void Creature::loadProperties(const Aurora::GFF3Struct &gff) { // Tag _tag = gff.getString("Tag", _tag); // Name Aurora::LocString firstName; gff.getLocString("FirstName", firstName); Aurora::LocString lastName; gff.getLocString("LastName", lastName); if (!firstName.empty()) { _name = firstName.getString(); if (!lastName.empty()) _name += " " + lastName.getString(); } // Description _description = gff.getString("Description", _description); // Portrait loadPortrait(gff); // Equipment loadEquipment(gff); // Appearance _appearance = gff.getUint("Appearance_Type", _appearance); // Static _static = gff.getBool("Static", _static); // Usable _usable = gff.getBool("Useable", _usable); // PC _isPC = gff.getBool("IsPC", _isPC); // Gender _gender = Gender(gff.getUint("Gender")); // Race _race = Race(gff.getSint("Race", _race)); _subRace = SubRace(gff.getSint("SubraceIndex", _subRace)); // Hit Points _currentHitPoints = gff.getSint("CurrentHitPoints", _maxHitPoints); _maxHitPoints = gff.getSint("MaxHitPoints", _currentHitPoints); _minOneHitPoint = gff.getBool("Min1HP", _minOneHitPoint); // Faction _faction = Faction(gff.getUint("FactionID")); // Scripts readScripts(gff); _conversation = gff.getString("Conversation", _conversation); }
void Situated::loadProperties(const Aurora::GFF3Struct &gff) { // Tag _tag = gff.getString("Tag", _tag); // Name _name = gff.getString("LocName", _name); // Description _description = gff.getString("Description", _description); // Appearance _appearanceID = gff.getUint("Appearance", _appearanceID); // Conversation _conversation = gff.getString("Conversation", _conversation); // Static _static = gff.getBool("Static", _static); // Usable _usable = gff.getBool("Useable", _usable); // Locked _locked = gff.getBool("Locked", _locked); // Tint readTint(gff, _tint); // Scripts and variables readScripts(gff); readVarTable(gff); }
void Creature::loadProperties(const Aurora::GFF3Struct &gff) { // Tag _tag = gff.getString("Tag", _tag); // Name _name = gff.getString("LocName", _name); // Description _description = gff.getString("Description", _description); // Portrait loadPortrait(gff); // Appearance _appearance = gff.getUint("Appearance_Type", _appearance); // Static _static = gff.getBool("Static", _static); // Usable _usable = gff.getBool("Useable", _usable); // PC _isPC = gff.getBool("IsPC", _isPC); // Scripts readScripts(gff); }
void Area::loadTile(const Aurora::GFF3Struct &t, Tile &tile) { // ID tile.tileID = t.getUint("Tile_ID"); // Height transition tile.height = t.getUint("Tile_Height", 0); // Orientation tile.orientation = (Orientation) t.getUint("Tile_Orientation", 0); // Lights tile.mainLight[0] = t.getUint("Tile_MainLight1", 0); tile.mainLight[1] = t.getUint("Tile_MainLight2", 0); tile.srcLight[0] = t.getUint("Tile_SrcLight1", 0); tile.srcLight[1] = t.getUint("Tile_SrcLight2", 0); // Tile animations tile.animLoop[0] = t.getBool("Tile_AnimLoop1", false); tile.animLoop[1] = t.getBool("Tile_AnimLoop2", false); tile.animLoop[2] = t.getBool("Tile_AnimLoop3", false); tile.tile = 0; tile.model = 0; }
void Situated::loadProperties(const Aurora::GFF3Struct &gff) { // Tag _tag = gff.getString("Tag", _tag); // Name _name = gff.getString("Name", _name); // Description _description = gff.getString("Description", _description); // Portrait loadPortrait(gff); // Appearance _appearanceID = gff.getUint("Appearance", _appearanceID); // Static _static = gff.getBool("Static", _static); // Usable _usable = gff.getBool("Useable", _usable); // Locked _locked = gff.getBool("Locked", _locked); // Scripts readScripts(gff); }
