std::wstring path::posix( const boost::filesystem::path& path ) { std::wstring temp = path.wstring(); std::transform( temp.begin(), temp.end(), temp.begin(), detail::forslash<wchar_t>() ); return temp; }
void CPsfRarArchive::Open(const boost::filesystem::path& filePath) { Archive* arc(ConvertArchive(m_archive)); arc->Open(filePath.wstring().c_str()); arc->IsArchive(false); if(!arc->IsOpened()) { throw std::runtime_error("Couldn't open archive."); } while(arc->ReadHeader() > 0) { if(arc->ShortBlock.HeaderType == HEAD_FILE) { if(!arc->IsArcDir()) { FILEINFO fileInfo; = string_cast<std::string>(arc->FileHead.FileName); boost::replace_all(, "\\", "/"); fileInfo.length = static_cast<unsigned int>(arc->FileHead.UnpSize); m_files.push_back(fileInfo); } } arc->SeekToNext(); } }
std::string mf::utils::path_to_utf8( const boost::filesystem::path & path ) { #ifdef _WIN32 return mf::utils::wide_to_bytes(path.wstring()); #else return path.string(); #endif }
bool JumpListAddRecentTask(JumpList& jumpList, fs::path const& ydweDirectory, fs::path const& filePath) { HRESULT hr = jumpList.AddTask(filePath.filename().c_str(), [&](CComPtr<IShellLinkW>& shellLinkPtr) { shellLinkPtr->SetPath((ydweDirectory / L"YDWE.exe").c_str()); shellLinkPtr->SetArguments((L" -loadfile \"" + filePath.wstring() + L"\"").c_str()); shellLinkPtr->SetDescription(filePath.c_str()); shellLinkPtr->SetIconLocation((ydweDirectory / L"bin" / L"logo.ico").c_str(), 0); }); return SUCCEEDED(hr); }
void CMainWindow::LoadArchive(const boost::filesystem::path& archivePath) { try { m_playlist.Clear(); m_playlistDiscoveryService.ResetRun(); { auto archive(CPsfArchive::CreateFromPath(archivePath)); unsigned int archiveId = m_playlist.InsertArchive(archivePath.wstring().c_str()); for(const auto& fileInfo : archive->GetFiles()) { auto pathToken = CArchivePsfStreamProvider::GetPathTokenFromFilePath(; auto fileExtension = pathToken.GetExtension(); if(CPlaylist::IsLoadableExtension(fileExtension)) { CPlaylist::ITEM newItem; newItem.path = pathToken.GetWidePath(); newItem.title = newItem.path; newItem.length = 0; newItem.archiveId = archiveId; unsigned int itemId = m_playlist.InsertItem(newItem); m_playlistDiscoveryService.AddItemInRun(pathToken, archivePath, itemId); } } } if(m_playlist.GetItemCount() > 0) { if(m_repeatMode == PLAYLIST_SHUFFLE) { unsigned int itemCount = m_playlist.GetItemCount(); m_randomSeed = GetNextRandomNumber(m_randomSeed); m_currentPlaylistItem = (m_randomSeed % itemCount); } else { m_currentPlaylistItem = 0; } OnPlaylistItemDblClick(m_currentPlaylistItem); } } catch(const std::exception& except) { std::tstring errorString = _T("Couldn't load archive: \r\n\r\n"); errorString += string_cast<std::tstring>(except.what()); MessageBox(m_hWnd, errorString.c_str(), NULL, 16); } }
std::wstring AbsoluteToLoksimRelativePath(const boost::filesystem::path& absolutePath, const boost::filesystem::path& l3dDir) { wstring upperAbs = boost::algorithm::to_upper_copy(absolutePath.wstring()); wstring upperL3d = boost::algorithm::to_upper_copy(l3dDir.wstring()); boost::algorithm::replace_all(upperAbs, L"/", L"\\"); boost::algorithm::replace_all(upperL3d, L"/", L"\\"); if (upperL3d[upperL3d.size() - 1] != '\\') { upperL3d.append(L"\\"); } if (upperAbs.find(upperL3d) == 0) { wstring ret = absolutePath.wstring().substr(upperL3d.length()); if (ret[ret.size() - 1] == '\\') { return ret.substr(0, ret.size() - 1); } return ret; } return absolutePath.wstring(); }
/** * The constructor. * * Opens the TIFF using TIFFOpen(). * * @param filename the filename to open. * @param mode the file open mode. */ Impl(const boost::filesystem::path& filename, const std::string& mode): tiff(), directoryCount(0) { Sentry sentry; #ifdef _MSC_VER tiff = TIFFOpenW(filename.wstring().c_str(), mode.c_str()); #else tiff = TIFFOpen(filename.string().c_str(), mode.c_str()); #endif if (!tiff) sentry.error(); }
