std::wstring RegistryHelper::readValue(const LPTSTR valueName) const { ATL::CRegKey regKey; unsigned long valSize = 0; std::wstring value; if (!( ERROR_SUCCESS == regKey.Open(key_, keyName_, KEY_READ) && ERROR_SUCCESS == regKey.QueryStringValue(valueName, NULL, &valSize) && valSize > 0 && (value.resize(valSize), ERROR_SUCCESS == regKey.QueryStringValue(valueName, (LPTSTR), &valSize)) )) value.clear(); else value.resize(valSize - 1); return value; }
bool GetGreenShiledExeFilePath(wchar_t* buffer, std::size_t bufferLength) { ATL::CRegKey key; if(key.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"Software\\ADClean", KEY_QUERY_VALUE) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return false; } ULONG size = bufferLength; return key.QueryStringValue(L"Path", buffer, &size) == ERROR_SUCCESS; }
CMainWizard::CMainWizard(CWnd* pOwnerWnd): CCustomPropSheet(AFX_IDS_APP_TITLE, pOwnerWnd) { CUpdateItApp* pApp = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CUpdateItApp, AfxGetApp()); ASSERT_VALID(pApp); // assign CRT locale static const TCHAR szDefLocale[] = _T("English_USA.1252"); _tsetlocale(LC_ALL, pApp->GetProfileString(SZ_REGK_LOCALE, SZ_REGV_LOCALE_LC_ALL, szDefLocale)); // load dialog's icons m_hIcon = pApp->LoadIcon(IDI_APP_ICON); m_hSmIcon = pApp->LoadSmIcon(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_APP_ICON)); static HYPERLINKCOLORS linkColors = { RGB(0, 0, 255), // default RGB(0, 0, 255), // active RGB(0, 0, 255), // visited RGB(255, 0, 0) // hover }; CHyperLink::SetColors(linkColors); ATL::CRegKey regKeyLangs; regKeyLangs.Attach(pApp->GetSectionKey(SZ_REGK_LANGUAGES)); int nError = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (static_cast<HKEY>(regKeyLangs) != NULL) { TCHAR szLangNames[128] = { 0 }; ULONG cchNamesMax = _countof(szLangNames); nError = regKeyLangs.QueryStringValue(NULL, szLangNames, &cchNamesMax); if (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { LPCTSTR pszSeps = _T(",;\x20"); LPTSTR pszCurLex = _tcstok(szLangNames, pszSeps); while (pszCurLex != NULL) { m_arrLangNames.Add(pszCurLex); pszCurLex = _tcstok(NULL, pszSeps); } } ::RegCloseKey(regKeyLangs.Detach()); } g_fRestartInterface = false; AddPage(&m_pageAbout); AddPage(&m_pageFirstLaunch); AddPage(&m_pageOptions); AddPage(&m_pageFiles); AddPage(&m_pageAction); AddPage(&m_pageProgress); SetWizardMode(); }
BOOL ComPortDiscovery::RegQueryValueString(ATL::CRegKey& key, LPCTSTR lpValueName, LPTSTR& pszValue) { //Initialize the output parameter pszValue = NULL; //First query for the size of the registry value ULONG nChars = 0; LSTATUS nStatus = key.QueryStringValue(lpValueName, NULL, &nChars); if (nStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(nStatus); return FALSE; } //Allocate enough bytes for the return value DWORD dwAllocatedSize = ((nChars + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); //+1 is to allow us to NULL terminate the data if required pszValue = reinterpret_cast<LPTSTR>(LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, dwAllocatedSize)); if (pszValue == NULL) return FALSE; //We will use RegQueryValueEx directly here because ATL::CRegKey::QueryStringValue does not handle non-Null terminated data DWORD dwType = 0; ULONG nBytes = dwAllocatedSize; pszValue[0] = _T('\0'); nStatus = RegQueryValueEx(key, lpValueName, NULL, &dwType, reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(pszValue), &nBytes); if (nStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { LocalFree(pszValue); pszValue = NULL; SetLastError(nStatus); return FALSE; } if ((dwType != REG_SZ) && (dwType != REG_EXPAND_SZ)) { LocalFree(pszValue); pszValue = NULL; SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); return FALSE; } if ((nBytes % sizeof(TCHAR)) != 0) { LocalFree(pszValue); pszValue = NULL; SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_DATA); return FALSE; } if (pszValue[(nBytes / sizeof(TCHAR)) - 1] != _T('\0')) { //Forcibly NULL terminate the data ourselves pszValue[(nBytes / sizeof(TCHAR))] = _T('\0'); } return TRUE; }
bool CCustomPropSheet::GetFontSubstitute(LPCTSTR pszRegvName, CString& strDest) { ATL::CRegKey regKeyFontSubst; regKeyFontSubst.Create(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SZ_REGK_FONT_SUBSTITUTES); int nError = ERROR_SUCCESS; TCHAR szMsShellDlg[LF_FACESIZE] = { 0 }; ULONG cchMaxLen = _countof(szMsShellDlg); nError = regKeyFontSubst.QueryStringValue(pszRegvName, szMsShellDlg, &cchMaxLen); if (nError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { strDest = szMsShellDlg; return (true); } else { return (false); } }
RegData AddinHelper::QueryRegVal(HKEY hkey, LPCTSTR lpszKeyName, LPCTSTR lpszValuename, REGSAM flag) { ATL::CRegKey key; HRESULT hr; RegData rd; if ((hr = key.Open(hkey, lpszKeyName, flag)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { TCHAR tszValue[MAX_PATH] = {0}; ULONG lLen = MAX_PATH; DWORD dwInfo; if (key.QueryStringValue(lpszValuename, tszValue, &lLen) == ERROR_SUCCESS){ std::wstring wstrInfo = tszValue; rd.strData = wstrInfo; } else if((key.QueryDWORDValue(lpszValuename, dwInfo) == ERROR_SUCCESS)){ rd.dwData = dwInfo; } key.Close(); } return rd; }
bool IsPDFPrinterInstalled(std::tstring& stReason) { const _bstr_t c_sAmynuProgId = _T("CDIntfEx.CDIntfEx"); try { CLSID clsid = {0}; HRESULT hr = CLSIDFromProgID(c_sAmynuProgId, &clsid); if (S_OK != hr) throw Workshare::Com::ComException(_T("PDF converter not installed."), hr); ATL::CRegKey printerRegistry; const TCHAR c_sRegistryKey[] = _T("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Devices\0"); LONG lResult = printerRegistry.Open(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, c_sRegistryKey, KEY_READ); if(ERROR_SUCCESS != lResult) { CStdString sMessage; sMessage.Format(_T("Failed to open the key \"%s\" for reading the configured PDF printer"), c_sRegistryKey); throw Workshare::System::SystemException(_T("Failed to open the registry to read the configured PDF printer"), lResult); } TCHAR szData[MAX_PATH]; ULONG ulSize(sizeof(szData)/sizeof(szData[0])); lResult = printerRegistry.QueryStringValue(c_sPDFDriverName, szData, &ulSize); if(ERROR_SUCCESS != lResult) { CStdString sMessage; sMessage.Format(_T("The PDF converter is not correctly installed. The printer \"%s\" needs to be installed. Rerun the installation of the PDF printer."), c_sPDFDriverName); throw Workshare::System::SystemException(sMessage.c_str(), lResult); } } catch(const Workshare::Exception& e) { stReason = e.Message; return false; } catch(...) { unexpected(); } return true; }