void Waypoint::loadProperties(const Aurora::GFF3Struct &gff) { // Tag _tag = gff.getString("Tag", _tag); // Map note _hasMapNote = gff.getBool("HasMapNote" , _hasMapNote); _enabledMapNote = gff.getBool("MapNoteEnabled", _enabledMapNote); _mapNote = gff.getString("MapNote", _mapNote); // Scripts readScripts(gff); }
void Waypoint::load(const Aurora::GFF3Struct &waypoint) { // Tag _tag = waypoint.getString("Tag", _tag); loadPositional(waypoint); // Map note _hasMapNote = waypoint.getBool("MapNoteEnabled", _hasMapNote); _displayMapNote = waypoint.getBool("MapNoteDisplay", _displayMapNote); _mapNoteType = waypoint.getSint("MapNoteType"); if (waypoint.hasField("MapNote")) { _mapNote = waypoint.getString("MapNote"); } }
void Placeable::loadObject(const Aurora::GFF3Struct &gff) { // State _state = (State) gff.getUint("AnimationState", (uint) _state); _hasInventory = gff.getBool("HasInventory", _hasInventory); }
void Creature::loadInstance(const Aurora::GFF3Struct &instance) { loadPositional(instance); // Active _active = instance.getBool("Active"); }
void Waypoint::load(const Aurora::GFF3Struct &waypoint) { // Tag _tag = waypoint.getString("Tag"); // Group _group = waypoint.getSint("Group", -1); // Map Note _hasMapNote = waypoint.getBool("HasMapNote"); _enabledMapNote = waypoint.getBool("MapNoteEnabled"); waypoint.getLocString("MapNote", _mapNote); // Type _type = (uint32) ((int32) waypoint.getSint("MapNoteType", -1)); // Position const float position[3] = { (float) waypoint.getDouble("XPosition"), (float) waypoint.getDouble("YPosition"), (float) waypoint.getDouble("ZPosition") }; setPosition(position[0], position[1], position[2]); // Orientation const float orientation[4] = { (float) waypoint.getDouble("XOrientation"), (float) waypoint.getDouble("YOrientation"), (float) waypoint.getDouble("ZOrientation"), (float) Common::rad2deg(acos(waypoint.getDouble("WOrientation")) * 2.0) }; setOrientation(orientation[0], orientation[1], orientation[2], orientation[3]); const Aurora::GDAFile &gda = getMGDA(kWorksheetWaypoints); // Icon _icon = gda.getString(_type, "Icon"); // Variables and script readVarTable(waypoint); readScript(waypoint); enableEvents(true); }
void Situated::loadProperties(const Aurora::GFF3Struct &gff) { // Unique ID and tag _uniqueID = gff.getString("UniqueID", _uniqueID); _tag = gff.getString("Tag", _tag); // Name if (gff.hasField("LocName")) { try { gff.getLocString("LocName", _name); } catch (...) { } } // Description if (gff.hasField("Description")) { try { gff.getLocString("Description", _description); } catch (...) { } } refreshLocalized(); // Appearance _modelName = gff.getString("ModelName", _modelName); // Sounds _soundAppType = gff.getUint("SoundAppType", _soundAppType); // Conversation _conversation = gff.getString("Conversation", _conversation); // Static _static = gff.getBool("Static", _static); // Usable _usable = gff.getBool("Useable", _usable); // Locked _locked = gff.getBool("Locked", _locked); }
void Situated::loadProperties(const Aurora::GFF3Struct &gff) { // Tag _tag = gff.getString("Tag", _tag); // Name if (gff.hasField("LocName")) { Aurora::LocString name; gff.getLocString("LocName", name); _name = name.getString(); } // Description if (gff.hasField("Description")) { Aurora::LocString description; gff.getLocString("Description", description); _description = description.getString(); } // Appearance _appearanceID = gff.getUint("Appearance", _appearanceID); // Conversation _conversation = gff.getString("Conversation", _conversation); // Static _static = gff.getBool("Static", _static); // Usable _usable = gff.getBool("Useable", _usable); // Locked _locked = gff.getBool("Locked", _locked); // Tint readTint(gff, _tint); }