void CMainWindow::LoadSingleFile(const boost::filesystem::path& filePath) { m_playlist.Clear(); m_playlistDiscoveryService.ResetRun(); //Insert a single item in the playlist { CPlaylist::ITEM item; item.path = filePath.wstring(); m_playlist.InsertItem(item); } m_currentPlaylistItem = 0; OnPlaylistItemDblClick(m_currentPlaylistItem); }
// Liefert vollen Pfad zum Local-Settings Ordner des Loksims (LOCAL_APPDATA/Loksim3D) // Erstellt Verzeichnis falls es nicht existiert std::wstring GetLocalSettingsPfad() { static boost::filesystem::path localAppDataPath; if (localAppDataPath.empty()) { std::unique_ptr<wchar_t[]> confpath(new wchar_t[MAX_PATH]); if (S_OK == SHGetFolderPath(nullptr, CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA, nullptr, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, confpath.get())) { localAppDataPath = boost::filesystem::path(confpath.get()) / L"Loksim3D"; if (!boost::filesystem::exists(localAppDataPath)) { boost::filesystem::create_directories(localAppDataPath); } } } return localAppDataPath.wstring(); }
bool GameScene::Save(boost::filesystem::path file) { m_filepath = file; using namespace engine; DataStream_File stream; if(false == stream.OpenStream(file.wstring().c_str(), false)) { return false; } if(false == m_pCore->GetScene()->Serialize(&stream)) { return false; } stream.Close(); return true; }
FileIO::Pointer FileIO::Open( boost::filesystem::path path, const std::string& open_mode, std::error_code * error ) { if (error) error->clear(); #if _WIN32 std::wstring wide_open_mode = bytes_to_wide(open_mode); FILE* file_handle = _wfopen( path.wstring().c_str(), wide_open_mode.c_str() ); #else FILE* file_handle = fopen( path.string().c_str(), open_mode.c_str()); #endif if (file_handle != nullptr) { boost::system::error_code bec; uint64_t size_hint = boost::filesystem::file_size(path, bec); if (bec || size_hint == 0) size_hint = skDefaultBlockSize; return FileIO::Pointer(new FileIO( file_handle, size_hint )); } else { if ( error != nullptr ) *error = std::error_code(errno, std::system_category()); return FileIO::Pointer(); } }
bool filesystem::create( const boost::filesystem::path& filepath, size_t alloc, size_t page_size ) { if ( boost::filesystem::exists( filepath ) ) { boost::system::error_code ec; if ( ! boost::filesystem::remove( filepath, ec ) ) { return false; } filename_ = filepath.string(); } db_.reset( new sqlite() ); if ( db_->open( filepath.c_str() ) ) { filename_ = filepath.string(); adfs::stmt sql( *db_ ); sql.exec( "PRAGMA synchronous = OFF" ); sql.exec( "PRAGMA journal_mode = MEMORY" ); if ( page_size ) sql.exec( ( boost::format( "PRAGMA page_size = %1%" ) % page_size ).str() ); if ( alloc ) internal::fs::prealloc( *db_, alloc ); if ( internal::fs::format( *db_, filepath.wstring(), format_version_ ) ) { db_->set_fs_format_version( format_version_ ); sql.exec( "PRAGMA FOREIGN_KEYS = ON" ); return true; } } db_.reset(); return false; }
void file_finder::recursive_scan(file_filter::filter_result result, file_filter::filter_argument args, file_filter::filter_engine engine, boost::filesystem::path dir, bool recursive, int current_level) { if (!args->is_valid_level(current_level)) { if (args->debug) args->error->report_debug("Level deapth exausted: " + strEx::s::xtos(current_level)); return; } WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd; DWORD fileAttr = GetFileAttributes(dir.wstring().c_str()); if ((fileAttr == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES)&&(!recursive)) { args->error->report_error("Invalid file specified: " + dir.string()); } else if (fileAttr == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { args->error->report_warning("Invalid file specified: " + dir.string()); } if (args->debug) args->error->report_debug("Input is: " + dir.string() + " / " + strEx::s::xtos(fileAttr)); if (!file_helpers::checks::is_directory(fileAttr)) { if (args->debug) args->error->report_debug("Found a file won't do recursive scan: " + dir.string()); // It is a file check it an return (don't check recursively) file_helpers::patterns::pattern_type single_path = file_helpers::patterns::split_path_ex(dir.string()); if (args->debug) args->error->report_debug("Path is: " + single_path.first.string()); HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile(dir.wstring().c_str(), &wfd); if (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { boost::shared_ptr<file_filter::filter_obj> info = file_filter::filter_obj::get(args->now, wfd, single_path.first); if (engine) result->process(info, engine->match(info)); else result->process(info, true); FindClose(hFind); } else { args->error->report_error("File was NOT found!"); } return; } std::string file_pattern = dir.string() + "\\" + args->pattern; if (args->debug) args->error->report_debug("File pattern: " + file_pattern); HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile(utf8::cvt<std::wstring>(file_pattern).c_str(), &wfd); if (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { if ( file_helpers::checks::is_directory(wfd.dwFileAttributes) && ( wcscmp(wfd.cFileName, _T(".")) != 0 || wcscmp(wfd.cFileName, _T("..")) != 0) ) continue; boost::shared_ptr<file_filter::filter_obj> info = file_filter::filter_obj::get(args->now, wfd, dir); if (engine) result->process(info, engine->match(info)); else result->process(info, true); } while (FindNextFile(hFind, &wfd)); FindClose(hFind); } std::string dir_pattern = dir.string() + "\\*.*"; if (args->debug) args->error->report_debug("File pattern: " + dir_pattern); hFind = FindFirstFile(utf8::cvt<std::wstring>(dir_pattern).c_str(), &wfd); if (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { if (file_helpers::checks::is_directory(wfd.dwFileAttributes)) { if ( (wcscmp(wfd.cFileName, _T(".")) != 0) && (wcscmp(wfd.cFileName, _T("..")) != 0) ) recursive_scan(result, args, engine, dir / wfd.cFileName, true, current_level+1); } } while (FindNextFile(hFind, &wfd)); FindClose(hFind); } }
void save(Archive& ar, const boost::filesystem::path& p, const unsigned int version) { std::wstring str = p.wstring(); ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(str); }
inline start_in_dir_<std::wstring> start_in_dir(const boost::filesystem::path &p) { return start_in_dir_<std::wstring>(p.wstring()); }
void CInspectorProperty_FilePath::SetValue(const boost::filesystem::path& value) { m_edit.SetWindowText(value.wstring().c_str()); }
bool start(const boost::filesystem::path &root) override { if (running_) { if (root_ == root) { return true; } else { return false; } } SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa = {}; sa.nLength = sizeof(sa); sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE; cancel_event_ = ::CreateEventW(&sa, TRUE, FALSE, nullptr); if (cancel_event_ == nullptr) { return false; } HANDLE hstdout_read = nullptr; HANDLE hstdout_write = nullptr; HANDLE hstderr_write = nullptr; if (::CreatePipe(&hstdout_read, &hstdout_write, &sa, 0) == FALSE) { return false; } if (::DuplicateHandle( ::GetCurrentProcess(), hstdout_write, ::GetCurrentProcess(), &hstderr_write, 0, TRUE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS) == FALSE) { ::CloseHandle(hstdout_read); ::CloseHandle(hstdout_write); return false; } if (::DuplicateHandle( ::GetCurrentProcess(), hstdout_read, ::GetCurrentProcess(), &hstdout_, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS) == FALSE) { ::CloseHandle(hstdout_read); ::CloseHandle(hstdout_write); ::CloseHandle(hstderr_write); return false; } STARTUPINFOW si = {}; si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFOW); si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES | STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; si.hStdOutput = hstdout_write; si.hStdError = hstderr_write; si.