Exemple #1
static bool
ValidateConstant(JSContext *cx, AsmJSModule::Global &global, HandleValue globalVal)
    RootedPropertyName field(cx, global.constantName());
    RootedValue v(cx, globalVal);

    if (global.constantKind() == AsmJSModule::Global::MathConstant) {
        if (!GetDataProperty(cx, v, cx->names().Math, &v))
            return false;

    if (!GetDataProperty(cx, v, field, &v))
        return false;
    if (!v.isNumber())
        return LinkFail(cx, "math / global constant value needs to be a number");

    // NaN != NaN
    if (IsNaN(global.constantValue())) {
        if (!IsNaN(v.toNumber()))
            return LinkFail(cx, "global constant value needs to be NaN");
    } else {
        if (v.toNumber() != global.constantValue())
            return LinkFail(cx, "global constant value mismatch");

    return true;