void Roster::loadMember(const Aurora::GFF3Struct &gff) { Member member; // Add a roster member to the list if (gff.hasField("RosName")) { member.rosterName = gff.getString("RosName", member.rosterName); member.isAvailable = gff.getBool("RosAvailable", member.isAvailable); member.isCampaignNPC = gff.getBool("RosCampaignNPC", member.isCampaignNPC); member.isSelectable = gff.getBool("RosSelectable", member.isSelectable); member.isLoadBefore = gff.getBool("RosLoadBefore", member.isLoadBefore); auto match = std::find_if(_members.begin(), _members.end(), [&](const Member &m) { return m.rosterName == member.rosterName; }); if (match == _members.end()) { _members.push_back(member); } else { throw Common::Exception("Attempt to load duplicate roster member name: \"%s\"", member.rosterName.c_str()); } } else { throw Common::Exception("Missing RosName field."); } }
void Waypoint::loadProperties(const Aurora::GFF3Struct &gff) { // Unique ID and tag _uniqueID = gff.getString("UniqueID", _uniqueID); _tag = gff.getString("Tag", _tag); // Map note _hasMapNote = gff.getBool("HasMapNote", _hasMapNote); if (gff.hasField("MapNote")) gff.getLocString("MapNote", _mapNote); refreshLocalized(); }
void Placeable::loadObject(const Aurora::GFF3Struct &gff) { // State _state = (State) gff.getUint("AnimationState", (uint) _state); // Inventory _hasInventory = gff.getBool("HasInventory", _hasInventory); if (_hasInventory && gff.hasField("ItemList")) { Aurora::GFF3List classList = gff.getList("ItemList"); for (Aurora::GFF3List::const_iterator iter = classList.begin(); iter != classList.end(); ++iter) { const Aurora::GFF3Struct &item = **iter; _inventory.addItem(item.getString("InventoryRes")); } } // Hit Points _currentHitPoints = gff.getSint("CurrentHP"); _maxHitPoints = gff.getSint("HP"); _minOneHitPoint = gff.getBool("Min1HP"); }
void Waypoint::loadProperties(const Aurora::GFF3Struct &gff) { // Tag _tag = gff.getString("Tag", _tag); // Map note _hasMapNote = gff.getBool("MapNoteEnabled", _hasMapNote); if (gff.hasField("MapNote")) { Aurora::LocString mapNote; gff.getLocString("MapNote", mapNote); _mapNote = mapNote.getString(); } }
void Placeable::loadProperties(const Aurora::GFF3Struct &gff) { // Tag _tag = gff.getString("Tag", _tag); // Name and description gff.getLocString("LocName" , _name); gff.getLocString("LocPopupText", _description); // Conversation _conversation = gff.getString("Conversation", _conversation); // Static and usable _static = !gff.getBool("Active" , !_static); _usable = gff.getBool("Useable", _usable); // Appearance _appearanceID = gff.getUint("Appearance", _appearanceID); // Position if (gff.hasField("XPosition")) { const float position[3] = { (float) gff.getDouble("XPosition"), (float) gff.getDouble("YPosition"), (float) gff.getDouble("ZPosition") }; setPosition(position[0], position[1], position[2]); } // Orientation if (gff.hasField("XOrientation")) { const float orientation[4] = { (float) gff.getDouble("XOrientation"), (float) gff.getDouble("YOrientation"), (float) gff.getDouble("ZOrientation"), (float) Common::rad2deg(acos(gff.getDouble("WOrientation")) * 2.0) }; setOrientation(orientation[0], orientation[1], orientation[2], orientation[3]); } // Variables and script readVarTable(gff); readScript(gff); enableEvents(true); }
void WidgetListBox::load(const Aurora::GFF3Struct &gff) { KotORWidget::load(gff); if (gff.hasField("PROTOITEM")) { _protoItem = &gff.getStruct("PROTOITEM"); } if (gff.hasField("LEFTSCROLLBAR")) { _leftScrollBar = gff.getBool("LEFTSCROLLBAR"); } if (gff.hasField("SCROLLBAR")) { _scrollBar = &gff.getStruct("SCROLLBAR"); } if (gff.hasField("PADDING")) { _padding = gff.getSint("PADDING"); } }