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi = {}; std::wstring command = L'\"' + (get_exe_path().remove_filename() / L"console-helper.exe").wstring(); command += L"\" "; command += std::to_wstring(reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(cancel_event_)); command += L' '; command += L"jupyter notebook --no-browser "; command += L"--notebook-dir=\""; command += root.wstring(); command += L'\"'; auto result = ::CreateProcessW( nullptr, const_cast<LPWSTR>(command.c_str()), nullptr, nullptr, TRUE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW | CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP, nullptr, nullptr, &si, &pi); ::CloseHandle(hstdout_read); ::CloseHandle(hstdout_write); ::CloseHandle(hstderr_write); if (result == FALSE) { ::CloseHandle(hstdout_); return false; } running_ = true; helper_process_ = pi.hProcess; char buf_array[256]; DWORD read; std::string buf; const char *text = "The Jupyter Notebook is running at: "; auto text_len = ::strlen(text); for (;;) { if (::ReadFile(hstdout_, (LPVOID)buf_array, 255, &read, nullptr) == FALSE) { return false; } buf_array[read] = '\0'; buf += buf_array; auto pos = buf.find(text); if (pos != std::string::npos) { pos += text_len; auto pos_end = buf.find_first_of("\r\n", pos); if (pos_end != std::string::npos) { auto s = buf.substr(pos + 7, pos_end - pos - 7); pos = s.find(':'); pos_end = s.find('/', pos); auto aa = s.substr(pos + 1, pos_end - pos - 1); if (pos != std::string::npos && pos_end != std::string::npos) { try { port_ = static_cast<unsigned short>(std::stoul(s.substr(pos + 1, pos_end - pos - 1))); } catch (std::exception &e) { stop(); throw e; } } break; } } } return port_ != 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { #pragma region Set locale for Chinese locale::global( g_locUTF8 ); cout.imbue( g_locUTF8 ); wcout.imbue( g_locUTF8 ); clog.imbue(g_locUTF8); wclog.imbue(g_locUTF8); #pragma endregion #pragma region Variables // control by program options bool bNoDLImage; bool bOverWrite; bool bFileIndex; bool bTFileNameTitle; int iRetryTimes; int iIndexDigitals; string sURL; string sSearch; string sReplace; FS::path sDir; FS::path sLogFile; FS::path sOpenCC_Conf; // internal usage string sEncode = "BIG5"; FS::path sExtBin = "Binary"; FS::path sImage = "images"; #pragma endregion #pragma region Program Options { namespace BPO = boost::program_options; // define program options BPO::options_description bpoOptions( "Command Line Options" ); bpoOptions.add_options() ( "help,H", BPO::bool_switch()->notifier( [&bpoOptions]( bool bH ){ if( bH ){ cout << bpoOptions << endl; exit(0); } } ), "Help message" ) ( "url,U", BPO::value(&sURL)->value_name("Web_Link"), "The link of index page." ) ( "output,O", BPO::value(&sDir)->value_name("output_dir")->default_value("."), "Directory to save output files" ) ( "retry", BPO::value(&iRetryTimes)->value_name("times")->default_value(100), "HTTP retry times") ( "s2c_conf", BPO::value(&sOpenCC_Conf)->value_name("conf_file")->default_value("s2t.json"), "SC to TC convertor configuration file") ( "log", BPO::value(&sLogFile)->value_name("log_file"), "Log") ( "search", BPO::value(&sSearch)->value_name("string")->default_value(""), "Search text in book name, use with --replace") ( "replace", BPO::value(&sReplace)->value_name("string")->default_value(""), "Replace search trem with, use with --search") ( "filename-as-title", BPO::bool_switch(&bTFileNameTitle)->default_value(false), "Use refined file-name as title in metadata") ( "file_index", BPO::bool_switch(&bFileIndex)->default_value(false), "Add file index at the begin of file name") ( "index_num", BPO::value(&iIndexDigitals)->value_name("num")->default_value(2), "Digitals of index (--file_index)") ( "no_dl_image", BPO::bool_switch(&bNoDLImage)->default_value(false), "Not download image" ) ( "overwrite", BPO::bool_switch(&bOverWrite)->default_value(false), "Overwrite existed files" ); // prase try { BPO::variables_map mVMap; BPO::store( BPO::command_line_parser( argc, argv ).options( bpoOptions ).allow_unregistered().run(), mVMap ); BPO::notify( mVMap ); } catch( BPO::error_with_option_name e ) { cerr << e.what() << endl; cout << bpoOptions << endl; return 1; } catch( BPO::error e ) { cerr << e.what() << endl; cout << bpoOptions << endl; return 1; } catch(exception e) { cerr << e.what() << endl; cout << bpoOptions << endl; return 2; } } #pragma endregion #pragma region Log System boost::shared_ptr< boost::log::core > core = boost::log::core::get(); boost::shared_ptr< boost::log::sinks::text_ostream_backend > backend(new boost::log::sinks::text_ostream_backend()); backend->add_stream(boost::shared_ptr< std::ostream >(&std::clog, boost::null_deleter())); backend->auto_flush(true); if (!sLogFile.empty()) { boost::shared_ptr< std::ostream > fLog(new std::ofstream(sLogFile.string(), std::ofstream::app)); fLog->imbue(g_locUTF8); backend->add_stream(fLog); } typedef boost::log::sinks::synchronous_sink< boost::log::sinks::text_ostream_backend > sink_t; boost::shared_ptr< sink_t > sink(new sink_t(backend)); sink->set_formatter( boost::log::expressions::stream << "[" << boost::log::trivial::severity << "]" << "[" << boost::log::expressions::format_date_time< boost::posix_time::ptime >("TimeStamp", "%Y-%m-%d %T") << "] " << boost::log::expressions::smessage ); core->add_sink(sink); // setup common attributes boost::log::add_common_attributes(); BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << "Strat log system"; #pragma endregion #pragma region configuration by options // initial OpenCC try { g_pOpenCC = new opencc::SimpleConverter(sOpenCC_Conf.string()); } catch (exception e) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "OpenCC Initialize error. " << e.what(); return -1; } // external command refine wstring sExtPath = ( FS::current_path() / sExtBin ).wstring(); g_sCalibre = sExtPath + g_sCalibre; // filename refine function<wstring(wstring)> funcNameRefine = [](wstring s){ return VertifyFilename(s); }; if (sSearch != "") { funcNameRefine = [&sSearch, &sReplace, &sEncode](wstring s){ wstring ss = VertifyFilename(s); boost::replace_all(ss, boost::locale::conv::to_utf<wchar_t>(sSearch, sEncode), boost::locale::conv::to_utf<wchar_t>(sReplace, sEncode)); return ss; }; } #pragma endregion try{ HttpClient mClient; BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Try to open: " << sURL; auto mURL = HttpClient::ParseURL(sURL); if (mURL) { Wenku8Cn mSite; if (mSite.CheckServer(mURL->first)) { FS::path pathURL = FS::path(sURL).parent_path(); int iTime = 0; boost::optional<wstring> rHtml; while (++iTime < iRetryTimes) { rHtml = mClient.ReadHtml(mURL->first, mURL->second); if (rHtml) { *rHtml = mSite.FilterHTML(*rHtml); break; } } if (!rHtml) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Can't open URL: " << sURL; return -1; } auto vBooks = mSite.AnalyzeIndexPage(*rHtml); if (vBooks.first == L"") { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Can't find