void calc_block(
    hpxla::local_matrix_view<boost::int64_t>& H 
  , hpxla::local_matrix_view<hpx::future<void> >& C // Control matrix.
  , coords start   // The start of our cell block. 
  , coords end     // The end of our cell block.
  , coords control // Our location in the control matrix.
  , std::string const& a
  , std::string const& b
    // TODO: Handle this with hpx::wait_all?
    C(control.i,   control.j-1).get(); 
    C(control.i-1, control.j-1).get(); 
    C(control.i-1, control.j  ).get(); 

    winner local_best = H_best.load();

    // Generate scores.
    for (boost::uint32_t i = start.i; i < end.i; ++i)
        for (boost::uint32_t j = start.j; j < end.j; ++j)
            H(i, j) = calc_cell(i, j, a[i-1], b[j-1]
              , H(i,   j-1) // left
              , H(i-1, j-1) // diagonal 
              , H(i-1, j  ) // up

            if (H(i, j) > local_best.value)
                local_best.value = H(i, j);
                local_best.i = i;
                local_best.j = j;

    winner H_best_old = H_best.load(); 

    while (true)
        if (local_best.value > H_best_old.value)
            if (H_best.compare_exchange_weak(H_best_old, local_best))
boost::int64_t calc_cell(
    boost::uint32_t i
  , boost::uint32_t j
  , char ai
  , char bj
  , hpx::future<boost::int64_t> const& left      // H(i, j-1)
  , hpx::future<boost::int64_t> const& diagonal  // H(i-1, j-1)
  , hpx::future<boost::int64_t> const& up        // H(i-1, j) 
    boost::int64_t match_mismatch = 0;
    if (ai == bj)
        match_mismatch = diagonal.get() + match;
        match_mismatch = diagonal.get() + mismatch;
    boost::int64_t deletion = up.get() + gap;
    boost::int64_t insertion = left.get() + gap;        
    boost::int64_t ij_value
        = maximum(boost::int64_t(0), match_mismatch, deletion, insertion);

    winner H_best_old = H_best.load(); 

    while (true)
        winner H_best_new(ij_value, i, j);

        if (H_best_new.value > H_best_old.value)
            if (H_best.compare_exchange_weak(H_best_old, H_best_new))

    return ij_value;