void WidgetProgressbar::load(const Aurora::GFF3Struct &gff) { KotORJadeWidget::load(gff); _maxValue = gff.getSint("MAXVALUE"); _curValue = gff.getSint("CURVALUE"); _horizontal = gff.getBool("STARTFROMLEFT", true); if (gff.hasField("PROGRESS")) { const Aurora::GFF3Struct &progress = gff.getStruct("PROGRESS"); const Common::UString fill = progress.getString("FILL"); _progress.reset(new Graphics::Aurora::GUIQuad(fill, 0.0f, 0.0f, getWidth(), getHeight())); float x, y, z; getPosition(x, y, z); _progress->setPosition(x, y, -FLT_MAX); update(); } }
void Trigger::loadBlueprint(const Aurora::GFF3Struct &gff) { _isOneShot = gff.getBool("IsOneShot"); _isTrap = gff.getBool("IsTrap"); _isDetectable = gff.getBool("IsDetectable"); _isDisarmable = gff.getBool("IsDisarmable"); _isFlagged = gff.getBool("IsFlagged"); _isAreaTrans = gff.getBool("IsAreaTrans"); _isHenchmenData = gff.getBool("IsHenchmenData"); _loadScreen = gff.getUint("LoadScreen"); _transitionText = gff.getString("TransitionText"); // Scripts readScripts(gff); }
void Creature::load(const Aurora::GFF3Struct &utc) { // Unique ID and tag _uniqueID = utc.getString("UniqueID", _uniqueID); _tag = utc.getString("Tag", _tag); // Name utc.getLocString("FirstName", _name); // Description utc.getLocString("Description", _description); // Static _static = false; // Usable _static = true; // PC _isPC = utc.getBool("IsPC", _isPC); // Scripts readScripts(utc); }
void Creature::loadProperties(const Aurora::GFF3Struct &gff) { // Tag _tag = gff.getString("Tag", _tag); // Name _firstName = gff.getString("FirstName", _firstName); _lastName = gff.getString("LastName" , _lastName); _name = _firstName + " " + _lastName; _name.trim(); // Description _description = gff.getString("Description", _description); // Conversation _conversation = gff.getString("Conversation", _conversation); // Sound Set _soundSet = gff.getUint("SoundSetFile", Aurora::kFieldIDInvalid); // Portrait loadPortrait(gff, _portrait); // Gender _gender = (Gender) gff.getUint("Gender", (uint64) _gender); // Race _race = gff.getUint("Race", _race); // Subrace _subRace = gff.getString("Subrace", _subRace); // PC and DM _isPC = gff.getBool("IsPC", _isPC); _isDM = gff.getBool("IsDM", _isDM); // Age _age = gff.getUint("Age", _age); // Experience _xp = gff.getUint("Experience", _xp); // Abilities _abilities[kAbilityStrength] = gff.getUint("Str", _abilities[kAbilityStrength]); _abilities[kAbilityDexterity] = gff.getUint("Dex", _abilities[kAbilityDexterity]); _abilities[kAbilityConstitution] = gff.getUint("Con", _abilities[kAbilityConstitution]); _abilities[kAbilityIntelligence] = gff.getUint("Int", _abilities[kAbilityIntelligence]); _abilities[kAbilityWisdom] = gff.getUint("Wis", _abilities[kAbilityWisdom]); _abilities[kAbilityCharisma] = gff.getUint("Cha", _abilities[kAbilityCharisma]); // Classes loadClasses(gff, _classes, _hitDice); // Skills if (gff.hasField("SkillList")) { _skills.clear(); const Aurora::GFF3List &skills = gff.getList("SkillList"); for (Aurora::GFF3List::const_iterator s = skills.begin(); s != skills.end(); ++s) { const Aurora::GFF3Struct &skill = **s; _skills.push_back(skill.getSint("Rank")); } } // Feats if (gff.hasField("FeatList")) { _feats.clear(); const Aurora::GFF3List &feats = gff.getList("FeatList"); for (Aurora::GFF3List::const_iterator f = feats.begin(); f != feats.end(); ++f) { const Aurora::GFF3Struct &feat = **f; _feats.push_back(feat.getUint("Feat")); } } // Deity _deity = gff.getString("Deity", _deity); // Health if (gff.hasField("HitPoints")) { _baseHP = gff.getSint("HitPoints"); _bonusHP = gff.getSint("MaxHitPoints", _baseHP) - _baseHP; _currentHP = gff.getSint("CurrentHitPoints", _baseHP); } // Alignment _goodEvil = gff.getUint("GoodEvil", _goodEvil); _lawChaos = gff.getUint("LawfulChaotic", _lawChaos); // Appearance _appearanceID = gff.getUint("Appearance_Type", _appearanceID); _phenotype = gff.getUint("Phenotype" , _phenotype); // Body parts for (size_t i = 0; i < kBodyPartMAX; i++) { _bodyParts[i].id = gff.getUint(kBodyPartFields[i], _bodyParts[i].id); _bodyParts[i].idArmor = 0; } // Colors _colorSkin = gff.getUint("Color_Skin", _colorSkin); _colorHair = gff.getUint("Color_Hair", _colorHair); _colorTattoo1 = gff.getUint("Color_Tattoo1", _colorTattoo1); _colorTattoo2 = gff.getUint("Color_Tattoo2", _colorTattoo2); // Equipped Items loadEquippedItems(gff); // Scripts readScripts(gff); }
void Creature::loadProperties(const Aurora::GFF3Struct &gff) { // Tag _tag = gff.getString("Tag", _tag); // Name _firstName = gff.getString("FirstName", _firstName); _lastName = gff.getString("LastName" , _lastName); _name = _firstName + " " + _lastName; _name.trim(); // Description _description = gff.getString("Description", _description); // Conversation _conversation = gff.getString("Conversation", _conversation); // Sound Set _soundSet = gff.getUint("SoundSetFile", Aurora::kFieldIDInvalid); // Gender _gender = gff.getUint("Gender", _gender); // Race _race = gff.getUint("Race", _race); // Subrace _subRace = gff.getUint("Subrace", _subRace); // PC and DM _isPC = gff.getBool("IsPC", _isPC); _isDM = gff.getBool("IsDM", _isDM); // Age _age = gff.getUint("Age", _age); // Experience _xp = gff.getUint("Experience", _xp); // Abilities _abilities[kAbilityStrength] = gff.getUint("Str", _abilities[kAbilityStrength]); _abilities[kAbilityDexterity] = gff.getUint("Dex", _abilities[kAbilityDexterity]); _abilities[kAbilityConstitution] = gff.getUint("Con", _abilities[kAbilityConstitution]); _abilities[kAbilityIntelligence] = gff.getUint("Int", _abilities[kAbilityIntelligence]); _abilities[kAbilityWisdom] = gff.getUint("Wis", _abilities[kAbilityWisdom]); _abilities[kAbilityCharisma] = gff.getUint("Cha", _abilities[kAbilityCharisma]); // Classes loadClasses(gff, _classes, _hitDice); // Skills if (gff.hasField("SkillList")) { _skills.clear(); const Aurora::GFF3List &skills = gff.getList("SkillList"); for (Aurora::GFF3List::const_iterator s = skills.begin(); s != skills.end(); ++s) { const Aurora::GFF3Struct &skill = **s; _skills.push_back(skill.getSint("Rank")); } } // Feats if (gff.hasField("FeatList")) { _feats.clear(); const Aurora::GFF3List &feats = gff.getList("FeatList"); for (Aurora::GFF3List::const_iterator f = feats.begin(); f != feats.end(); ++f) { const Aurora::GFF3Struct &feat = **f; _feats.push_back(feat.getUint("Feat")); } } // Deity _deity = gff.getString("Deity", _deity); // Health if (gff.hasField("HitPoints")) { _baseHP = gff.getSint("HitPoints"); _bonusHP = gff.getSint("MaxHitPoints", _baseHP) - _baseHP; _currentHP = gff.getSint("CurrentHitPoints", _baseHP); } // Alignment _goodEvil = gff.getUint("GoodEvil", _goodEvil); _lawChaos = gff.getUint("LawfulChaotic", _lawChaos); // Appearance _appearanceID = gff.getUint("Appearance_Type", _appearanceID); _appearanceHead = gff.getUint("Appearance_Head" , _appearanceHead); _appearanceMHair = gff.getUint("Appearance_Hair" , _appearanceMHair); _appearanceFHair = gff.getUint("Appearance_FHair", _appearanceFHair); _armorVisualType = gff.getUint("ArmorVisualType", _armorVisualType); _armorVariation = gff.getUint("Variation" , _armorVariation); if (gff.hasField("Boots")) { const Aurora::GFF3Struct &boots = gff.getStruct("Boots"); _bootsVisualType = boots.getUint("ArmorVisualType", _bootsVisualType); _bootsVariation = boots.getUint("Variation" , _bootsVariation); } // Scripts and variables readScripts(gff); readVarTable(gff); }