arma::Cube<double> MultiLevelStewartPlatform::getModelImplementation( const arma::Col<double>& endEffectorPose, const arma::Row<double>& redundantJointsActuation) const { assert(redundantJointsActuation.n_elem == numberOfRedundantJoints_); assert(arma::all(redundantJointsActuation >= 0) && arma::all(redundantJointsActuation <= 1)); arma::Cube<double> model =, {}); for (arma::uword n = 1; n < platformLevels_.size(); ++n) { arma::join_slices(model, * n - 6, 6 * n - 1), {})); } return model; }
DecisionStump<MatType>::DecisionStump(const MatType& data, const arma::Row<size_t>& labels, const size_t classes, size_t inpBucketSize) { numClass = classes; bucketSize = inpBucketSize; // If classLabels are not all identical, proceed with training. int bestAtt = 0; double entropy; const double rootEntropy = CalculateEntropy<size_t>( labels.subvec(0, labels.n_elem - 1)); double gain, bestGain = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < data.n_rows; i++) { // Go through each attribute of the data. if (IsDistinct<double>(data.row(i))) { // For each attribute with non-identical values, treat it as a potential // splitting attribute and calculate entropy if split on it. entropy = SetupSplitAttribute(data.row(i), labels); // Rcpp::Rcout << "Entropy for attribute " << i << " is " << entropy << ".\n"; gain = rootEntropy - entropy; // Find the attribute with the best entropy so that the gain is // maximized. // if (entropy < bestEntropy) // Instead of the above rule, we are maximizing gain, which was // what is returned from SetupSplitAttribute. if (gain < bestGain) { bestAtt = i; bestGain = gain; } } } splitAttribute = bestAtt; // Once the splitting column/attribute has been decided, train on it. TrainOnAtt<double>(data.row(splitAttribute), labels); }
double MultiLevelStewartPlatform::getEndEffectorPoseErrorImplementation( const arma::Col<double>& endEffectorPose, const arma::Row<double>& redundantJointsActuation) const { assert(redundantJointsActuation.n_elem == numberOfRedundantJoints_); assert(arma::all(redundantJointsActuation >= 0) && arma::all(redundantJointsActuation <= 1)); double endEffectorPoseError =, {}); for (arma::uword n = 1; n < platformLevels_.size(); ++n) { const double partialEndEffectorPoseError = * n - 6, 6 * n - 1), {}); assert(partialEndEffectorPoseError >= 0); endEffectorPoseError += partialEndEffectorPoseError; } return endEffectorPoseError; }
arma::Row<double> MultiLevelStewartPlatform::getActuationImplementation( const arma::Col<double>& endEffectorPose, const arma::Row<double>& redundantJointsActuation) const { assert(redundantJointsActuation.n_elem == numberOfRedundantJoints_); assert(arma::all(redundantJointsActuation >= 0) && arma::all(redundantJointsActuation <= 1)); arma::Row<double> actuation =, {}); for (arma::uword n = 1; n < platformLevels_.size(); ++n) { const arma::Row<double>& partialActuation = * n - 6, 6 * n - 1), {}); assert(partialActuation.n_elem == numberOfActiveJoints_); assert(arma::all(partialActuation >= && arma::all(partialActuation <=; actuation = arma::join_rows(actuation, partialActuation); } return actuation; }