionsGetInt(NULL, "-debug", &debug, &flag);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ALE::Obj<BiGraphInt3> bg = BiGraphInt3(PETSC_COMM_SELF, debug);

  // Add arrows from the first 10 integers to the first 20 integers, coloring the arrows for 0 (even target) or 1 (odd target)
  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    bg->addArrow(2*i+0, i, 0);
    bg->addArrow(2*i+1, i, 1);

  // View
  bg->view(std::cout, "bigraph/2");

  // View cones and supports
  viewConesAndSupports(bg, "bigraph/2");

  // Take and view the cone of the whole base
  ALE::Obj<BiGraphInt3::traits::coneSet> cone = bg->cone(bg->base());
  std::cout << "Total cone of bigraph/2" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "[";
  for (BiGraphInt3::traits::coneSet::iterator i = cone->begin(); i != cone->end(); i++) {
    std::cout << " " << *i;
  std::cout << " ]" << std::endl;

  // Take and view the support of the whole cap
  ALE::Obj<BiGraphInt3::traits::supportSet> supp = bg->support(bg->cap());
  std::cout << "Total support of bigraph/2" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "[";
  for (BiGraphInt3::traits::supportSet::iterator i = supp->begin(); i != supp->end(); i++) {
    std::cout << *i;
  std::cout << "]";

  // Change each arrow color to its negative
  BiGraphInt3::baseSequence base = bg->base();
  for (BiGraphInt3::baseSequence::iterator i = base.begin(); i != base.end(); i++) {
    BiGraphInt3::coneSequence cone = bg->cone(*i);
    for (BiGraphInt3::coneSequence::iterator j = cone.begin(); j != cone.end(); j++) {
  // View
  bg->view(std::cout, "bigraph/2 after negation");

  // Remove the arrow from 4 to 2 with color 0
  BiGraphInt3::traits::arrow_type a(4,2,0), b(4,3,0);
  // View
  ostringstream txt;
  txt << "bigraph/2 after removal of arrows " << a << " and " << b;
  bg->view(std::cout, txt.str().c_str());

  // Remove first cone
    BiGraphInt3::baseSequence base = bg->base();

  // View
  bg->view(std::cout, "bigraph/2 after removal of the first cone");

  // Remove first support
    BiGraphInt3::capSequence cap = bg->cap();

  // View
  bg->view(std::cout, "bigraph/2 after removal of the first support");

  // Now restrict the base to the [0,8[ interval
  try {
      ALE::Obj<int_set> base = int_set();
      for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
  catch(ALE::Exception e) {
    std::cout << "Caught exception: " << e.message() << std::endl;

  // View
  bg->view(std::cout, "bigraph/2 after restricting base to [0,8[");

  // Now exclude [0,5[ from the base
  try {
      ALE::Obj<int_set> ebase = int_set();
      for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
  catch(ALE::Exception e) {
    std::cout << "Caught exception: " << e.message() << std::endl;

  // View
  bg->view(std::cout, "bigraph/2 after excluding [0,5[ from base");
} /* testBiGraphDiv2() */