void PropertyEnumAttacherItem::openTask()
    Gui::TaskView::TaskDialog* dlg = Gui::Control().activeDialog();
    TaskDlgAttacher* task;
    task = qobject_cast<TaskDlgAttacher*>(dlg);

    if (dlg && !task) {
        // there is already another task dialog which must be closed first
    if (!task) {
        const App::Property* prop = getFirstProperty();
        if (prop) {
            App::PropertyContainer* parent = prop->getContainer();

            if (parent->getTypeId().isDerivedFrom(App::DocumentObject::getClassTypeId())) {
                App::DocumentObject* obj = static_cast<App::DocumentObject*>(parent);
                Gui::ViewProvider* view = Gui::Application::Instance->getViewProvider(obj);

                if (view->getTypeId().isDerivedFrom(Gui::ViewProviderDocumentObject::getClassTypeId())) {
                    task = new TaskDlgAttacher(static_cast<Gui::ViewProviderDocumentObject*>(view));
        if (!task) {
Exemple #2
void PropertyView::slotChangePropertyEditor(const App::Property& prop)
    App::PropertyContainer* parent = prop.getContainer();
    if (parent && parent->isDerivedFrom(App::DocumentObject::getClassTypeId())) {
    else if (parent && parent->isDerivedFrom(Gui::ViewProvider::getClassTypeId())) {
Exemple #3
void PropertyView::slotRemoveDynamicProperty(const App::Property& prop)
    App::PropertyContainer* parent = prop.getContainer();
    if (parent && parent->isDerivedFrom(App::DocumentObject::getClassTypeId())) {
    else if (parent && parent->isDerivedFrom(Gui::ViewProvider::getClassTypeId())) {
void PropertyPartShape::SaveDocFile (Base::Writer &writer) const
    // If the shape is empty we simply store nothing. The file size will be 0 which
    // can be checked when reading in the data.
    if (_Shape._Shape.IsNull())
    // NOTE: Cleaning the triangulation may cause problems on some algorithms like BOP
    // Before writing to the project we clean all triangulation data to save memory
    BRepBuilderAPI_Copy copy(_Shape._Shape);
    const TopoDS_Shape& myShape = copy.Shape();
    BRepTools::Clean(myShape); // remove triangulation

    // create a temporary file and copy the content to the zip stream
    // once the tmp. filename is known use always the same because otherwise
    // we may run into some problems on the Linux platform
    static Base::FileInfo fi(Base::FileInfo::getTempFileName());

    if (!BRepTools::Write(myShape,(const Standard_CString)fi.filePath().c_str())) {
        // Note: Do NOT throw an exception here because if the tmp. file could
        // not be created we should not abort.
        // We only print an error message but continue writing the next files to the
        // stream...
        App::PropertyContainer* father = this->getContainer();
        if (father && father->isDerivedFrom(App::DocumentObject::getClassTypeId())) {
            App::DocumentObject* obj = static_cast<App::DocumentObject*>(father);
            Base::Console().Error("Shape of '%s' cannot be written to BRep file '%s'\n", 
        else {
            Base::Console().Error("Cannot save BRep file '%s'\n", fi.filePath().c_str());

    Base::ifstream file(fi, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
    if (file){
        unsigned long ulSize = 0; 
        std::streambuf* buf = file.rdbuf();
        if (buf) {
            unsigned long ulCurr;
            ulCurr = buf->pubseekoff(0, std::ios::cur, std::ios::in);
            ulSize = buf->pubseekoff(0, std::ios::end, std::ios::in);
            buf->pubseekoff(ulCurr, std::ios::beg, std::ios::in);

        // read in the ASCII file and write back to the stream
        std::strstreambuf sbuf(ulSize);
        file >> &sbuf;
        writer.Stream() << &sbuf;