book information"; return -1; } wstring sBN = ConvertS2T(vBooks.first); BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << "Strat to download novel: " << SConv( sBN ); BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << " >Found " << vBooks.second.size() << " books"; // check directory g_sOutPath = sDir / VertifyFilename(sBN); if (!FS::exists(g_sOutPath)) FS::create_directories(g_sOutPath); if (!bNoDLImage && !FS::exists(g_sOutPath / sImage)) FS::create_directories(g_sOutPath / sImage); BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << "Output to " << g_sOutPath; // write int idxBook = 0; FS::current_path(g_sOutPath); for (BookIndex& rBook : vBooks.second) { wstring sBookName = ConvertS2T(rBook.m_sTitle); sBookName = funcNameRefine(sBookName); if (bFileIndex) { ++idxBook; wstring wFmt = L"%0" + boost::lexical_cast<wstring>(iIndexDigitals) + L"d_%s"; sBookName = (boost::wformat(wFmt) % idxBook % sBookName).str(); } FS::path fnBook = sBookName + L".html"; BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << " Start process book <" << fnBook << ">, with " << rBook.m_vChapter.size() << " chapters"; // if file existed bool bToDownload = true; if (!bOverWrite && FS::exists(fnBook)) { bToDownload = false; // read the index of existed html file wifstream fExistedFile(fnBook.wstring()); wstring sTmp; int iCounter = 0; while (!fExistedFile.eof()) { getline(fExistedFile, sTmp); if (sTmp == L"<NAV>") { while (!fExistedFile.eof()) { getline(fExistedFile, sTmp); if (sTmp == L"</NAV>") break; else ++iCounter; } break; } } fExistedFile.close(); // re-download if chapter number is not equal if (iCounter != rBook.m_vChapter.size()) { bToDownload = true; BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << " Chapter number is not equal, redownload. ( " << iCounter << " != " << rBook.m_vChapter.size() << " )"; } } if (bToDownload) { wofstream oFile(fnBook.wstring()); oFile.imbue(g_locUTF8); if (oFile.is_open()) { wstring sTitle = ConvertS2T(rBook.m_sTitle ), sAuthor = ConvertS2T(rBook.m_sAuthor ); #pragma region HTML Header oFile << "<HTML>\n"; oFile << "<HEAD>\n<META http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\">\n"; if (bTFileNameTitle) oFile << "<TITLE>" << sBookName << "</TITLE>\n"; else oFile << "<TITLE>" << sTitle << "</TITLE>\n"; oFile << "<META name=\"Author\" content=\"" << sAuthor << "\">\n</HEAD>\n"; #pragma endregion #pragma region begining oFile << "<BODY>\n"; oFile << "<H3 ALIGN=\"CENTER\">" << sTitle << "</H3>\n"; oFile << "<H4 ALIGN=\"CENTER\">" << sAuthor << "</H4>\n"; #pragma endregion #pragma region index oFile << "<A ID=\"INDEX\" /><HR>\n<NAV>\n"; size_t idxChapter = 0; for (auto& rLink : rBook.m_vChapter) { rLink.first = ConvertS2T(rLink.first); oFile << "<p><a href=\"#CH" << ++idxChapter << "\">" << rLink.first << "</a><!-- " << rLink.second << " --></p>\n"; } oFile << "</NAV>\n"; #pragma endregion #pragma region content idxChapter = 0; for (auto& rLink : rBook.m_vChapter) { oFile << "<HR><A ID=\"CH" << ++idxChapter << "\" /><H4>" << rLink.first << "</H4>\n"; BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << " > " << SConv( rLink.second ); int iBTime = 0; boost::optional<wstring> sHTML; while (++iBTime < iRetryTimes) { sHTML = mClient.ReadHtml(CheckLink(SConv(rLink.second), pathURL.string())); if (sHTML) { *sHTML = mSite.FilterHTML(*sHTML); break; } } if (sHTML) { if (!bNoDLImage) { auto vImg = mSite.FindAllImage(*sHTML); if (vImg.size() > 0) { cout << " Found " << vImg.size() << " images\n"; size_t uShift = 0; for (auto& rImg : vImg) { string sLink = CheckLink(SConv(rImg.second), pathURL.string()); auto sFile = HttpClient::GetFilename(sLink); if (sFile) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << " " << *sFile; FS::path sImagePath = sImage / *sFile; bool bNeedDownload = true; if (FS::exists(sImagePath)) { if (!bOverWrite) { auto uSize = FS::file_size(sImagePath); bNeedDownload = false; } } if (bNeedDownload) { int iTimes = 0; bool bOK = false; while (++iTimes < iRetryTimes) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << "."; bOK = mClient.GetBinaryFile(sLink, sImagePath.wstring()); if (bOK) break; } if (bOK) BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << "OK"; else BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Image <" << *sFile << "> download error."; } else BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << "SKIP"; sHTML->replace(uShift + rImg.first, rImg.second.size(), sImagePath.wstring()); uShift += sImagePath.wstring().size() - rImg.second.size(); } } } } oFile << ConvertS2T( mSite.GetChapterContent(*sHTML) ); } else { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Can't read the page:" << SConv( rLink.second ); } } oFile << "</BODY></HTML>\n"; #pragma endregion oFile.close(); BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << " Start Convert"; PostProcess(fnBook); BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << " Book output finished"; } else { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << " Can't open the file to output"; } } else { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << " Skip this book."; } } } } } catch (exception e) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(fatal) << "Fatal error: " << e.what(); } return 0; }
CPsfPathToken CPhysicalPsfStreamProvider::GetPathTokenFromFilePath(const boost::filesystem::path& filePath) { return filePath.wstring(); }
virtual void last_write_time_changed( const boost::filesystem::path& file ) { stdcout << "handle change: " << file.wstring() << "\n"; }
void tc_simple_wchar() { using dotconf::Document ; using dotconf::Item ; utf8_to_oem conv( locale , console_cp_name ); std::auto_ptr< const Document > doc_ptr ; try { const wchar_t * fname = L"Простой документ.conf" ; const fs::path test_path ( testdir_path / fname ); const std::wstring testfile_str ( test_path.wstring() ); BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE( i18n("Test file path") << ": " << conv(testfile_str) ); doc_ptr.reset( new Document( testfile_str ) ); } catch( const dotconf::SyntaxError & error ) { BOOST_FAIL( error.what() << " in position " << error.textpos ); } catch( const std::exception & error ) { BOOST_FAIL( error.what() ); } catch(...) { BOOST_FAIL( i18n("Unknown exception") ); } BOOST_REQUIRE( 0 != doc_ptr.get() ); const Document::Items_t & items = *doc_ptr; BOOST_REQUIRE( !items.empty() ); Document::const_iterator it = items.begin(); BOOST_REQUIRE( items.end() != it ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *it , Item::create_comment("# Simple config file") ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *++it , Item::create_endl() ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *++it , Item::create_param("simpleParam") ); BOOST_REQUIRE( items.has_child( it ) ); it = items.get_child( it ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *it , Item::create_value("simpleValue") ); BOOST_CHECK( items.next_sibling( it ) == items.end() ); it = items.next_sibling( items.get_parent( it ) ); BOOST_REQUIRE( items.end() != it ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *it , Item::create_endl() ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *++it , Item::create_endl() ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *++it , Item::create_param("strParam") ); BOOST_REQUIRE( items.has_child( it ) ); it = items.get_child( it ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *it , Item::create_value("string