    // remove temp file
void PropertyPartShape::RestoreDocFile(Base::Reader &reader)
    Base::FileInfo brep(reader.getFileName());
    if (brep.hasExtension("bin")) {
        TopoShape shape;
    else {
        bool direct = App::GetApplication().GetParameterGroupByPath
            ("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Mod/Part/General")->GetBool("DirectAccess", true);
        if (!direct) {
            BRep_Builder builder;
            // create a temporary file and copy the content from the zip stream
            Base::FileInfo fi(App::Application::getTempFileName());

            // read in the ASCII file and write back to the file stream
            Base::ofstream file(fi, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
            unsigned long ulSize = 0; 
            if (reader) {
                std::streambuf* buf = file.rdbuf();
                reader >> buf;
                ulSize = buf->pubseekoff(0, std::ios::cur, std::ios::in);

            // Read the shape from the temp file, if the file is empty the stored shape was already empty.
            // If it's still empty after reading the (non-empty) file there must occurred an error.
            TopoDS_Shape shape;
            if (ulSize > 0) {
                if (!BRepTools::Read(shape, (Standard_CString)fi.filePath().c_str(), builder)) {
                    // Note: Do NOT throw an exception here because if the tmp. created file could
                    // not be read it's NOT an indication for an invalid input stream 'reader'.
                    // We only print an error message but continue reading the next files from the
                    // stream...
                    App::PropertyContainer* father = this->getContainer();
                    if (father && father->isDerivedFrom(App::DocumentObject::getClassTypeId())) {
                        App::DocumentObject* obj = static_cast<App::DocumentObject*>(father);
                        Base::Console().Error("BRep file '%s' with shape of '%s' seems to be empty\n", 
                    else {
                        Base::Console().Warning("Loaded BRep file '%s' seems to be empty\n", fi.filePath().c_str());

            // delete the temp file
        else {
Exemple #6
void PropertyView::slotAppendDynamicProperty(const App::Property& prop)
    App::PropertyContainer* parent = prop.getContainer();
    if (parent->isHidden(&prop) || prop.testStatus(App::Property::Hidden))

    if (parent && parent->isDerivedFrom(App::DocumentObject::getClassTypeId())) {
    else if (parent && parent->isDerivedFrom(Gui::ViewProvider::getClassTypeId())) {
    bool operator () (const std::pair<std::string, App::Property*>& elem) const
        if (elem.first == propertyname) {
            //  flag set that property is read-only or hidden
            if (elem.second->StatusBits.test(2) || elem.second->StatusBits.test(3))
                return false;
            App::PropertyContainer* parent = elem.second->getContainer();
            if (parent) {
                //  flag set that property is read-only or hidden
                if (parent->isReadOnly(elem.second) ||
                    return false;
            return elem.second->isDerivedFrom

        return false;
void PropertyLinkList::Restore(Base::XMLReader &reader)
    // read my element
    // get the value of my attribute
    int count = reader.getAttributeAsInteger("count");
    App::PropertyContainer* container = getContainer();
    if (!container)
        throw Base::RuntimeError("Property is not part of a container");
    if (!container->getTypeId().isDerivedFrom(App::DocumentObject::getClassTypeId())) {
        std::stringstream str;
        str << "Container is not a document object ("
            << container->getTypeId().getName() << ")";
        throw Base::TypeError(str.str());

    std::vector<DocumentObject*> values;
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        std::string name = reader.getAttribute("value");
        // In order to do copy/paste it must be allowed to have defined some
        // referenced objects in XML which do not exist anymore in the new
        // document. Thus, we should silently ignore this.
        // Property not in an object!
        DocumentObject* father = static_cast<DocumentObject*>(getContainer());
        App::Document* document = father->getDocument();
        DocumentObject* child = document ? document->getObject(name.c_str()) : 0;
        if (child)
        else if (reader.isVerbose())
            Base::Console().Warning("Lost link to '%s' while loading, maybe "
            "an object was not loaded correctly\n", name.c_str());