value") ); BOOST_CHECK( items.next_sibling( it ) == items.end() ); it = items.next_sibling( items.get_parent( it ) ); BOOST_REQUIRE( items.end() != it ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *it , Item::create_endl() ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *++it , Item::create_endl() ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *++it , Item::create_param("textParam") ); BOOST_REQUIRE( items.has_child( it ) ); it = items.get_child( it ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *it , Item::create_value ("Line 1 of big text param value...\n" "Line 2 of text parameter value...\n" "Line 3 (last) of text parameter value.") ); BOOST_CHECK( items.next_sibling( it ) == items.end() ); it = items.next_sibling( items.get_parent( it ) ); BOOST_REQUIRE( items.end() != it ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *it , Item::create_endl() ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *++it , Item::create_endl() ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *++it , Item::create_param("vectorParam") ); BOOST_REQUIRE( items.has_child( it ) ); it = items.get_child( it ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *it , Item::create_value("value1") ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *++it , Item::create_value("value2") ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *++it , Item::create_value("value3") ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *++it , Item::create_value("value4") ); BOOST_CHECK( items.next_sibling( it ) == items.end() ); it = items.next_sibling( items.get_parent( it ) ); BOOST_REQUIRE( items.end() != it ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *it , Item::create_endl() ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *++it , Item::create_endl() ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *++it , Item::create_node("Node1") ); BOOST_CHECK( !items.has_child( it ) ); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( *++it , Item::create_endl() ); BOOST_CHECK( items.next_sibling( it ) == items.end() ); } // tc_simple_wchar
static void RunFragment(const boost::filesystem::path& path) { std::wstring fileNameStr = path.wstring(); const wchar_t* fileName = fileNameStr.c_str(); rage::five::ResourceFlags flags; rage::five::BlockMap* bm = UnwrapRSC7(fileName, &flags); if (!bm) { wprintf(L"couldn't open input file %s...\n", path.filename().c_str()); return; } rage::five::pgStreamManager::SetBlockInfo(bm); auto fragType = (rage::five::fragType*)bm->blocks[0].data; { std::vector<rage::five::rmcDrawable*> drawables; drawables.push_back(fragType->GetPrimaryDrawable()); for (size_t i = 0; i < fragType->GetNumDrawables(); i++) { drawables.push_back(fragType->GetDrawable(i)); } auto physLod = fragType->GetLodGroup()->GetLod(0); for (size_t i = 0; i < physLod->GetNumChildren(); i++) { drawables.push_back(physLod->GetChild(i)->GetDrawable()); auto dr = physLod->GetChild(i)->GetDrawable2(); if (dr) { drawables.push_back(physLod->GetChild(i)->GetDrawable2()); } } for (auto& dr : drawables) { const auto& mp = dr->GetLodGroup().GetMaxPoint(); if (dr->GetLodGroup().GetModel(1) != nullptr) { dr->GetLodGroup().SetModel(1, nullptr); dr->GetLodGroup().SetModel(2, nullptr); } } } auto p2 = path; p2 = p2.replace_extension(".new.yft"); FILE* f = _wfopen(p2.wstring().c_str(), L"wb"); if (!f) { printf("... couldn't open output file for writing.\n"); return; } size_t outputSize = 0; bm->Save(162, [&](const void* d, size_t s) { fwrite(d, 1, s, f); outputSize += s; }, &flags); printf("written successfully - out size %d\n", outputSize); fclose(f); for (int i = 0; i < bm->physicalLen + bm->virtualLen; i++) { delete bm->blocks[i].data; } delete bm; }