    // assignment
Exemple #9
void CallTipsList::extractTipsFromProperties(Py::Object& obj, QMap<QString, CallTip>& tips) const
    App::PropertyContainerPy* cont = (App::PropertyContainerPy*)(obj.ptr());
    App::PropertyContainer* container = cont->getPropertyContainerPtr();
    // Make sure that the C++ object is alive
    if (!container) return;
    std::map<std::string,App::Property*> Map;

    for (std::map<std::string,App::Property*>::const_iterator It=Map.begin();It!=Map.end();++It) {
        CallTip tip;
        QString str = QString::fromLatin1(It->first.c_str());
        tip.name = str;
        tip.type = CallTip::Property;
        QString longdoc = QString::fromUtf8(container->getPropertyDocumentation(It->second));
        // a point, mesh or shape property
        if (It->second->isDerivedFrom(Base::Type::fromName("App::PropertyComplexGeoData"))) {
            Py::Object data(It->second->getPyObject(), true);
            if (data.hasAttr("__doc__")) {
                Py::Object help = data.getAttr("__doc__");
                if (help.isString()) {
                    Py::String doc(help);
                    longdoc = QString::fromUtf8(doc.as_string().c_str());
        if (!longdoc.isEmpty()) {
            int pos = longdoc.indexOf(QLatin1Char('\n'));
            pos = qMin(pos, 70);
            if (pos < 0) 
                pos = qMin(longdoc.length(), 70);
            tip.description = stripWhiteSpace(longdoc);
            tip.parameter = longdoc.left(pos);
        tips[str] = tip;
void PropertyPartShape::SaveDocFile (Base::Writer &writer) const
    // If the shape is empty we simply store nothing. The file size will be 0 which
    // can be checked when reading in the data.
    if (_Shape.getShape().IsNull())
    TopoDS_Shape myShape = _Shape.getShape();
    if (writer.getMode("BinaryBrep")) {
        TopoShape shape;
    else {
        bool direct = App::GetApplication().GetParameterGroupByPath
            ("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Mod/Part/General")->GetBool("DirectAccess", true);
        if (!direct) {
            // create a temporary file and copy the content to the zip stream
            // once the tmp. filename is known use always the same because otherwise
            // we may run into some problems on the Linux platform
            static Base::FileInfo fi(App::Application::getTempFileName());

            if (!BRepTools_Write(myShape,(Standard_CString)fi.filePath().c_str())) {
                // Note: Do NOT throw an exception here because if the tmp. file could
                // not be created we should not abort.
                // We only print an error message but continue writing the next files to the
                // stream...
                App::PropertyContainer* father = this->getContainer();
                if (father && father->isDerivedFrom(App::DocumentObject::getClassTypeId())) {
                    App::DocumentObject* obj = static_cast<App::DocumentObject*>(father);
                    Base::Console().Error("Shape of '%s' cannot be written to BRep file '%s'\n", 
                else {
                    Base::Console().Error("Cannot save BRep file '%s'\n", fi.filePath().c_str());

                std::stringstream ss;
                ss << "Cannot save BRep file '" << fi.filePath() << "'";

            Base::ifstream file(fi, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
            if (file) {
                //unsigned long ulSize = 0; 
                std::streambuf* buf = file.rdbuf();
                //if (buf) {
                //    unsigned long ulCurr;
                //    ulCurr = buf->pubseekoff(0, std::ios::cur, std::ios::in);
                //    ulSize = buf->pubseekoff(0, std::ios::end, std::ios::in);
                //    buf->pubseekoff(ulCurr, std::ios::beg, std::ios::in);

                // read in the ASCII file and write back to the stream
                //std::strstreambuf sbuf(ulSize);
                //file >> &sbuf;
                //writer.Stream() << &sbuf;
                writer.Stream() << buf;

            // remove temp file
        else {
            BRepTools_Write(myShape, writer.Stream());